Cisco Systems DVC-1000 User Manual

i2 eye
(Patent Pending)
Broadband VideoPhone
Building Networks for People
Using the Setup Wizard .............................................................................. 10
Using a Telephone with the DVC-1000......................................................... 13
Using the DVC-1000.................................................................................... 14
Using the Configuration Menu...................................................................... 19
Using the DVC-1000 with Routers, Gateways or Modems ........................... 33
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 39
Frequently Asked Questions ....................................................................... 47
Glossary of Terms....................................................................................... 50
Technical Specifications.............................................................................. 53
Contacting Technical Support...................................................................... 55
Warranty and Registration........................................................................... 56
Imagine having high-quality, extremely low-cost video conferencing from a stand­alone, easy to use communication appliance. The D-Link i2eye
Broadband VideoPhone accomplishes this. D-Link i2eye
introduces the world of video conferencing over the Internet, to bring you and your family, friends and colleagues together, in real time, anytime! The previously complicated process of conducting a video conference is simplified with the i2eye
1000. Since the DVC-1000 is a stand-alone device, you do not need a computer to video conference over the Internet. The i2eye
DVC-1000 is such a
revolutionary leap in technology that D-Link calls it a VideoPhone. Connect a television for viewing, an optional standard telephone for privacy, plug in a standard Ethernet network cable connected to your broadband Internet connection and you are ready to use your i2eye
Using advanced video compression technology, the i2eye
DVC-1000 VideoPhone.
VideoPhone maximizes the image and audio quality within the available bandwidth. It is an ideal solution for consumers and small businesses with high­speed broadband Internet access. There is no delay in waiting for a PC to boot up before using your i2eye
DVC-1000 VideoPhone, and you dont have to be
a computer expert. Using the Internet, in place of conventional dial-up phone lines, maximizes your existing broadband investment. The remote control included with the i2eye
DVC-1000 makes it easy to answer an incoming
videoconference call or dial out to initiate your own videoconference. The built­in caller ID provides privacy protection. You know who is calling before you answer and the audio or video can be turned off whenever desired.
This manual provides the instructions to install and use your D-Link i2eye
DVC-1000 Broadband VideoPhone. Please take a moment to get acquainted
with this manual to make your VideoPhone experience go as smoothly as possible.
Package Contents
n D-Link i2eye
D VC-1000 Broadband VideoPhone
n Power Ada pter n Instruction Manual n Quick Installation Guide n Remote Control n Standard Composite RCA Audio / Video Cable n Cat 5 RJ-45 Ethernet Cable
Note: Using a power supply with a different voltage than the one included with the DVC-1000 will cause damage and void the warranty for this product.
S ys tem Req u ir em en t s
n Connection to broadband Internet (Cable modem, DSL modem,T-1 or Ethernet
network) at each end of the connection
n Television with standard composite audio and video inputs (RCA jacks) or with a
RF modulator to enable a TV without AV jacks to be connected with the antenna terminal
n Optional: Standard telephone (but recommended) n Optional: You can connect the i2eye
video capture device that allows input of standard composite video (using RCA Jacks)
n Optional: An external microphone can be connected to the pink Mic port on the
rear of the device for improved audio quality when a group of people are originat­ing the i2eye
DVC-1000 call.
DVC-1000 to a PC equipped with a
Features & Benefits
n Stand-alone operation - No computer needed n Uses broadband cable/DSL or network connections for high-quality video n H.323 Internet video-conferencing standard compliant n Easy to use n Use your existing broadband network n Easy Setup Wizard n Picture-in-Picture view or full-screen view n Remote control included n Speed Dialing n Advanced video and audio privacy protection n Built-in Caller ID n Auto mapping of IP Address n Answer incoming calls using telephone or remote control n Video and / or audio mute n Adjustable tilt and focus lens n Up to 30 frames per second n High quality 352 x 288 resolution n Automatic detection of system upgrades n 1 Year Warranty
LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode. The i2eye
following LEDs for monitoring its operation.
i2 eye
Call Monitor
Link StatusActivity
Front, far right. A green light indicates the i2eye
LED Location and Activity
DVC-1000 has the
DVC-1000 is ON.
Link Status
Front to the left of the power light. This light turns on briefly at power up. It is then off during normal operation.
Front, left side of lens. Steady red light indicates video is being sent.
Back, right. Steady green light indicates the network connection is good.
Back, left. Steady or blinking yellow light indicates the
DVC-1000 is transmitting data.
