Cisco Systems XSARCD11, XSNIAG13 User Manual

Americas Headquarters:
© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
This document provides domestic and international regulatory compliance and safety information for the
Cisco network modules and interface cards supported in the following products:
Cisco 3700 series
Cisco MWR 1941-DC routers
Cisco IAD243xseries
Use this publication with the quick start guide that accompanied your Cisco network module or interface
card, and with the hardware installation guide that is available online. For the latest information, access
the onli ne do cu mentation.
You can also order printed copies of ce rtain docume nts. See the “Obtaini ng Documentation” section on
page 64.
This docu m en t co nt ain s t he f ol lowin g s ect io ns:
Installation Prec au ti on s, p a g e 2
Agency C omp li an ce , p ag e 2
Approval Information, page 8
Translated Safety Warnings, page 19
Obtaining Documentation, page 64
Obtaini ng Technical A ssistance, p ag e 65
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information, page 66
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information

Installation Precautions

Installation Precautions
This equipment is not designed for making emergency telephone calls when the power fails. Alternative
arrangem en ts s h o ul d be mad e for access to emergency serv ice s . Access to em e rge ncy ser v ice s can b e
affected by any ca ll- b ar ri n g f u nc ti on o f th is equipme nt .
California Perchlorate Contamination Prevention Act (Title 22, California Code
of Regulations, Chapter 33)
The battery inside this product might contain perchlorate, a known hazardous substance, so special
handling and disposal of this product might be necessary. For more information about perchlorate
and best manag emen t pr ac ti ces f o r perchlorate- co n tai ni ng su b stan ces, see
http://w w .g ov/ H aza rd o usWaste/Per ch lo ra te/index.cfm .

Agency Compliance

The followin g ag en cy c ompliance ap p li es t o C isc o network mo du le s an d in terface ca rds, w h en u s ed i n
Cisco 1700 series, Cisco 1800 (modular), Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2800 series, Cisco 3600 series,
Cisco 3700 series, C isco 3800 series, Cisco MWR 1941-DC , and C isco IAD2 43x series routers.
Table 1 Agency Compliance
Type Compliance
Safety UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, EN 60950-1,
AS/NZS 60950.1, E N 50385
EMI/EMC Emissions:
47CFR part 15 Class A (FCC); CISPR22 Class A; EN55022 Class
A;AS/NZS CISPR 22 Class A; ICES003 Class A (Industry Canada);
V-3 Class A (VCCI); EN61000-3-2; EN61000-3-3; EN300386 Class
A; EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-7 and EN 301 489-24
EN50024, EN50082-1, & EN61000-6-1 (including EN 61000 4-2
Electrostatic Discharge; EN 61000 4-3 Radiated Susceptibility; EN
61000 4-4 Electrical Fast Transients; EN 61000 4-5 Power & Signal
Line Surges; EN 61000 4-6 Injected RF Swept Immunity;
EN61000-4-11 Voltage Dips + Sags); EN300386; EN 301 489-1, EN
301 489-7 and EN 301 489-24
Radio EN 301 511, EN 301 908-1, EN 301 908-2
Post Telephone & Telegraph
This equipment co mp li es w i th al l t he r egu lat o ry r eq ui r em en ts fo r
connection to the communications ne tworks of each country in which
it is s ol d.
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Agency Compliance

FCC Part 15 Notice

When used in Cisco 1700 series, Cisco 1800 series (modular), Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2800 series,
Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3700 series, Cisco 3800 series, Cisco MWR 1941-DC , Cisco IAD243x series
routers, Cisco network modules and interface car ds comp ly with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cau s e harmful in ter f er en ce.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
operation .
Modifying this equipment without Cisco’s authorization may result in the equipment no longer
complyi ng with FCC re qui remen ts fo r Clas s A or Cl ass B di gi tal devices. In that e v ent , your r ight t o use
the equi pment may be limited by FCC regulations, and you may be required to correct any interference
to radio or television communications at your own expense.
Note This equi pment ha s been tested a nd foun d to comp ly with th e limi ts for a Cl ass A digital devi ce, pursu ant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interferen ce when th e equipme nt is op er at ed in a commercial environment. T hi s eq u ip m en t ge ne ra tes ,
uses, and ca n radiat e r a d io f requenc y e n ergy and, i f no t installed and us ed in a ccordan c e with the
instructi on manual, may cause harmful interferen ce to r ad io co m municati on s. Op er at io n o f t h is
equipmen t i n a reside nt ial ar ea is li kel y t o cau se harmful interfer en ce in w h ich case the u s er wil l b e
required t o co rrect the in t er fere nc e at his own exp en se.

