9.16. Upgrading and Applying Hotfix on XenServer Hypervisor Hosts ................................... 58
9.16.1. Upgrading to a New XenServer Version .......................................................... 58
9.16.2. Applying Hotfixes to a XenServer Cluster ........................................................ 60
9.16.3. Installing CloudPlatform XenServer Support Package (CSP) ............................. 63
9.16.4. Upgrading to XenServer 6.2 SP1 Hotfix XS62ESP1005 .................................... 63
9.17. Upgrading from Apache CloudStack to CloudPlatform ................................................. 64
A. Latest System VM Templates 65
Index 69
Chapter 1.
About this Guide
1.1. About the Audience for this Guide
This guide is meant for anyone responsible for installing CloudPlatform such as cloud administrators
and Information Technology (IT) administrators.
1.2. Using the Product Documentation
The following guides provide information about CloudPlatform:
• Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) Installation Guide
• Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) Concepts Guide
• Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) Getting Started Guide
• Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) Administration Guide
• Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) Hypervisor Configuration Guide
• Citrix CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) Developer's Guide
For complete information on any known limitations or issues in this release, see the Citrix
CloudPlatform (powered by Apache CloudStack) Release Notes.
For information about the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that is used in this product, see
the API documents that are available with CloudPlatform.
1.3. Experimental Features
CloudPlatform product releases include some experimental features for customers to test and
experiment with in non-production environments, and share any feedback with Citrix. For any issues
with these experimental features, customers can open a support ticket but Citrix cannot commit to
debugging or providing fixes for them.
The following experimental featues are inluded in this release:
• Advanced Networking in Baremetal
• Linux Containers
• Supported Management Server OS and Supported Hypervisors: RHEL7/CentOS 7 for experimental
use with Linux Containers
1.4. Additional Information and Help
Information on accessing Citrix Knowledge Center and about contacting technical support.
Chapter 1. About this Guide
1.5. Contacting Support
The support team is available to help customers plan and execute their installations. To contact the
support team, log in to the support portal at support.citrix.com/cloudsupport1 by using the account
credentials you received when you purchased your support contract.
Chapter 2.
Planning for Your CloudPlatform
This chapter explains how you can plan for the successful installation of CloudPlatform in your
2.1. CloudPlatform Installation Task Flow
The following chart displays the tasks that you must complete to install CloudPlatform successfully.
Each box in the chart represents a task or a bunch of associated tasks that you must perform. The
arrows indicate the sequence in which you must perform these tasks.
Chapter 3.
System Requirements
This chapter describes the requirements for installing CloudPlatform Management Server.
3.1. Operating System Requirements
Following are the minimum Operating System requirements for installing CloudPlatform.
Preferred Operating Systems:
• RHEL versions 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, and 7 (64-bit)
• CentOS versions 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, and 7 (64-bit)
RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 are supported only for experimental use with Linux Containers (LXC)
Citrix recommends you to purchase a RHEL support license. Citrix support will not be helpful in
resolving issues with the underlying RHEL operating system.
3.2. Hardware Requirements
Following are the minimum hardware requirements for installing CloudPlatform:
• CPU - 64-bit X86 CPU
• Memory - 4 GB
• Hard Disk - 50 GB of local disk. Citrix recommends to use 500 GB when secondary storage is on
the same machine with Management Server.
3.3. Web Browser Requirements
The Web browsers that the CloudPlatform Web UI supports are:
• Mozilla Firefox versions 26 to 33
• Google Chrome 38.x
• Apple Safari 7.1
• Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 9, 10 and 11
3.4. Network Requirements
Following are the minimum network requirements for installing CloudPlatform. This section describes
the ports, protocol, firewall considerations, and so on, required for installing CloudPlatform
• One NIC card with static IP address.
• Fully-qualified domain name for the machine where you want to install the Management Server
Chapter 3. System Requirements
• Default user file-creation mode mask (umask). The value is 022.
If the value is not 022, several files might not be accessible to the cloud user, which would result in
installation failure.
• Red Hat Network Account - Enable SELinux on the RHEL Operating System.
3.5. Ports that CloudPlatform Uses
This section lists the ports that CloudPlatform and its entities use for communication.
Management Server
The following ports are opened on Management Server:
8080Default port for CloudPlatform web server.
8096Port for the user or client to communicate with
Management Server (unauthenticated).
