Cisco Systems OL-14253-01 User Manual

Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
A.1 Overview of Notifications, page A-1
A.2 Resolving the Notification Service, page A-2
A.3 Tips to Improve Notification Throughput, page A-2
A.4 Supported Events, page A-3
A.5 Probable Cause Mapping, page A-12

A.1 Overview of Notifications

The notification service forwards all fault notifications received from managed NEs to the network management system (NMS). The notification service also forwards object creation, object deletion, attribute change, protection switch, and threshold crossing alert (TCA) events. TMF 814 defines the structure and format of attributes for all events and alarms.
The CTM server and the Operations Support System (OSS) host must have Domain Name System (DNS) enabled in order to receive notifications. OSS clients running behind a firewall must configure an IIOP listening port to enable the TCP connection with the notification server. CTM must configure the notification service listening port number to allow OSS clients to communicate with the notification service.
CTM creates the notification channel with the QoS parameters shown in the following table.
Ta b le A- 1 Q o S P a ra m et e r s f o r the Notification Channel
Parameter Value
ConnectionReliability BestEffort
StartTimeSupported false
OrderPolicy FifoOrder
DiscardPolicy FifoOrder
1. The MaxEventsPerConsumer value is configurable. To modify this value, see B.8 Location of the Naming Service IOR File, page B-6. All other parameter values are defined by the TMF and cannot be changed.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Resolving the Notification Service
CTM sets the RejectNewEvents administration property of the channel to true, as defined by the TMF.
Every notification that CTM generates has the QoS parameters listed in the following table. These parameter values are defined by the TMF and cannot be changed.
Table A-2 QoS Parameters for Notifications
Parameter Value
EventReliability BestEffort
Priority DefaultPriority
Timeout 30 minutes for alarms and TCAs; 24 hours for all other notifications
The NMS retrieves all active alarms on the Element Management System (EMS) and on managed element objects. The NMS filters alarms based on probable cause and managed element name. CTM GateWay/CORBA forwards CTM-specific alarms to the NMS.
For NE-related alarms, CTM inserts the original probable cause in the alarm’s nativeProbableCause field. The TMF-mapped probable cause is available in the probableCause field.

A.2 Resolving the Notification Service

CTM GateWay/CORBA can integrate with external notification services. When CTM GateWay/CORBA starts, a reference to EventNotifyChannelFactory is resolved. CTM GateWay/CORBA makes the following attempts to resolve the object:
1. Resolve initial references with the default service name of NotificationService to resolve the object.
You can change the service name by setting the corbagw.notification.ServiceName property in the file.
2. Resolve the object through the naming service. The default naming service entry is
services.NotifyChannelFactory. You can change the naming service entry by setting the corbagw.notification.NamingContext property in the file.
3. Resolve the object directly through the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR). You can change the
URL of the IOR file by setting the corbagw.notification.FactoryIORFile property in the file. The default location for the IOR file is file://localhost/CTM_baseDir/cfg/NotificationService.ior. You can specify a URL that points to a remote web server.

A.3 Tips to Improve Notification Throughput

While CTM GateWay/CORBA and the bundled notification server are developed and tuned to provide high throughput, you might want to take additional steps to improve throughput and avoid any loss of notifications. You should implement the StructuredPushConsumer interface defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) and implement the push_structured_event method. The notification server invokes this method on the NMS.
Caution Because all CORBA calls are blocking, the notification server thread blocks until the
push_structured_event method completes. If you try to perform a time-consuming task before the method completes, you will block the notification server.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
To improve throughput, you should receive the event and forward it to another thread for processing.
For example:
void push_structured_event(StructuredEvent notification) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// catch all exception and ignore ex.printStackTrace();
Caution As shown in the example, you must catch all exceptions, or you will stop receiving notifications.

A.4 Supported Events

The following sections list the attributes of each event.
Supported Events

A.4.1 Object Creation

The following table lists the object creation types and attributes.
Table A-3 Object Creation
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificatId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are not
objectName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes.
objectType notifications::ObjectType_T Yes.
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T No.
edgePoint boolean No.
Object creation notifications are sent to the NMS for the objects in the following table.
Table A-4 Object Creation Notifications
Object Type Type Sent in remainder_of_body for Object Creation Event
OT_MANAGED_ELEMENT managedElement::ManagedElement_T
OT_MULTILAYER_SUBNETWORK multiLayerSubnetwork::MultiLayerSubnetwork_T
OT_TOPOLOGICAL_LINK topologicalLink::TopologicalLink_T
OT_SUBNETWORK_CONNECTION subnetworkConnection::SubnetworkConnection_T
OT_EQUIPMENT equipment::Equipment_T
OT_PROTECTION_GROUP protection::ProtectionGroup_T
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Supported Events
Table A-4 Object Creation Notifications (continued)
Object Type Type Sent in remainder_of_body for Object Creation Event
OT_L2TOPOLOGY MultiLayerSubnetwork::L2Topology_T
OT_MLVLAN MultiLayerSubnetwork::MLVLAN_T
OT_ROLL MultiLayerSubnetwork::Roll_T
OT_VCAT SubnetworkConnection::VCAT_T
CTM does not generate object creation events for SubnetworkConnection for the ONS 15540.
CTM cannot give the object name for object creation events for ONS 15501, ONS 15530, and ONS 15540 equipment.
For the MGX 8880/8850/8830, CTM generates object creation events for the object types OT_MANAGED_ELEMENT and OT_EQUIPMENT.
Note The number of equipment holders for NEs supported by CTM is constant. To reduce traffic between
CTM and the NMS, CTM does not generate object creation events for equipment holders. The number of PTPs on equipment is also constant. Therefore, CTM generates only object creation events for equipment.

