Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference2
show cablestatus35
show fiber-ports optical-transceiver37
lldp med transmit-tlv38
lldp med transmit-tlv all40
poe power limit42
poe power management44
poe powered-device describe46
poe priority47
poe reset48
poe usagethreshold49
show poe50
show poe port configuration51
show poe port info52
show poe port statistics54
Switch Management Access Control55
Authentication Methods55
ip http authentication55
login authentication57
show authentication methods58
User Logins and Passwords59
passwords aging59
passwords min-length60
passwords strength-check61
passwords strength check-username62
passwords strength exclude-keyword63
passwords strength maximum repeated-characters64
show loginsession65
show passwords configuration66
show user accounts67
show users68
show users login-history69
Management Access—General72
network mgmt_vlan72
show network72
HTTP Access73
ip http port73
ip http server74
ip http session soft-timeout75
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference3
show ip http75
Telnet Access76
ip telnet server enable76
telnetcon timeout78
show telnetcon79
SSH Access80
copy nvram:sshkey-dsa80
copy nvram:sshkey-rsa180
copy nvram:sshkey-rsa281
crypto key generate dsa81
crypto key generate rsa82
ip ssh protocol83
ip ssh server enable83
sshcon maxsessions84
sshcon timeout85
show ip ssh86
Console Access86
line console86
serial baudrate87
serial databits88
serial parity88
serial stopbits89
serial timeout90
show serial90
Management Access Lists91
management access-class93
management access-list94
show management access-list96
show management access-class97
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference4
clock timezone config dhcp103
show clock104
SNTP Commands105
sntp authenticate105
sntp authentication-key106
sntp broadcast client poll interval107
sntp client mode108
sntp client port109
sntp server110
sntp trusted-key111
sntp unicast client poll-interval112
show sntp113
show sntp client114
show sntp configuration115
show sntp server116
System Software and Configuration Management117
set contact122
set hostname122
set location123
reset factory default125
write memory125
show config-file126
show config-file list127
show running-config128
show language-packs detail130
show language-packs summary131
show sysinfo132
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference5
logging host141
logging host remove143
logging persistent enable144
logging persistent severity144
logging persistent size146
logging syslog enable146
logging syslog facility147
logging syslog port148
show logging149
show logging buffered151
show logging hosts151
show logging persistent152
show logging traplogs154
rmon alarm155
rmon collection history157
rmon event159
show environment160
show process cpu161
show rmon alarm162
show rmon alarm-table163
show rmon collection history164
show rmon events165
show rmon history166
show rmon log169
show rmon statistics170
Chapter 3: Port Management173
Switch Ports173
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference6
auto-negotiate all174
shutdown all176
speed all178
show interface advertise179
show interface ethernet180
show port183
deleteport (Interface Config)200
deleteport (Global Config)201
port lacpmode202
port lacpmode all203
port lacptimeout (Interface Config)203
port lacptimeout (Global Config)204
port-channel adminmode205
port-channel load-balance206
port-channel static208
show lacp actor208
show lacp partner211
show port-channel213
show port-channel brief214
show port-channel system priority215
Chapter 4: VLAN Management217
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference7
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only220
switchport general allowed vlan221
switchport general pvid222
switchport general ingress-filtering disable223
switchport trunk allowed vlan223
switchport mode224
switchport trunk native-vlan226
show interfaces switchport226
lldp med228
lldp med all228
lldp med confignotification229
lldp med confignotification all229
lldp med inventory-tlv asset-id230
lldp med location-tlv co-ordinate231
lldp med location-tlv civic-addr231
lldp med location-tlv elin-addr233
lldp med location-tlv type234
lldp med transmit-tlv235
lldp med transmit-tlv all236
show lldp med237
show lldp med location-tlv237
show lldp med local-device detail238
show lldp med remote-device240
show lldp med remote-device detail241
Media VLAN252
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference8
auto-voip oui243
auto-voip oui-based243
auto-voip oui-based all244
auto-voip oui-priority245