9090Port for the communication among Management
Servers in a cluster.
8250Port for the agents (hypervisor agents such as
KVM agent, Secondary Storage VM (SSVM),
and Console Proxy VM (CPVM)) to communicate
with Management Server.
MySQL Database Server
The following port is opened on MySQL database server:
3306Helps Management Server communicate with
MySQL database server.
System VMs
The following port is opened on System VMs (virtual router, Secondary storage VM (SSVM), and
3922Helps Management Server communicate with
system VMs.
Secondary Storage
The following port is opened on secondary storage:
111/2049Helps Management Server communicate with
secondary storage.
Chapter 4.
Preinstallation Tasks
4.1. Preparing the Operating System to Host the
Management Server
This section describes how you can download the CloudPlatform version 4.5 installation package to
the system where you want to install Management Server.
1. Access the Citrix - Downloads website at https://www.citrix.com/English/ss/downloads/
To download the installation packages, you must need an active My Citrix account.
2. On the left-side of the Citrix - Downloads website, under Find Downloads, select CloudPlatform
as the product and click Find.
3. On the CloudPlatform page, expand CloudPlatform 4.5 and navigate to the CloudPlatform 4.5
page to view the installation package information.
4. Identify the CloudPlatform 4.5 installation package that you want to download and click Download
on the right side.
5. In the Download Agreement page, select I have read and certify that I comply with the aboveExport Control Laws and click Accept.
6. In the Citrix Download Manager page, click Download Now.
Chapter 4. Preinstallation Tasks
A file with a name similar to CloudStack-VERSION-NOSVERSION.tar.gz will be downloaded to
your computer.
Section 5.1, “Install the Management Server on the First Host ”
4.1.2. Verifying the Fully-Qualified Host Name
To verify the Fully-Qualified Host Name of the host where you install Management server, do the
1. Log-in to the operating system of the host using the root privileges.
2. Run the following command to verify the fully-qualified host name:
# hostname --fqdn
This must return a fully qualified host name. For example, managament1.lab.example.org. If the
command fail to elicit an appropriate result, you must verify whether the /etc/hosts file contains
the fully-qualified host name.
4.1.3. Setting the Value of SELinux Variable
Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux), the Linux kernel security module, enables CloudPlatform to
support access control security policies. If you are using RHEL operating system, you must verify
whether SELinux is configured on your operating system. Then, you can set the value of SELinux
variable to "permissive".
1. Log on to the operating system of the host using the root privileges.
2. Check to see whether SELinux is installed on your machine. In RHEL, SELinux is installed and
enabled by default. Run the following command to verify this:
# rpm -qa | grep selinux
3. Using vi editor, edit the /etc/selinux/config file and set the value of the SELINUX variable to
“permissive”. This ensures that the permissive setting will be maintained after a system reboot.
# vi /etc/selinux/config
4. Run the following command to set the value of SELinux to permissive and make it effective
immediately, without requiring a system reboot.
# setenforce 0
4.1.4. Verifying Connectivity
To ensure that the computer where you want to install management server can connect to the
Internet, do the following:
1. Log-in to the operating system of the host using the root privileges.
2. Use the ping command to verify connectivity. For example, you can ping www.citrix.com.
Configuring a Local yum Repository
# ping www.citrix.com
4.1.5. Configuring a Local yum Repository
If you do not have a Red Hat Network account, you need to configure a local Yum repository.
1. Log on to the operating system of the host using the root privileges.
2. If you are working with a physical host, insert the RHEL installation CD. If you are using a VM,
attach the RHEL ISO.
3. Mount the CDROM to /media.
4. Create a repo file at /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel6.repo. In this repo file, insert the following
For smoother functioning, it's recommended to increase the maximum user process limit on RHEL 6
platforms. The default value is 1024. To modify the value, perform the following:
1. Log in to the operating system of the host as a cloud user.
2. Modify the following:
# /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf
To increase the value to 2048, run the following:
# cloud soft nproc 2048
Chapter 4. Preinstallation Tasks
You must perform this configuration and set the nproc value to 2048 to ensure the
uninterupted collection of usage statistics and log rotation.
3. Log out.
A reboot is not required for this to take effect; however, the user must be logged out.
