Cisco GRS, CRS Configuration Manual

Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
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Text Part Number: OL-32659-01
2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Preface ix
Changes to This Document ix
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request ix
New and Changed Carrier Grade NAT Feature Information 1
New and Changed Carrier Grade NAT Features 1
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software 3
Carrier Grade NAT Overview and Benefits 3
Carrier Grade NAT Overview 3
Benefits of Carrier Grade NAT 4
IPv4 Address Shortage 4
NAT and NAPT Overview 4
Network Address and Port Mapping 4
Translation Filtering 5
Prerequisites for Implementing the Carrier Grade NAT 5
CGSE Multi-Chassis Support 7
Information About Carrier Grade NAT 7
Implementing NAT with ICMP 7
ICMP Query Session Timeout 7
Implementing NAT with TCP 8
Address and Port Mapping Behavior 8
Internally Initiated Connections 8
Externally Initiated Connections 8
Implementing NAT 44 over ISM 8
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Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
Implementing NAT 64 over ISM 11
Double NAT 444 14
Address Family Translation 14
Cisco Carrier NAT Applications 14
IPv4/IPv6 Stateless Translator 14
IPv6 Rapid Deployment 15
Stateful NAT64 15
Dual Stack Lite 15
Port Control Protocol 16
Policy Functions 16
Application Level Gateway 16
TCP Maximum Segment Size Adjustment 17
Static Port Forwarding 17
1:1 Redundancy 18
Back-to-Back Deployment 18
Intelligent Port Management 18
Throughput Measurement 19
High Availability on the Data Path Service Virtual Interface (SVI) 20
External Logging 21
Netflow v9 Support 21
Syslog Support 21
Bulk Port Allocation 21
Destination-Based Logging 21
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software 22
Getting Started with the Carrier Grade NAT 22
Configuring the Service Role 22
Configuring the Service Instance and Location for the Carrier Grade NAT 23
Configuring the Service Virtual Interfaces 24
Configuring the Service Type Keyword Definition 27
Configuring an Inside and Outside Address Pool Map 28
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Configuring the Infrastructure Service Virtual Interface 24
Configuring the Application Service Virtual Interface 26
Configuring the Policy Functions for the Carrier Grade NAT 30
Configuring Port Limit per Subscriber 30
Configuring the Timeout Value for the Protocol 32
Configuring the Timeout Value for the ICMP Protocol 32
Configuring the Timeout Value for the TCP Session 33
Configuring the Timeout Value for the UDP Session 35
Configuring the FTP ALG for NAT44 Instance 36
Configuring the RTSP ALG for NAT44 Instance 38
Configuring the PPTP ALG for a NAT44 Instance 39
Configuring the TCP Adjustment Value for the Maximum Segment Size 41
Configuring the Refresh Direction for the Network Address Translation 42
Configuring the Carrier Grade NAT for Static Port Forwarding 44
Configuring the Dynamic Port Ranges for NAT44 46
Configuring 1:1 Redundancy 47
Configuring Multiple Public Address Pools 48
Configuring Port Limit per VRF 50
Configuring Same Address Pool for Different NAT Instances 52
Configuring High Availability of Data Path Service Virtual Interface (SVI) 55
Configuring the Export and Logging for the Network Address Translation Table
Entries 57
Configuring the Server Address and Port for Netflow Logging 57
Configuring the Path Maximum Transmission Unit for Netflow Logging 59
Configuring the Refresh Rate for Netflow Logging 61
Configuring Session-Logging for a NAT44 or DS-Lite Instance 63
Configuring the Timeout for Netflow Logging 65
Configuring the Carrier Grade Service Engine 67
Bringing Up the CGSE Board 67
Configuring IPv4/IPv6 Stateless Translator (XLAT) 69
XLAT ServiceApp Configuration 69
XLAT Instance Configuration 70
Line Card Upgrade 71
Configuring IPv6 Rapid Development 72
Ping to BR Anycast Address 75
Enable Additional 6rd Features 75
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UPGRADE FROM_ UBOOT to 559 & MANS FPGA to 0.41014 71
Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
Configuring Dual Stack Lite Instance 77
Configuring PCP Server for NAT44 Instance 81
Configuring PCP Server for DS-Lite Instance 82
Configuration Examples for Implementing the Carrier Grade NAT 84
Configuring a Different Inside VRF Map to a Different Outside VRF: Example 84
Configuring a Different Inside VRF Map to a Same Outside VRF: Example 85
Configuring ACL for a Infrastructure Service Virtual Interface: Example 86
NAT44 Configuration: Example 86
NAT64 Stateless Configuration: Example 88
Predefined NAT Configuration: Example 89
DS Lite Configuration: Example 90
IPv6 ServiceApp and Static Route Configuration 90
IPv4 ServiceApp and Static Route Configuration 90
DS Lite Configuration 90
Bulk Port Allocation and Syslog Configuration: Example 91
PPTP ALG Configuration: Example 91
NAT44 Instance 91
DBL Configuration: Example 91
NAT44 Instance 91
DS-Lite Instance 91
PCP Server Configuration: Example 91
NAT44 Instance 91
DS-Lite Instance 92
Services Redundancy Configuation (Active/Standby): Example 92
Configuration of Multiple Address Pools: Example 92
Configuration of Port Limit per VRF: Example 92
Configuration of Same Public Address Pool across Different NAT Instances: Example 93
High Availability on data Path SVI: Example 93
External Logging 95
Bulk Port Allocation 95
Restrictions for Bulk Port Allocation 95
Session logging 96
Syslog Logging 96
Restrictions for Syslog 96
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Syslog Message Format 96
Header 97
Structured Data 98
MSG 98
Netflow v9 Support 100
NetFlow Record Format 100
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 115
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viii OL-32659-01
The Preface contains these sections:
Changes to This Document, page ix
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page ix
Changes to This Document
This table lists the technical changes made to this document since it was first released.
