Cisco DVR Configuration Manual

4011411 Rev B
DVR Configuration Guide
Please Read
Please read this entire guide. If this guide provides installation or operation instructions, give particular attention to all safety statements included in this guide.
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4011411 Rev B iii
About This Guide v
Chapter 1 Enabling DVR Service 1
Procedure Overview ................................................................................................................ 2
Adding a DVR Package to the DNCS ................................................................................... 3
Adding a DVR Service to the SAM ....................................................................................... 5
Adding the DVR Service to Channel Maps .......................................................................... 7
Chapter 2 Customizing DVR Services 11
Ways to Customize DVR Service ......................................................................................... 12
Record from Quick Settings Menu: Allow Subscribers to Record a Program from
the Quick Settings Menu ....................................................................................................... 16
Recording Control: Prevent Subscribers from Recording a Service ............................... 17
DVR Channel Display: Display the Recorded List when Tuning to the
DVR Channel .......................................................................................................................... 19
First Runs Recording Option: Allow Subscribers the Option to Record First Runs
of a Program, Not Reruns ..................................................................................................... 21
Power Save: Disable the Power Save Feature .................................................................... 26
Stand-Alone Authorization: Authorize DVRs for Stand-Alone Mode .......................... 28
Enable Block Title: Prevent Titles of Recordings Blocked by the Parental Control
Feature From Showing .......................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 3 Testing DVR Services 37
Before You Begin .................................................................................................................... 38
Quick Steps for Experienced Users ..................................................................................... 39
Testing DVR Services ............................................................................................................ 40
Chapter 4 Supporting the Hard Disk Drive Test 43
What Is the HDD Test? .......................................................................................................... 44
Setting Up the DNCS to Support the HDD Test................................................................ 45
How Do Staging Technicians Use the HDD Test? ............................................................ 52
Chapter 5 Customer Information 53
iv 4011411 Rev B
Appendix A EID Conversion Table 55
Converting a Package EID from Hexadecimal to Decimal .............................................. 56
Index 57
4011411 Rev B v

About This Guide


This guide describes how to enable Explorer® Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) to use DVR features. It also describes how to customize features of the DVR services so they function according to your business needs.
Enhancing Your Subscribers' Experience: SARA Configurable Options User Guide is a companion document to this guide. This companion document contains procedures for configuring features that are used by all set-top boxes, such as the Parental Controls feature.


This document describes how to enable DVR 1.5.2 services and how to customize the features these services offer. This guide does not describe how to enable features that are used by all set-top boxes, such as the Parental Controls feature. For instructions on customizing common features, refer to Enhancing Your Subscribers' Experience: SARA Configurable Options User Guide.


This document is written for the following personnel involved in setting up and operating a Digital Broadcast Delivery System (DBDS):
DBDS and DNCS (Digital Network Control System) system administrators DBDS and DNCS system operators Cisco Services engineers

Related Publications

You may find the following publications useful as resources when you implement the procedures in this document.
Adding and Removing Applications on the BFS for System Release 2.5/3.5 and 4.0 (part
number 4011048)
Configuring Logos on the DNCS (part number 738163) Digital Network Control System Online Help for System Release 2.5/3.5 (UNIX
Version) (part number 4000838)
Enhancing Your Subscribers' Experience: SARA Configurable Options (part number
vi 4011411 Rev B
Digital Home Communications Terminal Staging Guide (part number
ExplorerGetting Started With the Explorer 8000 and 8000HD DVR (part number 740246) Getting Started With the Explorer 8300 and 8300HD DVR (part number 4004007) Guide to Using Your Digital Video Recorder in Stand-Alone Mode (part number
LogoTool Software User's Guide (part number 4000820) Separable Security Host Staging Guide (part number 736107)

Document Version

This is the second release of this document.
Digital Video Recorder User’s Guide (part number 4003870)
4011411 Rev B 1


1 Chapter 1

Enabling DVR Service

Adding the DVR Service to Channel Maps ......................................... 7
This chapter describes two different methods for enabling DVR service: a global method and a package method. When enabled using a global method, all DVRs are enabled for DVR service. When using the package method, only the DVRs that have been authorized for DVR service with a DVR package are enabled for DVR service.
To use DVR service, subscribers must have any of the following Cisco set-top boxes: Explorer 8000, 8000HD, 8240, 8240HD, 8300, 8300HDC, or 8300MR Home Entertainment Servers. In addition, current software must be installed on these devices. Contact Cisco for information on the latest software release.
In This Chapter
Procedure Overview............................................................................... 2
Adding a DVR Package to the DNCS .................................................. 3
Adding a DVR Service to the SAM ...................................................... 5
Chapter 1 Enabling DVR Service
2 4011411 Rev B

Procedure Overview

This section provides instructions for enabling the DVR service using either of the following methods:
Open access (global method) — Enables the DVR service for all subscribers who
have a DVR-DVD or DVR
Conditional access (package method) — Enables the DVR service for only those
subscribers who have been authorized for the DVR package and who have a DVR-DVD or DVR

Before Y ou Begin

If you are enabling the DVR service with conditional access, make certain that you know the package name that your billing system uses to enable or disable the DVR service. If you do not know the name, contact your billing system operator to obtain the correct package name.