4. To check whether the value has been updated, run the following as the cloud user:
# ulimit -u
4.1.7. Enabling NTP for Synchronizing Time
NTP is required to synchronize the clocks of the servers in your cloud. To enable NTP on the host, do
the following:
1. Run the following command to install NTP:
# yum install ntp
2. Using vi editor, edit the NTP configuration file to point to your NTP server.
# vi /etc/ntp.conf
In the NTP configuration file, add one or more servers with the names of the NTP servers you
want to use.
For example:
server 0.xenserver.pool.ntp.org
server 1.xenserver.pool.ntp.org
server 2.xenserver.pool.ntp.org
server 3.xenserver.pool.ntp.org
3. Run the command to restart the NTP client.
# service ntpd restart
4. Make sure NTP will start again upon reboot.
# chkconfig ntpd on
Installing and Configuring the Database
4.1.8. Installing and Configuring the Database
CloudPlatform uses a MySQL database server to store its data. Usually in an enterprise environment,
the CloudPlatform Management Server is installed on multiple nodes and the MySQL database is
installed on a separate node.
The following procedure explains how to install and configure MySQL database on a separate node. Installing and Configuring MySQL Database on a Standalone
This section describes how to install MySQL on a standalone node, separate from the Management
Server. This configuration is intended for a deployment that includes several Management Server
1. Check the version of MySQL that you have installed.
• For RHEL 6.x, you must install MySQL version 5.1.73 or higher.
If you have installed any previous versions of MySQL, do the following before you proceed:
a. Uninstall the MySQL version that is earlier than 5.1.73.
b. Log on as root user to your database node and run the following commands. If you are
going to install a replica database, then log-in to the master.
# yum install mysql-server
# chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on
• For RHEL 7.0, you must install MySQL version 5.6.21.
2. Edit the MySQL configuration and insert the following lines in the [mysqld] section.
Location of [mysqld] section is /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf, depending on your OS.
You can place these lines below the datadir line. The max_connections parameter should be
set to 350 multiplied by the number of Management Servers you are deploying. This example
assumes two Management Servers.
If you are not using the database replication, you can use the expire_logs_days
and the max_binlog_size parameters to truncate the MySQL binary logs. The
expire_logs_days parameter defines the number of days to store the binary log files. The
max_binlog_size parameter defines the maximum size of each bin log file.
The binlog-format variable is supported in MySQL versions 5.1 and greater. It is not
supported in MySQL 5.0. In some versions of MySQL, an underscore character is used in
place of the hyphen in the variable name. For the exact syntax and spelling of each variable,
consult the documentation for your version of MySQL.
3. Start the MySQL service, then invoke MySQL as the root user.
# service mysqld start
# mysql -u root
4. MySQL does not set a root password by default. It is very strongly recommended that you set
a root password as a security precaution. Run the following command, and substitute your own
desired root password for <password>. You can answer "Y" to all questions except "Disallow root
login remotely?". Remote root login is required to set up the databases.
mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('password');
From now on, start MySQL with mysql -p so it will prompt you for the password.
5. To grant access privileges to remote users, perform the following steps.
a. Run the following command from the mysql prompt, then exit MySQL:
mysql> exit
b. Restart the MySQL service.
# service mysqld restart
c. Open the MySQL server port (3306) in the firewall to allow remote clients to connect.
# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
d. Edit the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file and add the following lines at the beginning of the INPUT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
Configuring Network File System (NFS) Shares
After you install Management Server on the first node, you must configure the database client on the
same node. For more information, see steps 4 and 5 of Section 5.1, “Install the Management Server
on the First Host ” Security Consideration for MySQL
Ensure that you change the default passwords for all accounts after the MySQL installation by running
mysql_secure_installation. For more information, see mysql_secure_installation — Improve MySQL
Installation Security1.
4.1.9. Configuring Network File System (NFS) Shares
NFS Shares On a Distinct Node:
This section describes how to set up Network File System (NFS) shares for secondary and (optionally)
primary storage on an NFS server running on a separate node from the Management Server node.
The exact commands for the following steps may vary depending on the version of the operating
system that you use.
(KVM only) Ensure that no volume is already mounted at your NFS mount point.