Table 1: Changes to This Document
Change SummaryDateRevision
Initial release of this document.July 2014OL-32659-01
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, using the Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST), submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, at: http://
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Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
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x OL-32659-01
New and Changed Carrier Grade NAT Feature Information
This table summarizes the new and changed information for the Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, and tells you where the features are documented.
New and Changed Carrier Grade NAT Features, page 1
New and Changed Carrier Grade NAT Features
CGSE-PLUS 1:1 Redundancy
CGSE-PLUS Back-to-Back Deployment
CGSE-PLUS Intelligent Port Management
Release 5.2.0This feature was
Release 5.2.0This feature was
Release 5.2.0This feature was
Where DocumentedIntroduced/Changed in
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software chapter:
1:1 Redundancy, on page 18
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software chapter:
Back-to-Back Deployment, on page 18
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software chapter:
Intelligent Port Management, on page 18
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Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
New and Changed Carrier Grade NAT Features
New and Changed Carrier Grade NAT Feature Information
CGSE-PLUS High Availability on the Data Path Service Virtual Interface (SVI)
CGSE-PLUS Throughput Measurement
Release 5.2.0This feature was
Release 5.2.0This feature was
Where DocumentedIntroduced/Changed in
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software chapter:
High Availability on the Data Path Service Virtual Interface (SVI), on page 20
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software chapter:
Throughput Measurement, on page 19
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
This chapter provides an overview of the implementation of Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software.
Carrier Grade NAT Overview and Benefits, page 3
Information About Carrier Grade NAT, page 7
Cisco Carrier NAT Applications, page 14
Policy Functions, page 16
External Logging, page 21
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software, page 22
Configuration Examples for Implementing the Carrier Grade NAT, page 84
Carrier Grade NAT Overview and Benefits
To implement the Carrier Grade NAT, you should understand the following concepts:
Carrier Grade NAT Overview
Carrier Grade Network Address Translation (CGN) is a large scale NAT that is capable of providing private IPv4 to public IPv4 address translation in the order of millions of translations to support a large number of subscribers, and at least 10 Gbps full-duplex bandwidth throughput.
CGN is a workable solution to the IPv4 address completion problem, and offers a way for service provider subscribers and content providers to implement a seamless transition to IPv6. CGN employs network address and port translation (NAPT) methods to aggregate many private IP addresses into fewer public IPv4 addresses. For example, a single public IPv4 address with a pool of 32 K port numbers supports 320 individual private IP subscribers assuming each subscriber requires 100 ports. For example, each TCP connection needs one port number.
A CGN requires IPv6 to assist with the transition from IPv4 to IPv6.
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Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
Benefits of Carrier Grade NAT
Benefits of Carrier Grade NAT
CGN offers these benefits:
Enables service providers to execute orderly transitions to IPv6 through mixed IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
Provides address family translation but not limited to just translation within one address family.
Delivers a comprehensive solution suite for IP address management and IPv6 transition.
IPv4 Address Shortage
A fixed-size resource such as the 32-bit public IPv4 address space will run out in a few years. Therefore, the IPv4 address shortage presents a significant and major challenge to all service providers who depend on large blocks of public or private IPv4 addresses for provisioning and managing their customers.
Service providers cannot easily allocate sufficient public IPv4 address space to support new customers that need to access the public IPv4 Internet.
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
NAT and NAPT Overview
A Network Address Translation (NAT) box is positioned between private and public IP networks that are addressed with non-global private addresses and a public IP addresses respectively. A NAT performs the task of mapping one or many private (or internal) IP addresses into one public IP address by employing both network address and port translation (NAPT) techniques. The mappings, otherwise referred to as bindings, are typically created when a private IPv4 host located behind the NAT initiates a connection (for example, TCP SYN) with a public IPv4 host. The NAT intercepts the packet to perform these functions:
Rewrites the private IP host source address and port values with its own IP source address and port
Stores the private-to-public binding information in a table and sends the packet. When the public IP host
returns a packet, it is addressed to the NAT. The stored binding information is used to replace the IP destination address and port values with the private IP host address and port values.