auto-voip oui-vlan246
auto-voip protocol-based247
auto-voip protocol-based all247
show auto-voip oui-based interface248
show auto-voip oui-table249
show auto-voip protocol-based interface250
show auto-voip sessions251
media-vlan (Global Config)252
media-vlan (Interface Config)253
show media-vlan255
Chapter 5: Spanning Tree Protocol257
spanning tree auto edge258
spanning-tree bpdufilter258
spanning-tree bpdufilter default259
spanning-tree bpdumigrationcheck260
spanning-tree bpdu flood260
spanning-tree bpdu flooding261
spanning-tree configuration name262
spanning-tree configuration revision263
spanning-tree edgeport264
spanning-tree forward-time265
spanning-tree max-age266
spanning-tree mode267
spanning-tree mst267
spanning-tree mst instance270
spanning-tree mst priority271
spanning-tree mst vlan272
spanning-tree port mode273
spanning-tree port mode all274
spanning-tree priority274
show spanning-tree275
show spanning-tree brief276
show spanning-tree interface277
show spanning-tree mst port detailed278
show spanning-tree mst port summary280
show spanning-tree mst summary282
show spanning-tree vlan283
Chapter 6: MAC Address Tables285
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference9
bridge address285
bridge aging-time286
clear mac-addr-table287
show mac-addr-table287
show mac-addr-table dynamic290
show mac-addr-table static291
Chapter 7: Multicast293
Multicast Forwarding and MAC Filtering293
macfilter adddest294
macfilter adddest all295
set multicast filter-unregistered296
set multicast forward-all297
set multicast forward-unregistered298
show mac-address-table multicast299
show mac-address-table staticfiltering300
show multicast filtering301
IGMP Snooping302
set igmp302
set igmp fast-leave303
set igmp groupmembership-interval304
set igmp maxresponse305
set igmp mcrtrexpiretime306
set igmp mrouter307
set igmp mrouter interface308
show igmpsnooping308
show igmpsnooping mrouter interface311
show igmpsnooping mrouter vlan311
show mac-address-table igmpsnooping312
MLD Snooping314
set mld314
set mld fast-leave315
set mld groupmembership-interval316
set mld maxresponse316
set mld mcrtrexpiretime317
set mld mrouter318
set mld mrouter interface319
show mac-address-table mldsnooping320
show mldsnooping321
show mldsnooping mrouter interface323
show mldsnooping mrouter vlan324
Chapter 8: Security326
show net connections326
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference10
radius server attribute nas-ip-addr327
radius server deadtime328
radius server host329
radius server key331
radius server msgauth332
radius server priority333
radius server retransmit334
radius server timeout335
show radius336
show radius servers337
show radius statistics340
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference13
Using the Command Line Interface
The command-line interface (CLI) provides a text-based way to manage and
monitor the system. You can access the CLI using a physical serial connection or a
remote logical connection with telnet.
This chapter describes the CLI syntax, conventions, and modes. It contains the
following sections:
•Command Syntax
•Command Conventions
•Interface Naming Convention
•Using the No Form of a Command
•Command Modes
•Command Completion and Abbreviation
•CLI Error Messages
•Command Organization in this Document
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference14
Using the Command Line Interface
Command Syntax
Command Syntax
A command is one or more words that might include one or more parameters.
Parameters might be required or optional values.
Some commands, such as
Other commands, such as
command. You must type the parameter values in a specific order. Optional
parameters follow required parameters. The following example describes the
network parms command syntax:
network parms ip-address netmask[gateway]
•network parms is the command name.
ip-address and netmask are mandatory parameters that you must replace with
the actual value.
gateway is an optional parameter that you can replace with text.
This reference lists each command by the command name and provides the
following information where applicable:
•Syntax Descriptions—describes each keyword and parameter.
•Defaults—describe any default values for the command parameters.
•Command Modes—identifies the CLI command modes in which you can
execute the command.
show network or clear vlan, do not require parameters.
network parms, require that you supply a value after the
•Examples—one or more examples of the command string, the output, and
descriptions of the output fields, if applicable.
