Cisco SMR-273 User Manual

Process and Memory Management Commands on Cisco IOS-XR Software
This chapter describes the commands used to manage pro cesses and me mory on the Cisco IOS-XR software.
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference

monitor processes

monitor processes
To display auto-updating statistics on processes in a full-screen mode, use the monitor processes command in EXEC mode.
monitor processes [dumbtty] [location node-id]
Syntax Description
Defaults If you omit all keywords, the command displays the top 10 processes of CPU usage for the local node,
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
dumbtty (Optional) Displays the output of the command as if on a dumb terminal (the
screen is not refreshed).
location node-id (Optional) Displays the output of the command from the designated node.
The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.
sorted in descending order by the time used. The display is cleared and updated every 5 seconds until you quit the monitor processes command by entering the q key.
Release Modification
Release 2.0 This command was introduced.
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and t ask IDs, refer to the Conf iguring AAA Services on Cisco IOS-XR Software module of the Cisco IOS-XR System Security Configuration Guide.
This command shows the top 10 processes of CPU usage. The display refreshes every 10 seconds.
To change the parameters displayed by the monitor processes command, ente r one of th e key
commands described in Table 14.
To terminate the display and return to the system prompt, enter the q key.
To list the interactive commands, type ? during the display. Example:
The options are described in Table 14.
Table 14 Interactive Disp lay Commands for the monitor processes Command
Command Description
? Display or print the interactive commands. q Quits the monitor processes display and returns to the system prompt. n Changes the number of processes to be displayed. d Changes the delay interval between updates. l Refreshes the screen. t Sorts display by time (default).
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference
Process and Memory Management Commands on Cisco IOS-XR Software
Tabl e 14 Interactive Display Commands for the monitor processes Command (continued)
Command Description
m Sorts display by memory used. c Sorts display by number of open channels. f Sorts display by number of open files.
Examples monitor processes
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:router# monitor processes
195 processes; 628 threads; 3300 channels, 4579 fds CPU states: 47.6% idle, 1.2% user, 51.1% kernel Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
JID TIDS Chans FDs Tmrs MEM HH:MM:SS CPU NAME 1 27 198 8 1 0 5:53:31 51.11% kernel 52 5 215 44 5 228K 0:00:02 0.52% devc-conaux 342 4 195 14 6 1M 0:00:08 0.34% wdsysmon 495806 1 1 10 0 648K 0:00:00 0.16% ptop 293 7 31 39 11 352K 0:00:09 0.07% shelfmgr 55 11 24 14 5 16M 0:00:29 0.06% eth_server 121 3 10 8 2 564K 0:00:05 0.02% bcm_process 311 4 7 18 4 216K 0:00:02 0.01% sysdb_medusa_s 138 4 14 40 5 240K 0:00:01 0.01% devc-vty 265 5 31 19 4 204K 0:00:09 0.01% packet
monitor processes
monitor processes location
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:router# monitor processes location 0/rp1/cpu0
202 processes; 724 threads; 3750 channels, 5092 fds CPU states: 48.8% idle, 0.8% user, 1.5% kernel Memory: 2048M total, 1526M avail, page size 4K