Overview of Enabling DVR Service

The following tasks summarize how to enable DVR service with conditional access.
Note: The rest of this chapter provides detailed instructions for each task summarized in this section.
1 To enable the DVR service with conditional access, add a DVR package to the
Note: If enabling the DVR service with global access, skip this step. It is not necessary to add a DVR package to the DNCS.
2 Add a DVR service to the Service Application Manager (SAM). 3 Add the DVR service to appropriate channel maps.
4011411 Rev B 3

Adding a DVR Package to the DNCS

1 Do you want to offer the DVR service only to subscribers who are authorized for
the DVR package?
If yes, go to step 2. If no, go to Adding a DVR Service to the SAM (on page 5).
2 On the DNCS Administrative Console, click the DNCS tab and then select the
System Provisioning tab.
3 Click Package. The Package List window opens. 4 Does a DVR package appear in the Package List window?
If yes, a DVR package has already been added to the DNCS. Go to step 8. If no, you need to add a DVR package to the DNCS.
5 On the File menu, select New. The Set Up Package window opens.
Chapter 1 Enabling DVR Service
4 4011411 Rev B
6 Follow these instructions to enter data in the Set Up Package window:
Package Name: Enter the package name that your billing system uses to
enable DVR functionality. The name that you enter here must exactly match the package name that your billing system uses. For example, you might use the PVRAC package to enable DVR functionality.
Note: If necessary, contact your billing system operator to obtain the correct package name.
Duration: Leave the default value of Unlimited.
7 Click Save to save this package in the DNCS database and close the Set Up
Package window. The package appears in the Package List window.
8 From the Package List window, select the package you will use to authorize DVR
service. From the Package List window, select the package you will use to authorize DVR service.
9 Click File and then select Open. The Set Up Package window opens for the
package you selected.
10 Record the number shown in the EID field here: _________________________
Note: The number shown in the EID field is in hexadecimal format.
11 Click Cancel to close the Set Up Package window and return to the Package List
12 Click File and then select Close to close the Package List window and return to
the DNCS Administrative Console.
13 Refer to the hexadecimal conversion table in EID Conversion Table (on page 55)
to convert the EID from hexadecimal format to decimal format, and then write the decimal format of the EID here: ____________________
14 Go to Adding a DVR Service to the SAM (on page 5).
4011411 Rev B 5

Adding a DVR Service to the SAM

The Application URL that you enter when creating a SAM DVR service determines whether the DVR service uses open (global) or conditional (package) access.
Follow these instructions to globally or conditionally authorize DVRs for the DVR service.
1 On the DNCS Administrative Console, click the Application Interface Modules
2 Click SAM Service. The SAM Service List window opens. 3 Click File and select New. The Set Up SAM Service window opens. 4 Follow these instructions to enter data in the fields of the Set Up SAM Service
Service Name: Enter a name for the DVR service, such as DVR Enable. Short Description: Enter a short description (up to 5 alphanumeric
characters) for the DVR service, such as DVR. Subscribers see the short description in the channel banner when DVR service is activated.
Long Description: Enter a long description (up to 32 alphanumeric
characters) for the DVR service. This information is for your use only. Subscribers will not see the text that you enter here.
Application URL: Enter one of the following URLs according to how you
want to offer this service:
Open access (global method): To offer the DVR service to all subscribers
who have a DVR, enter bfs://resapp/pvrac.
Controlled access (package method): To limit the DVR service only to
subscribers who have a DVR and who are authorized for the DVR package, enter bfs://resapp/pvrac;EID=#, replacing the # symbol with the decimal equivalent of the EID for the DVR package.
Note: To obtain decimal equivalent of the EID, refer to step 13 of Adding a DVR Package to the DNCS (on page 3).
Chapter 1 Enabling DVR Service
6 4011411 Rev B
Logo: If you have a custom logo that you want to use for this service, enter
the logo ID for the desired logo. Otherwise, enter 0 (zero).
Parameter: Click the Number option and then enter 0 in the Number field.
5 Click Save to save the service information in the DNCS database and close the
Set Up SAM Service window. The SAM Service List window updates to include the new service with its system-assigned service ID and application URL tag.
6 Record the service name here: __________________________________.
Note: You need this name as you continue to set up the service.
7 Add DVR service to Channel Maps. Go to Adding the DVR Service to Channel
Maps (on page 7).
4011411 Rev B 7