A.4.2 Object Deletion

The following table lists the object deletion types and attributes.
Table A-5 Object Deletion
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are not
objectName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes.
objectType notifications::ObjectType_T Yes.
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T No.
edgePoint boolean No.
Object deletion notifications are sent to the NMS for the objects in the following table.
Table A-6 Object Deletion Notifications
Object Type Type Sent in remainder_of_body for Object Deletion Event
OT_MANAGED_ELEMENT managedElement::ManagedElement_T
OT_MULTILAYER_SUBNETWORK multiLayerSubnetwork::MultiLayerSubnetwork_T
OT_TOPOLOGICAL_LINK topologicalLink::TopologicalLink_T
OT_SUBNETWORK_CONNECTION subnetworkConnection::SubnetworkConnection_T
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-6 Object Deletion Notifications (continued)
Object Type Type Sent in remainder_of_body for Object Deletion Event
OT_EQUIPMENT equipment::Equipment_T
OT_PROTECTION_GROUP protection::ProtectionGroup_T
OT_L2TOPOLOGY MultiLayerSubnetwork::L2Topology_T
OT_MLVLAN MultiLayerSubnetwork::MLVLAN_T
OT_ROLL MultiLayerSubnetwork::Roll_T
OT_VCAT SubnetworkConnection::VCAT_T
CTM does not generate object deletion events for SubnetworkConnection for the ONS 15501, ONS 15530, and ONS 15540.
For the MGX 8880/8850/8830, CTM generates object deletion events for the object types OT_MANAGED_ELEMENT and OT_EQUIPMENT.
Note The number of equipment holders for all NEs supported by CTM is constant. To reduce traffic between
CTM and the NMS, CTM does not generate object deletion events for equipment holders. The number of PTPs on equipment is also constant. Therefore, CTM generates only object deletion events for equipment.
Supported Events

A.4.3 Attribute Value Change

The following table lists the attribute value change (AVC) types and attributes.
Table A-7 Attribute Value Change
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are
not guaranteed.
objectName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes.
objectType notifications::ObjectType_T Yes.
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T No.
edgePoint boolean No.
attributeList notifications::NVList_T Yes.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Supported Events
Attribute value change notifications are sent to the NMS for the objects and attributes in the following table.
Table A-8 Attribute Value Change Notifications
Object Type Attributes
OT_EMS nativeEMSName
OT_MANAGED_ELEMENT nativeEMSName—This field reflects the new managed element name if it is
Note This event notifies the NMS that the VLAN was updated.
Note This event notifies the NMS that the roll was updated.
Note This event notifies the NMS that the VCAT changed.
1. The OT_TOPOLOGICAL_LINK event notifies the NMS that some attribute of the topological link changed.
2. The OT_SUBNETWORK_CONNECTION event is generated only when CTM fails to delete an SNC and it remains in the same state.
Note CTM does not generate AVC events for SubnetworkConnection for the ONS 15501, ONS 15530,
and ONS 15540.
For the MGX 8880/8850/8830, CTM generates AVC events for the object types

A.4.4 State Change Event

The following table lists the state change event types and attributes.
Table A-9 State Change Event
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are not
objectName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes.
objectType notifications::ObjectType_T Yes.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-9 State Change Event (continued)
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T No.
edgePoint boolean No.
attributeList notifications::NVList_T Yes.
State change event notifications are sent to the NMS for the objects and attributes in the following table.
Table A-10 State Change Event Notifications
Object Type Attributes
OT_MANAGED_ELEMENT communicationState—CTM supports the following values:
emsInSyncState—CTM supports the following values:
Supported Events
OT_EQUIPMENT_HOLDER holderState—State change. CTM supports the following values:
sncState—CTM supports the following values:
OT_L2TOPOLOGY L2TopoState—CTM supports the following values:
topoInSyncState—CTM supports the following values:
OT_MLVLAN vlanState—CTM supports the following values:
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Supported Events
Table A-10 State Change Event Notifications (continued)
Object Type Attributes
OT_ROLL rollState—CTM supports the following values:
OT_VCAT vcatState—CTM supports the following values:
1. The OT_SUBNETWORK_CONNECTION event is generated only when CTM changes the SNC. If CTC or any other tool is used to change the SNC, CTM does not report this event.
CTM does not generate state change events for EquipmentHolder and SubnetworkConnection for the ONS 15501, ONS 15530, and ONS 15540.
For the MGX 8880/8850/8830, CTM generates state change events for the object types OT_MANAGED_ELEMENT and OT_EQUIPMENT_HOLDER.

A.4.5 Protection Switch

The following table lists the protection switch types and attributes. The protection switch event is not supported for MGX 8880/8850/8830 NEs.
Table A-11 Protection Switch
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId String Yes. The uniqueness and the sequence of the
notification ID are not guaranteed.
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T No.
ProtectionType protection::ProtectionType_T No.
switchReason protection::switchReason_T No.
layerRate transmissionParameters::LayerRate_T No.
groupName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T No.
(Yes for ONS 15540 and ONS 15530.)
protectedTP globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T No.
(Yes for ONS 15540 and ONS 15530.)
switchAwayFromTP globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes for ONS 15540 and ONS 15530.
switchToTP globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T No.
(Yes for ONS 15540 and ONS 15530.)
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-11 Protection Switch (continued)
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes.
Supported Events
Note This is not defined by the
(No for ONS 15540 and ONS 15530.)
Note This is not defined by the
String Yes.
The value of this field is the native NE event value.