Traditionally, NAT boxes are deployed in the residential home gateway (HGW) to translate multiple private IP addresses. The NAT boxes are configured on multiple devices inside the home to a single public IP address, which are configured and provisioned on the HGW by the service provider. In enterprise scenarios, you can use the NAT functions combined with the firewall to offer security protection for corporate resources and allow for provider-independent IPv4 addresses. NATs have made it easier for private IP home networks to flourish independently from service provider IP address provisioning. Enterprises can permanently employ private IP addressing for Intranet connectivity while relying on a few NAT boxes, and public IPv4 addresses for external public Internet connectivity. NAT boxes in conjunction with classic methods such as Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) have slowed public IPv4 address consumption.
Network Address and Port Mapping
Network address and port mapping can be reused to map new sessions to external endpoints after establishing a first mapping between an internal address and port to an external address. These NAT mapping definitions are defined from RFC 4787:
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
Endpoint-independent mappingReuses the port mapping for subsequent packets that are sent from
the same internal IP address and port to any external IP address and port.
Address-dependent mappingReuses the port mapping for subsequent packets that are sent from the
same internal IP address and port to the same external IP address, regardless of the external port.
CGN on ISM implements Endpoint-Independent Mapping.Note
Translation Filtering
RFC 4787 provides translation filtering behaviors for NATs. These options are used by NAT to filter packets originating from specific external endpoints:
Endpoint-independent filtering—Filters out only packets that are not destined to the internal address
and port regardless of the external IP address and port source.
Prerequisites for Implementing the Carrier Grade NAT
Address-dependent filtering—Filters out packets that are not destined to the internal address. In
addition, NAT filters out packets that are destined for the internal endpoint.
Address and port-dependent filtering—Filters out packets that are not destined to the internal address.
In addition, NAT filets out packets that are destined for the internal endpoint if the packets were not sent previously.
Prerequisites for Implementing the Carrier Grade NAT
The following prerequisites are required to implement Carrier Grade NAT:
You must be running Cisco IOS XR software Release 3.9.1 or above.
You must have installed the CGN service package or the pie hfr-services-p.pie-x.x.x or
hfr-services-px.pie-x.x.x (where x.x.x specifies the release number of Cisco IOS XR software)
You must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper task IDs. The command
reference guides include the task IDs required for each command.
The CGN service package was termed as hfr-cgn-p.pie or hfr-cgn-px.pie for releases prior to Cisco IOS XR Software Release 4.2.0. The CGN service package is referred as hfr-services-p.pie or hfr-services-px.pie in Cisco IOS XR Software Release 4.2.0 and later.
In case of Intra chassis redundancy, enable CGSE data and control path monitoring in configuration
mode, where R/S/CPU0 is the CGSE Location -
service-plim-ha location is R/S/CPU0 datapath-test
service-plim-ha location is R/S/CPU0 core-to-core-test
service-plim-ha location is R/S/CPU0 pci-test
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
service-plim-ha location is R/S/CPU0 coredump-extraction
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 linux-timeout 500
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 msc-timeout 500
All the error conditions result in card reload that triggers switchover to standby CGSE. The option of revertive switchover (that is disabled by default) and forced switchover is also available and can be used if required. Contact Cisco Technical Support with show tech-support cgn information.
In case of standalone CGSE (without intra chassis redundancy), enable CGSE data and control path
monitoring in configuration mode, where R/S/CPU0 is the CGSE Location with auto reload disabled and
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 datapath-test
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 core-to-core-test
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 pci-test
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 coredump-extraction
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 linux-timeout 500
service-plim-ha location R/S/CPU0 msc-timeout 500
(admin-config) hw-module reset auto disable location R/S/CPU0
All the error conditions result in a syslog message. On observation of Heartbeat failures or any HA test failure messages, contact Cisco Technical Support with show tech-support cgn information.
If you suspect user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
A Carrier-Grade Services Engine (CGSE) is a physical line interface module (PLIM) for the Cisco CRS-1 Router. When the CGSE is attached to a single CRS modular service card (forwarding engine), it provides the hardware system running applications such as NAT44, XLAT, Stateful NAT64 and DS-Lite. An individual application module consumes one CRS linecard slot. Multiple modules can be placed inside a single CRS chassis to add capacity, scale, and redundancy.
There can be only one ServiceInfra SVI per CGSE Slot. This is used for the Management Plane and is required to bring up CGSE. This is of local significance within the chassis.
ServiceApp SVI is used to forward the data traffic to the CGSE applications. You can scale up to 256 ServiceApp interfaces for each CGSE. These interfaces can be advertised in IGP/EGP.
