This appendix documents the commands necessary to configure and monitor the CSG2. Other
commands used with the CSG2 are documented in the following publications:
• Service and Application Module for IP User Guide for the following commands:
Supervisor console commands
Power PC console commands
Power PC ROM-monitor (ROMmon) console commands
Broadcom BCM Linux-based Storage Area Network Operation System (SanOS) console
Broadcom BCM ROMmon console commands
Line Card Processor (LCP) console commands
• Cisco IOS Server Load Balancing feature module for IOS SLB-specific commands
• Cisco IOS Release 12.2 command reference publications for other IOS commands
All of the CSG2 commands are listed below in alphabetical order:
To specify accounting and an optional customer string for a CSG2 policy, use the accounting command
in CSG2 policy configuration mode. To remove accounting for a policy, use the no form of this
accounting [customer-string string]
no accounting [customer-string string]
Syntax Description
DefaultsThe default is no accounting.
Command ModesCSG2 policy configuration
Command History
Usage GuidelinesThis command is required if the CSG2 is to generate call detail records (CDRs) for content that matches
customer-string string (Optional) 1- to 16-byte string to be output to the generated accounting
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: All keywords and arguments except customer-string string
were removed.
12.4(15)MDSupport for FTP was added.
the CSG2 policy.
This command is required to enable billing functions (such as CDR generation and prepaid charging) for
content that matches a CSG2 policy.
For FTP and Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) accounting, the CSG2 matches prepaid services on
the basis of the IP address and port number of the control connection to the FTP or RTSP network IP
ExamplesThe following example shows how to specify accounting and customer strings for a CSG2 policy:
ip csg policy MOVIES
accounting customer-string MOVIES
ip csg policyDefines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 billing services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
To specify the activation mode for a CSG2 Connection Duration service, use the activation command
in CSG2 service configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
activation [automatic | user-profile]
no activation
Syntax Description
automatic(Optional) Activates the Connection Duration service, unless the billing profile
indicates that no service is to be activated.
If you specify the automatic keyword, the CSG2 activates the Connection Duration
service in the subscriber’s billing plan automatically, unless the service name is
specified with a zero length as the connect service in the billing profile information.
The connect service information must be specified in the same message as the
subscriber’s billing plan.
user-profile(Optional) Activates the Connection Duration service only if the billing profile
specifies this service as the connect service. This is the default setting.
If you specify the user-profile keyword, the CSG2 activates the Connection Duration
service for a subscriber only if the service name is specified as a connect service in
the billing profile information in an authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) Access-Accept, an AAA Accounting-Start, or a Quota Server User-Profile
DefaultsThe Connection Duration service is activated only if the billing profile specifies this service as the
connect service.
Command ModesCSG2 service configuration
Command History
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
Usage GuidelinesThis command requires that the service be configured with basis second connect.
ExamplesThe following example specifies automatic activation for Connection Duration service CONNECT.
To specify that the CSG2 is to append the original URL to the redirect URL sent by the quota server on
a Content Authorization REDIRECT_URL response for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting,
use the aoc append url command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To restore the default setting,
use the no form of this command.
aoc append url
no aoc append url
Syntax DescriptionThis command has no arguments or keywords.
DefaultsThe CSG2 does not append the original URL to the redirect URL.
aoc append url
Command ModesCSG2 service configuration
Command History
12.4(11)MDThis command was introduced.
Usage GuidelinesBefore configuring this command, you must enable AoC by configuring the aoc enable command.
The CSG2 performs this function only for content parsed as connectionless or connection-oriented
wireless application protocol (WAP 1.x). For other protocols, the CSG2 ignores this configuration
ExamplesThe following example specifies that the CSG2 is to append the original URL to the redirect URL for
use in AoC URL-rewriting:
ip csg service MOVIES
aoc enable
aoc append url
Related Commands
aoc confirmConfigures a token for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting.
aoc enableEnables Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting for the CSG2.
ip csg serviceConfigures a CSG2 content billing service, and enters CSG2 service
To configure a token for use in Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting, use the aoc confirm command
in CSG2 service configuration mode. To remove the token, use the no form of this command.
aoc confirm token
no aoc confirm
Syntax Description
Command ModesCSG2 service configuration
Command History
tokenA string of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. The string is not case-sensitive.
Acceptable characters include alphanumeric characters and any of the following
special characters: $-_.+!*'(),?/:@&=;~%. To enter other special characters not listed,
use the URL-escape format with the percent sign (%).
To insert a question mark (?) in the string, press Ctrl-v and then press the question
mark (?) key. To insert a question mark in an editing document, use ASCII code 22.