A.4.6 Threshold Crossing Alert

The following table lists the TCA types and attributes. This event is not supported for ONS 15501, ONS 15530, ONS 15540, and MGX 8880/8850/8830 NEs because TCAs are reported as alarms.
Table A-12 Threshold Crossing Alert
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and the sequence of the
notification ID are not guaranteed.
objectName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes.
nativeEMSName string Yes.
objectType notifications::ObjectType_T Yes.
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
isClearable boolean Yes.
Always set to false.
perceivedSeverity notifications::PerceivedSeverity_T Yes.
Always set to PerceivedSeverity_T.PS_INDETERMINATE.
layerRate transmissionParameters::LayerRate_T Yes.
granularity Granularity_T Yes.
pmParameterName PMParameterName_T Yes.
Note If the NE does not report the location, this
pmLocation PMLocation_T Yes.
Note If the NE does not report the location, this
thresholdType PMThresholdType_T No.
value float Yes.
unit string No.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
field is empty.
field is empty.
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Supported Events

A.4.7 Alarm

The following table lists the most common alarm messages.
If there is an alarm on an STS/VC4 CTP utilizing all ports of a DS1/E1 card, the alarm is reported with the containing PTP as port 127. If an STS/VC4 SNC exists with one of the drop CTPs of the SNC using all ports on a DS1/E1 card, and if there is an alarm on the STS CTP, CTM reports the port number of the containing PTP as 127.
Ta b l e A - 1 3 A l a r m
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification
ID are not guaranteed.
objectName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes.
nativeEMSName string Yes.
nativeProbableCause string Yes.
Note In case of external condition alarms, the string
value of the condition type is appended to this field.
objectType notifications::ObjectType_T Yes.
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes.
isClearable boolean Yes. The value is always set to True.
layerRate transmissionParameters::LayerRate_T Yes.
Note Not supported for ONS 15501, ONS 15530,
and ONS 15540 NEs.
probableCause string Yes.
probableCauseQualifier string Yes. CTM provides the same value as in the
nativeProbableCause field.
perceivedSeverity notifications::PerceivedSeverity_T Yes.
serviceAffecting notifications::ServiceAffecting_T Yes.
affectedTPList globaldefs::NamingAttributesList_T Yes.
additionalText string Yes.
additionalInfo globaldefs::NVSList_T Yes.
CTM provides subnetwork name when available.
If the alarmed object is OC-n PTP, CTM also includes SDH_SONET_SS_BITS in this list.
CTM provides the IP address for ME-related alarms.
CTM provides the ME name when the object type is OT_EMS and the alarm is ME-related.
CTM provides the affected object when the object type is OT_EMS and the nativeProbableCause is “Server Monitor Threshold Crossed.”
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Supported Events
Table A-13 Alarm (continued)
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
isPropagated boolean Yes. For the MGX 8880/8850/8830, values are
assigned to this field. For all other NEs, this field is always set to False.
aresFDN string Yes.

A.4.8 Heartbeat Event

CTM generates a periodic heartbeat event and pushes the event to the notification channel. By default, this function is disabled. You can configure the interval value through the CTM Control Panel. If the interval value is set to 0, the heartbeat event is disabled. By monitoring this event, the northbound interface client knows whether the notification service is active. The type_name field contains the NT_HEART_BEAT value under the fixed_header for this type of event. Filterable_data has only one field, which is shown in the following table.
Table A-14 Heartbeat Event
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are not guaranteed.

A.4.9 Backup Status Event

The backup status event contains details about changes to a managed element’s backup status.
Table A-15 Backup Status Event
Attribute Name Type Supported by CTM?
notificationId string Yes. The uniqueness and sequence of the notification ID are not
emsTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes. The time when the EMS reported the event.
neTime globaldefs::Time_T Yes. The time provided by the NE. If the NE does not report time,
this field is optional or reports an empty string.
backupStatus softwareManager::BackupStatus_T Yes. The backup status of the managed element.
meName globaldefs::NamingAttributes_T Yes. The name of the managed element from which the backup
was taken.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Probable Cause Mapping