•Related Commands—other commands you can use in conjunction with the
primary command.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference15
Using the Command Line Interface
Command Conventions
Command Conventions
In this document the command elements include command key words and
parameters. Key words are entered as shown in the command. Parameters are
shown in italics and represent variable text. You must replace the parameter name
with an appropriate value, which might be an alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric
value. Parameters are order-dependent.
Keywords and parameters could be mandatory or optional, and might be one of
several choices. The following table describes the conventions this document
uses to distinguish command elements.
No bracketsspanning-tree
[ ] square brackets[encrypted]
Mandatory parameter that is not in
italics. The command element is a
keyword. Enter it as shown.
When in italics, the command
element is a variable (placeholder
text). Enter your own text to replace
A parameter in italics is a variable
(placeholder text). Enter the
command, replacing the variable in
the command with a value. For
example, the
be replaced by
Optional parameter entered as
Optional variable that can be
replaced by a value.
Optional parameter with a range of
ip-address variable might
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference16
Using the Command Line Interface
Interface Naming Convention
{} curly braces{drop | forward}
{ip-address | hostname}
[{}] Braces within
square brackets
{source interface
interface [{rx | tx}]
Interface Naming Convention
Fast Ethernet switch ports are represented in the CLI as e1 for port 1, e2 for port 2,
e3 for port 3, and so forth.
A list of parameter choices, each
separated by a vertical bar, to be
entered as shown.
A list of parameter choices, each
separated by a vertical bar. The
chosen variable is replaced by the
appropriate value.
A required choice within an optional
element. In the example, if you chose
to enter
enter a value for the
parameter, and you can optionally
chose the
source interface, you must
rx or the tx parameter.
The gigabit Ethernet switch ports are represented as g1 and g2.
Link aggregation groups (LAGs) are configurable as logical interfaces and are
represented in the CLI as ch1, ch2, ch3, and so forth.
Using the No Form of a Command
The no keyword is a specific form of an existing configuration command and does
not represent a new or distinct command. Almost every configuration command
has a no form. In general, use the no form of the command to reverse the action of
a command or reset it to the default value. Example:
#no shutdown
Reverses the shutdown command to bring up the interface.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference17
Using the Command Line Interface
Using a Space in a Command
Using a Space in a Command
To include a space in a string, enclose the string in quotes, such as "string space".
#set contact "Thom Dobro"
Command Modes
Modes group commands according to the function of each command. The
commands in a particular mode are not available until you change to that mode.
The command prompt changes in each command mode to identify the current
mode. The following table describes the command modes and the prompts for
that mode.
NOTE In the following table, the word switch in the prompt represents the switch
hostname. By default, the hostname is switch<
You can use the set hostname command to configure a different hostname that will
display in the CLI prompt.
Command ModePromptDescription
Privileged EXECswitch#The show commands that
Global Configswitch (Config)# General setup commands and
display status and statistics,
some configuration commands,
and access to the Global
Config and VLAN Config
modifications to the running
Manage the interfaces.
Access List Configswitch(config-macal)#Switch management access list
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference18
configuration commands.
Using the Command Line Interface
Command Modes
Command ModePromptDescription
Line Console
Line SSH Configswitch (config-ssh)#SSH login and authentication
Line Telnet Configswitch (config-telnet)#Telnet login and authentication
The following table explains how to enter and exit each mode.
ModeTo EnterTo Exit
Privileged EXECUsers enter this mode
Global ConfigFrom the Privileged
switch (config-line)#Outbound telnet settings and
console interface settings,
including console login and
authentication information.
To log out of the CLI session, enter
when they log in.
EXEC mode, enter
configure or config.
To exit to the Privileged EXEC
mode, enter exit, or press Ctrl-Z.
VLAN ConfigFrom the Privileged
EXEC mode, enter
vlan database.
Interface ConfigFrom the Global
Config mode, enter
interface interface
Access List
Line ConsoleFrom the Global
Line SSHFrom the Global
From the Global
Config mode, enter
access-list listname
Config mode, enter
line console.