Getting Started
Read Using the DVC-1000 with Routers, Gateways or Broadband Modems on page 33 in this manual if you are using the DVC-1000 VideoPhone with a Router,
Gateway or Broadband Modem.
The DVC-1000 needs to be set-up before use. Use the Quick Installation Guide (included with the DVC-1000) to perform the hardware instal-
lation. Each cable (video, audio, Ethernet and AC power) supplied for the i2eye
has a different color on the end that connects to the DVC-1000. Plug the cables into the matching color coded connector on the back of DVC-1000. You can also plug the optional telephone and/or external microphone into the DVC-1000. To help you with these connections, there is an illustration on the bottom of the unit.
There is an easy to use Setup Wizard built-in to the DVC-1000 to accomplish the set-up. You will need to enter your name, your phone number and your Internet connection information in order to use your VideoPhone.
Using the Remote Control
Information for the Setup Wizard is entered by using the intelligent remote con­trol included with the DVC-1000. The remote is used to enter numbers, letters, special characters and to make selections from an on-screen keyboard. The on-screen keyboard is activated by pressing ENTER on the remote control. The on-screen keyboard is only activated in a field where text is required.
You will use the arrow keys on the remote control along with the ENTER, CANCEL and number keys to enter information in the Setup Wizard screens.
Where a numeric input is required, such as a telephone number or IP address, enter it directly by pressing the number keys. The * (asterisk--sometimes called a star key) is used to enter a . (period also called a dot.)
When you are entering alphanumeric information, the left arrow key performs a backspace, deleting the character to the left of the cursor. The following page contains a breakdown of the features of the remote control.
Remote Control Layout
Use the arrow keys along with the ENTER, CANCEL and number keys to enter information in the Setup Wizard screen.
The * (asterisk--sometimes called a star key) is used to enter a . (period also called a “ dot”.)
When entering alphanumeric information, the left arrow key performs a backspace, deleting the character to the left of the on-screen cursor.
Speakerphone Mode
When a numeric input is required, (e.g., a tele­phone number or IP Address) enter it directly by pressing the
number keys.
Number sign
Full-screen or Picture-in­Picture
Self-view or Remote View
Adjust Contrast
Mute Audio
Mute Video
Using the On-Screen Keyboard
The DVC-1000 uses a keyboard that appears on-screen to enter words or al­phanumeric characters into the Setup Wizard screens. When the cursor is located in a setup screen that requires characters to be entered, press the ENTER key to bring up the on-screen keyboard.
The keyboard will only appear if the cursor is located in an area of the screen that allows text or numbers to be entered.
To enter text use the arrow keys on the remote control to move the cursor to the required character. Press the ENTER key on the remote control to actually put the character on the screen. Continue entering characters until you have “typed” the characters that are needed.
When you are finished entering text and numbers, move the cursor to highlight OK on the screen and press ENTER; or alternatively you can press the CANCEL key on the remote to remove the keyboard from the screen, leaving what you typed on the screen.
The keyboard allows entering any of the following:
Numbers 0 through 9
Upper case Letters A through Z
Lower case letters a through z
Special characters: period (.), dash (-), colon (:), at sign (@),
space, backspace (to delete a character to the left), comma (,) , and a slash (/).
When you are entering letters, the first letter entered is automatically entered as UPPER case. The bottom left arrow on the screen is a Shift key. This allows you to change from UPPER to lower case. The keypad features wraparound capability. Pressing continuously on the right arrow will navigate you through all the rows of the alphabet.
Using the Setup Wizard
The following descriptions of the Setup Wizard screens will help you understand the purpose and procedures for providing the required information.
Welcome Screen
The first screen that displays on the initial startup is the Wecome Screen. This screen explains what information is needed to complete the setup and also explains how to use the remote control to navigate through the Setup Wizard. Press ENTER on the remote control to continue to the next screen.
Personal Information Screen
This is where you enter your name, area code and phone number. The bottom of the screen has instructions on using the on-screen keyboard.
After the information is entered highlight the NEXT button and press ENTER on the remote control to continue.
The phone number you enter is one you create for family, friends and others to call you. You can use your regular phone number or make up a new one. Only your name will be displayed at the other end of the video call. Your phone number will not be visible to anyone else.
Using the Setup Wizard (continued)
Network Address Screen
The Network Address screen asks for information that is needed to connect a VideoPhone call over the Internet. Most home users with a cable or DSL modem can leave the checkbox checked to obtain an IP Address automatically.