A.5 Probable Cause Mapping

A.5.1 TMF-Defined Probable Cause

The following report lists the probable causes defined by the TMF:
"UNIDENTIFIED": for alarms that do not match any other string below. EMS shall in this case fill out the additional text field as much as possible. "AIS": alarm indication signal "AMS": Alternate modulation signal "AU-AIS": AU alarm indication signal "BER_SD": signal degrade (includes receiver degrade) "BER_SF": signal fail (includes receiver failure and excessive BER) "DCC_FAILURE": Data Communication Channel Failure "EMS": EMS system alarm "EMS_ALM_LOSS": The 1st notification that the EMS may supply after 1 or more notifications for protection switch, TCA, alarm, or file transfer status have been discarded by the EMS while other events have not been discarded "EMS_LIFECYCLE_LOSS": The 1st notification that an EMS may supply after 1 or more events of type OC/OD/AVC/SC/RC have been discarded by the EMS "EMS_ALM_AND_LIFECYCLE_LOSS": The 1st notification that an EMS may supply after 1 or more notifications for protection switch, TCA, alarm, or file transfer status, and 1 or more events of type OC/OD/AVC/SC/RC have been discarded by the EMS "EQPT": equipment alarm "ENV": Environmental/external cause "FOP_APS": failure of APS protocol "LCD": Loss of Cell Delineation (from TC Adaptor part of ATM NI) "LOF": loss of frame (when distinguished from LOS) "LOM": loss of multiframe (SDH only, since not an alarm in GR-253) "LOP": loss of pointer "LOS": loss of signal "MS-AIS": MS alarm indication signal "OSC-AIS": Optical Supervisory Channel alarm indication signal "OSC_BER_SF": Optical Supervisory Channel signal fail/RX fail/excessive BER "OSC_FERF": Optical Supervisory Channel Far End Receive Failure "OSC_LOF": Optical Supervisory Channel Loss of Frame "OSC_LOS": Optical Supervisory Channel Loss of Signal "OSC_SD": Optical Supervisory Channel signal degrade "PLM": payload label mismatch (when reported as an alarm) "RAI": remote alarm indication (sometimes reported as RDI) "SECURITY_VIOLATION": security violation "SSF": server signal fail "TCM-AIS": Tandem Connection Sink - Incoming Alarm Indication Signal "TCM-LOS": Tandem Connection Sink - Loss of Tandem Connection Signal "TCM-OAI": Tandem Connection Sink - Outgoing Defect Indication (same/similar to Alarm Indication) "TCM-RAI": Tandem Connection Sink - Remote Defect Indication (same/similar to Alarm Indication) "TCM-SD": Tandem Connection Sink - Signal Degrade "TCM-SSF": Tandem Connection Sink - Server Signal Fail "TCM-TIM": Connection Sink - Trace Identifier Mismatch "TCM-UNEQ": Tandem Connection Sink - Unequipped "TIM": trace identifier mismatch (when reported as an alarm) "TU-AIS": TU alarm indication signal "TX_DEGRADE": transmitter degrade, including laser degrade "TX_FAIL": transmitter failure, including laser failure "UAT": Unavailable Time "UNEQ": payload unequipped "VC-AIS": VCL/VCC TP Alarm Indication Signal "VC-RDI": VCL/VCC TP Remote Defect Indication "VP-AIS": VPL/VPC TP Alarm Indication Signal
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
"VP-RDI": VPL/VPC TP Remote Defect Indication
A.5.2 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping—EMS
The following table lists the CTM GateWay/CORBA mapping for the EMS.
Table A-16 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the EMS
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
EMS Loss of communication 5001
EMS Memory automatic or manual backup failure 5002
SECURITY_VIOLATION Maximum login attempts exceeded 5003
EMS Partition 0 free disk space low 5004
EMS Partition 1 free disk space low 5005
EMS Partition 2 free disk space low 5006
EMS Partition 3 free disk space low 5007
EMS Partition 4 free disk space low 5008
EMS Partition 5 free disk space low 5009
EMS Partition 6 free disk space low 5010
EMS Alarm resync unsuccessful 5011
EMS Server monitor threshold crossed 5012
the Notification)
Probable Cause Mapping
A.5.3 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping—MGX 8880/8850/8830
The following table lists the CTM GateWay/CORBA mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830.
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
EMS Sync-up has not started yet 60009
EMS Currently in sync-up 60010
EMS Partial sync-up 60011
EMS Sync-up failed 60012
EMS Server in partial sync-up 60013
EMS Server sync-up failed 60014
Note The following EMS alarms must be cleared manually, so “isClearable” should be set to “False” in the corresponding
CTM GateWay/CORBA alarm event.
EMS FTP transfer failure 62401
EMS FTP file size mismatch 62408
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
EMS FTP transfer failed 62409
EMS Upload file error 62410
EMS Minus 2 trap 62411
EMS Card lost trap 62412
EMS SNMP retry exceeded 62413
EMS FTP retry exceeded 62414
EMS Stats file error 62416
EMS Stats file transfer error 62417
EMS SNMP throttle error 62418
EMS Backoff failed 62419
EMS SNMP timeout 62420
EMS FTP session timeout 62421
EMS FTP transfer timeout 62422
EMS Unknown error 62448
EMS Initialization error 62449
EMS Communication error in ILOG 62452
EMS Communication error in shared memory 62453
EMS Communication error in CORBA 62454
EMS NTS registration failed 62456
EMS NTS trap loss 62457
EMS PM error 62459
EMS Process restarted 62502
Shelf-Level Peripheral Alarms
EQPT Above normal 60031
EQPT Below normal 60032
EQPT Down 60033
EQPT Power failure 60034
Card-Level Alarms for all Supported Cards on MGX8880/8850/8830
EQPT Front card not present 60101
EQPT Front card failed 60102
EQPT Front card in self test 60103
EQPT Front card held in reset 60104
EQPT Front card in boot 60105
EQPT Front card mismatch 60106
EQPT Front card unknown alarm 60107
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
EQPT Front card core card mismatch 60108
EQPT Front card failed, no backup 60109
EQPT Front card reserved 60110
EQPT Front card down 60111
EQPT Front card in update mode 60112
EQPT Front card unavailable 60113
EQPT Front card downloading 60114
EQPT Front card downloader 60115
EQPT Front card downloaded 60116
EQPT Front card locked 60117
EQPT Front card in program mode 60118
EQPT Front card upgrading 60119
EQPT Front card upgraded 60120
EQPT Front card frozen 60121
EQPT Front card in hold mode 60122
EQPT Front card not responding 60123
EQPT Front card in initialization 60124
EQPT Front card blocked 60125
EQPT Front card removed 60126
EQPT Primary back card not present 60201
EQPT Primary back card in mismatch 60202
EQPT Secondary back card not present 60301
EQPT Secondary back card in mismatch 60302
EQPT Primary card not present 60401
EQPT Primary card failed 60402
EQPT Primary card in self test 60403
EQPT Primary card held in reset 60404
EQPT Primary card in boot 60405
EQPT Primary card mismatch 60406
EQPT Primary card unknown alarm 60407
EQPT Primary card core card mismatch 60408
EQPT Primary card failed, no backup 60409
EQPT Primary card reserved 60410
EQPT Primary card down 60411
EQPT Primary card in update mode 60412
Probable Cause Mapping
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
EQPT Primary card unavailable 60413
EQPT Primary card downloading 60414
EQPT Primary card downloader 60415
EQPT Primary card downloaded 60416
EQPT Primary card locked 60417
EQPT Primary card in program mode 60418
EQPT Primary card upgrading 60419
EQPT Primary card upgraded 60420
EQPT Primary card frozen 60421
EQPT Primary card in hold mode 60422
EQPT Primary card not responding 60423
EQPT Primary card in initialization 60424
EQPT Primary card blocked 60425
EQPT Front card removed 60426