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
CGSE Multi-Chassis Support
The CGSE line card is supported in a multi-chassis configuration. 16 CGSE line cards are supported on each Cisco CRS Router chassis. A maximum of 32 CGN instances are supported.
For CGN applications, such as NAT44, NAT64, XLAT, DS-Lite and 6RD, a maximum of 20 million sessions are supported by each CGSE line card.
CGSE Plus is a mutli-service PLIM for the Cisco CRS-3 Router. The module has a maximum packet processing speed of 40 Gbps full-duplex with a reduced boot time and latency.
The actual throughput of the application depends on the software logic and the CPU cycles consumed by the software.
It also supports services redundancy and QoS for service applications.
CGSE Plus is brought up in two modes:
CGN mode The Cisco IOS XR and Linux software are tuned to host CGN applications such as NAT44
and 6RD.
SESH mode The Cisco IOS XR and Linux software are tuned to host future applications such as
Arbor DDoS services.
For more information on CGSE Plus PLIM, see Cisco CRS Carrier Grade Services Engine Physical Layer
Interface Module Installation Note.
Information About Carrier Grade NAT
These sections provide the information about implementation of NAT using ICMP and TCP:
Implementing NAT with ICMP
This section explains how the Network Address Translation (NAT) devices work in conjunction with Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).
The implementations of NAT varies in terms of how they handle different traffic.
ICMP Query Session Timeout
RFC 5508 provides ICMP Query Session timeouts. A mapping timeout is maintained by NATs for ICMP queries that traverse them. The ICMP Query Session timeout is the period during which a mapping will stay active without packets traversing the NATs. The timeouts can be set as either Maximum Round Trip Time (Maximum RTT) or Maximum Segment Lifetime (MSL). For the purpose of constraining the maximum RTT, the Maximum Segment Lifetime (MSL) is considered a guideline to set packet lifetime.
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Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
Implementing NAT with TCP
If the ICMP NAT session timeout is set to a very large duration (240 seconds) it can tie up precious NAT resources such as Query mappings and NAT Sessions for the whole duration. Also, if the timeout is set to very low it can result in premature freeing of NAT resources and applications failing to complete gracefully. The ICMP Query session timeout needs to be a balance between the two extremes. A 60-second timeout is a balance between the two extremes.
Implementing NAT with TCP
This section explains the various NAT behaviors that are applicable to TCP connection initiation. The detailed NAT with TCP functionality is defined in RFC 5382.
Address and Port Mapping Behavior
A NAT translates packets for each TCP connection using the mapping. A mapping is dynamically allocated for connections initiated from the internal side, and potentially reused for certain connections later.
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
Internally Initiated Connections
A TCP connection is initiated by internal endpoints through a NAT by sending SYN packet. All the external IP address and port used for translation for that connection are defined in the mapping.
Generally for the client-server applications where an internal client initiates the connection to an external server, to translate the outbound SYN, the resulting inbound SYN-ACK response mapping is used, the subsequent outbound ACK, and other packets for the connection.
The 3-way handshake corresponds to method of connection initiation.
Externally Initiated Connections
For the first connection that is initiated by an internal endpoint NAT allocates the mapping. For some situations, the NAT policy may allow reusing of this mapping for connection initiated from the external side to the internal endpoint.
Implementing NAT 44 over ISM
These sections provide the information about implementation of NAT.
The following figure illustrates the implementation of NAT 44 over ISM
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
The components of this illustration are as follows:
Private IP4 subscribers: It denotes a private network.
Interface/VLAN: It denotes a designated interface or VLAN which is associated with the VRF.
Inside VRF: It denotes the VRF that handles packets coming from the subscriber network. It is known
as inside VRF as it forwards packets from the private network.
App SVI: It denotes an application interface that forwards the data packet to and from the ISM. The data
packet may be sent from another line card through a backplane. Because the ISM card does not have a physical interface, the APP SVI acts as a logical entry into it.
The inside VRF is bound to an App SVI. There are 2 App SVIs required; one for the inside VRF and the other one for the outside VRF. Each App SVI pair will be associated with a unique "inside VRF" and a unique public IP address pool. The VRF consists of a static route for forwarding packets to App SVI1.
Outside VRF: It denotes the VRF that handles packets going out to the public network. It is known as
outside VRF as it forwards packets from the public network.
Public IPV4: It denotes a public network.
Implementing NAT 44 over ISM
The following figure illustrates the path of the data packet from a private network to a public network in a NAT implementation.
The packet goes through the following steps when it travels from the private network to the public network:
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Implementing NAT 44 over ISM
In the network shown in this figure, the packet travels from the host A (having the IP address in the private network to host B (having the IP address in the public network. The private address has to be mapped to the public address by NAT44 that is implemented in ISM.
The packet enters through the ingress port on the Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface at Slot 0. While using NAT44, it is mandatory that the packet enters through VRF.