Radio Notice

Table 2 list s t he F CC r ad io certificat io n id en ti ficat io n nu m b er s for the 3G w ir el es s HW I C antenn as.
This radio m odule has been certified in accordance with FCC regulations as referenced in 47 Code of
Federal Regulations Parts 22 and 24. These systems require a FCC opera tors license before operation
under th ese technical rul es i s allowed.
It is th e r esponsib ili ty of the us er t o s ele ct an ante nn a which ad heres to the follow ing gain re s trictions
as spec ifie d below:
To comply with FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human exposure to
RF radiation, the maximum antenna gain, including cable loss, must not exceed 8 dBi in the cellular
band and 4 d Bi in the PCS band.
Table 2 FCC Radio Certification Identification Numbers
Cisco Product Name FCC IDD
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Agency Compliance
To comply with FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human exposure to
RF radiation, the maximum antenna gain, including cable loss, must not exceed 5 dBi in the cellular
band and 4.1 dBi in the PCS band.

RF Radiation Exposure

The HWIC-3G-GSM a nd HWIC-3G- CDMA have been eval uat ed for Ra di o Freque ncy Expos ur e Lev e ls
for Humans i n acc ordan ce wi th the v ari ous regulatory requir ement s wor ld wide. The sys tems ha v e bee n
evaluated and f o un d co m p liant with t he limits as r ef er enced in t he International Electr ical Engin eer i ng
and Electronics (IEEE) C95. 1 standard (99) and the International Commission on Non Ionizing
Radiat ion Protection ( I C N I RP ) l im i ts .
The HWIC’s have been evaluated as a mobile device and such based on the evaluation per that cr iter ia
and in co mpliance with the various i nt er n ati on al g ui de li nes, Cisco r ecommends that th e a nt en na s b e
mounted a m i ni mu m o f 2 5cm (9.9 in ch es ) away f rom the gen eral public.
According t o th e World H eal th O rgani zat io n, al l r es e ar ch r eviews c ond ucted so far h ave in di cat ed th at
expos ures below the limits recommend ed in the ICNIRP (1998 ) EMF gu ide lines, covering all currently
used radio frequencies, do not produce any known adverse health effect.
In the US, the Federal C ommunic a ti ons Co m mission (FCC ) has ad opted a s a fety standard for hu m an
exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC certified equipment.
This radio has be en e valuated and meets the req uir ement s for op er ati on in the unc on troll e d en v ir onment
as referenced in 47 CFR Part 1.1310. This limit is based on the limits recommended by American
Nation al Stand a r d s I nstitute C 9 5.1 (199 9).
Additional information can be found at:
In some case’s with the use of high gain antenna’ s, an Environmental Assessment in accordance with 47
CFR Part 1.1307 may be required before the syste m can be operated. Note other restrictions on the use
of high ga in an tennas may also exist, pl eas e co ns ul t s e cti on o n an tenna’s
Co-Locat io n: This tran sm i tt er ha s b een evalu ated for co -lo cation inclu d in g fo r R F exposure with
Cisco 2.4GHz, 4.9GHz and 5GHz WLAN radi os and Cisco specified antennas.

Compliance with FCC Part 68 Requirements

When used in Cisco 1700 series, Cisco 1800 series (modular), Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2800 series,
Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3700 series, Cisco 3800 series, Cisco MWR 1941-DC routers, and
Cisco IAD243x series , this equipment c omplies wi th Part 68 of the FCC rules and is listed as part of the
host chas si s . O n th e bo tt om of t he ch as si s is a label th at co nt ai ns , amo n g o t her i n fo r mat io n, th e
FCC registration nu mb er an d r in ge r eq uivalence number ( R EN ) for th is equipm en t.
Table 3 FCC Regulatory Standards Compliance - Specification Description
Type Compliance
Safet y 47 CFR Part 1. 13 10
47 CFR Part 2. 10 9
EMC 47CFR Part 15 (FCC ) Class A
Radio 47CFR Part 22H
47CFR Part 24E
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Agency Compliance
For m o re inf o r m ation, se e the Regu lato ry Com plia nce an d Saf ety Inform ati on document that shipped
with the host chassis.