1. On the storage server, create an NFS share for secondary storage. If you are using NFS for
primary storage, create a second NFS share. For example:
Add the following lines at the beginning of the INPUT chain:
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 32803 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 32769 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 892 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 892 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 875 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 875 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 662 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 662 -j ACCEPT
3. Run the following commands:
# service iptables restart
# service iptables save
4. If NFS v4 communication is used between client and server, add your domain to /etc/idmapd.conf
on both the hypervisor host and Management Server.
# vi /etc/idmapd.conf
Remove the character # from the beginning of the Domain line in idmapd.conf and replace the
value in the file with your own domain. In the example below, the domain is company.com.
Domain = company.com
5. Restart the Management Server host.
Configuring Network File System (NFS) Shares
Continue with Section 5.2, “Prepare the System VM Template ”
Chapter 5.
Installing CloudPlatform Management
5.1. Install the Management Server on the First Host
The first step in installation, whether you are installing the Management Server on one host or many,
is to install the software on a single node.
If you are planning to install the Management Server on multiple nodes for high availability, do not
proceed to the additional nodes yet. You can do this configuration later.
1. Log-in to the operating system of the host using the root privileges.
2. Untar the CloudPlatform installation file that you downloaded to your computer and run the
install.sh script that is available in it.
For more information on how to download the CloudPlatform installation file, see Section 4.1.1,
Also, you can rename the following file and directory names with those you are using:
# tar xzf CloudPlatform-VERSION-N-OSVERSION.tar.gz
# cd CloudPlatform-VERSION-N-OSVERSION
# ./install.sh
You will see a few messages as the installer prepares, followed by a list of choices.
3. Choose M to install the Management Server software.
> M
If you want to install MySQL database on the Management Server host, you can choose
the D option to do so. Then, you can run the ./install.sh script again and choose the M
option to install the Management Server software.
After the successful installation of Management Server, a message like “Complete! Done,” is
4. To configure MySQL database client that you installed on a separate node, run the following
command to create the cloud user on the database.
Chapter 5. Installing CloudPlatform Management Server
For more information on installing MySQL database on a separate node, see Section,
“Installing and Configuring MySQL Database on a Standalone Server ”
• dbpassword - Specify the password to be assigned to the cloud user. You can choose to
provide no password.
• dbhost - Provide the hostname or IP address of the database node.
This argument will not be available if you have configured MySQL database on the same
node where you have installed CloudPlatform Management Server.
• deploy-as - Specify the user name and password of the user deploying the database. For
example, if you originally installed MySQL with user “root” and password “password”, provide -deploy-as=root:password.
• (Optional) encryption_type - Use file or web to indicate the technique used to pass in the
database encryption password. Default: file.
• (Optional) management_server_key - Substitute the default key that is used to encrypt
confidential parameters in the CloudPlatform properties file. Default: password. Citrix
recommends you to replace this with a more secure value.
• (Optional) database_key - Substitute the default key that is used to encrypt confidential
parameters in the CloudPlatform database. Default: password. Citrix recommends you to
replace this with a more secure value.
5. Run a script that sets up iptables, rules, and SELinux for use by Management Server. This script
will also chkconfig off and start Management Server.
# cloudstack-setup-management
6. To mount the secondary storage on your Management Server, first you create a mount point
for secondary storage. For example:
# mkdir -p /mnt/secondary
For more information on configuring NFS shares, see Section 4.1.9, “Configuring Network File
System (NFS) Shares ”
7. Mount the secondary storage on your Management Server. Replace the example NFS server
name and NFS share paths below with your own.
# mount -t nfs nfsservername:/nfs/share/secondary /mnt/secondary
Prepare the System VM Template
5.2. Prepare the System VM Template
Secondary storage must be seeded with a template that is used for CloudPlatform system VMs.
When copying and pasting a command, make sure that you have pasted the command as a
single line. Some document viewers may introduce unwanted line breaks in copied text.
1. On the Management Server, run one or more of the following cloud-install-sys-tmplt
commands to retrieve and decompress the system VM template. Run the command for each
hypervisor type that you expect end users to run in this Zone.
2. If your secondary storage mount point is not named /mnt/secondary, substitute your own mount
point name.
If you set the CloudPlatform database encryption type to "web" when you set up the database, you
must now add the parameter -s <management-server-secret-key>.
This process will require approximately 5 GB of free space on the local file system and up to 30
minutes each time it runs.
For more information on latest SystemVM templates, see Appendix A, Latest System VM