Once the packet reaches the designated interface or VLAN on ASR9K, it is forwarded to the inside VRF either through static routing or ACL-based forwarding (ABL). After the inside VRF determines that the packet needs address translation, it is forwarded to the App SVI that is bound to the VRF.
The packet is forwarded by AppSVI1 through a default static route (ivrf1). The destination address and the port get translated because of the CGN configuration applied on ISM.
The ISM applies NAT44 to the packet and a translation entry is created. The CGN determines the destination address from the FIB Look Up. It pushes the packet to the egress port.
The packet is then forwarded to the egress port on the interface through App SVI2. An inside VRF is mapped to an outside VRF. The outside VRF is associated with this interface. The packet is forwarded by App SVI2 through the default static route (ovrf1). Then the packet is sent to the public network.
The packets that do not need the address translation can bypass the App SVI and can be forwarded to the destination through a different static route and a different egress port.
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
The following figure illustrates the path of the packet coming from the public network to the private network.
The packet goes through the following steps when it travels from the public network to the private network:
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
In the network shown in this figure, the packet travels from the host A (having the IP address in the public network to host B (having the IP address in the private network. The public address has to be mapped to the private address by NAT44 that is implemented in ISM.
The packet enters through the ingress port on the Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface at Slot 0.
Once the packet reaches the designated interface or VLAN on ASR9K, it is forwarded to the outside VRF either through static routing or ACL-based forwarding (ABL).
The packet is forwarded by App SVI2 through a default static route. The destination address and the port are mapped to the translated address.
The ISM applies NAT44 to the packet. The CGN determines the destination address from the FIB Look Up. It pushes the packet to the egress port.
The packet is then forwarded to the egress port on the interface through App SVI2. Then the packet is sent to the private network through the inside VRF.
The packets that do not need the address translation can bypass the App SVI and can be forwarded to the destination through a different static route and a different egress port.
Implementing NAT 64 over ISM
Implementing NAT 64 over ISM
This section explains how NAT64 is implemented over ISM. The figure illustrates the implementation of NAT64 over ISM.
The components of this implementation are as follows:
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Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
Implementing NAT 64 over ISM
Private IP6 subscribers – It denotes a private network.
Interface/VLAN- It denotes a designated interface or VLAN which is associated with the VRF.
Inside VRF – It denotes the VRF that handles packets coming from the subscriber network. It is known
as inside VRF as it forwards packets from the private network.
App SVI- It denotes an application interface that forwards the data packet to and from the ISM. The
data packet may be sent from another line card through a backplane. Because the ISM card does not have a physical interface, the APP SVI acts as a logical entry into it.
The inside VRF is bound to an App SVI. There are 2 App SVIs required; one for the inside VRF and the other one for the outside VRF. Each App SVI pair will be associated with a unique "inside VRF" and a unique public IP address pool. The VRF consists of a static route for forwarding packets to App SVI1.
Outside VRF- It denotes the VRF that handles packets going out to the public network. It is known as
outside VRF as it forwards packets from the public network.
Public IPV4- It denotes a public network.
The following figure illustrates the path of the data packet from a private network to a public network in a NAT64 implementation.
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
The packet goes through the following steps when it travels from the private network to the public network:
In the network shown in this figure, the packet travels from the host A (having the IP address 3001:DB8:E0E:E03::/40) in the private network to host B (having the IP address in the public network. The private address has to be mapped to the public address by NAT64 that is implemented in ISM.
The packet enters through the ingress port on the Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface at Slot 3.
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
Once the packet reaches the designated interface or VLAN on ASR9K, it is forwarded to the inside VRF either through static routing or ACL-based forwarding (ABL). Based on this routing decision, the packet that needs address translation is determined and is forwarded to the App SVI that is bound to the VRF.
The packet is forwarded by AppSVI1 through a default static route. The destination address and the port get translated because of the CGN configuration applied on ISM.
The ISM applies NAT64 to the packet and a translation entry is created. The CGN determines the destination address from the FIB Look Up. It pushes the packet to the egress port.
The packet is then forwarded to the egress port on the interface through App SVI2. The packet is forwarded by App SVI2 through the default static route. Then the packet is sent to the public network.
The packets that do not need the address translation can bypass the App SVI and can be forwarded to the destination through a different static route and a different egress port.
The following figure illustrates the path of the packet coming from the public network to the private network.
Implementing NAT 64 over ISM
The packet goes through the following steps when it travels from the public network to the private network:
In the network shown in this figure, the packet travels from the host A (having the IP address in the public network to host B (having the IP address 3001:DB8:E0E:E03::) in the private network. The public address has to be mapped to the private address by NAT64 that is implemented in ISM.
The packet enters through the ingress port on the Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface at Slot 3.