Adding the DVR Service to Channel Maps

This section describes how to add the DVR service to channel maps so that subscribers who are authorized for DVR service can access the service.
After you have registered the DVR service with the SAM, follow these instructions to add the DVR service to appropriate channel maps.
After DVR service has been added to channel maps, DVRs display a generic DVR
service screen whenever subscribers tune to the DVR channel. However, you can customize DVR service so that DVRs display the Recorded List whenever subscribers tune to the DVR channel. For more information, go to Customizing DVR Services (on page 11).
Non-DVRs without the DVR package display a Not Authorized barker whenever
subscribers tune to the DVR channel. Non-DVRs with the DVR package display a black screen when subscribers tune to the DVR channel.
1 On the DNCS Administrative Console, click the Application Interface Modules
2 Click Channel Maps. The Display Channel Map List window opens.
3 Click once on the row that contains the channel map to which you want to add
this service.
Chapter 1 Enabling DVR Service
8 4011411 Rev B
4 Click File, and then select Open. The Set Up Display Channel Map window
opens for the channel map you selected.
5 Scroll through the Available Services field until you see the DVR service listed,
and then click the DVR service to select it.
6 Scroll through the Channel Slot field until you see the channel slot to which you
want to assign the DVR service, and then click the channel slot to select it.
7 Click Add. The DVR service moves from the Available Services field to the
Channel Slot field you selected.
8 Click Save to save the channel map information in the DNCS database and close
the Set Up Display Channel Map window. By default, the system waits 20 minutes to build new channel maps. However, the amount of time that elapses between a change to a channel map and the time that a new channel map is built and broadcast to DHCTs varies according to the SAM Update Timer setting. For this reason, allow an appropriate amount of time to pass before testing DVR service to verify that channels were added.
9 Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each channel map that requires DVR service, and then go
to step 10.
4011411 Rev B 9
10 On the Display Channel Map List window, click File, and then select Close to
close the window and return to the DNCS Administrative Console.
11 Now that you have successfully enabled DVR service, continue preparing the
DVR service for use in one of the following ways:
If you want to customize DVR service so that it meets your business needs,
go to Customizing DVR Services (on page 11).
If you do not want to customize DVR service and will use the default
settings, go to Testing DVR Services (on page 37).
Note: For a description of the DVR service default settings, go to Customizing DVR Services (on page 11).
4011411 Rev B 11


2 Chapter 2

Customizing DVR Services

This chapter describes the default settings for DVR services and describes the different ways you can customize these settings. This chapter also provides instructions for configuring your system to support each customized setting.
In This Chapter
Ways to Customize DVR Service ........................................................ 12
Record from Quick Settings Menu: Allow Subscribers to
Record a Program from the Quick Settings Menu ........................... 16
Recording Control: Prevent Subscribers from Recording a
Service..................................................................................................... 17
DVR Channel Display: Display the Recorded List when
Tuning to the DVR Channel ................................................................ 19
First Runs Recording Option: Allow Subscribers the Option to
Record First Runs of a Program, Not Reruns ................................... 21
Power Save: Disable the Power Save Feature ................................... 26
Stand-Alone Authorization: Authorize DVRs for Stand-Alone
Mode ....................................................................................................... 28
Enable Block Title: Prevent Titles of Recordings Blocked by
the Parental Control Feature From Showing .................................... 34
Chapter 2 Customizing DVR Services
12 4011411 Rev B

Ways to Customize DVR Service

Tables in this section describe the ways you can customize the behavior of DVR services. To customize a behavior shown in these tables, refer to the appropriate procedure that appears later in this chapter.

Custom DVR Behaviors

The following table describes the ways that you can customize the behavior of the
DVR Behavior Default Behavior Custom Behavior
DVR service to meet your business needs.
Subscriber Impact
Record From Quick Settings Menu
Recording Control
The default behavior of the DVR service does not provide a recording option in the Quick Settings menu.
Subscribers who have a DVR can automatically record most services when the DVR service has been set up properly. Applications such as video-on-demand (VOD) cannot be recorded.
When customized, a recording option appears in the Quick Settings menu, similar to the example shown here.
When customized, you can prevent subscribers from recording a specific service, such as VOD. When customized, the following message is displayed when subscribers attempt to record a non-recordable service:
ATTENTION: Recording feature not available on this channel.
4011411 Rev B 13
Subscriber Impact
DVR Behavior Default Behavior Custom Behavior
DVR Channel Display
When subscribers tune to the channel that provides DVR service, a generic DVR service screen displays as shown here.
When customized, the Recorded List screen, as shown here, displays when subscribers tune to the channel that provides DVR service.
Custom Logo for DVR Screens
Note: If a recording is playing on the
DVR service channel, the recording is paused when a subscriber tunes to the DVR service channel.
When a DVR screen displays (for example, the Recorded List screen), no logo appears in the Information area of the screen, as shown in the following example.
When customized, the configured logo appears in the Information area on the DVR screen, as shown here.
Note: To customize this feature, refer to LogoTool Software User's Guide (part number 4000820) and Configuring Logos on the DNCS (part number
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