JID TIDS Chans FDs Tmrs MEM HH:MM:SS CPU NAME 1 27 205 3 1 0 10:54:12 1.52% procnto-600-smp-cisco-in str 264 5 42 19 4 272K 0:00:15 0.37% packet 53 2 202 564 0 1M 0:00:06 0.10% dllmgr 180 15 93 42 6 1M 0:00:19 0.05% gsp 69 22 94 8 3 1M 0:00:54 0.04% qnet 67 5 4 6 0 956K 0:00:04 0.03% pkgfs 156 2 6 18 1 480K 0:00:00 0.02% envmon 294 1 6 12 1 112K 0:00:00 0.02% showd_lc 314 3 185 14 4 1M 0:00:17 0.02% sysdb_svr_local 310 4 7 18 4 276K 0:00:07 0.02% sysdb_medusa_s
monitor processes dumbtty
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:router# monitor processes dumbtty
Computing times...195 processes; 628 threads; 3721 channels, 4801 fds CPU states: 37.1% idle, 1.1% user, 61.7% kernel Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
JID TIDS Chans FDs Tmrs MEM HH:MM:SS CPU NAME 1 27 198 6 1 0 6:33:33 61.76% kernel 544958 1 1 8 0 648K 0:00:00 0.64% ptop 293 7 31 39 11 352K 0:00:10 0.10% shelfmgr
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference
monitor processes
180 15 82 42 6 5M 0:00:26 0.10% gsp 304 3 14 29 7 304K 0:00:02 0.06% statsd_manager 55 11 24 14 5 16M 0:00:32 0.03% eth_server 70 22 91 8 3 1M 0:00:31 0.03% qnet 153 2 35 18 4 120K 0:00:01 0.03% dsc 303 3 25 34 5 292K 0:00:00 0.03% statsd_server 121 3 10 8 2 564K 0:00:06 0.03% bcm_process
195 processes; 628 threads; 3409 channels, 4601 fds CPU states: 46.5% idle, 0.5% user, 52.8% kernel Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
JID TIDS Chans FDs Tmrs MEM HH:MM:SS CPU NAME 1 27 198 6 1 0 6:33:44 52.89% kernel 52 5 215 44 5 228K 0:00:06 0.38% devc-conaux 309 6 25 23 8 352K 0:00:08 0.03% sysdb_mc 315 3 177 14 4 1M 0:00:12 0.03% sysdb_svr_local 138 4 14 40 5 240K 0:00:02 0.02% devc-vty 298 9 25 111 9 2M 0:00:09 0.01% snmpd 67 4 4 7 0 804K 0:00:04 0.00% pkgfs 53 2 195 547 0 944K 0:00:06 0.00% dllmgr 311 4 7 18 4 216K 0:00:03 0.00% sysdb_medusa_s 342 4 195 14 6 1M 0:00:08 0.00% wdsysmon
Use of Interactive Commands
When the n or d interactive command is used, the monitor processes command prompts you to enter a number. Fo r example, when the interactive command n is entered, the prompt responds as shown belo w:
Enter number of procs to display: 15
195 processes; 628 threads; 3375 channels, 4495 fds CPU states: 49.0% idle, 0.9% user, 50.0% kernel Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
JID TIDS Chans FDs Tmrs MEM HH:MM:SS CPU NAME 1 27 198 2 1 0 6:11:43 50.01% kernel 52 5 215 44 5 228K 0:00:05 0.72% devc-conaux 293 7 31 39 11 352K 0:00:09 0.04% shelfmgr 315 3 177 14 4 1M 0:00:11 0.03% sysdb_svr_local 304 3 14 29 7 304K 0:00:01 0.02% statsd_manager 309 6 25 23 8 352K 0:00:08 0.02% sysdb_mc 342 4 195 14 6 1M 0:00:08 0.01% wdsysmon 298 9 25 111 9 2M 0:00:09 0.00% snmpd 265 5 31 19 4 204K 0:00:09 0.00% packet 153 2 35 18 4 120K 0:00:00 0.00% dsc 290 4 6 17 2 112K 0:00:00 0.00% sc_reddrv 275 7 34 36 7 588K 0:00:00 0.00% qlink 303 3 25 34 5 292K 0:00:00 0.00% statsd_server 262 5 23 46 6 1M 0:00:00 0.00% ospf 239 3 26 31 9 452K 0:00:00 0.00% lpts_pa
If the number you enter is outside the acceptable range, you will be prompted for another number:
Enter number of procs to display: 435 Please enter a number between 5 and 40 Enter number of procs to display:
Related Commands Command Description
monitor threads Displays auto-updating thread statistics. show processes Displays information on all processes, or a single process.
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference
Process and Memory Management Commands on Cisco IOS-XR Software

