Cisco OL-20852-01 User Manual

Basic Phone Administration Steps
This appendix provides minimum, basic configuration steps for you to do the following:
Add a new user to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
Associate that user to that phone
Complete other basic end-user configuration tasks
The procedures provide one method for performing these tasks and are not the only way to perform these tasks. They are a streamlined approach to get a new user and corresponding phone running on the system.
These procedures are designed to be used on a mature Cisco Unified Communications Manager system where calling search spaces, partitions, and other complicated configuration have already been done and are in place for existing users.
This section contains these topics:
Example User Information for These Procedures, page D-1
Adding a User to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, page D-2
Configuring the Phone, page D-3
Performing Final End User Configuration Steps, page D-6

Example User Information for These Procedures

In the procedures that follow, examples are given when possible to illustrate some of the steps. Sample user and phone information used throughout these procedures includes:
User’s Name: John Doe
User ID: johndoe
Phone model: 6901
Protocol: SCCP
MAC address listed on phone: 00127F576611
Five-digit internal telephone number: 26640
Cisco Unified IP Phone 6901 and 6911 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.0 (SCCP)
Appendix D Basic Phone Administration Steps

Adding a User to Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Adding a User to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
This section describes steps for adding a user to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Follow one of the procedures in this section, depending on your operating system and the manner in which you are adding the user:
Adding a User From an External LDAP Directory, page D-2
Adding a User Directly to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, page D-2

Adding a User From an External LDAP Directory

If you added a user to an LDAP Directory (a non-Cisco Unified Communications Server directory), you can immediately synchronize that directory to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager on which you are adding this same user and the user’s phone by following these steps:
Step 1 Login to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.
Step 2 Choose System > LDAP > LDAP Directory.
Step 3 Use the Find button to locate your LDAP directory.
Step 4 Click the LDAP directory name.
Step 5 Click Perform Full Sync Now.
Note If you do not need to immediately synchronize the LDAP Directory to the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, the LDAP Directory Synchronization Schedule on the LDAP Directory window determines when the next auto-synchronization is scheduled. However, the synchronization must occur before you can associate a new user to a device.
Step 6 Proceed to “Configuring the Phone” section on page D-3.

Adding a User Directly to Cisco Unified Communications Manager

If you are not using an LDAP directory, you can add a user directly to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration by following these steps:
Step 1 Choose User Management > End User.
Step 2 Click Add New.
The End User Configuration window appears.
Step 3 In the User Information pane of this window, enter the following:
Cisco Unified IP Phone 6901 and 6911 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.0 (SCCP)
Appendix D Basic Phone Administration Steps
User ID—Enter the end user identification name. Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not permit modifying the user ID after it is created. You may use the following special characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , "", and blank spaces.
Example: johndoe
Password and Confirm Password—Enter five or more alphanumeric or special characters for the end user password. You may use the following special characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , "", and blank spaces.
Last Name—Enter the end user last name. You may use the following special characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , "", and blank spaces.
Example: doe
Telephone Number—Enter the primary directory number for the end user. End users can have multiple lines on their phones.
Example: 26640 (John Doe’s internal company telephone number)
Step 4 Click Save.
Proceed to the section Configuring the Phone, page D-3.

Configuring the Phone

Configuring the Phone
To identify the user’s phone model and protocol, follow these steps:
Step 1 From Cisco Unified Communications Manager administration, choose Device > Phone.
Step 2 Click Add New.
Step 3 Select the user’s phone model from the Phone Type drop-down list, then click Next.
The Phone Configuration window appears.
On the Phone Configuration window, you can use the default values for most of the fields.
To configure the required fields and some key additional fields, follow these steps:
Step 1 For the required fields, possible values can be configured as follows:
Note The configuration is based on the example of user johndoe.
a. In the Device Information pane of this window:
MAC Address—Enter the MAC address of the phone, which is listed on a sticker on the phone.
Make sure that the value comprises 12 hexadecimal characters.
Example: 00127F576611 (MAC address on John Doe’s phone)
Cisco Unified IP Phone 6901 and 6911 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.0 (SCCP)
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