Class A Warning

This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numèrique de la classe A est conforme á la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

Industry Canada Certification Identification Numbers

This radio module ha s be en ce rt ifie d in ac cordance w it h In du s t ry Canada regu la tions as re f er en ced in
RSP-100 a nd t he ap pl ic ab le ra di o s tand ar d s pe cifications. Th ese s y stems requi re an operator s li cen s e
before o p e ra ti o n u n de r th es e technical gu id elines is a llow ed .
This t ransmitter has been evaluated in a ccordance with Industry Canada RSS-102 Evalua tion Procedure
for Mobile and Portable Transmitters with Respect to Health Canada Safety Code 6 for Human Exposure
to Radio Frequency Fi elds. These limi ts are based on t he limits as referenced in the I EEE (ANSI C95.1)
Co-Location: This transm itter has been evaluated for co-location including for RF exposure with Cisco
2.4GHz, 4.9GHz and 5GHz WLAN radios and Cisco specified antennas.
Additional information on RF Exposure can be obtained from the foll owing Industry Canada website:
http://s p ectrum.ic.

Equipment Attachment Limitations

This equip m e nt meets the ap p li cab le Industr y Ca nada Terminal Equip m e nt Technical Sp eci fica tio n s .
This is confirmed by the registra tion number. The abbreviation, IC, before the registration number
signifies that registration was performed based on a Declaration of Conformity indicati ng that Industry
Canada technical specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the
equipment. This equipment is registere d as a part of the host c hassis.
Note The Ring er Eq uivalence N u m be r (REN ) f o r th is t er m in al eq u ip men t is 1 . T he REN assign ed t o each
termina l equi pment pr ovi des an ind icati on of th e maximu m number of termin als al lowe d to be connecte d
to a telep ho n e i nt er fac e. The terminat io n o n an i nt erfac e may consi st of any com bi na tio n o f devi ces
subject onl y to the req ui re men t th at the sum of the Ring er Equ ivalence N umbers of all the devices does
not exceed five.
Cisco Product Name Industry Canada ID
HWIC-3G-GSM 2417C-MC8775
HWIC-3G-CDMA 2417C-MC5725
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Agency Compliance

