Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
This chapter explains how you customize configuration files, phone ring sounds, background images,
and idle display at your site. Ring sounds play when the phone receives a call. Background images
appear on the phone screen. The idle display appears on the screen when the phone has not been used
for a designated period.
This chapter includes these topics:
• Customizing and Modifying Configuration Files, page 6-1
• Creating Custom Phone Rings, page 6-2
• Configuring Wideband Codec, page 6-3
• Configuring the Idle Display, page 6-4
• Automatically Disabling the Cisco Unified IP Phone Backlight, page 6-5
Customizing and Modifying Configuration Files
You can modify configuration files (for example, edit the xml files) and add customized files (for
example, custom ring tones, call back tones, phone backgrounds) to the TFTP directory. You can modify
files and add customized files to the TFTP directory in Cisco Unified Communications Operating
System Administration, from the TFTP Server File Upload window. Refer to Cisco IP Telephony
Platform Administration Guide for information about how to upload files to the TFTP folder on a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.
You can obtain a copy of the Ringlist.xml and List.xml files from the system using the following admin
command-line interface (CLI) “file” commands:
• admin:file
file list*
file view*
file search*
file get*
file dump*
file tail*
file delete*
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 (SCCP and SIP)

Creating Custom Phone Rings
Creating Custom Phone Rings
The Cisco Unified IP Phone ships with two default ring types that are implemented in hardware: Chirp1
and Chirp2. Cisco Unified Communications Manager also provides a default set of additional phone ring
sounds that are implemented in software as pulse code modulation (PCM) files. The PCM files, along
with an XML file (named Ringlist.xml) that describes the ring list options that are available at your site,
exist in the TFTP directory on each Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.
For more information, see the “Cisco TFTP” chapter in Cisco Unified Communications Manager System
Guide and the “Software Upgrades” chapter in Cisco Unified Communications Operating Systems
Administration Guide.
The following sections describe how you can customize the phone rings that are available at your site by
creating PCM files and editing the Ringlist.xml file:
• Ringlist.xml File Format Requirements, page 6-2
• PCM File Requirements for Custom Ring Types, page 6-3
• Configuring a Custom Phone Ring, page 6-3
Chapter 6 Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Ringlist.xml File Format Requirements
The Ringlist.xml file defines an XML object that contains a list of phone ring types. This file can include
up to 50 ring types. Each ring type contains a pointer to the PCM file that is used for that ring type and
the text that will appear on the Ring Type menu on a Cisco Unified IP Phone for that ring. The
Cisco TFTP server for each Cisco Unified Communications Manager contains this file.
The CiscoIPPhoneRinglist XML object uses the following simple tag set to describe the information:
The following characteristics apply to the definition names. You must include the required DisplayName
and FileName for each phone ring type.
• DisplayName defines the name of the custom ring for the associated PCM file that will display on
the Ring Type menu of the Cisco Unified IP Phone.
• FileName specifies the name of the PCM file for the custom ring to associate with DisplayName.
Note The DisplayName and FileName fields must not exceed 25 characters.
This example shows a Ringlist.xml file that defines two phone ring types:
<DisplayName>Analog Synth 1</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Analog Synth 2</DisplayName>
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 (SCCP and SIP)