Cisco OL-21851-01 User Manual

Note This chapter does not apply to systems that use a Touch 12 device for call control or that use software


Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
release 6.0.0 or later. Midlets are only used for systems that use a Cisco Unified IP Phone for call control.
This chapter describes how to configure and manage the Cisco Unified IP Phone and the Enhanced Phone User Interface that uses Java MIDlets on the Cisco Unified IP phone.
This chapter contains the following information:
Important Notes, page 5-1
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone, page 5-2
Creating MIDlets IP Phone Service in Unified CM, page 5-19
Configuring MIDlets, page 5-18
MIDlets Troubleshooting Tips, page 5-21
Assigning a Directory Number for the Shared-Line Cisco Unified IP Phone, page 5-22
Verifying and Troubleshooting IP Phone Configuration, page 5-24

Important Notes

See the following advisories and important notes that may affect system behavior:
MIDlets Software Releases, page 5-1
Adding a New Phone with MIDlets Capability, page 5-2
MIDlets Software Releases
The supported MIDlets version is embedded in the software files that are available on the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Support page at the following URL:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone

Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone

Adding a New Phone with MIDlets Capability
If you are using Unified CM release 8.0 and wish to enable MIDlets features on new phone installations, you must first enable Web Access. Web Access is not enabled by default; it must be enabled manually in the Web Access field of the Product Specific Configuration Layout window.
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Use the information in this section to perform the following tasks:
Adding a New Phone, page 5-2
Managing Cisco Unified IP Phones, page 5-3
Note The Cisco Unified IP Phone is connected to the Cisco TelePresence device with an Ethernet cable. See
the cabling chapters in the Cisco TelePresence Assembly guides for more detailed cabling instructions. Go to the Cisco Support Pages to find installation documentation for your Cisco TelePresence System: Support > Cisco TelePresence > Cisco TelePresence System

Adding a New Phone

To add a new phone:
Step 1 Log in to the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.
Step 2 From the Device drop-down menu, choose Phone. The Find and List Phones Page appears.
Step 3 Choose the type of Cisco Unified IP Phone you have (Cisco 7970, Cisco 7971, or Cisco 7975) from the
Phone Type drop-down menu.
Step 4 Click Next. The Phone Configuration window appears.
Step 5 Choose SIP from the Select the Device Protocol drop-down menu.
Step 6 Click Next. The Phone Configuration window is updated with the following configuration fields:
Device Information
Protocol Specific Information
Certification Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Information
Expansion Module Information
External Data Locations Information
Extension Information
MLPP Information
Do Not Disturb
Secure Shell Information
Product Specific Configuration Layout
Step 7 Proceed to “Managing Cisco Unified IP Phones” section on page 5-3 to configure the fields found in the
Phone Configuration window.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone

Managing Cisco Unified IP Phones

Before You Begin
Before starting the following procedure, note the MAC address of the Cisco TelePresence phone device. See the Before You Begin section for information about determining the MAC address.
Note You must restart your system after you have completed the configuration tasks in this section.
Use the tasks in this section to configure the Cisco Unified IP Phone for MIDlets. When you are finished configuring your settings, click Save and follow the prompts to restart the system.
To configure the Cisco Unified IP phone:
Step 1 Log in to the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.
Step 2 From the Device drop-down menu, choose Phone. The Find and List Phones Page appears.
Step 3 Search for a phone using the fields provided or choose a phone from the drop-down menu.
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Tip Search for a device type that contains “7970” or “7975.”
Step 4 Click Find. A list of devices appears.
Step 5 Click on a device in the Device Name (Line) column. The Phone Configuration page for that device
Step 6 In the Phone Type box, verify the following requirements:
Phone Type—Cisco 7970, Cisco 7971, or Cisco 7975
Device Protocol—SIP
Step 7 Enter information in the following sections found on the Phone Configuration page to configure the
Cisco IP Phone 7970 Series:
Device Information, page 5-3
Protocol Specific Information, page 5-7
Certification Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Information, page 5-7
Expansion Module Information, page 5-8
External Data Locations Information, page 5-8
Extension Information, page 5-9
MLPP Information, page 5-10
Do Not Disturb, page 5-10
Secure Shell Information, page 5-10