European Directives Compliance

Non-Wireless a nd Non-Telecom equipment—Network modu le s, or rout e rs t hat co ntai n n eith er a ra dio
module n or a telecom in ter fa ce card, wi ll carry th e C E mark to in dicate compliance w it h th e EU
Directive 89/336/EC (amended by the Directives 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC) and with the
EU Direct iv e 200 6/95/ E C. The s tand ar ds appl ie d inc lu de one or more of th e foll o wi ng: E N 300 3 86, EN
55 022, EN 55 024, EN 60 950-1.
Wireless and Telecom equipment—Telecom in te rf ace ca rd s, r ad i o modules or ro ut er s th at co n tai n a
telecom in terfa ce card or a radio modul e will carr y the CE m ark and, if applic able , the Alert s ign to
indicate co m pl ia nc e w it h th e EU Direct ive 199 9/ 5/ EC .
Česk y [Czec h ]: Toto zaøízen í je v s ou ladu se k l a dn ími po_adavky a o s tatními od p ovídajíc ími usta noveními
Smìrnice 1999/5/EC.
Dansk [Danish]: Dette udstyr er i overensstemmelse med de væsentlige krav og a ndre relevante bestemmelser i
Direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Deutsch [German]: Dieses Gerät entspricht den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den weiteren entsprechenden
Vorgaben der Richtl inie 1999/ 5/ EU .
Eesti [E stonian]: See seade vastab direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ olulistele nõuetele ja teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
English: This equipm ent is in compliance with the essentia l requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Español [Spanish]: Este equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales asi como con otras disposiciones de la Directiva
Ελληνική [Greek]: Αυτός ο εξοπλισµός είναι σε συµµόρφωση µε τις ουσιώδεις απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές
διατάξεις της Οδηγίας 1999/5/EC.
Français [ Fr en ch ]: Cet appa re il es t co nfo rme aux exig en ces essentiell es e t a ux a ut re s d is p osi ti ons p er tinentes de la
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Íslenska [Icelandic]: Þetta tæki er samkvæmt grunnkröfum og öðrum viðeigandi ákvæðum Tilskipunar 1999/5/EC.
Italia no [ I ta lian]: Questo a pp a r at o é conform e ai requisi ti essenz iali ed ag li altri prin cipi sanc it i d al la Diret tiva
Latviski [Latvian]: Ðî iekârta atbilst Direktîvas 1999/5/EK bûtiskajâm prasîbâm un citiem ar to saistîtajiem
Lietuvių [Lithuanian]: Ðis árenginys tenkina 1999/5/EB Direktyvos esminius reikalavimus ir kitas ðios direktyvos
Nederlands [Dutch]: Dit apparaat voldoet a an de essentiele e isen en andere van toepassing zijnde bepalingen van de
Richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
Malti [Maltese]: Dan l-apparat huwa konformi mal-htigiet essenzjali u l-provedimenti l-ohra rilevanti tad-Direttiva
Magyar [Hungarian]: Ez a készülék telje síti az alapvetõ követelményeket és más 1999/5/EK irányelvben meghatározott
vonatkozó rendelkezéseket.
Norsk [Norwegian]: Dette utstyret er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i
EU-direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Agency Compliance
Cellular Equipment (GSM-Based: EDGE, HSDPA, UMTS, GPRS)
The standa rds applied during the assessment include the following:
Radio: EN 301 511, EN 301 908-1 and EN 301 908-2
EMC: EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-7 and EN 301 489-24
Safety: EN 60950-1, EN 50385
The system has been evaluated for compliance with European Union EMF Directive 1999/519/EC. This
evaluation is based on the ICNIRP (International Com mission of Non Ionizing Radiations Protection)
limits. Based on this evaluation, a minimum distance of 25 cm from the antenna of the HWIC-3G-GSM
and HW IC - 3G - C DM A i s re q u ir ed to m a in tain comp liance.
Note The full declaration of conformity for this product can be found on w m. It can also be
found in the Declarations of Conformity and regulatory information section of the appropriate product
hardware installation guide, which is available on

CISPR 22 Requirements

Specifications covered:
EN55022:1998 - EU requirements
AS/NZS CISPR22 - Australia & New Zeala nd
This is a class A produc t. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference , in
which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Polski [Po li s h ]: Urz¹dze ni e j es t zg odn e z og ó lnym i w ym aga ni am i o ra z szczególnymi w ar un k am i o kreœ lo ny mi
Dyrektyw UE: 1999/5/EC.
Portuguê s [Portugu ese ]: Este equi pam ento est á em co nfo rmid ade co m os re qui sit os es se ncia is e ou tras pr ovi sõe s re le v a nte s
da Directiva 1999/5/EC.
Română [Romanian ] Acest e ch ip ament este i n co nf o rmi ta te cu cerintele es e nt ial e si cu alte p reveder i r el evante ale
Directivei 1999/5/EC.
Slove nsk o [Sloveni an ]: Ta napr a v a je s kl adna z bis tvenimi zahtevami in os talimi relevantnimi pogoji Direktive 1999/5/EC.
Slovensky [Slovak]: Toto zariadenie je v zhode so základným i po_iadavka mi a inými príslušnými nariadeniami
direktív: 1999/5/EC.
Suomi [Finnish]: Tämä laite täyttää direktiivin 1999/5/EY olennaiset vaatimukset ja on siinä asetettujen muiden
laitetta k os k evien m ä är äy sten mukaine n.
Svenska [Swedish]: Denna utrustning är i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga kraven och andra relevanta
bestämmelser i Direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information

Taiwan Class A Warning

South Korea Class A Warning

Approval Information

The following approvals are independent of host.