To retain the question mark, use TFTP instead of copy-and-paste.
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
• The name of this command changed from aoc confirmation to aoc confirm.
• The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG user group
configuration to CSG2 service configuration.
• The list of supported special characters changed.
Usage GuidelinesBefore configuring this command, you must enable AoC by configuring the aoc enable command.
URL-rewriting allows a top-off server to append parameters to a URL in order to convey state
information to the quota server during a Content Authorization Request. Whenever a Content
Authorization Response contains the forward action code, and the URL contains the AoC confirmation
token, the token and all trailing characters are removed from the URL before the request is forwarded to
the server.
The token is used for HTTP and WAP 1.x content authorization URL-rewriting.
If the token uses the URL-escape format, the redirect URL to which the token is being matched must
also use the URL-escape format.
To enable Advice of Charge (AoC) URL-rewriting for the CSG2, use the aoc enable command in CSG2
service configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command.
aoc enable
no aoc enable
Syntax DescriptionThis command has no arguments or keywords.
DefaultsThe CSG2 does not append the original URL to the redirect URL.
Command ModesCSG2 service configuration
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Command History
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The name of this command changed from authorize content to
aoc enable.
Usage GuidelinesThis command is not valid if the service is configured with basis second connect.
If this command is configured, the CSG2 alerts the quota server of a new transaction, and allows it to
direct the CSG2 to perform any of the following mutually exclusive actions:
• DROP: Instructs the CSG2 to drop all packets for this flow.
• FORWARD: Instructs the CSG2 to forward the flow without altering the destination (a weight
might be specified).
• REDIRECT-URL: Instructs the CSG2 to redirect subscriber requests to the URL provided by the
quota server. The CSG2 sends a Layer 7 redirect to the subscriber (for example, HTTP 302 response)
that contains the redirect URL. This applies to both HTTP and WAP 1.x protocols.
ExamplesThe following example enables AoC URL-rewriting for the CSG2:
To specify the billing basis for a CSG2 content billing service, use the basis command in CSG2 service
configuration mode. To use the default billing basis, use the no form of this command.
Changes from CSG1: The exclude mms keyword was removed.
12.4(15)MDThe transaction keyword was added.
Appendix A CSG2 Command Reference
Usage GuidelinesFor TCP billing, configuring basis byte tcp allows counting of only TCP payload and exclusion of
overhead for network retransmission. With this option, the CSG2 excludes IP and TCP headers from
volume counts. The byte counting is limited to TCP payload. Retransmitted packets are not counted.
Services that are configured with the basis second connect command (that is, for Connection Duration
Billing) are subject to the following restrictions:
• Service verification is not supported for Connection Duration services.
• If redirect is to be performed when the Connection Duration service runs out of quota, the URL
location to which the CSG2 redirects must map to a policy that does not have accounting configured.
This is because all IP sessions mapped to policies with accounting configured (postpaid or prepaid)
are dropped when the Connection Duration service has no quota.
For Service Duration Billing:
• When a Service Duration Billing Service is a member of a billing plan, and an accounting definition
is in service and downloaded to a CSG2 module, you cannot modify the basis or meter configuration.
You are instructed at the console to configure no inservice on the downloaded Accounting
• If a content configuration is included in a service configured for basis second, the CSG2 restricts
the content idle timeout to less than or equal to the service idle timeout for the service. The content
idle time is not included in the last billable time for the service.
• The CSG2 does not allow you to specify weights for Service Duration Billing.
NoteWe recommend that you first remove the service from each billing plan, make the basis changes, and add
it back to each billing plan. If you delete it, the service is automatically removed from each billing plan,
and you must add it back to each plan after configuring it.
To enable Connection Duration Billing for a service, configure the service name as a service under one
or more billing plans in CSG2 billing configuration mode, then enter the basis second connect command
in CSG2 service configuration mode.
Because Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) metering is byte-based, you cannot configure both
meter include imap and basis fixed or basis second in the same service. Only basis byte is meaningful
with meter include imap.
You cannot configure both meter exclude svc-idle and basis byte or basis fixed in the same service.
Only basis second is meaningful with meter exclude svc-idle.
ExamplesThe following example shows how to specify fixed billing for the CSG2 service MOVIES:
ip csg service MOVIES
basis fixed
The following commands are used to configure Service Duration Billing for the OFF_NET service.
To force the CSG2 to drop packets that do not match a configured billing policy, use the block command
in CSG2 content configuration mode. To restore the default behavior, enabling the CSG2 to forward the
packets without billing, use the no form of this command.
no block
Syntax DescriptionThis command has no arguments or keywords.
