Cisco Branch Routers Series
Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S)
Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
Revised Date: October 29, 2009
The Cisco Network Analysis Module (NAM) is an integrated module that enables network managers to
understand, manage, and improve how applications and services are delivered to end-users. The NAM
offers flow-based traffic analysis of applications, hosts, and conversations, performance-based
measurements on application, server, and network latency, quality of experience metrics for
network-based services such as voice over IP (VoIP) and video, and problem analysis using deep,
insightful packet captures. The Cisco NAM includes an embedded, web-based Traffic Analyzer GUI that
provides quick access to the configuration menus and presents easy-to-read performance reports on Web,
voice, and video traffic.
The NME-NAM-120S is the most recent NAM model offered for the branch routers. The NAM software
runs on the NAM and is is directly reachable as an end-station and includes its own SNMP agent, HTTP
server and command-line interface (CLI). The NAM software communicates with the IOS software on
the router.
Table 1 lists the different NAM models.
NoteThis document specifically addresses the NAM NAM 4.0 software installation and configuration with
the NME-NAM-120S, but also supports the NM-NAM, NME-NAM, and the NME-NAM-80S. There are
some exceptions noted for NM-NAM commands.
Table 1Network Analysis Modules
Americas Headquarters:
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
Support branch routers which include the 2800, 2900, 3700, 3800, and 3900
series multi-services and integrated services routers
Table 1Network Analysis Modules (continued)
NM-NAMSupports branch routers which include the 2600XM, 2800, 3660, 3700, and
3800 series multi-services and integrated services routers
WS-SVC-NAM-1Support the Cisco Catalyst 6500 switches and Cisco 7600 routers
• Prerequisites for NME-NAM-120S, page 2
• Restrictions for the NME-NAM-120S, page 4
• NAM Software, page 5
• How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S, page 7
• Configuring the NME-NAM-120S for Management, page 21
• Managing the NME-NAM-120S, page 48
• Additional References, page 52
• Glossary, page 55
Prerequisites for NME-NAM-120S
The following prerequisites are required to use the NME-NAM-120S module with NAM software.
Supported Branch Routers
The NME-NAM-120S (and NME-NAM-80S) can be deployed in any network module slot in the Cisco
router platforms listed in Table 2. A Network Module (NM) Adapter Card, SM-NM-ADPTR, is required
to successfully integrate the NME-NAM into supported ISR G2 platforms. The NME-NAM supports
the router platforms with NAM software version 3.6 or later. Only one Cisco NAM can be installed in
a Cisco branch router.
Table 2NME-NAM Supported Router Platforms
Router PlatformIOS Version (Minimum)
Cisco 3945 ISRCisco IOS 15.0(1)MYes
Cisco 3925 ISRCisco IOS 15.0(1)M
Cisco 2951 ISRCisco IOS 15.0(1)M
Cisco 2921 ISRCisco IOS 15.0(1)M
Cisco 2911 ISRCisco IOS 15.0(1)M
NM Adapter Card
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
• The NME-NAM-120S ships from the factory with the following:
• Make a note of the network module location in the host router:
120 GB hard disk
1 GB memory
64 MB flash memory
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
Restrictions for the NME-NAM-120S
slot—Number of the router chassis slot for the module. After you install the module, you can
get this information from the router’s show running-config command output and look for
interface Integrated-Service-Engine.
NoteYou need this information for the “Setting Up Network Module Interfaces” section on page 7
and the “Closing a Session” section on page 11.
File Server
• Verify that your download FTP or TFTP file server is accessible:
FTP file server—Use for installations, backups, and restores.
TFTP file server—Use (on the FTP-file-server machine) for boothelper operations to recover
from a failed installation.
Restrictions for the NME-NAM-120S
The following restrictions currently exist for NAM 4.0 and the NME-NAM-120S.
• Upgrade or Downgrade
• Configuration
• Monitoring Traffic Through Internal Interface
The NAM module is not hot swappable. You must shutdown and turn off power to the router before
inserting or removing an NAM module.
Upgrade or Downgrade
You can upgrade or downgrade NAM software in a production environment. Although the NAM will not
be operational during the upgrade or downgrade procedure, the router should remain fully operational.
Downloading the NAM software image will generate some additional network traffic, but should not
affect router operations.
• You can only configure the NME-NAM-120S initially from a session that is initiated from the router.
• After you configure the NME-NAM-120S network parameters, you can enable access to the
software running on the network module using one of the following:
The router’s Cisco IOS CLI
The NME-NAM-120S graphical user interface (GUI), secure-shell (SSH) connection, or telnet
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
Monitoring Traffic Through Internal Interface
NoteThe following restriction applies only to traffic that is monitored through the internal NAM interface.