Austra li an Co m municati on s A u th o ri ty
This system has been evaluated and found compliant in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand
RF exposure requirements.
Caution To ensure compliance with exposure limits to radiofrequency fields, the antenna of the HWIC-3G-GSM
or HWIC-3G-CDMA should be no closer than 25 cm from the body during use.
This equipment will be inoperable when mains power fails.
Statement 198
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information



Table 4 Canada Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards
Network Module or
Interface Card Independent-of-Host Certificate Number
NM-4(8)T1-IMA 2461-9462-A
NM-1FE2CT1 2461-7731-A
NM-1FE1CT1 2461-7731-A
NM-1FE2CT1-CSU 2461-7731-A
NM-1FE1CT1-CSU 2461-7731-A
VIC-2DID 2461-9462-A
VIC-2BRI-NT/TE 2461-9462-A
VIC-2FXS 2461-9462-A
VIC-2E/M 2461-9462-A
VIC-2DID 2461-10942-A
VIC-2FXO-M1 2461-10678-A
WIC-1ADSL 2461-10908-A
WIC-1SHDSL 2461-11650-A
WIC-1AM 2461-11156-A
WIC-2AM 2461-11156-A
WIC-1DSU-T1 2461-8792-A
WIC-1DSU-56K4 2461-7964-A
WIC-1B-U 2461-7726-A
WIC-1B-S/T 2461-7664-A
VWIC-2MFT-T1-D1 2461-10728-A
VWIC-2MFT-T1 2461-10728-A
VWIC-1MFT-T1 2461-10728-A
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information

Czech Republic

Hong Kong

Table 5 Hong Kong Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards
Network Module or
Interface Card Independent-of-Host Certificate Number
VIC-2BRI-S/T-TE IN300019
VIC-2DID ML400212
VIC-2FXO IN399105
VIC-2FXO-M1 ML300020
VWIC-1MFT-T1 IN601020
VWIC-2MFT-T1 IN401018
VWIC-2MFT-T1-D1 IN601019
WIC-1AM SL601118
WIC-2AM ML401117
NM-16AM ML300020
NM-2CT1 IN399104
NM-1CT1 IN399103
NM-8AM/16AM ML399101
NM-4B-S/T IN399102
NM-8B-S/T IN399116
NM-1FE2CT1 IN399134
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information

Hungary EMI/EMC Compliance

Figyelme ztetés a fel haszn álói kézik önyv sz ámára :
Ez a beren d ezés “A” osztályú term ék , f elh asználására és üzembe helyezés ér e a ma gya r EM C “A”
osztályú követelményeknek (MSZ EN 55022) megfelelõen kerülhet sor, illetve ezen “A” osztályú
berendez ések c s ak megf e lel õ keres ke de lmi f orr ásb ól s rm azh at na k, am e ly ek b izt os ítj ák a megfelelõ
speciális üzembe helyezési körülményeket és biztonságos üzemelési távolságok alkalmazását.


Table 6 India Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards
Network Module or
Interface Card Cisco 2600 Certificate Number Cisco 3600 Certificate Number
NM-8AM TEC/WR/I/MOD-03/01/167.NOV98
NM-16AM TEC/WR/I/MOD-03/01/164.NOV98
NM-8AM TEC/WR/I/MOD-03/01/168.NOV 98
NM-16AM TEC/WR/I/MOD-03/01/163.OCT 98
NM-4B-S/T TEC/WR/I/CPE-02/02/056.JUN 99 TEC/WR/I/CPE-02/02/055.JUN 99
NM-8B-S/T TEC/WR/I/CPE-02/02/058.JUN 99 TEC/WR/I/CPE-02/02/053.JUN 99
WIC-1B-S/T TEC/WR/I/CPE-02/02/057.JUN 99 TEC/WR/I/CPE-02/02/054.JUN 99
NM-4A/S TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/010.MAY 00 TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/02.JUL 00
TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/023.JUL 00
TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/009.MAY 00
TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/015.JUN 00
NM-2V TEC /SR /I/P PX- 01/ 01 /00 3.OC T 01
VIC-2FXO TEC/SR/I/RAS-01/01/019.MAY 00
VIC-2 FX O-M 1 TE C/S R/I /PP X- 01/ 01/0 03. OCT 01
TEC/SR/I.RAS-00/01/038.FEB 01
WIC-IT TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/005.JAN 00 TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/016.JUN 00
TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/024.JUL 00
TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/023.JUL 00
WIC-2T TEC/SR/I/TCP-01/01/005.JAN 00
WIC-2AM TEC/SR/I/RAS-01/01/032.DEC 00 TEC/SR/I/RAS-01/01/031.DEC 00
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information