EQPT Secondary card not present 60501
EQPT Secondary card failed 60502
EQPT Secondary card in self test 60503
EQPT Secondary card held in reset 60504
EQPT Secondary card in boot 60505
EQPT Secondary card mismatch 60506
EQPT Secondary card unknown alarm 60507
EQPT Secondary card core card mismatch 60508
EQPT Secondary card failed, no backup 60509
EQPT Secondary card reserved 60510
EQPT Secondary card down 60511
EQPT Secondary card in update mode 60512
EQPT Secondary card unavailable 60513
EQPT Secondary card downloading 60514
EQPT Secondary card downloader 60515
EQPT Secondary card downloaded 60516
EQPT Secondary card locked 60517
EQPT Secondary card in program mode 60518
EQPT Secondary card upgrading 60519
EQPT Secondary card upgraded 60520
EQPT Secondary card frozen 60521
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
EQPT Secondary card in hold mode 60522
EQPT Secondary card not responding 60523
EQPT Secondary card in initialization 60524
EQPT Redundant blocked 60525
EQPT Secondary card removed 60526
EQPT Controller in standby mode 60601
EQPT License expired 60650
EQPT License missing 60651
EQPT Card sync-up failed 60660
EQPT Redundant card switch over 60661
Sensor Alarms: VXSM
EQPT Sensor less than threshold value 60670
EQPT Sensor greater than threshold value 60671
EQPT Sensor equal to threshold value 60672
EQPT Sensor less than threshold value 60673
EQPT Sensor greater than threshold value 60674
EQPT Sensor equal to threshold value 60675
EQPT Sensor less than threshold value 60676
EQPT Sensor greater than threshold value 60677
EQPT Sensor equal to threshold value 60678
Line-Level Alarms
RAI Receiving RAI 60701
RAI Transmitting RAI 60702
AIS Receiving AIS 60703
AIS Transmitting AIS 60704
OOF Receiving OOF 60705
LOS Receiving LOS 60706
UNIDENTIFIED Near-end local loop in effect 60707
UNIDENTIFIED Near-end remote loop in effect 60708
UNIDENTIFIED Near-end remote payload loop in effect 60709
OOF Receiving CRC MF OOF 60710
OOF Receiving signal MF OOF 60711
RAI Receiving MF RAI 60712
AIS Receiving MF AIS 60713
Probable Cause Mapping
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED Far-end remote loopback 60714
UNIDENTIFIED Detected near-end remote loopback 60715
UNIDENTIFIED Receiving RAI 60801
RAI Transmitting RAI 60802
AIS Receiving AIS 60803
AIS Transmitting AIS 60804
OOF Receiving OOF 60805
LOS Receiving LOS 60806
UNIDENTIFIED Near-end local loop in effect 60807
UNIDENTIFIED Near-end remote loop in effect 60808
UNIDENTIFIED Receiving test pattern 60809
UNIDENTIFIED Receiving C-bit parity pattern 60811
AIS Line receiving AIS 60901
UNIDENTIFIED Line receiving RDI 60902
AIS Line transmitting AIS 60903
UNIDENTIFIED Line transmitting RDI 60904
LOS Section LOS 60910
LOF Section LOF 60911
UNIDENTIFIED Section trace ID mismatch 60912
LOP Path receiving STS LOP 60920
AIS Path receiving STS AIS 60921
UNIDENTIFIED Path receiving STS RDI 60922
UNEQ Path unequipped 60923
UNIDENTIFIED Path signal label mismatch 60924
UNIDENTIFIED Path trace failure 60925
AIS Path transmitting AIS 60926
UNIDENTIFIED Path transmitting RDI 60927
UNIDENTIFIED Path signal receiving LOCD 60928
Line Stats Alarm
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, PES current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61101
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, PES 24-hour threshold exceeded 61102
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, PSES current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61103
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, PSES 24-hour threshold exceeded 61104
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SEFS current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61105
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SEFS 24-hour threshold exceeded 61106
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, UAS current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61107
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, UAS 24-hour threshold exceeded 61108
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, LCV current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61109
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, LCV 24-hour threshold exceeded 61110
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, PCV current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61111
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, PCV 24-hour threshold exceeded 61112
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, LES current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61113
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, LES 24-hour threshold exceeded 61114
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, CCV current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61115
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, CCV 24-hour threshold exceeded 61116
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, CES current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61117
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, CES 24-hour threshold exceeded 61118
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, CSES current 15-minute threshold exceeded 61119
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, CSES 24-hour threshold exceeded 61120
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, total ESs 61201
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, total SESs 61202
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, total CVs 61203
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, total UAs 61204
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, current ESs 61205
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, current SESs 61206
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, current CVs 61207
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, current UAs 61208
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, current ESs 61209
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, total ESs 61210
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, total SESs 61211
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, total CVs 61212
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, total UAs 61213
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, current SESs 61214
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, current CVs 61215
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET line, far end, current UASs 61216
Probable Cause Mapping
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, total ESs 61301
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, total SESs 61302
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, total SEFSs 61303
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, total CVs 61304
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, current ESs 61305
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, current SESs 61306
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, current SEFSs 61307
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET section, current CVs 61308
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, total ESs 61401
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, total SESs 61402
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, total CVs 61403
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, total UAs 61404
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, current ESs 61405
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, current SESs 61406