The NAM Traffic Analyzer (web GUI) provides Layer 3 and higher layer information about the original
packets. The Layer 2 header is modified by the router when it forwards the packets to the NAM, so the
Layer 2 information that the NAM records is not applicable to the original packets.
NAM Software
The NAM software application resides on a network module that plugs into a host Cisco router running
Cisco IOS software.
The network module is a standalone service engine with its own startup and run-time configurations that
are independent of the Cisco IOS configuration on the router. The module does not have an external
console port. Instead, you launch and configure the module through the router, by means of a
configuration session on the module. After the session, you return to the router CLI and clear the session.
NAM Software
This arrangement—host router plus network module (the latter is also sometimes called an appliance or
blade or, with installed software, a service or services engine)—provides a router-integrated application
platform for accelerating data-intensive applications including the following and more:
• Application-oriented networking
• Contact centers and interactive-voice-response applications
• Content caching and delivery
• Data and video storage
• Network analysis
• Voice mail and auto-attendant applications
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
NAM Software
Hardware Interfaces
The host router and network module use several interfaces for internal and external communication (see
Figure 1). Each interface is configurable both from the router by using the Cisco IOS CLI and from the
module by using the module's CLI.
The NME-NAM-120S can monitor traffic on both the external and the internal interface at the same time.
However, only one can be used for management traffic.
Figure 1Router and Network Module Interfaces
On This Hardware Interface...Configure These Settings...Using This Configuration Method
1 Router interface
(for example, Gig0/0)
2 Router side interface to
This is the integrated-service-engine
interface on the router.
3 INTERNAL interface of the
This is a Gigabit Ethernet (GE)
4 EXTERNAL interface of the
NME-NAM-120S. This is a Gigabit
Ethernet interface.
Standard router settingsRouter’s Cisco IOS CLI
Module’s IP address and default
gateway router
All other module and
NME-NAM-120S application
Support for data requests and
transfers from outside sources
Module’s NME-NAM-120S CLI,
GUI, telnet, SSH interface, or
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
This section contains the following information:
• Setting Up Network Module Interfaces, page 7
• Closing a Session, page 11
• Upgrading or Reinstalling NAM Software, page 12
Note• If you lose power or connection during any of the following procedures, the system usually detects
the interruption and tries to recover. If it fails to do so, fully reinstall the system using the boothelper.
• You can configure the network module by means of either the CLI or the GUI. This document
presents CLI configuration instructions. For GUI configuration instructions, see the GUI’s online
Setting Up Network Module Interfaces
NoteThe first few steps open the host-router CLI and access the router’s interface to the module. The
Your first configuration task is to set up network module interfaces to the host router and to its external
links. This configuration enables you to access the module to install and configure NME-NAM-120S.
subsequent steps configure the interface.
From the Host-Router CLI
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface integrated-service-engine <slot>/0
4. ip address router-side-ip-address subnet-mask
ip unnumbered type number
5. [Optional, but if done, do not do Step 6] service-module ip address module-side-ip-address
6. [Optional, but if done, do not do Step 5] service-module external ip address external-ip-address
7. [Optional] service-module ip default-gateway gateway-ip-address
8. end
9. copy running-config startup-config
10. show running-config
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
Command or ActionPurpose
From the Host-Router CLI
Step 1
Router> enable
Enters privileged EXEC mode on the host router. Enter your
password if prompted.
ip address
Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered ethernet 0/0
service-module ip addressmodule-side-ip-addresssubnet-mask
Router(config-if)# service-module
ip address
Enters global configuration mode on the host router.
Enters interface configuration mode for the slot and port
where the network module resides.
Specifies the router interface to the module. Arguments are
as follows:
• router-side-ip-address subnet-mask—IP address and
subnet mask for the interface.
• type number—Type and number of another interface on
which the router has an assigned IP address. It cannot
be another unnumbered interface. Serial interfaces
using High Level Data Link Control (HDLC),
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Link Access Procedure,
Balanced (LAPB), Frame Relay encapsulations, Serial
Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), and tunnel interfaces can
be unnumbered.
Specifies the IP address for the module interface to the
router. Arguments are as follows:
• module-side-ip-address—IP address for the interface
• subnet-mask—Subnet mask to append to the IP
address; must be in the same subnet as the host router
This command selects and configures the internal interface
for management traffic. This command is equivalent to
using the commands ip interface internal and ip address <address> <mask> on the NME-NAM-120S CLI.