Table 7 Japan Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards
Network Module or
Interface Card
Approval Number
EM-HDA-4FXO A02-0195JP
NM-4A/S N97-K007-0
NM-8A/S N97-K006-0
NM-4B-S/T T97-5319-0
NM-8B-S/T T97-5320-0
NM-1CT1 T97-6309-0
NM-2CT1 T97-6310-0
NM-1A-0C3SMI N99-N311-0
NM-1A-0C3SMI-1V D99-1084JP
NM-1A-OC3SML N99-N312-0
NM-1A-OC3SML-1V D99-1083JP
NM-1A-OC3MM L00-0316
NM-1ATM25 N99-N320-0
WIC-1T N96-K075-0
WIC-1ADSL L02-0018
WIC-2A/S M98-N028 -0
WIC-2T N98-N024-0
WIC-1B-S/T T96-5295-0
WIC-1DSU-T1 N98-N018-0
WIC-1DSU-T1 V2 D03-0006JPB
VIC-2BRI-S/T-TE T99-0302-0
VIC2-2E/M D03-0022JPB
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information
VIC2-2FXO D03-0018JPB
VIC2-4FXO D03-0018JPB
Table 8 Japan Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and WAN Interface Cards
Network Module/WAN
Interface Card
Approval Number
NM-CEM-4TE1 D04-0014003
NM-1CE1T1-PRI D03-0021JPB
NM-2CE1T1-PRI D03-0021JPB
NM-1FE2CT1 C99-0247JP
NM-1FE1CT1 C99-0249JP
NM-HDV2-2T1/E1 D04-0017003
NM-16A/S D05-0022003
HWIC-16A D060116003
HWIC-4A/S D060117003
HWIC-4T D060117003
HWIC-8A D060116003
HWIC-8A/S-232 D060118003
NM-1A-OC3-POM D05-0084003
EM-4BRI-NT/TE C04-0033003
WIC-1B-S/T-V3 C05-0012003
VWIC2-1MFT-T1/E1 CD05-0003003-1
VWIC2-2MFT-T1/E1 CD05-0003003
VWIC-2T1/E1-RAN D05-0268001
Table 7 Japan Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards (continued)
Network Module or
Interface Card
Approval Number
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information
Table 9 Japan Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and WAN Interface Cards
Interface Card
Approval Number
EM-HDA-6FXO A04-0036003
WIC-1AM-V2 A06-0069003
WIC-2AM-V2 A06- 0069003
NM-1T3/E3 D03-0033JPB
NM-8AM-J S98-2434-1
NM-8AM-V2 A03-0034JPB
NM-16AM-J S98-2433-1
NM-16AM-V2 A03-0034JPB
VIC-2FXO S98-2481-1
VIC-2FXO-M1 A99-1085JP
VIC-4FXO-M1 A02-0226JP
VIC2-2E/M D03-0022JPB
VIC2-2FXO A03-0018JPB
VIC2-4FXO A03-0018JPB
Table 10 Japan Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and WAN Interface Cards
Network Module/WAN
Interface Card
Approval Number
NM-4T1-IMA L99-1113
NM-8T1-IMA L99-1114
WIC-1AM A01-0674JP
WIC-1AM-V2 A06-0069003
WIC-2AM A01-0130JP
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information



WIC-2AM-V2 A06-0069003
WIC-1B-S/T-LL L99-1179
VWIC-1MFT-T1 L 99-1089
VWIC-2MFT-T1 L 99-1090
VWIC-2MFT-T1-D1 L99-1090
Table 11 Malaysia Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules
Network Module
WAN Interface Card Certificate Number
NM-1A-T3 MAJE/03A/0102/S
NM-1A-OC3MM MAJD/35A/0101/S
NM-1A-OC3SMI MAJD/13A/0499/S
NM-1A-OC3SML MAJD/14A/0499/S
NM-1FE1CE1U ISTF/57A/0699/S
NM-1FE2CE1U ISTF/59A/0599/S
NM-1HSSI DAIH/16A/0902/S
NM-1T3/E3 MAJH/04A0104/S
NM-16A DAID/494/0999/S
NM-16AM DAID/49A/1099/S
NM-16AM-J DAFG/26C/1198/C
Table 10 Japan Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and WAN Interface Cards (continued)
Network Module/WAN
Interface Card
Approval Number
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information