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, current CVs 61407
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, current UAs 61408
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, current ESs 61409
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, total ESs 61410
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, total SESs 61411
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, total CVs 61412
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, total UAs 61413
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, current SESs 61414
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, current CVs 61415
UNIDENTIFIED Stats alarm, SONET path, far end, current UASs 61416
FOP_APS APS alarm, channel mismatch 61501
FOP_APS APS alarm, protection byte fail 61502
FOP_APS APS alarms, FE protection failure 61503
FOP_APS APS alarms, mode mismatch 61504
FOP_APS APS alarms, signal degrade 61505
FOP_APS APS alarms, signal failure 61506
FOP_APS APS alarms, line alarm 61507
FOP_APS APS alarms, line loopback 61508
FOP_APS APS alarms, standby signal degrade 61509
FOP_APS APS alarms, standby signal failure 61510
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
FOP_APS APS alarms, standby line alarm 61511
FOP_APS APS alarms, standby line loopback 61512
FOP_APS APS alarms, direction mismatch 61513
FOP_APS APS alarms, wrong request 61514
EQPT APS alarms, protect BC missing 61515
EQPT APS alarms, protect DC missing 61516
EQPT APS alarms, working BC missing 61517
EQPT APS alarms, working DC missing 61518
EQPT APS alarms, working card mismatch 61519
EQPT APS alarms, protect card mismatch 61520
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS revertive switch fail 61521
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS manual switch fail 61522
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS SD low switch fail 61523
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS SD high switch fail 61524
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS SF low switch fail 61525
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS SF high switch fail 61526
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS force switch fail 61527
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS lockout switch fail 61528
FOP_APS APS alarms, APS line status OK 61529
Port Alarms: AXSM, MPSM, PXM1E
UNIDENTIFIED Port, not configured 61751
UNIDENTIFIED Port, down/failure 61752
UNIDENTIFIED Port, remote loopback 61753
UNIDENTIFIED Port, signaling failure 61754
UNIDENTIFIED Port, out of cell delineation 61755
UNIDENTIFIED Port, lower layer down 61756
RPM Port Alarms: RPM, RPM-XF
UNIDENTIFIED RPM port, down 62101
UNIDENTIFIED RPM port, testing 62102
UNIDENTIFIED RPM port, unknown 62103
UNIDENTIFIED RPM port, lower layer down 62104
UNIDENTIFIED SVC port, failed 62201
UNIDENTIFIED SVC port, inactive 62202
UNIDENTIFIED SVC port, lower layer down 62203
Probable Cause Mapping
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
VISM Port Alarms: VISM
UNIDENTIFIED VISM port, failed 62221
UNIDENTIFIED VISM port, degraded 62222
UNIDENTIFIED VISM port, lower layer down 62223
Aggregate Port Alarms: AXSM, MPSM, PXM1E RPM, RPM-XF
UNIDENTIFIED Aggregate port alarm; one or more connections on this port are
in primary failure
UNIDENTIFIED Aggregate port alarm; one or more connections on this port are
in secondary failure
UNIDENTIFIED Aggregate port alarm; one or more connections on this port are
Connection Alarm: AXSM, MPSM, PXM1E, VXSM, VISM, RPM, RPM-XF
UNIDENTIFIED Connection alarm, primary failure 62601
UNIDENTIFIED Connection alarm, secondary failure 62602
UNIDENTIFIED Incomplete connection 62603
Card-Level VXSM and VISM Alarms
UNIDENTIFIED CAC resources, above high threshold value 60681
UNIDENTIFIED CAC resources, above medium threshold value 60683
UNIDENTIFIED Media gateway link state, pending in service 60611
UNIDENTIFIED Media gateway link state, pending FOOS 60613
UNIDENTIFIED Media gateway link state, pending GOOS 60614
UNIDENTIFIED Media gateway link state, out of service 60612
UNIDENTIFIED Media gateway link state, MGC direct out of service 60615
UNIDENTIFIED RUDP session state, out of service 60631
UNIDENTIFIED RUDP session state, standby in service 60632
UNIDENTIFIED RUDP session state, full in service 60633
UNIDENTIFIED RUDP session state, unknown 60634
UNIDENTIFIED Session group state, out of service 60641
UNIDENTIFIED Session group state, unknown 60642
UNIDENTIFIED Session set state, out of service 60691
UNIDENTIFIED Session set state, standby in service 60692
UNIDENTIFIED Session set state, full in service 60693
UNIDENTIFIED Session set state, unknown 60694
UNIDENTIFIED MGC in redundancy group, inactive 60211
UNIDENTIFIED MGC communication state, inactive 60221
UNIDENTIFIED RTP connection state, failed 60231
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED CID state, failed 60241
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link set active 66001
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link set inactive 66002
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link set inhibited 66003
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link set uninhibited 66004
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link set shut 66005
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link set no shut 66006
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link active 66007
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link inactive 66008
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link inhibited 66009
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link uninhibited 66010
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link shut 66011
UNIDENTIFIED MTP link no shut 66012
UNIDENTIFIED MTP signaling gateway route available 66013
UNIDENTIFIED MTP signaling gateway route unavailable 66014
UNIDENTIFIED MTP signaling gateway route restricted 66015
UNIDENTIFIED L3UA ASP inactive 66017
UNIDENTIFIED L3UA ASP undefined 66019
UNIDENTIFIED L3UA AS inactive 66021
UNIDENTIFIED L3UA AS pending 66023
UNIDENTIFIED L3UA AS undefined 66024
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway voice quality alert 66027
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway VBD call quality alert 66028
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway voice quality alert for IP-IP 66029
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway VQM trap queue full 66030
UNIDENTIFIED System resource utilization threshold exceeded 66031
UNIDENTIFIED System resource utilization normal 66032
UNIDENTIFIED System resource utilization medium level exceeded 66033
UNIDENTIFIED Zero percent call reduce rate reached 66034
Probable Cause Mapping
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-17 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the MGX 8880/8850/8830 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED Maximum call reduce rate reached 66035
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway drop call starts 66036
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway drop call alert cleared 66037
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway overload normal 66038
UNIDENTIFIED Gateway overload threshold exceeded 66039
Line-Level VISM and VXSM Alarms
UNIDENTIFIED Endpoint state, failed 60251
UNIDENTIFIED Endpoint state, degraded 60252
UNIDENTIFIED LAPD state, inactive 61591
UNIDENTIFIED LAPD trunk state, inactive 61531
UNIDENTIFIED LAPD trunk state, unknown 61532
A.5.4 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping—ONS 15216