NoteIf you want to use the external interface for
management traffic use the Step 6 instead.
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
Step 6
Step 7
Command or ActionPurpose
service-module external ip address
external-ip-address subnet-mask
Router(config-if)# service-module external ip
service-module ip default-gateway
Router(config-if)# service-module ip
Specifies the IP address for the external LAN interface on
the module. Arguments are as follows:
• external-ip-address—IP address for the interface
• subnet-mask—Subnet mask to append to the IP address
This command selects and configures the external interface
for management traffic. This command is equivalent to
using the commands ip interface external and ip address <address> <mask> on the NME-NAM-120S CLI.
NoteIf you want to use the internal interface for
Specifies the IP address for the default gateway router for
the module. The argument is as follows:
• gateway-ip-address—IP address for the gateway router
NoteUse this step only if you used Step 5 or Step 6.
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
management traffic, use the Step 5 instead.
Step 8
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 9
copy running-config startup-config
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Step 10
show running-config
Router# show running-config
Returns to global configuration mode on the host router.
Saves the router’s new running configuration.
Displays the router’s running configuration, so that you can
verify address configurations.
The following partial output from the show running-config command shows how the interfaces are
interface Integrated-Service-engine1/0
ip address
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
Opening a Session
This section describes how to open a session on the network module.
Note• Before you install your application software, opening a session brings up the bootloader. After you
install the software, opening a session brings up the application.
Closes the service-module session and
returns to the router CLI.
NoteThe service-module session
stays up until you clear it in
the next step. While it remains
up, you can return to it from
the router CLI by pressing
Disconnects the session connection or
clears the service module session for
the specified module.
When prompted to confirm this
command, press Enter.
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
Upgrading or Reinstalling NAM Software
During software upgrades, you use the Bootloader, a small set of system software that runs when the
system first powers up. The Bootloader loads and runs the NAM application. The bootloader might
optionally load and run the helper image on flash memory.
Reinstalling software involves installing, configuring, and starting a helper image. The helper, in turn,
starts the NAM installation wizard, which installs the software.
NotePlan software upgrades or downgrades for times when you can take all applications that run on the host
router out of service or offline.
NAM Software Images
The NME-NAM-120S contains three NAM software images:
• Bootloader image in flash memory—Use to specify whether to boot the NAM application image or
the helper image
• Helper image in flash memory—Use to recover or upgrade NAM software images
• NAM application image on the hard drive—Source of the NAM Traffic Analyzer and NAM CLI
Types of NAM Software Upgrades
NAM software upgrades are available in two forms:
• Images—Full image releases that are installed from the helper image. Full image upgrades are
typically used to update the NAM application image, and if necessary and recommended by
technical support, you can also use the helper image to upgrade the bootloader image or helper
• Patches—Incremental updates to software versions that are installed with the patch NAM CLI
command. Patches are available only for the NAM application image.
Perform one of the following procedures in this section, depending on whether you are adding a patch
to your NAM application or are performing a full software image upgrade:
• Upgrading the NME-NAM-120S Application Image (Full Image), page 13
• Upgrading the NAM Application Image — Patch, page 16
While the service module reboots, it displays the following prompt:
Enter *** to change boot configuration:
4. Enter ***.
After you enter ***, the NAM should display the bootloader prompt. From this prompt, you can
either boot the NAM helper located at a TFTP server or boot the pre-installed helper image in the
NAM flash.
To boot the NAM helper image from a TFTP server, do Steps 5, 6, and 7. Skip Step 8, then do
Steps 9, 10, and 11.
To boot the pre-installed helper image on the NAM compact flash, skip Steps 5, 6, and 7, then
do Steps 8 through 11.
5. configure
(and follow the prompts)
6. show config
7. boot helper
8. boot compactflash
NoteFor NM-NAM, enter boot flash.
At this point, you should be at the helper image menu.
9. Select either option 1 or option 2, and follow the prompts.
10. Select r.
11. Close the session as described in Closing a Session, page 11.
Step 1Download the NME-NAM-120S installation-package files (containing a kernel image, a helper image,
and the NME-NAM-120S application software files) as follows:
a. Go to the NAM page of the Cisco Software Center website at the following location:
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
While the service module reboots, it displays the following prompt:
Enter *** to change boot configuration:
Step 4Enter *** to go to the bootloader.
After you enter ***, you will be at the bootloader prompt. From this prompt, you can either boot the
NAM helper located at a TFTP server or boot the pre-installed helper image in the NAM flash.