New Zealand

Note This Telepermit is issued to Cisco Systems NZ Ltd., subject to the conditions of Specification PTC 100
and any fur th er c on d iti on s s t at ed in the appro priate date d C PAS letters .
Note The net wo r k modules/ WAN interface ca rd s may be co nnected to Telecom Ne tw or k .
NM-2CE1T1-PRI CETS/006A/0504/T
NM-4A/S DAAC/01A/1297/S
NM-4B-S/T ISTF/28A/0398/S
NM-4E1-IMA DAIH07A/1099/S
NM-4T DAID/15A/0299/S
NM-8A/S DAAC/02A/0398/S
NM-8AM DAFG/27C/1198/C
NM-8AM-J DAFG/2 7C/1198/C
NM-8B-S/T ISTF/23A/0198/S
NM-8E1-IMA DAIH/06A/0999/S
VIC-2FXO TADI/01A/0798/S
VIC-2FXO-M1 TADI/03A/0300/S
VIC2-2BRI-NT/TE CETS/004A/0504/T
VIC2-2FXO TADI/18A/0104/S
VIC2-4FXO TADI/17A/0104/
VWIC-2MFT-E1 DAIH/08A/1099/S
VWIC-1MFT-E1 DAIH/10A/1099/S
WIC-1ADSL C00075/55/2001
WIC-1AM DACU/01A/1002/S
WIC-1B-S/T ISTQ/02A/0298/S
WIC-1DSU-T1 LAHB/01A/0703/S
WIC-1DSU-T1-V2 LAHB/02A/0104/S
WIC-1T DAAC/03A/0398/S
WIC-2A/S DAAC/05A/0599/S
WIC-2T DAAC/04A/0499/S
Table 11 Malaysia Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules (continued)
Network Module
WAN Interface Card Certificate Number
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information
Table 12 New Zealand Agency Approvals
Network Module/WAN
Interface Card
Cisco 2600 License Number Cisco 3600 License Number
NM-8AM PTC 211/98/256 PTC 232/98/256
NM-16AM PTC 211/98/257 PTC 211/98/257
NM-4B-S/T PTC 231/97/023
NM-8B-S/T PTC 231/97/024
WIC-1AM PTC 211/01/084 PTC 211/01/084
WIC-2AM PTC 211/01/085 PTC 211/01/085
WIC-1B-S/T PTC 231/97/011 PTC 231/97/011
EM-HDA-4FXO PTC 217/02/007 PTC 217/02/007
EM-HDA-8FXS PTC 217/02/007 PTC 217/02/007
NM-1A-E3 PTC 217/00/014 PTC 217/00/014
NM-1CE1B PTC 232/97/007 PTC 232/97/007
NM-2CE1B PTC 232/97/009 PTC 232/97/009
NM-1FE1CE1B PTC 232/99/005
NM-1FE1CE1U PTC 232/99/006
NM-1FE2CE1B PTC 232/99/007
NM-1FE2CE1U PTC 232/99/008
NM-HDA-4FXS PTC 217/02/007 PTC 217/02/007
VIC-2BRI-NT/TE PTC 231/01/002 PTC 231/01/002
VIC-2BRI-S/T-TE PTC 231/99/007 (APP#38763) PTC 231/99/007 (APP#38763)
VIC-2FXO PTC 231/99/097
VIC-2FXO-M1 PTC 217/00/002 PTC 217/00/002
VWIC-2MFT-E1-DI PTC 217/99/031 PTC 217/99/031
VWIC-2MFT-E1 PTC 217/99/030 PTC 217/99/030
VWIC-1MFT-E1 PTC 217/99/029 PTC 217/99/029
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Approval Information



Table 13 Singapore Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and WAN Interface Cards on
Cisco 2600 Series Routers
Interface Card Cisco 2610 Cisco 2611 Cisco 2612 Cisco 2613 Cisco 2620 Cisco 2621
VWIC-1MFT-E1 SG99-036
VWIC-2MFT-E1 SG99-037
NM-4E1-IMA SG99-067
NM-8E1-IMA SG99-068
omplies with IDA Standard
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information