Command ModesCSG2 content configuration
Command History
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
• The name of this command changed from ip csg block to block.
• The configuration mode for this command changed from global to CSG2 content
Usage GuidelinesBy default, if packets do not match any billing policy, the CSG2 forwards the packets without billing.
This command causes the CSG2 to drop the packets instead.
ExamplesThe following example shows how to force the CSG2 to drop packets that do not match any billing
ip csg content MOVIES
Related Commands
ip csg contentConfigures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content
configuration mode.
ip csg policyDefines a policy for qualifying flows for the CSG2 accounting services, and
enters CSG2 policy configuration mode.
parse lengthDefines the maximum number of Layer 7 bytes that the CSG2 is to parse when
To specify a service class value, use the class command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To remove
the service class value, use the no form of this command.
class value
no class value
Syntax Description
Command ModesCSG2 service configuration
Command History
Usage GuidelinesThe class command is used with fixed-record format to identify a service class value. This value is
ExamplesThe following example specifies a class value for the service:
valueSpecifies a value in the range 1 to 255.
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: None.
opaque to the CSG2 and has meaning only for the administrator. It is reported as tariff-class in
fixed-record format call detail records (CDRs).
Usage GuidelinesBy default, the CSG2 deletes 1000 User Table entries per second in response to the clear ip csg user all
command. To specify a different deletion rate, use the ip csg radius on-off purge command in global
configuration mode.
ExamplesThe following example clears all counters and statistics for the CSG2:
clear ip csg counters
The following example clears all subscriber entries from the CSG2 User Table that are associated with
IP address
clear ip csg user ip
The following example clears all subscriber entries from the CSG2 User Table that are associated with
IP address and that are also associated with VRF table AAA:
clear ip csg user ip vrf AAA
The following example clears all sessions for application http and IP address mask
To reference a standard access list that is part of a CSG2 content, use the client-group command in CSG2
content configuration mode. To delete the reference, use the no form of this command.
no client-group {std-access-list-number | std-access-list-name}
client-group (CSG2 content)
Syntax Description
std-access-list-numberStandard IP access list number. The ranges are from 1 to 99 and from
1300 to 1999.
std-access-list-nameStandard access list name.
DefaultsAll subscribers can access the content.
Command ModesCSG2 content configuration
Command History
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1:
• The configuration mode for this command changed from CSG policy
configuration to CSG2 content configuration.
• The range for the std-access-list-number argument increased from 1300 to
Usage GuidelinesThe client-group command is used to qualify subscribers for the CSG2 content. The conditions
specified in the referenced access list must be true in order for the flows to be processed by the CSG2
content. If the conditions are not true, the CSG2 determines this to be a content mismatch, and normal
content match processing continues (that is, the CSG2 tries to match a less specific content). If no
contents are matched, the CSG2 does not process the flow (that is, the CSG2 blocks this traffic flow).
If you reference an access list that includes a deny statement, and that deny statement is matched, then
the CSG2 treats the traffic as a content mismatch and normal content processing continues, allowing the
traffic to match another less specific content. For example, in the following configuration, packets from
from IP address do not match CONTENT1, but they do match CONTENT2:
access-list 99 deny
access-list 99 permit any
You can use next-hop with client groups as long as a given client group is always sent to the same next
hop. You cannot send a given client group to two or more different next hops based on a content.
The CSG2 searches contents with the same IP and VLAN configuration, but different client groups, in
numerical order. For example, given two contents with the same IP/VLAN configuration, one
referencing client group 4 and the other client group 7, the CSG2 matches the content that references
client group 4.
ExamplesThe following example shows how to reference client group 44 for the CSG2 content MOVIES:
ip csg content MOVIES
client-group 44
Related CommandsCommandDescription
ip csg contentConfigures content for CSG2 services, and enters CSG2 content configuration
To configure a content and policy as a member of a CSG2 billing service, and optionally to assign a
weight to this content, use the content command in CSG2 service configuration mode. To remove a
content name from the billing service, use the no form of this command.
content-nameName of the content for this service. The name can be from 1 to 15
characters long, and can include uppercase or lowercase letters (the CSG2
changes all letters to uppercase), numbers, and any special characters.
policy policy-nameName of a configured policy to apply to the content for this service.
weight weight-value(Optional) Number of quadrans to deduct for each transaction. The range is
from 0 to 32767. The default weight-value is 1 quadran.
DefaultsThe default weight-value is 1 quadran.
Command ModesCSG2 service configuration
Command History
12.4(11)MDThis command was migrated from CSG1.
Changes from CSG1: The weight-name argument was replaced with the
weight-value argument.
Usage GuidelinesYou must configure a policy before configuring this command.