If you know you cannot be assigned an IP Address automatically through a DHCP server, then uncheck the checkbox and enter your IP Address, Subnet mask and Gateway.
Obtain an IP Address automatically (Default)
The application will attempt to obtain the IP Address from the DHCP server. When this is checked, the other settings on this screen are automatically grayed. Also, if this setting is checked, you will skip the DNS screen, described on the next page, as the DNS will be set automatically.
IP Address, Subnet mask, Gateway
If necessary, enter each of these settings for the DVC-1000. You will be able to obtain the IP Address, subnet mask and gateway address from your router configuration settings, ISP or network administrator.
Host name (optional):
Your Internet Service provider may require you to provide a host name to connect to the Internet. If this is required you can enter it here. Today, this is rarely required on a broadband connection and this setting is optional.
Press OK to continue.
Using the Setup Wizard (continued)
DNS (Domain Naming System) Screen
If you entered an IP address in the Network Address screen (described on the previous page) you will see the screen for setting DNS server addresses. The DNS screen asks for information regarding the Domain Name System (DNS) server.
You should be able to get both of these settings from
your router configuration settings, ISP or your network administrator. Only the primary DNS server address is required, though it is best to have both the primary and secondary addresses.
Press OK to continue.
The Domain Name System (DNS) translates Internet domain names (for example, which is easy for humans to use and remember) to IP Addresses, which are what computers use to find each other on the Internet.
Network Speed Screen
The Network Speed screen asks you to select the type of broadband Internet connec­tion you use. Each choice has default send and receive speeds defined for you. If you need to change these set­tings after completing the Setup Wizard, this can be done by selecting the Set- tings > Network > Speed screen.
Press Next to continue.
Using the Setup Wizard (continued)
System Restart
A warning message now appears asking to restart the DVC-1000 VideoPhone to complete the setup. Press the Yes button to accomplish a restart.
Congratulations! You are now ready to make and receive i2eye VideoPhone calls.
Using a Telephone with the DVC-1000
Although optional, it is recommended that you connect a standard telephone to the DVC-1000 VideoPhone.
The telephone that you use for the DVC-1000 VideoPhone will not be connected to your phone jack. You will use the telephone as a means of conducting and receiving calls over the Internet only.
The telephone handset is used to place video calls just as you would with a regular phone call. You dial a VideoPhone number to reach a party on the other end of the VideoPhone call. You can speak through the telephone, listen to the other party in privacy, and even switch to the Speakerphone Mode on the DVC-1000 to share the audio with others. This can all be controlled by the re­mote control. When the phone is picked up, the microphone is muted.
If the VideoPhone number you are calling has a different area code, you will need to dial a 1, the 3-digit area code and the 7-digit number. The DVC-1000 requires using a 1 in calls outside your area code to correctly look up the
phone number. If you are calling within the same area code, you will only dial the 7-digit num-
Using the DVC-1000
Layout of the i2eye Main Screen
Status Icons
Main Window
Status Message Area
Banner Window
After you have correctly setup the i2eye VideoPhone using the Setup Wizard you will see the above Main Screen each time you turn on the VideoPhone. There is a larger Main Window that displays the self-view until a call is connected and then displays the party you are calling. The smaller Self-View Window then displays the self-view when a call is connected. The self-view is a cropped image of what the other party is actually seeing. To flip the images that are in the Main Window and Self-View Window press the
Self/Remote button on the remote control.
Main Settings Buttons
Privacy Status Icons
Self-View Window
Status Icons
The Status Icons appear only briefly at startup. The DVC-1000 uses icons to indicate its status. The icons display on the top right side of the Main Screen. If an icon is displayed, this indicates the operation is not complete. The icon will disappear after the operation completes. If the icon appears with a yellow
X through it, this means the operation was unsuccessful. If the Directory Service status icon is displayed with an X through it, you can still make
videophone calls by inputting the IP Address of the phone that you are calling. (See the Manual Dial screen on page 20.) This is a list of the status icons:
Looking for i2eye updates
Obtaining the Public IP Address (Routers Address)
DVC-1000 is registering with the Directory Service
Using the DVC-1000 (continued)
Privacy Status Icons
Privacy Status Icons appear on the Main Screen. Please see the previous page for an illustration.
If you select Audio Privacy in Privacy Settings
window, the other party will not hear you and the audio icon will appear with a slash through it.