monitor threads

T o display auto-updating statistics on threads in a full-screen mode, use the monitor threads command in EXEC mode.
monitor threads [dumbtty] [iteration number] [location node-id]
monitor threads
Syntax Description
Defaults When all keywords are omitted, the command displays the first ten threads for the local node, sorted in
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
dumbtty (Optional) Displays the output of the command as if on a dumb
terminal (the screen is not refreshed).
iteration number (Optional) Number of times the statistics display is to be updated, in
the range from 0 to 4294967295.
location node-id (Optional) Displays the output from the command from the designated
node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.
descending order by the time used. The display is cleared and updated every 5 seconds until you quit the monitor command.
Release Modification
Release 2.0 This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user gr oups and task IDs, refer to the Config uring AAA Services on Cisco IOS-XR Software module of the Cisco IOS-XR System Security Configuration Guide.
This command shows the top 10 threads based on CPU usage . The displa y refreshes every 10 seconds.
To change the parameters di splayed by the monitor threads command, enter one of the key
commands described in Table 15.
To terminate the display and return to the system prompt, enter the q key.
To list the interactive commands, type ? during the display. Example:
The options are described in Table 15.
Tabl e 15 Interactive Display Commands for the monitor threads Command
Command Description
q Quits the interactive display and returns to the system prompt. n Changes the number of threads to be displayed.
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference
monitor threads
Tabl e 15 Interactive Display Commands for the monitor threads Command (continued)
Command Description
d Changes the delay interval between updates. l Refreshes the screen.
Examples monitor threads
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:router# monitor threads
195 processes; 628 threads; CPU states: 98.2% idle, 0.9% user, 0.7% kernel Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
JID TID LAST_CPU PRI STATE HH:MM:SS CPU COMMAND 1 12 1 10 Rcv 0:00:09 0.42% procnto-600-smp-cisco-instr 1 25 1 10 Run 0:00:30 0.36% procnto-600-smp-cisco-instr 342 1 1 19 Rcv 0:00:07 0.20% wdsysmon 52 5 0 21 Rcv 0:00:03 0.15% devc-conaux 52 3 1 18 Rcv 0:00:02 0.07% devc-conaux 532670 1 0 10 Rply 0:00:00 0.07% top 293 6 0 55 Rcv 0:00:06 0.03% shelfmgr 55 8 0 10 Rcv 0:00:02 0.03% eth_server 315 3 0 10 Rcv 0:00:11 0.03% sysdb_svr_local 55 7 0 55 Rcv 0:00:11 0.02% eth_server
monitor threads location
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:router# monitor threads location 0/rp1/cpu0
Computing times...195 processes; 628 threads; CPU states: 95.1% idle, 2.7% user, 2.0% kernel Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
JID TID LAST_CPU PRI STATE HH:MM:SS CPU COMMAND 1 25 0 10 Run 0:00:32 2.08% procnto-600-smp-cisco-instr 265 5 0 10 SigW 0:00:09 0.89% packet 279 1 1 10 Rcv 0:00:00 0.65% qsm 557246 1 0 10 Rply 0:00:00 0.51% top 293 5 1 55 Rcv 0:00:01 0.07% shelfmgr 180 13 1 10 Rcv 0:00:02 0.07% gsp 315 3 0 10 Rcv 0:00:12 0.07% sysdb_svr_local 55 7 1 55 Rcv 0:00:12 0.04% eth_server 180 1 0 10 Rcv 0:00:01 0.04% gsp 298 9 0 10 Rcv 0:00:01 0.04% snmpd
Use of Interactive Commands
When the n or d interactive command is used, the monitor threads command prompts for a number appropriate to the specific interactive command. The following is sample output from the monitor threads command showing the use of the interactive command n after the first display cycle to change the number of threads:
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:router# monitor threads
Computing times... 87 processes; 249 threads; CPU states: 84.8% idle, 4.2% user, 10.9% kernel Memory: 256M total, 175M avail, page size 4K
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference
Process and Memory Management Commands on Cisco IOS-XR Software
1 6 10 Run 0:00:10 10.92% kernel
553049 1 10 Rply 0:00:00 4.20% top
58 3 10 Rcv 0:00:24 0.00% sysdbsvr
1 3 10 Rcv 0:00:21 0.00% kernel
69 1 10 Rcv 0:00:20 0.00% wdsysmon
1 5 10 Rcv 0:00:20 0.00% kernel 159 2 10 Rcv 0:00:05 0.00% qnet 160 1 10 Rcv 0:00:05 0.00% netio 157 1 10 NSlp 0:00:04 0.00% envmon_periodic 160 9 10 Intr 0:00:04 0.00% netio
Enter number of threads to display: 3 Please enter a number between 5 and 40 Enter number of threads to display: 8 87 processes; 249 threads; CPU states: 95.3% idle, 2.9% user, 1.7% kernel Memory: 256M total, 175M avail, page size 4K
1 6 10 Run 0:00:11 1.76% kernel
69 1 10 Rcv 0:00:20 1.11% wdsysmon
58 3 10 Rcv 0:00:24 0.40% sysdbsvr 157 1 10 NSlp 0:00:04 0.23% envmon_periodic 159 19 10 Rcv 0:00:02 0.20% qnet
553049 1 10 Rply 0:00:00 0.20% top
159 12 10 Rcv 0:00:03 0.13% qnet 160 1 10 Rcv 0:00:05 0.10% netio
monitor threads
When a number outside the acceptable range is entered, the acceptable range is displayed:
Please enter a number between 5 and 40 Enter number of threads to display:
Related Commands Command Description
monitor processes Displays interactive, auto-updating process statistics in a full-screen mode.
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference


To start, terminate, or restart a process, use the process command in EXEC mode.
process {blocked | kill | restart | start} [executable-name | job-id] [location {node-id | all}]
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes EXEC
blocked Collects debug information. The node will be restarted if the mandatory reboot
flag is set.
kill Kills (stops) a process. The process will not be restarted even if considered
restart Restarts a process. start Starts a process.
executable-name (Optional) Performs the action for all the simultaneously executing instances of
the process, if applicable.
job-id (Optional) Performs the action for only the process instance associated with the
location node-id (Optional) Specifies a node. The node-id argument is entered in the
rack/slot/module notation.
location all (Optional) Specifies all nodes.
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
Caution Manually killing or restarting a process can seriously impact the operation of a router. Use these
Cisco IOS-XR System Management Command Reference
Release Modification
Release 2.0 This command was introduced.
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and t ask IDs, refer to the Conf iguring AAA Services on Cisco IOS-XR Software module of the Cisco IOS-XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Under normal circumstances, processes are started and restarted automatically by the operating system as required. If a process crashes, it will be automatically restarted.
You can also use the process commands to manually stop, start or restart individual processes. These commands should be used only under the supervision of a Cisco support representative because they can cause a loss of router operations.
commands only under the direction of a Cisco technical support representative.
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