A.5.4.1 ONS 15216 OADM

The following table lists the alarms for the ONS 15216 OADM R2.2.
Table A-18 CTM GateWay/CORBA Alarms for the ONS 15216 OADM R2.2
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in the
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
LOS Add channel signal loss 8501
LOS Drop channel signal loss 8502
EQPT Add and drop channels are out of tolerance 8503
EQPT Add channel signal is too weak and VOA cannot adjust it to match the drop signal 8504
EQPT Power unit A failed 8505
EQPT Power unit B failed 8506
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping

A.5.4.2 ONS 15216 EDFA2

The following table lists the alarms for the ONS 15216 EDFA2 R2.3 and 2.4.
Table A-19 CTM GateWay/CORBA Alarms for the ONS 15216 EDFA2 R2.3 and R2.4
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED Unknown alarm 8601
EQPT Excessive pump 1 current 8602
EQPT Excessive pump 2 current 8603
EQPT Excessive pump 1 laser temperature 8604
EQPT Excessive pump 2 laser temperature 8605
EQPT Loss of output power 8606
EQPT Loss of input power 8607
EQPT Gain out of range 8608
EQPT Case temperature out of range 8609
EQPT Power unit A failed 8610
EQPT Power unit B failed 8611
EQPT Database backup 8612
EQPT Database restore 8613
EQPT Cutover reset 8614
EQPT Software load 8615
EQPT Software reset 8616
in the Notification)
Probable Cause Mapping