Config mode, enter
line ssh.
To exit to the Privileged EXEC
mode, enter exit or press Ctrl-Z.
To exit to the Global Config mode,
enter exit. To return to Privileged
EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z.
To exit to the Global Config mode,
enter exit. To return to Privileged
EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z.
To exit to the Global Config mode,
enter exit. To return to Privileged
EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z.
To exit to the Global Config mode,
enter exit. To return to Privileged
EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference19
Using the Command Line Interface
Command Completion and Abbreviation
ModeTo EnterTo Exit
Line telnetFrom the Global
Config mode, enter
line telnet.
Command Completion and Abbreviation
The command completion feature finishes spelling the keyword when you type
enough letters of a command to uniquely identify the command keyword. After
you have entered enough letters, press the spacebar or Tab key to complete the
The command abbreviation feature allows you to execute a command when you
have entered enough letters to uniquely identify the command. You must enter all
of the required keywords and parameters, however.
CLI Error Messages
To exit to the Global Config mode,
enter exit. To return to Privileged
EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z.
Using CLI Help
If you enter a command and the system is unable to execute it, an error message
appears. The most common CLI error messages are:
•% Invalid input detected at '^' marker—You entered an
incorrect or unavailable command. The carat (^) shows where the invalid
text is detected. This message also appears if any of the parameters or
values are not recognized.
•Command not found / Incomplete command. Use ? to list
commands—You did not enter the required keywords or values.
•Ambiguous command—You did not enter enough letters to uniquely
identify the command.
Enter a question mark (?) at the command prompt to display the commands
available in the current mode.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference20
Using the Command Line Interface
Command Organization in this Document
Command Organization in this Document
This document is divided into chapters, such as Administration and Port
Management chapters, based on general CLI functions. Chapters are divided into
sections, such as the Port Mirroring and Cable Diagnostics sections, where all
commands related to those features are listed. Commands that configure the
feature are listed first in each section, in alphabetical order, followed by
commands that display status and statistics information (show commands), in
alphabetical order.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference21
This chapter describes how to configure global system settings and perform
It contains the following topics:
•Control Packet Handling
•Auto Configuration
•Port Mirroring
•Cable Diagnostics
•Switch Management Access Control
•SNTP and Time Settings
•System Software and Configuration Management
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference22
Control Packet Handling
Control Packet Handling
You can use the commands described in this section to control how the switch
handles packets of the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Link Layer Discovery
Protocol (LLDP), or 802.1X protocol.
protocol cdp
Use this command to drop or forward Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) packets.
CDP enables directly connected devices to share information such as their IP
addresses, capabilities, and software versions. Although the switch does not use
CDP to share its own information, by default it forwards CDP packets on behalf of
connected devices within a VLAN.
protocol cdp {drop | forward}
Syntax Descriptions
dropThe switch drops all CDP packets.
forwardThe switch forwards all CDP packets.
CDP packets are forwarded.
Command Modes
Global Config
protocol {lldp | dot1x}
Use this command to drop, forward, or terminate Link Layer Discovery Protocol
(LLDP) or IEEE 802.1X Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPOL)
protocol cpdConfigures the switch to drop or forward CDP packets.
protocol {lldp |
Auto Configuration
The following commands configure the Auto Configuration file download feature.
When enabled, the switch automatically downloads a network configuration file if
no file is found in flash memory when the switch reboots. The switch uses
information obtained through DHCP to identify the TFTP server and file name to
use in the download.
boot autoinstall
Use this command to enable DHCP Auto Configuration on the switch. Use the no
form of the command to disable this feature.
Configures the switch to drop, forward, or terminate LLDP
or 802.1X packets.
boot autoinstall
no boot autoinstall
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference25
Auto Configuration
DHCP Auto Configuration is enabled.
Command Modes
Privileged Exec
Usage Guidelines
The Auto Configuration feature depends upon the proper configuration of other
devices in the network, including a DHCP or BOOTP server, a TFTP server, and, if
necessary, a DNS server.