To boot the NAM helper image from a TFTP server, do Steps 5, 6, and 7. Skip Step 8, then do
Steps 9, 10, and 11.
To boot the pre-installed helper image on the NAM compact flash, skip Steps 5, 6, and 7, then
do Steps 8 through 11.
Step 5Configure the bootloader to load and launch the helper:
ServiceEngine bootloader> config
Prompts for the following appear in the order listed. For each, enter a value or accept the previously
stored input that appears inside square brackets by pressing Enter.
• NME-NAM-120S IP address and subnet mask
• TFTP file-server IP address
• Default gateway of NME-NAM-120S (normally the IP address for the ISR)
• Default helper image filename
• Ethernet interface: internal or external of NME-NAM-120S
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
• Default boot option is to boot the NAM 4.0 image from disk.
• Default bootloader file to be used on subsequent boot: primary or secondary
NotePrimary causes the application to launch normally.
Secondary causes the application to start the primary bootloader; the primary bootloader then
checks the secondary bootloader location and, if it finds the secondary bootloader and if the
checksum is correct, uses the secondary bootloader.
Step 6(Optional) Verify your bootloader configuration settings:
ServiceEngine bootloader> show config
ServiceEngine boot-loader> show config
IP addr:
TFTP server :
GW IP addr:
eth int: internal
Default boot: disk
Bootloader Version: 2.1.12
Bootloader Name: DEV_BOOTLOADER
Default Helper-file: nme-nam-helper.bin
Default bootloader: secondary
External i/f media: copper
ServiceEngine boot-loader>
Step 7Enter boot helper.
ServiceEngine bootloader> boot helper
Step 8Enter boot flash.
ServiceEngine bootloader> boot compactflash
NoteFor NM-NAM, enter boot flash.
Step 9Using helper menu install the application image. Use option 1 to upgrade the application image and leave
the configuration intact, or use option 2 to reformat the HDD and install the application image. Using
Option 2 is useful if the HDD image is corrupted, but all configuration will be lost.
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Services engine helper utility for NME-NAM-120S
Version 1.1(0.5)
----Main menu
1 - Download application image and write to HDD
2 - Download application image and reformat HDD
3 - Download bootloader and write to flash
4 - Download helper and write to Compact Flash
5 - Display software versions
6 - Reset application image CLI passwords to default
7 - Change file transfer method (currently ftp/http)
8 - Show upgrade log
9 - Send Ping
f - Format the Compact Flash
r - Exit and reset Services Engine
h - Exit and shutdown Services Engine
Selection [123456789frh]:
Step 10Reboot the NME-NAM-120S using helper menu option r.
Step 11Close the session as described in Closing a Session, page 11.
Upgrading the NAM Application Image — Patch
This section describes how to add a patch to your NAM application image from the NAM CLI.
1. Access the NME-NAM-120S console by following the steps described in Opening a Session,
page 10.
NoteDepending on the previous state of the session, you might be prompted to log in to the NAM CLI.
2. At the NME-NAM-120S prompt, enter one of:
patch ftp://user:passwd@host/full-path/filename
patch ftp://user@host/full-path/filename
3. show patches
4. Close the session as described in Closing a Session, page 11.
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
Command or ActionPurpose
Step 1
Step 2
Follow the steps described in Opening a
Session, page 10 to close the NAM console
patch ftp://user@host/full-path/filename
Step 3
show patches
Example: show patches
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
Initiate a console connection in the NME-NAM-120S. Log
in to the NAM CLI.
Downloads and installs a software patch.
• Use the first option, which includes the password, if the
FTP server does not allow anonymous users.
• If you use the second option, enter your password when
Displays all installed patches.
Verify that your patch was successfully installed.
Step 4
Follow the steps described in Closing a
Session, page 11 to close the NAM console
Upgrading the NAM Helper Image (NAM CLI)
This section describes how to upgrade the NAM helper image stored on the NAM compact flash. The
NAM must be running its application image for these steps to work.
1. Download the NAM helper image from CCO and load it to an FTP server.
2. Open a session to the NAM CLI by following the steps in Opening a Session, page 10. (Login
if prompted.)
3. upgrade < ftp-URL>
4. exit
5. Close the NAM session as described in Closing a Session, page 11.
Close the NAM console session.
Cisco Branch Routers Series Network Analysis Module (NME-NAM-120S) Installation and Configuration Note, 4.0
How to Install, Upgrade, or Downgrade NME-NAM-120S
Command or ActionPurpose
Step 1
Step 2
Download the NME-NAM-120S helper image from CCO
and load it to a FTP server.