Content can reference more than one policy. Therefore, you can have multiple content commands with
the same content-name argument, but different policy-name arguments.
To make a specific content free, specify a weight-value of 0.
ExamplesThe following example shows how to configure content for the CSG2 service MOVIES. In this example:
• Policy MOVIES_COMEDY is applied to content MOVIES_COMEDY.
• Policy MOVIES_ACTION is applied to content MOVIES_ACTION.
• Content MOVIES_ACTION is given a billing weight of 2.
To set the flags to obtain debugging output for the various CSG2 components, use the debug ip csg
command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable the debugging feature, use the no form of this command.
debug ip csg {all | acl number [vrf vrf-name | global] | configuration sync | content | crashinfo |
Syntax DescriptionallGenerates debugging output for all CSG2 components.
acl numberGenerates debugging output for all subscribers in a simple access control
list (ACL).
vrf vrf-name(Optional) Generates debugging output for the Virtual Routing and
Forwarding (VRF) table with the ACL.
global(Optional) Generates debugging output for the default routing table with the
configuration syncGenerates debugging output for the configuration synchronization
contentGenerates debugging output for the CSG2 content debug messages,
indicating the results of the content match algorithm. This output is filtered
if debug ip csg acl has been configured.
errorGenerates debugging output for situations that might indicate a problem.
fragGenerates debugging output for the CSG2 fragment database.
ftpGenerates debugging output for the FTP component.
gtp anyGenerates debugging output for the general packet radio service (GPRS)
gtp bma [priority]Generates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
gtp ipcGenerates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
gtp psdGenerates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
Generates debugging output for the crash information component.
tunneling protocol (GTP) component’s interaction with components other
than the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA), the Interprocessor
Communication (IPC) component, the Persistent Storage Device (PSD)
component, or the quota server.
To generate detailed debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction
with a specific BMA, specify the quota server’s priority.
Generates debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction with the
quota server.
To generate detailed debugging output for the GTP component’s interaction
with a specific quota server, specify the quota server’s priority.
http [detail]Generates debugging output for the HTTP component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the HTTP component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
imapGenerates debugging output for the Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP) component.
intermGenerates debugging output for the intermediate billing component.
ipc [detail]Generates debugging output for the IPC component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the IPC component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
iscsi [detail]Generates debugging output for the iSCSI component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the iSCSI component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
mailGenerates debugging output for the mail component.
otherGenerates debugging output for other components.
packet [dump]Generates debugging output for e-mail packets.
To generate a dump of all inbound packets in hexadecimal format, specify
the optional dump keyword.
policyGenerates debugging output for the policy component.
pop3Generates debugging output for the Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
psd [detail]Generates debugging output for the PSD component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the PSD component, specify the
optional detail keyword.
qs [detail]Generates debugging output for the quota server component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the quota server component,
including all packets to and from the quota server in both hexadecimal and
ASCII formats, specify the optional detail keyword.
radius [detail]Generates debugging output for the RADIUS component.
To generate detailed debugging output for the RADIUS component, specify
the optional detail keyword.
replicateGenerates debugging output for the high availability (HA) component,
including stateful messages as well as stateless transitions and the
dump/bulk synchronization processes.
You can also use the following commands to debug the redundancy facility
(RF), the RF for Interdevice redundancy (RF Interdev), and the Hot Standby
Router Protocol (HSRP):
• The acl number, configuration sync, detail, dump, error, frag, global, ha,
http, interm, ipc, mail, other, packet, priority, qs, replicate, service, session
event, session state, stats, and vrf vrf-name, keywords and arguments were
• The any, bma, ipc, psd, and quota-server keywords were added for the gtp
• The agent, api, cpu, module number, quota, prepaid, record storageslot, and
timer keywords and arguments were removed.
12.4(15)MDThe crashinfo, ftp, iscsi, mail, and sip keywords were added.
Usage GuidelinesTo see most but not all debugging output, use the all option to turn on all debugging flags, and then use
the no form of this command to exclude debugging output for any options that are not of interest to you.
Restrict the output of other CSG2 debugging commands to subscribers specified in the ACL.
Once the debug flags are set, they are automatically sent to the CSG2 cards when a configuration is
downloaded. Similarly, changes in the debug settings are sent to the CSG2 cards that are being debugged.
Generating debugging output for ACL (that is, configuring the acl keyword) disables all of the following
types of debugging:
• Configuration
• Error
• Replicate
• Statistics
You can use the show debug command to display the debug flag settings.
NoteYou must re-enter the debug command after every reload because it is not saved in the startup
ExamplesThe following example shows how to turn on debugging for rtsp and udb: