and Cisco 7500 Series with VIP2, Cisco uBR7200 Series,
Cisco 7100 Series
Note If you ordered this port adapter as a spare, for your convenience Cisco has included a port
adapter installation and configuration note for the Catalyst 5000 series Route Switch
Module/Versatile Interface Processor 2 (RSM/VIP2). Your port adapter is fully compatible with the
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PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
This chapterdescribes the PA-4T+ port adapterand describes its LEDs, cables,and receptacles. This
chapter contains the following sections:
• Port Adapter Overview, page 1-1
• Synchronous Serial Overview, page 1-3
• Serial Interface Specifications, page 1-4
• Cables and Pinouts, page 1-5
• LEDs, page 1-15
Port Adapter Overview
The PA-4T+ provides the following electrical interfaces: EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449, EIA-530.
X.21, and V.35.Each interface complies with itsspecificinterface specifications. The cable attached
to each PA-4T+ port adapter’s interface ports determines its type (EIA/TIA-232, and so forth) and
its mode (data communications equipment [DCE] or data terminal equipment [DTE]).
Note The PA-4T+ provides enhanced performance over the PA-4T. To determine if a PA-4T+ or
PA-4T is installed in your router, view the port adapters’ faceplate labels (refer to Figure 1-1 and
Figure 1-2, respectively) or use the show diag command to view installed interface types.
Figure 1-1PA-4T+ —Faceplate View
Overview 1-1
Port Adapter Overview
Figure 1-2PA-4T Port Adapter—Faceplate View
The following example of the show diag slot command shows a PA-4T+ in port adapter slot 0
(PA Bay 0) and a PA-4T in port adapter slot 1 (PA Bay 1) on a VIP2 that is in interface processor
slot 3 in a Cisco 7500 series router.
Note In the following examples, the PA-4T+ is displayed as Mx serial.
Router# show diag 3
Slot 3:
Physical slot 3, ~physical slot 0x6, logical slot 3, CBus 0
Microcode Status 0xC
Master Enable, LED, WCS Loaded
Board is analyzed
Pending I/O Status: Console I/O
EEPROM format version 1
VIP2 controller, HW rev 2.2, board revision UNKNOWN
Serial number: 03517093 Part number: 73-1684-03
Test history: 0x00 RMA number: 00-00-00
Flags: cisco 7000 board; 7500 compatible
PA Bay 0 Information:
Mx serial PA, 4 ports
EEPROM format version 1
HW rev 1.0, Board revision 154
Serial number: 03699540 Part number: 73-1577-03
PA Bay 1 Information:
Fast-Serial PA, 4 ports
EEPROM format version 1
HW rev 1.0, Board revision 4
Serial number: 02827523 Part number: 73-3417-04
PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration1-2
Synchronous Serial Overview
The following example of the show diag slot command shows a PA-4T+ in port adapter slot 1 in a
Cisco 7200 series or a cisco uBR7200 series router:
Router# show diag 1
Slot 1:
Mx serial port adapter, 4 ports
Port adapter is analyzed
Port adapter insertion time 02:19:52 ago
Hardware revision 1.0 Board revision UNKNOWN
Serial number 3701161 Part number 73-1577-03
Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00
EEPROM format version 1
EEPROM contents (hex):
0x20: 01 0C 01 00 00 38 79 A9 49 06 29 03 00 00 00 00
0x30: 05 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
The following example of the show diag slot command shows a PA-4T in port adapter slot 1 in a
Cisco 7100 series router:
Router# show diag 1
Slot 3:
Serial port adapter, 4 ports
Port adapter is analyzed
Port adapter insertion time 02:19:52 ago
EEPROM contents at hardware discovery:
Hardware revision 1.0 Board revision A0
Serial number 37296561 Part number 73-1556-04
Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00
EEPROM format version 1
EEPROM contents (hex):
0x20: 01 11 01 00 00 A4 19 EC 49 06 98 04 00 00 00 00
0x30: 50 00 00 00 98 10 21 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
Synchronous Serial Overview
The PA-4T+ provides four channel-independent, synchronous serial ports that support full-duplex
operation at T1 (1.544-Mbps) and E1 (2.048-Mbps) speeds. Each port supports any of the available
interface types: Electronics Industries Association/Telecommunications Industries Association
(EIA/TIA)-232, EIA/TIA-449, V.35, X.21, and EIA-530.