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Cisco IOS XR Carrier Grade NAT Configuration Guide for the Cisco CRS Router, Release 5.2.x
Double NAT 444
Double NAT 444
The Double NAT 444 solution offers the fastest and simplest way to address the IPv4 depletion problem without requiring an upgrade to IPv6 anywhere in the network. Service providers can continue offering new IPv4 customers access to the public IPv4 Internet by using private IPv4 address blocks, if the service provider is large enough; However, they need to have an overlapping RFC 1918 address space, which forces the service provider to partition their network management systems and creates complexity with access control lists (ACL).
Double NAT 444 uses the edge NAT and CGN to hold the translation state for each session. For example, both NATs must hold 100 entries in their respective translation tables if all the hosts in the residence of a subscriber have 100 connections to hosts on the Internet). There is no easy way for a private IPv4 host to communicate with the CGN to learn its public IP address and port information or to configure a static incoming port forwarding.
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
Once the packet reaches the designated interface or VLAN on ASR9K, it is forwarded to the outside VRF either through static routing or ACL-based forwarding (ABL). Based on this routing decision, the packet is forwarded to the App SVI that is bound to the VRF.
The packet is forwarded by App SVI2 through a default static route. The destination address and the port are mapped to the translated address.
The ISM applies NAT64 to the packet. The CGN determines the destination address from the FIB Look Up. It pushes the packet to the egress port.
The packet is then forwarded to the egress port on the interface through App SVI2. Then the packet is sent to the private network through the inside VRF.
The packets that do not need the address translation can bypass the App SVI and can be forwarded to the destination through a different static route and a different egress port.
Address Family Translation
The IPv6-only to IPv4-only protocol is referred to as address family translation (AFT). The AFT translates the IP address from one address family into another address family. For example, IPv6 to IPv4 translation is called NAT 64 or IPv4 to IPv6 translation is called NAT 46.
Cisco Carrier NAT Applications
These applications are deployed on the CGSE line card.
IPv4/IPv6 Stateless Translator
IPv4/IPv6 Stateless Translator (XLAT), which runs on the CRS Carrier Grade Services Engine (CGSE), enables an IPv4-only endpoint that is situated in an IPv4-only network, to communicate with an IPv6-only end-point that is situated in an IPv6-only network. This like-to-unlike address family connectivity paradigm provides backwards compatibility between IPv6 and IPv4.
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A Stateless XLAT (SL-XLAT) does not create or maintain any per-session or per-flow data structures. It is an algorithmic operation performed on the IP packet headers that results in the translation of an IPv4 packet to an IPv6 packet, and vice-versa. SL-XLAT requires Cisco IOS XR Software Release 3.9.3 or 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 or later.
IPv6 Rapid Deployment
IPv6 Rapid Deployment (6RD) is a mechanism that allows service providers to provide a unicast IPv6 service to customers over their IPv4 network.
Stateful NAT64
The Stateful NAT64 (Network Address Translation 64) feature provides a translation mechanism that translates IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets and vice versa. NAT64 allows IPv6-only clients to contact IPv4 servers using unicast UDP, TCP, or ICMP. The public IPv4 address can be shared with several IPv6-only clients. NAT64 supports communication between:
IPv6 Rapid Deployment
NAT64 is implemented on the Cisco CRS router CGSE platform. CGSE (Carrier Grade Service Engine) has four octeons and supports 20 Gbps full duplex traffic. It works on Linux operating system and traffic into CGSE is forwarded using serviceApp interfaces. SVIs (Service Virtual Interfaces) are configured to enable traffic to flow in and out of CGSE.
Each NAT64 instance configured is associated with two serviceApps for the following purposes:
NAT64 instance parameters are configured using the CGN CLI. The NAT64 application in the octeons updates its NAT64 instance and serviceApp databases, which are used to perform the translation between IPv6 and IPv4 and vice versa.
Active CGN instance configuration is replicated in the standby CGN instance through the XR control plane. Translations that are established on the Active CGN instance are exported to the Standby CGN instance as the failure of the Active CGN affects the service until translations are re-established through normal packet flow. Service interruption is moderate for the given fault detection time and translation learning rate in terms of seconds or tens of seconds for a large translation database.
Dual Stack Lite
IPv6 Network and Public IPv4 Internet
Public IPv6 Internet and IPv4 Network
One serviceApp is used to carry traffic from IPv6 side
Another serviceApp is used to carry traffic from IPv4 side of the NAT64.
The Dual Stack Lite (DS-Lite) feature enables legacy IPv4 hosts and server communication over both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Also, IPv4 hosts may need to access IPv4 internet over an IPv6 access network. The IPv4 hosts will have private addresses which need to have network address translation (NAT) completed before reaching the IPv4 internet. The Dual Stack Lite application has these components:
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Port Control Protocol
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
Basic Bridging BroadBand Element (B4): This is a Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) router that
is attached to the end hosts. The IPv4 packets entering B4 are encapsulated using a IPv6 tunnel and sent to the Address Family Transition Router (AFTR).
Address Family Transition Router(AFTR): This is the router that terminates the tunnel from the B4.
