Setting Up and Using a Cisco Unified
IP Phone as a Cisco IPICS
Push-to-Talk Device
Cisco IPICS provides the Cisco IPICS service, which allows several
Cisco Unified IP Phone models to communicate on PTT channels and participate
in channels and VTGs.
Before a user can access the Cisco IPICS service, Cisco IPICS must be configured
as a phone service for Cisco Unified Communications Manager or for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express. In addition, users in a
deployment that includes Cisco Unified Commu nications Manage r must
subscribe to the Cisco IPICS service by using the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager User Options application.
The total number of Cisco Unified IP Phones, LMR and multicast ports, PMC
clients, dial users, and ops views cannot exceed the number that is specified in
your Cisco IPICS license. For more information about licenses, see the
“Managing Licenses” section on page 2-107.
This appendix includes the following topics:
• Configuring Cisco IPICS as a Phone Service for Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, page B-2
• Configuring Cisco IPICS as a Phone Service for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, page B-4
• Subscribing to the Cisco IPICS Service, page B-5
Cisco IPICS Server Administration Guide

Chapter B Setting Up and Using a CiscoUnified IP Phone as a Cisco IPICS Push-to-Talk Device
Configuring Cisco IPICS as a Phone Service for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
• Moving the Logout Softkey Location on a Cisco Unified IP Phone, page B-5
• Using the Cisco IPICS Service on a Cisco Unified IP Phone, page B-7
Configuring Cisco IPICS as a Phone Service for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
This section describes how to configure the Cisco IPICS service in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. After you configure Cisco IPICS as an available
service, IP phone users can subscribe to the service by using the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager User Options web site. When users subscribe to the
Cisco IPICS service, the Cisco Unified IP Phone Services menu displays
Cisco IPICS as an option.
For additional information about Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration and about setting up phone services, refer to the Cisco Uni fied IP
Phone Services configuration information in Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Administrati on Guide for your Cisco Unified Communications Manager
version. You can find the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
documentation at the following URL:
You can configure whether the Cisco IPICS service requires users to log in before
accessing the service from a Cisco Unified IP Phone. If there are users who you
do not want to require to log on, you can conf igure a separate service that bypasses
the log in for each of these users.
To configure the Cisco IPICS service as an available service in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, perform the following procedure:
Step 1 From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, tak e one of these
• For Cisco Unified CallManager 3.x or 4.x—Choose Feature >
Cisco IP Phone Services.
Cisco IPICS Server Administration Guide

Chapter B Setting Up and Using a Cisco Unified IP Phone as a Cisco IPICS Push-to-Talk Device
Configuring Cisco IPICS as a Phone Service for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
• For Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x or later—Choose Device >
Device Settings > Phone Services.
Step 2 In the page for configuring IP phone services, ent er the foll owing informa tion:
a. In the Service Name field, enter Cisco IPICS.
This field specifies the name that displays for the service on th e Cisco Unified
IP Phone.
b. In the Service Description fiel d , e n t e r Acces s to the Cisco IPICS System,
or a similar description.
This field contains a description of the content that the Cisco IPICS service
provides. You can enter any appropriate description.
c. Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x only: In the ASCII Service
Name field, enter Cisco IPICS.
This field designates the name of the service to display if a phone cannot
display Unicode.
d. In the Service URL field, enter one of the following URLs:
If you want to require users to log in before accessing the service, enter:
http://<ipics server IP address>/ipics_server/servlet/
Replace ipics server IP address with the IP address of the Cisco IPICS
If you do not want to require a user to log in before accessing the service,
enter the following for the user:
http://<ipics server IP address>/ipics_server/servlet/
Replace ipics server IP address with the IP address of the Cisco IPICS
server, userID with the digit ID of the user, and pin with the digit
password (PIN) of the user who will not need to log in.
This field specifies the URL of the Cisco IPICS service.
Cisco IPICS Server Administration Guide