EIA/TIA-232, which is by far the most common interface standard in the U.S.,supportsunbalanced
circuits at signal speeds up to 64 kbps. EIA/TIA-449, which supports balanced (EIA/TIA-422) and
unbalanced (EIA/TIA-423) transmissions, is a faster (up to 2 Mbps) version of EIA/TIA-232 that
provides more functions and supports transmissions over greater distances. The EIA/TIA-449
standard was intended to replace EIA/TIA-232, but it was not widely adopted.
Note The EIA/TIA standards were referred to as recommended standards called RS-232 and
RS-449 prior to their acceptance by the ANSI committee.
The resistance to convert to EIA/TIA-449 was due primarily to the large installed base of DB-25
hardware and to the larger size of the 37-pin EIA/TIA-449 connectors, which limited the number of
connections possible (fewer than is possible with the smaller, 25-pin EIA/TIA-232 connector).
EIA-530, which supports balanced transmission, provides the increased functionality, speed, and
distance of EIA/TIA-449 on the smaller, DB-25 connector used for EIA/TIA-232. The EIA-530
standard was created to support the more sophisticated circuitry of EIA/TIA-449 on the large
number ofexisting EIA/TIA-232 (DB-25) hardwareinstead of the larger,37-pin connectors usedfor
Overview 1-3
Serial Interface Specifications
EIA/TIA-449. Like EIA/TIA-449, EIA-530 refers to the electrical specifications of EIA/TIA-422
and EIA/TIA-423. The specification recommends a maximum speed of 2 Mbps. EIA-530 is used
primarily in the United States.
The V.35 interface is most commonly used in the United States and throughout Europe, and is
recommended for speeds up to 48 kbps. The X.21 interface uses a 15-pin connection for balanced
circuits and is commonly used in the United Kingdom to connect public data networks. X.21
relocates some of the logic functions to the data terminal equipment (DTE) and data
communications equipment (DCE) interfaces and, as a result, requires fewer circuits and a smaller
connector than EIA/TIA-232.
All interface types except EIA-530 can be individuallyconfiguredforoperation with either external
(DTE mode) or internal (DCEmode)timingsignals;EIA-530 operates with external timing only.In
addition, all VIP2 serial interface types support nonreturn to zero (NRZ) and nonreturn to zero
inverted (NRZI) format, and both 16-bit and 32-bit cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs). The default
configuration is for NRZ format and 16-bit CRC. You can change the default settings with software
commands. (For more information, see the Chapter 8, “Configuring the PA-4T+ Interfaces.”)
There is no default mode or clock rate set on the VIP2 serial ports, although an internal clock signal
is presentonall ports for DCE support. Theinternalclock also allows you toperformlocal loopback
tests without having to terminate the port or connect a cable. (All interface types except X.21 DTE
support loopback.)Touse the port asa DCE interface,youmust set theclockrate and connectaDCE
adapter cable. Touse the port as a DTE interface, you need only connect a DTE adapter cable to the
port. Because the serial adapter cables determine the mode and interface type, the PA-4T+interface
becomes a DTE when a DTE cable is connected to it.
If a DTE cable is connected to a port with a clock rate set, the DTE ignores the clock rate and uses
the external clock signal that is sent from the remote DCE. For a brief description of the clockrate
command,seeChapter 8,“Configuring the PA-4T+Interfaces.”For completecommanddescriptions
and instructions, see the publications listed in the section “Related Documentation” section on
page vi.
Serial Interface Specifications
The PA-4T+ provides up to four synchronous serial interfaces. Each interface allows a maximum
bandwidth of 2.048 Mbps; the speed depends on the type of electrical interface used. Use
EIA/TIA-232 for speeds of 64 kilobits per second (kbps) and below, and use X.21, EIA/TIA-449,
V.35, or EIA-530 for higher speeds.
Serial signals can travel a limited distance at any given bit rate; generally, the slower the baud rate,
the greater the distance. All serial signals are subject to distance limits beyond which a signal
degrades significantly or is completely lost.
Table 1-1 lists the recommended (standard) maximum speeds and distances for each PA-4T+ serial
interface type. The recommended maximum rate for V.35 is 2.048 Mbps.
PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration1-4
Table 1-1Standards for Transmission Speed Versus Distance
Balanced drivers allow EIA/TIA-449 signals to travel greater distances than EIA/TIA-232. The
recommended distancelimitsfor EIA/TIA-449 showninTable 1-1 are alsovalid for V.35,X.21,and
EIA-530. EIA/TIA-449 and EIA-530 support 2.048-Mbps rates, and V.35 supports 2.048-Mbps
rates without any problems; we do not recommend exceeding published specifications for
transmission speed versus distance. Do so at your own risk.
Cables and Pinouts
The following sections describe the serial receptacles on the PA-4T+, and the cables and pinouts for
the various serial interface cables.
EIA/TIA-449, X.21, V.35, EIA-530
PA-4T+ Receptacles and Cables
The PA-4T+and adapter cables allow a high density of interface ports, regardless of the size of the
connectorstypicallyused witheachelectrical interfacetype.All portsusean identical60-pinD-shell
receptacle that supports all interface types: EIA/TIA-232, V.35, EIA/TIA-449, X.21, and EIA-530.
Each port requires a serial adapter cable, which provides the interface between the high-density
serial port and the standard connectors that are commonly used for each electrical interface type.
Note The adaptercable determines the electricalinterface type and modeof the port (DTEor DCE)
to which it is connected.
The network end of the cable is an industry-standard connector for the type of electrical interface
that the cable supports. For most interface types, the adapter cable for DTE mode uses a plug at the
network end, and the cable for DCE mode uses a receptacle at the network end. Exceptions are V.35
adapter cables, which are available with either a V.35 plug or a receptacle for either mode, and the
EIA-530 adapter cable, which is availableonly in DTE mode with a DB-25 plug at the network end.
The mode is labeled on the molded plastic connector shell at the ends of all cables except V.35
(which uses the standard Winchester block-type connector instead of a molded plastic D shell).
Following are the available interface cable options (and product numbers) for the mode and
network-end connectors for each cable:
• EIA/TIA-232: DTE mode with a DB-25 plug (CAB-232MT=); DCE mode with a DB-25
receptacle (CAB-232FC=).
Overview 1-5
Cables and Pinouts
• EIA/TIA-449: DTE mode witha37-pinD-shell plug (CAB-449MT=); DCE mode with a 37-pin
D-shell receptacle (CAB-449C=).
• V.35: DTE mode or DCE mode with a 34-pin Winchester-type V.35 plug (CAB-V35MT= or
CAB-V35MC=); DTE mode or DCE mode with a 34-pin Winchester-type V.35 receptacle
(CAB-V35FT=orCAB-V35FC=). Alsoavailable isa cable witha male DB-60plug on therouter
end and a male DB-34 shielded plug on the network end (CAB-V35MTS=).
• X.21: DTE mode with a DB-15 plug (CAB-X21MT=); DCE mode with a DB-25 receptacle
• EIA-530: DTE mode with a DB-25 plug (CAB-530MT=).
Note For cable pinouts, see the “PA-4T+ Port Adapter Cable Pinouts” section on page 1-9.
Figure 1-3 showstheserial port adapter cablesfor connection from the PA-4T+ port adapters toyour
Figure 1-3Serial Port Adapter Cables
(PA-4T+ port adapter)
Router connections
Metric (M3) thumbscrews are included with each portadaptercabletoallowconnections to devices
that use metric hardware. Because the PA-4T+ uses a special, high-density port that requires special
adapter cables for each electrical interface type, we recommend that you obtain serial interface
cables from the factory.
PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration1-6
Network connections at the modem or CSU/DSU
EIA/TIA-232 Connections
The router end of all EIA/TIA-232 adapter cables is a high-density 60-pin plug. The network end of
the adapter cable is a standard 25-pin D-shell connector (known as a DB-25) that is commonly used
for EIA/TIA-232 connections. Figure 1-4 shows the connectors at the network end of the adapter
Note The system console and auxiliary ports on the Route Switch Processor (RSP) in the
Cisco 7500 series also use EIA/TIA-232 connections; however, the PA-4T+ interfaces support
synchronous serial connections, and the console and auxiliary ports only support asynchronous
connections. Use caution when connecting EIA/TIA-232 cables to the PA-4T+ receptacles.