It decapsulates the tunneled IPv4 packet, translates the network address and routes to the IPv4 network. In the reverse direction, IPv4 packets coming from the internet are reverse network address translated and the resultant IPv4 packets are sent the B4 using a IPv6 tunnel.
The Dual Stack Lite feature helps in these functions:
Tunnelling IPv4 packets from CE devices over IPv6 tunnels to the CGSE blade.
Decapsulating the IPv4 packet and sending the decapsulated content to the IPv4 internet after completing network address translation.
In the reverse direction completing reverse-network address translation and then tunnelling them over IPv6 tunnels to the CPE device.
IPv6 traffic from the CPE device is natively forwarded.
Port Control Protocol
Port Control Protocol (PCP) allows an IPv6 or IPv4 host to control how incoming IPv6 or IPv4 packets are translated and forwarded by a network address translator.
PCP version 1 as documented in is supported.
It also allows packets to be received from the Internet to a host and allows a host to reduce keepalive traffic of connections to a server.
Policy Functions
Application Level Gateway
The Application Level Gateway (ALG) deals with the applications that are embedded in the IP address payload. Active File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), and Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) are supported.
CGN supports both passive and active FTP. FTP clients are supported with inside (private) address and servers with outside (public) addresses. Passive FTP is provided by the basic NAT function. Active FTP is used with the ALG.
CGN supports the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), an application-level protocol for control over the delivery of data with real-time properties. RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled,
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on-demand delivery of real-time data, such as audio and video. Sources of data can include both live data feeds and stored clips.
PPTP is a network protocol that enables secure transfer of data from a remote client to a private enterprise server by creating a Virtual Private Network (VPN). It is used to provide IP security at the network layer. PPTP uses a control channel over TCP and a GRE tunnel operating to encapsulate PPP packets.
PPTP-ALG is a CGN solution that allows traffic from all clients through a single PPTP tunnel.
A PPTP tunnel is instantiated on the TCP port. This TCP connection is then used to initiate and manage a second GRE tunnel to the same peer.
PPTP uses an access controller and network server to establish a connection.
PPTP Access Controller (PAC)
A device attached to one or more PSTN or ISDN lines capable of PPP operation and handling the PPTP protocol. It terminates the PPTP tunnel and provides VPN connectivity to a remote client.
PPTP Network Server (PNS)
A device which provides the interface between the Point-to-Point Protocol (encapsulated in the PPTP protocol) and a LAN or WAN. The PNS uses the PPTP protocol to support tunneling between a PPTP PAC and the PNS. It requests to establish a VPN connectivity using PPTP tunnel.
Control Connection
A control connection is established between a PAC and a PNS for TCP.
A tunnel carries GRE encapsulated PPP datagrams between a PAC and a PNS
TCP Maximum Segment Size Adjustment
Active FTP, PPTP ALG, and RTSP ALG are supported on NAT44 applications. Active FTP and RTSP ALG are supported on DS-Lite applications.
TCP Maximum Segment Size Adjustment
When a host initiates a TCP session with a server, the host negotiates the IP segment size by using the maximum segment size (MSS) option. The value of the MSS option is determined by the maximum transmission unit (MTU) that is configured on the host.
Static Port Forwarding
Static port forwarding helps in associating a private IP address and port with a statically allocated public IP and port. After you have configured static port forwarding, this association remains intact and does not get removed due to timeouts until the CGSE is rebooted. In case of redundant CGSE cards, it remains intact until both of the CGSEs are reloaded together or the router is reloaded. There are remote chances that after a reboot, this association might change. This feature helps in cases where server applications running on the private network needs access from public internet.
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1:1 Redundancy
1:1 Redundancy
CGSE and CGSE Plus support 1:1 redundancy. Two CGSE or CGSE Plus cards can be placed in the active-standby configuration. The card that comes up first gets into the active mode first. If the first card that is in the active mode fails, the second card that is in the standby mode becomes active and processes the traffic. When the failure occurs, the switchover occurs within a second. This redundancy model is in the warm standby mode as the second card is already booted and preconfigured. Once it becomes active, it only has to re-establish the sessions.
Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
The 1:1 redundancy feature does not support the mixing of CGSE and CGSE Plus cards. So ensure that you use either two CGSE cards or two CGSE Plus cards.
You can check the status of the redundancy of the CGSE or CGSE Plus cards by using the show services redundancy command.
The failover and failback operations can be forced by using the service redundancy command.
Back-to-Back Deployment
The CGSE and CGSE-PLUS cards can be used in Back-to-Back CRS chasis configuration. In this configuration, the active card and the standby card are in different chasis, thereby supporting inter-chasis redundancy. The performance of the cards on different chasis would be the same as it would be if they were co-allocated on the same chasis.
The two CGSE or CGSE-PLUS cards that are used in redundancy configuration can be in the same chassis or different chassis.