A.5.4.3 ONS 15216 EDFA3

The following table lists the alarms for the ONS 15216 EDFA3 R1.1.
Table A-20 CTM GateWay/CORBA Alarms for the ONS 15216 EDFA3 R1.1
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED Unknown alarm 8701
EQPT Gain degrade high 8702
EQPT Gain degrade low 8703
EQPT Laser 1 bias degrade 8704
EQPT Laser 2 bias degrade 8705
EQPT Laser 1 bias fail 8706
EQPT Laser 2 bias fail 8707
EQPT Power degrade high LINE1TX port 8708
EQPT Power degrade low LINE1TX port 8709
EQPT Power fail low LINE1RX port 8710
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
the Notification)
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-20 CTM GateWay/CORBA Alarms for the ONS 15216 EDFA3 R1.1 (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not Reported in
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
EQPT Power fail low LINE1TX port 8711
EQPT Power fail low LINE2RX port 8712
EQPT VOA degrade high 8713
EQPT VOA degrade low 8714
EQPT VOA fail high 8715
EQPT Case temperature out of range 8716
EQPT Fiber temperature out of range 8717
EQPT Excessive pump 1 temperature 8718
EQPT Excessive pump 2 temperature 8719
EQPT Backup/restore in progress 8720
EQPT Data integrity fault 8721
EQPT Equipment failure 8722
EQPT Exceeding memory capacity 8723
EQPT Exceeding flash file system capacity 8724
EQPT Module communication failure 8725
EQPT Power bus A alarm 8726
EQPT Power bus B alarm 8727
the Notification)
A.5.5 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping—ONS 15302, ONS 15305, and ONS 15305 CTC
The following table lists the CTM GateWay/CORBA mapping for the ONS 15302, ONS 15305, and ONS 15305 CTC.
Table A-21 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the ONS 15302, ONS 15305, and ONS 15305 CTC
CTM Internal Index (Not
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED ONS 1530x condition unknown 19000
AIS Alarm indication signal 19001
AIS Alarm indication signal network side 19002
LOF Alarm indication signal customer side 19003
LOF Loss of frame alignment 19004
LOF Loss of frame alignment network side 19005
LOF Loss of frame alignment customer side 19006
LOP Loss of pointer 19007
LOS Loss of signal 19008
Reported in the Notification)
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-21 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the ONS 15302, ONS 15305, and ONS 15305 CTC (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
BER_SD Degraded signal defect 19009
LOM Loss of multiframe alignment 19010
RAI Remote defect indication 19011
TIM Trace identifier mismatch 19012
PLM Payload mismatch 19013
UNEQ Unequipped 19014
BER_SF Excessive error defect 19015
UNIDENTIFIED Communication subsystem failure 19016
SSF Server signal failure 19017
UNIDENTIFIED Alarm condition detected on an alarm input port 19018
EQPT Device main unit failure 19019
EQPT High temperature alarm 19020
EQPT Fan failure 19021
EQPT Power input failure 19022
EQPT Power output failure 19023
EQPT Module mismatch 19024
EQPT Module removed 19025
EQPT Module failure 19026
UNIDENTIFIED MSP signaling problem 19027
UNIDENTIFIED Power module failure 19028
UNIDENTIFIED LAN port is not working 19029
UNIDENTIFIED WAN port is not working 19030
UNIDENTIFIED Too large delay on WAN channel 19031
UNIDENTIFIED Sequence number fail on WAN channel 19032
UNIDENTIFIED No synchronization source available 19033
UNIDENTIFIED Defecting hardware impacting internal T0 clock 19034
UNIDENTIFIED No T4 synchronization source available with QL >= QL min 19035
UNIDENTIFIED Inventory failure 19036
UNIDENTIFIED Diagnostic failure 19037
UNIDENTIFIED DXC inlet failure 19038
UNIDENTIFIED DXC inlet bit error 19039
UNIDENTIFIED Card isolated 19040
UNIDENTIFIED Card anomaly 19041
UNIDENTIFIED Hot swap failure 19042
UNIDENTIFIED Power input failure 19043
Reported in the Notification)
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-21 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the ONS 15302, ONS 15305, and ONS 15305 CTC (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED Transmit degrade on laser 19044
UNIDENTIFIED Transmit fail on laser 19045
UNIDENTIFIED Port activated without mapping to an available VC-12 19046
UNIDENTIFIED Differential VC12 delay for the WAN port is greater than +/- 2 ms 19047
UNIDENTIFIED Rx buffer overflow in LAN or link interface 19048
UNIDENTIFIED Interport queue overflow in LAN or link interface 19049
UNIDENTIFIED Reset of the router/bridge required 19050
UNIDENTIFIED Device aborted FTP session 19051
UNIDENTIFIED Automatic switchover to backup link, main link fault 19052
UNIDENTIFIED Overflow layer 2 forward table 19053
UNIDENTIFIED Connection failed: frame relay switch and WAN gate 19054
UNIDENTIFIED Connection established: frame relay switch and WAN gate 19055
UNIDENTIFIED Error occurred during initialization 19056
UNIDENTIFIED Overflow in the client table 19057
UNIDENTIFIED Server not responding to dispatcher polling 19058
UNIDENTIFIED SNMP SET request was rejected 19059
UNIDENTIFIED Ping sequence completed 19060
UNIDENTIFIED Backup taken over for main server or server up after failure 19061
UNIDENTIFIED DHCP failed to allocate IP address to requesting host 19062
UNIDENTIFIED Overflow IGMP table 19063
UNIDENTIFIED Overflow PIM table 19064
UNIDENTIFIED Overflow condition in routing table 19065
UNIDENTIFIED Open gate IPX RIP table overflow 19066
UNIDENTIFIED Open gate IPX SAP table overflow 19067
UNIDENTIFIED FACS state NE with operation blockAndReport 19068
UNIDENTIFIED Zero hop routing connections table overflow 19069
UNIDENTIFIED No available IP virtual address 19070
UNIDENTIFIED Virtual IP address appeared as a source IP 19071
UNIDENTIFIED Source IP address sent an ARP specifying a virtual IP 19072
UNIDENTIFIED PPP link got an unrecognized secret 19073
UNIDENTIFIED FR DLCI status change 19074
UNIDENTIFIED CHAP failed communication 19075
Reported in the Notification)
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-21 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the ONS 15302, ONS 15305, and ONS 15305 CTC (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
UNIDENTIFIED PAP failed communication 19081
UNIDENTIFIED Automatic switchover to backup link, main link fault 19082
UNIDENTIFIED Informational event 19083
UNIDENTIFIED T0 sync switch 19084
UNIDENTIFIED T0QI failed 19085
UNIDENTIFIED Switch to protection 19087
UNIDENTIFIED Switch to working 19088
UNIDENTIFIED MSP command timeout 19089
UNIDENTIFIED MSP command overruled 19090
UNIDENTIFIED Loop closed 19091
UNIDENTIFIED Loop opened 19092
UNIDENTIFIED Link up 19093
UNIDENTIFIED Link down 19094
UNIDENTIFIED The communication link has come up 19095
UNIDENTIFIED Failure in communication link 19096
UNIDENTIFIED Addressee of a protocol message not properly authenticated 19097
UNIDENTIFIED Reinitializing; configuration or the protocol entity
implementation may be altered
UNIDENTIFIED Reinitializing; neither configuration nor protocol entity
implementation altered
UNIDENTIFIED RMON alarm has crossed the rising threshold 19100
UNIDENTIFIED RMON alarm has crossed the falling threshold 19101
UNIDENTIFIED Loss of an adjacency with a PIM neighbor 19102
UNIDENTIFIED Device finished TFTP transaction 19103
UNIDENTIFIED Device initiated TFTP transaction 19104
UNIDENTIFIED Auto configuration completed successfully 19105
UNIDENTIFIED VLAN port dynamically added 19106
UNIDENTIFIED VLAN port dynamically changed 19107
UNIDENTIFIED Physical description device changed 19108
UNIDENTIFIED Port transition from learning to forwarding 19109
UNIDENTIFIED Port transition from forwarding to learning 19110
UNIDENTIFIED Packet drop due to the QoS policy 19111
UNIDENTIFIED Packet forwarded based on the QoS policy 19112
Reported in the Notification)
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
Appendix A Notifications, Fault Management, and Probable Cause Mapping
Probable Cause Mapping
Table A-21 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the ONS 15302, ONS 15305, and ONS 15305 CTC (continued)
CTM Internal Index (Not
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
Reported in the Notification)
UNIDENTIFIED Protection link activated 19113
UNIDENTIFIED Working link activated 19114
UNIDENTIFIED MSP command timeout 19115
UNIDENTIFIED MSP command overruled 19116
UNIDENTIFIED Loss of external synchronization 19117
UNIDENTIFIED ONS 1530x condition unknown 19999
A.5.6 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping—ONS 15327 and ONS 15454 SONET R4.1
The following table lists the CTM GateWay/CORBA mapping for the ONS 15327 and ONS 15454 SONET R4.1.
Table A-22 CTM GateWay/CORBA Mapping for the ONS 15327 and ONS 15454 SONET R4.1
CTM Internal Index (Not
TMF Mapping NE Native Probable Cause
Reported in the Notification)
UNIDENTIFIED Normal condition 25000
ENV Failure detected external to the NE 25001
ENV External error 25002
UNIDENTIFIED Excessive switching 25003
UNIDENTIFIED Incoming failure condition 25004
AIS Alarm indication signal 25005
AIS Alarm indication signal—line 25006
AIS Alarm indication signal—path 25007
FOP_APS APS channel failure 25008
FOP_APS Byte failure 25009
FOP_APS Protection switching channel match failure 25010
FOP_APS Automatic protection switch mode mismatch 25011
FOP_APS Far-end protection line failure 25012
UNIDENTIFIED Bipolar violation 25013
UNIDENTIFIED Carrier loss on the LAN 25014
UNIDENTIFIED STS concatenation error 25015
UNIDENTIFIED Excess collisions on the LAN 25016
UNIDENTIFIED Facility failure 25017
UNIDENTIFIED Far-end block error 25018
LOF Loss of frame 25019
LOP Loss of pointer 25020
Cisco Transport Manager Release 8.5 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual
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