Note Do not use the Cisco Systems-provided EIA/TIA-232 adapter cable CAB-232MT= to
connect a PA-4T+ interface that is configured for DTE mode directly to an NEC - NEXTSTAR 1E
model C4969 MD/SACunitinterfacethat is configured for DCE mode. Doing so will keep transmit
and receive data signals from being properly exchanged between the two interfaces.
Instead, you must connect an additional, intermediate adapter cable—with standard EIA/TIA-232
DB-25 connectors at both ends—from the network end of CAB-232MT= to the standard
EIA/TIA-232 DB-25 connector (the DCE interface) on the NEC - NEXTSTAR 1E model C4969
MD/SAC unit. Cisco Systems does not provide this additional cable; however, its signals and pin
assignments are listed in Table 1-3.
PA-4T+ Receptacles and Cables
Note You can use the Cisco Systems-provided EIA/TIA-232 adapter cable CAB-232FC= to
connect a PA-4T+ interface that is configured for DCE mode directly to an NEC - NEXTSTAR 1E
model C4969 MD/SAC unit interface that is configured for DTE mode.
Figure 1-4EIA/TIA-232 Adapter Cable Connectors
Overview 1-7
Cables and Pinouts
EIA/TIA-449 Connections
The router end of all EIA/TIA-449 adapter cables is a high-density 60-pin plug. The network end of
the adapter cable provides a standard 37-pin D-shell connector, which is commonly used for
EIA/TIA-449 connections. Figure 1-5 shows the connectors atthenetworkend of the adapter cable.
EIA/TIA-449 cables are available as either DTE (DB-37 plug) or DCE (DB-37 receptacle).
Figure 1-5EIA/TIA-449 Adapter Cable Connectors
V.35 Connections
The router end of all V.35 adapter cables is a high-density 60-pin plug. The network end of the
adapter cable provides a standard 34-pin Winchester-type connector commonly used for V.35
connections. Figure 1-6 shows the connectors at the network end of the V.35 adapter cable. V.35
cables are available with a standard V.35 plug for DTE mode (CAB-V35MT=) or a V.35receptacle
for DCE mode (CAB-V35FC=).
Figure 1-6V.35 Adapter Cable Connectors
Note Also available, but not shown in Figure 1-6, are CAB-V35MC=, a V.35 cable with a plug on
the network end for DCE mode, and CAB-V35FT=, a V.35 cable with a receptacle on the network
end for DTE mode. These cables are used for connecting V.35-equipped systems back to back.
PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration1-8
X.21 Connections
PA-4T+ Port Adapter Cable Pinouts
The router end of all X.21 adapter cables is a high-density 60-pin plug. The network end of the
adapter cable is a standard DB-15 connector. Figure 1-7 shows the connectors at the network end of
the X.21 adapter cable. X.21 cables are available as either DTE (DB-15 plug) or DCE (DB-15
Figure 1-7X.21 Adapter Cable Connectors
EIA-530 Connections
The EIA-530 adapter cable is available in DTE mode only. The router end of the EIA-530 adapter
cable is a high-density 60-pin plug. The network end of the adapter cable is a standard DB-25 plug
commonly used for EIA/TIA-232 connections. Figure 1-8 shows the DB-25 connector at the
network end of the adapter cable.
Figure 1-8EIA-530 Adapter Cable Connector
PA-4T+ Port Adapter Cable Pinouts
The PA-4T+ supports EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449, X.21, V.35, and EIA-530 serial interfaces. All
PA-4T+ ports use a a 60-pin receptacle that supports all available interface types. A special serial
adapter cable determinestheelectrical interface type and mode oftheinterface. The router end of all
of theadapter cables hasa60-pin plug; theconnectors at the networkend are thestandard connectors
used for the respective interfaces. All interface types except EIA-530 are available in DTE or DCE
format: DTE with a plug at the network end and DCE with a receptacle at the network end. V.35 is
available in either mode with either gender at the network end. EIA-530 is available in DTE only.
The tables that follow list the signal pinouts for both the DTE and DCE mode serial port adapter
cables, for each of the following PA-4T+ interface types:
The PA-4T+ contains the enabled LED, standard on all port adapters, and one status LED for each
port. After system initialization, the enabled LED goes on to indicate that the PA-4T+ has been
enabled for operation. (The LEDs are shown in Figure 1-9.)
Figure 1-9LEDs on the PA-4T+—Horizontal Orientation
The following conditions must be met before the PA-4T+ is enabled:
• The port adapter is correctly connected to the backplane midplane and receiving power.
• A valid system software image for the port adapter has been downloaded successfully.
• The system software recognizes the port adapter or VIP2 with an installed PA-4T+.
Overview 1-15
If any of the above conditions are not met, or if the initialization fails for other reasons, the enabled
LED will not go on. Table 1-8 lists port LED status indications.
Table 1-8PA-4T+ Port LEDs
LED Label ColorStateFunction
ENGreenOnIndicates ports are ready.
TDGreenOnDTE—Transmit data out.
DCE—Transmit data in.
TCGreenOnDTE—Transmit clock in.
DCE—Transmit clock in (TXCE).
RDGreenOnDTE—Receive data in.
DCE—Receive data out.
RCGreenOnDTE—Receive clock in.
DCE—Receive clock out.
LB/CDGreenOnIndicates DTR, DSR, RTS, CTS, or DCD is active.
GreenFlashingIndicates RTS, CTS, or DCD is sending and receiving
data in half-duplex mode.
YellowOnIndicates local loop or internal loop active.
PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration1-16
This preface describes the objectives and organization of this document and explains how to find
additional information on the PA-4T+ port adapter and other Cisco products and services. This
preface contains the following sections:
• Objectives, page v
• Document Organization, page vi
• Related Documentation, page vi
• Cisco Connection Online, page vii
• Documentation CD-ROM, page viii
This document describes how to install and configure the PA-4T+ synchronous serial port adapter
(PA-4T+[=]), which is used in the following platforms:
• Second-generation Versatile Interface Processor (VIP2) in Cisco 7500 series routers and
Cisco 7000 series routers with the Cisco 7000 Series Route Switch Processor (RSP7000) and
Cisco 7000 Series Chassis Interface (RSP7000CI)
• Cisco 7200 series routers—which consist of the two-slot Cisco 7202, the four-slot Cisco 7204
and Cisco 7204VXR, and the six-slot Cisco 7206 and Cisco 7206VXR
• Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband routers—which consist of the six-slot Cisco
uBR7246 and the three-slot Cisco uBR7223
• Cisco 7100 series routers—which consist of the Cisco 7120 series and Cisco 7140 series
Preface v
Document Organization
Document Organization
This document is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1OverviewDescribes the PA-4T+ port adapter, illustrates their
Chapter 2Preparing for InstallationDescribes safety considerations, tools required, and
Chapter 3VIP2 and the
PA-4T+ Port Adapter
Chapter 4Cisco 7200 Series and the
PA-4T+ Port Adapter
Chapter 5Cisco uBR7200 Series and the
PA-4T+ Port Adapter
Chapter 6Cisco 7100 Series and the
PA-4T+ Port Adapter
Chapter 7Installing the PA-4T+ Interface
Chapter 8Configuring the PA-4T+
location in the supported hardware platforms, and
describes its LED displays, cables, and receptacles.
procedures you should perform before the actual
Provides instructions for installing the PA-4T+ port
adapter on a VIP2 interface processor installed in a
Cisco 7500 or Cisco 7000 series router.
Provides instructions for installing the PA-4T+ port
adapter in a Cisco 7200 series router.
Provides instructions for installing the PA-4T+ port
adapter in a Cisco uBR7200 series universal
broadband router.
Provides instructions for installing the PA-4T+ port
adapter in Cisco 7100 series routers.
Provides instructions for installing port adapter
cables on the supported platforms.
Provides instructions for configuring your port
adapter on the supported platforms. The instructions
givenin this chapter applyto all supported platforms
described in this document.
Related Documentation
Your router and the Cisco IOS software running on it contain extensive features and functionality,
which are documented in the following resources:
• For Cisco IOS software configuration information and support, refer to the modular
configuration and modular command reference publications in the Cisco IOS software
configuration documentation set that corresponds to the software release installed on your
Cisco hardware.
Note You can access Cisco IOS software configuration and hardware installation and
maintenance documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or
• For hardwareinstallationandmaintenanceinformation on the Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7500
series routers, and the VIP2, refer to the following publications:
— The installation and configuration guide that shipped with your Cisco 7000 series or
Cisco 7500 series router
— Second-GenerationVersatile Interface Processor(VIP2) Installation and Configuration(for
VIP2 users only)
PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configurationvi
Cisco Connection Online
• For hardware installation and maintenance information on the Cisco 7100 series routers, refer to
the Cisco 7100 Series VPN Router Configuration Guide publication that shipped with your
Cisco 7100 series router
• For information on setting up a Virtual Private Network, see the Cisco 7100 Series VPN
Configuration Guide.
• For hardware installation and maintenance information on the Cisco 7200 series routers, refer to
the Cisco 7200 Series Installation and Configuration Guide that shipped with your
Cisco 7200 series router.
• For hardware installation and maintenance information on the Cisco 7200 VXR routers, refer to
the Cisco 7200 VXR Installation and Configuration Guide publication that shipped with your
Cisco 7200 VXR router.
• Forhardwareinstallation and maintenance informationonthe Cisco uBR7200 series,referto the
Cisco uBR72xx Series Universal Broadband Router Installation and Configuration Guide that
shipped with your Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband router.
• For international agency compliance, safety, and statutory information for WAN interfaces for
the Cisco 7500 series, Cisco 7000 series, Cisco 7200 series, Cisco uBR7200 series universal
broadband routers, and the Cisco 7100 series routers, refer to the following publications:
— Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco 7500 Series Routers.
— Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco 7000 Series Routers.
— Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco 7200 Series Routers.
— Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco uBR72xx Series Universal
Broadband Router
— Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco 7100 Series VPN Routers
• To view Cisco documentation or obtain general information about the documentation, see the
“Documentation CD-ROM” section on page vi, the next section “Cisco Connection Online”, or
call customer service at 800 553-6387or408 526-7208. Customer service hours are5:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday (excluding Cisco-observed holidays). You can
also send e-mail to
Cisco Connection Online
CiscoConnectionOnline (CCO) isCisco Systems’ primary, real-time supportchannel. Maintenance
customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added
services to Cisco’s customers and business partners. CCO services include product information,
product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator,
configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings,anddownload access to public and
authorized files.
CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced
simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the WorldWide
Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet
e-mail,andit is excellentfor quick accesstoinformation overlower bandwidths. TheWWW version
of CCOprovidesrichly formatted documentswithphotographs, figures, graphics, andvideo,as well
as hyperlinks to related information.
Preface vii
Documentation CD-ROM
You can access CCO in the following ways:
Modem: From North America, 408 526-8070; from Europe, 33 1 64 46 40 82. Use the following
terminal settings: VT100 emulation; databits: 8; parity: none; stop bits: 1; and connection rates up
to 28.8 kbps.
For a copy of CCO’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact For
additional information, contact
If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco product that
isunderwarranty or coveredby amaintenancecontract, contactCisco’s Technical AssistanceCenter
(TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or To obtain general information about
Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526-7208, or
Documentation CD-ROM
Ciscodocumentationand additional literatureareavailableina CD-ROMpackage, which shipswith
your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated
monthly.Therefore, it might bemore current than printed documentation. To orderadditionalcopies
of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service.
The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also
access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or
If you are reading Cisco product documentationontheWorld Wide Web, you can submit comments
electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the
form, click Submit to send it to Cisco. We appreciate your comments.
PA-4T+ Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configurationviii
Preparing for Installation
This chapterdescribes the general equipment,safety, andsite preparation requirements forinstalling
the PA-4T+ port adapter.
• Tools and Parts Required, page 2-1
• Software and Hardware Requirements, page 2-2
• Safety Guidelines, page 2-3
• FCC Class B Compliance, page 2-5
Tools and Parts Required
You need the following tools and parts to install a port adapter. If you need additional equipment,
contact a service representative for ordering information.
• PA-4T+(=) port adapter and one of the following:
— VIP2-15(=) if you are installing only one PA-4T+; otherwise, we recommend a VIP2-40(=)
or VIP2-50(=)
— Cisco 7200 series router with at least one available port adapter slot
— Cisco uBR7200 series router with at least one available port adapter slot
— Cisco 7100 series router with at least one available port adapter slot
• Serial cables appropriate for the desired port adapter interface types and the desired modes. (See
the “LEDs” section on page 1-15.)
• Number 1 Phillips and a 3/16-inch, flat-blade screwdriver.
• Your ownelectrostatic discharge (ESD)-prevention equipmentorthe disposable grounding wrist
strap included with all upgrade kits, field-replaceable units (FRUs), and spares.
Preparing for Installation 2-1
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