Intelligent Port Management
Intelligent Port Management is an efficient and flexible way of managing the public ports. This management process consists of the following features:
Configuration of multiple public address pools
Reduction of the minimum size of bulk allocation
Configuration of port limit per VRF
Configuration of same public pool across different NAT instances
Configuration of Multiple Public Address Pools
From this release onwards, you can create multiple pools of address for each inside VRF. This configuration currently supports 8 address pools that do not overlap with each other.
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Throughput Measurement
Ensure that you do not add more than 8 address pools as it might result in verification errors, thereby leading to the rejection of the configuration.
Some of the considerations regarding the configuration of multiple public address pools are as follows:
The outside VRF and outside ServiceApp remain the same for different pools of addresses for a given
inside VRF.
If the outside VRF and the outside ServiceApp are changed, then there are chances that a subscriber packet is routed onto different outside VRFs and different ServiceApps at various times. Hence if you try to configure different address pools with different outside VRF and different ServiceApps, the configuration is rejected.
The maximum size of the public address pool is 65536 addresses per CGN instance.
The minimum size of the public address pool is 64 addresses.
When a particular address pool is deleted, the associated translations are also deleted.
Reduction of the Minimum Size of Bulk Allocation
The minimum size of bulk allocation has been reduced to 8. This size can be specified by using the bulk-port-alloc size command.
Configuration of Port Limit per VRF
For NAT44, you can configure different port limits for different inside-VRF instances. The port limit specified per VRF overrides the port limit value specified globally. But if the port limit per VRF is not specified, then the global port limit is applied. This configuration is supported for CGSE as well as CGSE-PLUS.
If the port limit is reduced, CGSE or CGSE-PLUS card will not terminate any translation. But no new translations are created until the usage by the subscribers for that VRF falls below the port limit.
Configuration of Same Public Address Pool across Different NAT instances
A public address pool can be reused by different instances of NAT. But the address pool can be reused only by different CGN instances on different service cards. The syslog gives details on the CGN instances and the address pool that is being reused.
Two or more different instances of CGN can act as active-standby in an N:1 redundancy. In such configurations, two CGSE cards can be in active mode with different address pools. A third CGSE card can act a common standby for both of them. In this case, it makes easy if the third CGSE card is allowed to reuse the address pools used on the other 2 CGSE cards.
Throughput Measurement
The service card, like CGSE, has smaller throughput compared to the other cards in the platform. Therefore it drops packets at the service application interface if the traffic diverted to it is more than it can handle. Hence it becomes very important to measure the throughput for a service card. From this release onwards, the
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Implementing Carrier Grade NAT on Cisco IOS XR Software
High Availability on the Data Path Service Virtual Interface (SVI)
throughput of the CGSE card for the last 1 second and the last 5 minutes can be seen by using the show cgn utilization throughput command.
Some of the considerations of the throughput measurement feature are as follows:
The traffic processed by CGSE is measured in terms of bits per second and packets per second for the
last 1 second as well as the last 5 minutes.
The throughput measurement is done of rthe traffic coming into CGSE, either from Inside-to-Outside
direction or from Outside-to-Inside direction.
High Availability on the Data Path Service Virtual Interface (SVI)
The CGSE already supports high availability tests to detect failures within specific CPU cores (the service-plim-ha core-to-core test) so that an alert is generated if one or more CPU cores of a CGSE card should fail. If configured, the CGSE card goes for a reload and traffic is diverted to standby (or other active cards depending on the configuration) upon detecting any core failures. The CGSE already supports similar test to confirm the integrity of the packet path by sending test packets via ServiceInfra interface (the service-plim-ha data-path test). The card can configured to reload upon failure of this test as well.
However, till now, there were no test mechanism to confirm the integrity of path via ServiceApp interfaces (which bring in and send out subscriber traffic). With this release, a test mechanism has been added for ServiceApp interfaces configured for 6RD application (for both V4 and V6 ServiceApps). The test can be enabled via configuration. The test packets are generated from CGSE and made to traverse through the fabric and come back in to CGSE via ServiceApp interfaces. Should there be a failure in receiving the packets, a syslog message is generated to alert the administrator. Optionally, the ServiceApp interfaces can be configured to be shut down upon detecting failure of this test. Shutting down the failed ServiceApp interfaces is useful in case of active-active configuration where traffic is automatically diverted to other CGSE blades and hence traffic loss can be prevented without manual intervention.
After the high availability feature is configured, the CGSE can detect the conditions where the data path SVI (ServiceApp interface) is not able to forward traffic. If such a condition is detected, then the following actions are taken:
A syslog message is logged by default.
The SVI can be shut down. But you need to ensure that the packets are diverted to the SVIs of the other
available CGSEs.
Some of the considerations regarding the high availability on the data path SVIs are as follows:
In the current release, the high availability configuration is supported only for V4 and V6 ServiceApps
of 6rd application.
In case of a failure, the syslog message is generated irrespective of the shutdown of the SVI instance.
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