Translated Safety Warnings

South Korea

Translated Safety Warnings
This section includes translations in multiple languages of the warnings that appear in the hardwa re
installa ti on g ui d e o r qu ick start gu id e fo r the Cisco networ k mo d ul es a nd i nt er fac e cards. Be fo r e
working o n eq ui pm en t, be aware of t he ha zar d s i nvolved w ith electrica l c ir cu it ry, and foll ow stan d ar d
safety pr act ic es t o prevent acc id en ts . If y o u have qu es ti o ns o r n eed assistanc e, s ee th e “Obtaining
Technical Assistance” section on page 65.
Statement 1071 — Warning Definition
Statement 4—Power Supply Warning
Statement 7—DC Powe r Disconnection Warning
Statement 8—DC Powe r Connection Warning
Statement 7—DC Powe r Disconnection Warning
Statement 4 3—Jewelry Removal Warning
Statement 68—WAN Interface Card Insertion Warning
Statement 125—Radiation from Open Port Aperture
Statement 1 94 Ch as si s Lifting Warning
Statement 198—Power Failure Warning
Statement 212—Unit Connection Warning
Statement 240—Laser Radiation Warning
Statement 212—Unit Connection Warning
Table 14 Singapore Agency Approvals for Cisco Network Modules and WAN Interface Cards on
Cisco 3600 Series Routers
Interface Card Cisco 3620 Cisco 3640 Cisco 3660-1FE Cisco 3660-2FE
VWIC-1MFT-E1 SG99-054GAP SG99-057GAP SG99-060GAP SG99-063GAP
VWIC-2MFT-E1 SG99-055GAP SG99-058GAP SG99-061GAP SG99-064GAP
VWIC-2MFT-E1-DI SG99-056GAP SG99-059GAP SG99-062GAP SG99-065GAP
NM-4E1-IMA SG99-085GAP SG99-079GAP SG99-081GAP SG99-083GAP
NM-8E1-IMA SG99-086GAP SG99-080GAP SG99-082GAP SG99-084GAP
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Translated Safety Warnings
Statement 373—Must Connect To An Indoor Antenna
Statement 374—Equipment Connected to Outdoor Cameras
Statement 1001—Work During Lightning Activity
Statement 1004 — Installation Instruc tions
Statement 1008—Cla ss 1 Laser Produc t
Statement 1016—Invisible Laser Radiation
Statement 1021 — SELV Circuit
Statement 1024 — Ground Conductor
Statement 1026 — WAN Port Static Shock
Statement 1027—Cla ss 1 LED Product
Statement 1 029 Blank Fac ep lat es a nd C over P ane ls
Statment 1030 — Equipment Installation
Statement 1031—EU Public Network Port
Statement 1036 — Telephone Jacks in Wet Locations
Statement 1 03 7 — Uninsula ted Wires an d Terminal s
Statement 1038—Telephone Use During an Electrical Storm
Statement 1039 — Telephone Use by Gas Leak
Statement 1040 — Product Disposal
Statement 1041 — Disconnecting Telephone-Network Ca bles
Statement 1042—Ring Signal Generator
Statement 1 043 In s tallation Haza rd
Statement 1044—Port Connections
Cisco Network Modules and Interface Cards Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1071 — Warning Definition

This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you
work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar
with standard practices for preventing accidents. To see translations of the warnings that appear in
this publication, refer to the translated safety warnings that accompanied this device.
Note: This documentation is to be used in conjunction with the specific product installation guide
that shipped with the product. Please refer to the Installation Guide, Configuration Guide, or other
enclosed additional documentation for further details.
Dit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan
veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij
elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van de standaard
praktijken om ongelukken te voorkomen. Voor een vertaling van de waarschuwingen die in deze
publicatie verschijnen, dient u de vertaalde veiligheidswaarschuwingen te raadplegen die bij dit
apparaat worden geleverd.
Opmerking Deze documentatie dient gebruikt te worden in combinatie met de
installatiehandleiding voor het specifieke product die bij het product wordt geleverd. Raadpleeg de
installatiehandleiding, configuratiehandleiding of andere verdere ingesloten documentatie voor
meer informatie.
Varoi tus
Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Olet tilanteessa, joka voi johtaa ruumiinvammaan. Ennen
kuin työskentelet minkään laitteiston parissa, ota selvää sähkökytkentöihin liittyvistä vaaroista ja
tavanomaisista onnettomuuksien ehkäisykeinoista. Tässä asiakirjassa esitettyjen varoitusten
käännökset löydät laitteen mukana toimitetuista ohjeista.
Huomautus Tämä asiakirja on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi yhdessä tuotteen mukana tulleen
asennusoppaan kanssa. Katso lisätietoja asennusoppaasta, kokoonpano-oppaasta ja muista
mukana toimitetuista asiakirjoista.
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