Related Commands
boot autoinstall
show autoinstallDisplays Auto Configuration status information.
boot autoinstall
boot autoinstall
Enables the switch to look for and download a default
network configuration file upon startup when no hostspecific configuration file is found.
Configures the address of a backup TFTP server to be
used when the Auto Configuration process cannot locate
the primary server or network configuration file name
provided by the DHCP server at startup.
Configures a backup configuration file name to be used
when the Auto Configuration process cannot locate the
primary server or network configuration file name
provided by the DHCP server at startup.
boot autoinstall backup-bootfile
Use this command to configure a backup configuration file name to be used when
the Auto Configuration process cannot locate the primary server or configuration
file name provided by a DHCP server at startup.
boot autoinstall backup-bootfile filename
no boot autoinstall backup-bootfile
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference26
Auto Configuration
Syntax Descriptions
filenameThe name of the network configuration file on the backup
TFTP server.
No backup file name is configured.
Command Modes
Privileged Exec
Related Commands
boot autoinstallEnables or disables the Auto Configuration feature.
boot autoinstall
show autoinstallDisplays Auto Configuration status information.
Configures the address of a backup TFTP server to be
used when the Auto Configuration process cannot locate
the server or network configuration file name provided by
the DHCP server at startup.
boot autoinstall backup-tftp
Use this command to configure the address of a backup TFTP server to be used
when the Auto Configuration process cannot locate the primary server or
configuration file name provided by the DHCP server at startup. Use the no form of
this command to delete the backup server address.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference27
Auto Configuration
Syntax Descriptions
server ipThe IP address of a TFTP server.
hostnameThe hostname of the backup TFTP server. The switch must
be configured to use a DNS server if a hostname is
No backup TFTP server address is configured.
Command Modes
Privileged Exec
Related Commands
boot autoinstallEnables and disables the Auto Configuration feature.
boot autoinstall
show autoinstallDisplays Auto Configuration status information.
Configures a backup configuration file name to be used
when the Auto Configuration process cannot locate the
server or network configuration file name provided by the
DHCP server at startup.
boot autoinstall default-config
Use this command to enable the switch to attempt to download a default network
configuration file when no host-specific configuration file is found during bootup.
Use the no form of this command to disable it.
boot autoinstall default-config
no boot autoinstall default-config
This feature is enabled.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference28
Auto Configuration
Command Modes
Privileged Exec
Usage Guidelines
The Auto Configuration feature must be enabled on the switch for this feature to be
operational. See the boot autoinstall command.
Related Commands
boot autoinstallEnables and disables the Auto Configuration feature.
show autoinstallDisplays Auto Configuration status information.
show autoinstall
Use this command to display the status of the Auto Configuration feature.
show autoinstall
Command Modes
Privileged Exec
The following shows sample output for the command:
(Switch) #show autoinstall
AutoInstall Mode............................... Started
AutoInstall Backup TFTP Server Address......... Not configured
AutoInstall Backup Boot Filename............... Not configured
AutoInstall State.............................. Waiting for boot options
Related Commands
boot autoinstallEnables and disables the autoinstall feature.
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference29
boot autoinstall
boot autoinstall
boot autoinstall
Bonjour enables the switch and its services to be discovered by using multicast
DNS (mDNS). Bonjour advertises switch services to the network and answers
queries for service types it supports, simplifying network configuration in small
business environments.
Enables the switch to look for and download a default
network configuration file upon startup when no hostspecific configuration file is found.
Configures the address of a backup TFTP server to be
used when the Auto Configuration process cannot locate
the server or network configuration file name provided by
the DHCP server at startup.
Configures a backup configuration file name to be used
when the Auto Configuration process cannot locate the
server or network configuration file name provided by the
DHCP server at startup.
bonjour run
Use this command to enable Bonjour on the switch. Use the no form of the
command to disable it.
bonjour run
no bonjour run
Bonjour is enabled.
Command Modes
Global Config
Cisco Small Business 200E Series Advanced Smart Switch Command Reference30
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