Device Information

Enter the settings to configure the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series using the information in
Table 5 - 1 as a guide.
Product Specific Configuration Layout, page 5-10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Note Assign the same directory number that is assigned to the Cisco TelePresence device to the
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series.
Note The “Required” column in the table reflects fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) in the administration
interface, which are required entries for basic configuration.
Table 5-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series Device Information
Field Required? Setting
Registration Read-only. Indicates whether the system is
IP Address Cisco Unified IP Phone IP address. Click on the IP
Active Load ID View-only field showing the status of the active
Device is active A green check mark indicates that the device is
Device is trusted A green check mark indicates that the device is
MAC Address Yes MAC address for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7975.
Description Short description of the device.
Device Pool Yes Your device pools. Leave field as Default.
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager and lists the registered Unified CM address.
address to log into the phone in a new Device Information window.
Note Available on the Cisco Unified IP Phone but
not available on the CTS.
Click View Details to open the Device Details window, which includes the following system setting information:
Device Pool Settings
Roaming Sensitive Settings
Device Mobility Related Information
Incoming Calling Party Settings
Common Device Configuration Your configured devices. Leave field as <None>.
Click Details or View to see the following information in a new window:
Common Device Configuration Information
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Table 5-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series Device Information (continued)
Field Required? Setting
Phone Button Template Yes Standard_7975 SIP.
Softkey Template <None>
Common Phone Profile Yes Standard Common Phone Profile.
Calling Search Space <None>
AAR Calling Search Space <None>
Media Resource Group List <None>
User Hold MOH Audio Source <None>
Network Hold MOH Audio Source <None>
Location Yes Hub_None.
AAR Group <None>
User Locale <None>
Network Locale <None>
Built In Bridge Yes Default.
Privacy Yes Default.
Device Mobility Mode Yes Default.
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Note Unless you have created extra button
templates, you will see the default button template for your device.
Note This field supports user locales in the
United States.
Note This field supports user locales in the
United States.
Note Click Current Device Mobility Settings or
View to see Device Mobility Details for the current device in a new window:
Owner User ID Saved User IDs. Leave field as <None>.
Phone Personalization Yes Default.
Services Provisioning Yes Default.
Phone Load Name Leave default setting.
Single Button Barge Default.
Join Across Lines Default.
Use Trusted Relay Point Yes Default.
BLF Audible Alert Setting (Phone
Yes Default.
BLF Audible Alert Setting (Phone
Yes Default.
Always Use Prime Line Yes Default.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Table 5-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series Device Information (continued)
Field Required? Setting
Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message
Calling Party Transformation CSS <None>
Geolocation <None>
Use Device Pool Calling Party Transformation CSS
Ignore Presentation Indicators Box is unchecked.
Retry Video Call as Audio Box is checked.
Allow Control of Device from CTI Box is checked.
Logged Into Hunt Group Box is checked.
Remote Device Box is unchecked
Protected Device A new Softkey template without supplementary
Hot Line Device A custom Softkey template without supplementary
Note When you are finished making changes, click Save to save your settings.
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Yes Default.
Box is checked.
service Softkeys must be used for a protected phone.
service Softkeys must be used for a Hot line Device.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone

Protocol Specific Information

Link the Cisco TelePresence device to Cisco Unified Communications Manager phone profiles for the presence group and security-related SIP phone settings using the information in Table 5 - 2 as a guide.
Note The “Required” column in the table reflects fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) in the administration
interface, which are required entries for basic configuration.
Table 5-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series Protocol-Specific Information
Field Required? Setting
Packet Capture Mode Yes <None>
Packet Capture Duration 0
Presence Group Yes Standard Presence group.
SIP Dial Rules <None>
MTP Preferred Originating Codec Yes 711ulaw
Device Security Profile Yes Use the default setting.
Rerouting Calling Search Space <None>
SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space — <None>
SIP Profile Yes Choose from the following:
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Note For more information about configuring
Cisco Unified CM security features, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Security Guide, Release 7.1(2).
Digest User <None>
Media Termination point Required Box is un-checked.
Unattended Port
Require DTMF Reception
Note When you are finished making changes, click Save to save your settings.

Certification Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Information

Table 5 - 3 describes fields found in the Certification Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) Information
section on the Phone Configuration page. Leave all fields unchanged.
Standard SIP Profile
Standard BFCP SIP Profile
Information in this field reflects SIP profiles that have been created on this Unified CM.
See “Configuring the BFCP over UDP
Collaboration Feature” in Chapter 2, “Configuring Cisco TelePresence Features.”
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Table 5-3 CAPF Settings
Field Required? Setting
Certificate Operation Yes No Pending Operation.
Authentication Mode Yes Leave this field unchanged.
Authentication String
Key Size (Bits) Yes
Operation Completes By Optional
Certificate Operation Status <None>
Note Security Profile Contains Additional CAPF Settings. See the “Phone Security Profile CAPF
Information” section on page 1-11.

Expansion Module Information

Table 5 - 4 describes fields found in the Expansion Module Information section on the Phone
Configuration page. Leave all fields unchanged.
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Table 5-4 Expansion Module Information
Field Required? Setting
Module 1 <None>
Module 1 Load Name Leave blank.
Module 2 <None>
Module 2 Load Name Leave blank.

External Data Locations Information

Define the server locations for external data using the information in the following sections as a guide:
External Data Location Settings for CTS Release 1.7 and LaterTab le 5- 5
Note Observe the Following—The server designation can be either the IP address or the hostname of the
Cisco TelePresence device that is associated with this phone.
If a server hostname is used, it must be resolvable by the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series DNS.
The format for each required field is http://server hostname: or IP address: Followed by the 8080
port address, then a slash and one of the following, depending on the field:
authenticate.html - For CTS release 1.6 systems with MIDlets and earlier (only allowable option)
Leave fields in the External Data Locations Information table blank to use the default settings.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
Chapter 5 Configuring and Managing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Tip Be careful when typing URLs to avoid typos.
External Data Location Settings for CTS Release 1.7 and Later
Note CTS Release 1.7 and later releases require that your system be running MIDlets.
Table 5-5 External Data Location Settings for CTS Release 1.7 and Later
Field Setting
Information Leave all fields blank to use the default.
Note Default settings that were configured in the Enterprise Parameters
Authentication Server
Proxy Server
Idle Timer
Set to 0 to use the default.
Leave all fields blank to use the default. Authentication URL
Secure Directory URL
Enter the secure URL for the server from which the phone obtains directory
information. This parameter specifies the URL that secured Cisco Unified IP
Phones use when you press the Directory button.
Note If you do not provide a Secure Directory URL, the device uses the
nonsecure URL. If you provide both a secure URL and a nonsecure URL, the device chooses the appropriate URL, based on its capabilities.
Configuring the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Secure Idle URL
Secure Information URL
Secure Message URL
Secure Services URL

Extension Information

Table 5 - 6 describes fields found in the Extension Information section on the Phone Configuration page.
Leave this field blank to accept the default setting.
Maximum length: 255
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration Guide for the Cisco TelePresence System
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