Do Not Disturb
If you select Video Privacy in Privacy Settings window, the other party will not see you and the video icon will appear with a slash through it.
If you select Do Not Disturb in Privacy Settings window, the other party will not see you and the video icon will appear with a slash through it.
Answering an Incoming VideoPhone call
Just like a regular phone call, picking up the telephone handset will answer the DVC-1000 VideoPhone. You may also use the remote control to answer by pressing the ENTER key when the Answer button on the screen is highlighted in a dialog box.
If the telephone attached to your DVC-1000 VideoPhone is a cordless model, press TALK on your phone to accept the call.
Placing a Speed-dial VideoPhone Call with the Telephone Handset
Pick up the telephone handset. The DVC-1000 VideoPhone senses the telephone is off the hook and a
prompt appears on the screen asking you to either enter a phone number or press # key to select the speed dial list.
The speed dial menu appears, displaying the speed dial number assigned to the party you want to call. Press the speed dial number on the handset.
The DVC-1000 VideoPhone rings while you wait for your call to be answered by the party on the other end of the call.
When the other party answers, the VideoPhone call is connected.
Using the DVC-1000 (continued)
Placing a Manual Dial VideoPhone Call with the Telephone Handset
Pick up the telephone handset. The DVC-1000 VideoPhone senses the phone is off the hook and
a prompt appears on the screen asking you to either enter a phone number or press # key to select the speed dial list.
Enter the phone number in the DVC-1000 VideoPhone just as you would if you were using a regular phone.
The DVC-1000 VideoPhone rings while you wait for your call to be answered by the party on the other end of the call.
When the other party answers, the VideoPhone call is connected.
If the other party has activated their video privacy, you will not see them; but you will be able to hear them. If they have activated audio privacy, you can see them; but not hear them. If you have activated your video or audio privacy, the other party will not see or hear you.
Placing a Manual Dial VideoPhone Call Using the Remote
From the DVC-1000 VideoPhone Main Menu, select DIAL. The speed dial list appears on the screen.
Navigate with the arrow keys to Manual Dial and press ENTER. You can enter a phone number if you and the party you are
calling are connected to the directory service, or you can enter an IP address (See page 18 for an example of an IP address). If you are not connected to the directory service, the phone number box will be grayed out on your screen.
Enter the phone number or IP address and select Dial. You will hear ringing while you wait for your call to be accepted.
Using the DVC-1000 (continued)
Speakerphone Mode
The DVC-1000 has a Speakerphone Mode if the call needs to be shared with more than one person, or when it is desirable to talk without using the telephone handset. In Speakerphone Mode, the speaker on the television and the microphone in the DVC-1000 VideoPhone are used.
When a call is answered using the remote control, or a call is placed using the remote control, the DVC-1000 VideoPhone is automatically in Speakerphone Mode.
Speakerphone mode is a half-duplex audio mode , which means that only one end of the call may talk at a time. If you are talking, you will not hear the person on the other end. Because half-duplex allows only one side to talk at a time, if you are in a loud environment, you will have difficulty hearing the other side because the loud side stays active, and audio may not come through from the other side.
Making a Speakerphone Call into a Private Call
If you are sharing a VideoPhone call with a group using the Speakerphone Mode and wish to conduct a private conversation, pick up the telephone handset and turn down the audio on the televison. The others in the group will not be able to hear the conversation.
Making a Private Call into a Speakerphone Call
If a VideoPhone call is in progress using the telephone handset, Speakerphone mode can be enabled:
Press the Speakerphone button on the DVC-1000 remote control. When the dialog appears on the video display telling you to hang
up the phone, go ahead and hang up the phone. Speakerphone mode is now active.
When in Speakerphone mode, you should face the DVC-1000 VideoPhone unit when you speak so the microphone will pick up all your words. Speak louder as you move further from the microphone. The recommended distance from the microphone in speakerphone mode is 6 to 8 feet.
If Speakerphone mode is not enabled by pressing the Speakerphone button on the remote control, hanging up the handset will hang up the video call.
Using the DVC 1000 (continued)
Entering Phone Numbers
Phone numbers may be entered in the following formats (the dash is entered automatically):
1-949-555-1212: The 1 is required if you are calling outside your local area.
555-1212: Will work only within the local area code.
The local area code is specified in the Settings > Personal Info screen.
Entering IP Addresses
Valid entry for the IP address field would include: (Dials a VideoPhone, or other H.323 videoconferencing device, at this IP address)
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