Cisco Model DPC3929 and
DPC3929CM DOCSIS 3.0 8x4
Wireless Residential Gateway with
Embedded Digital Voice Adapter
User Guide
Please R ead
Please read this entire guide. If this guide provides installation or operation
instructions, give particular attention to all safety statements included in this guide.
T rademark Acknowledgm ents
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its
affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this
URL: DOCSIS is a registered tradema rk of Cable
Television Laboratories, Inc. and PacketCable is a trademark of Cable Television
Laboratories, Inc. The Wi-Fi Protected Setup mark is a mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Other third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between
Cisco and any ot her company. (1110R)
Publication Disclaimer
Cisco Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may
app ea r in this publication. We reserve the right to change this publication at any
time without notice. This document is not to be construed as conferring by
implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license or right under any copyright or
pat ent , whether or not the use of any information in this document employs an
invention claimed in any existing or later issued patent.
The maximum performance for wireless is derived from IEEE Standard 802.11
specifications. Actual performance can vary, including lower wireless network
ca pacity, data t hroughput rate, range and coverage. Performance depends on ma ny
factors, conditions and variables, including distance from the access point, volume of
network traffic, building materials and construction, operating system used, mix of
wireless products used, interference and other adverse conditions.
Software and Firmware Use
The software described in this document is protected by copyright law a nd
furnished to you under a license agreement. You may only use or copy this software
in accordance with the terms of your license agreement.
The firmware in this equipment is protected by copyright law. You may only use the
firmware in the equipment in which it is provided. Any reproduction or distribution
of this firmware, or any portion of it, without our express written consent is
Informa tion in this publication is subject to change without notice. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by photocopy,
microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information
retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, for any pu rpos e, wit hout the express
permission of Cisco Systems, Inc.
OL-30505-01 iii
United States FCC Compli ance xi
Chapter 1 Int roduc ing the DOCS IS Wirele ss R esiden tial V oice
Gateway 1
What's In th e Carto n? .......................................................................................................... 3
Front Panel Description ...................................................................................................... 5
Back Panel Desc ription ....................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2 Instal li ng th e DOC SI S W irel ess Resid en ti al Voic e
Gateway 9
Installation P reparations ................................................................................................... 10
Install the Wireless Res idential Voice Gateway .............................................................. 17
Chapter 3 Operation of Front Panel Indicators 19
Initial Power Up, Calibration, and Registration (AC Power Appli ed).......................... 20
Normal Op erations (AC Pow er Appli ed) ....................................................................... 22
Special Co nditio ns ............................................................................................................. 24
Chap ter 4 M aintaining the Battery 25
Location of the Battery ...................................................................................................... 26
Ba t tery Mai nte na nce ......................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 5 Tr oub leshoo tin g th e DOCS IS Wire les s R esid en t ial
Voice Gateway 29
Fre que nt ly Ask ed Questions ............................................................................................ 30
Common Troubleshooting Issues .................................................................................... 35
Tips for Improv ed Performa nce ....................................................................................... 37
Chapter 6 Customer Information 39
iv OL-30505-01
Index 41
Notice to Installer s
The servici ng instructions in this noti ce a re for use by qua lified service pers onnel only. To reduce the
ri sk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than tha t contained in the operating
instructions, unless you are qualified to do so.
Notice à l’atten t ion des installateurs d e réseaux câblés
Les instructions r elatives aux inter ventions d’ entretien, four nies d ans la présente noti ce, s’adr essent
exclusivement au personnel techni que qualifié. Pour r éd uire les ri sques d e chocs électriques, n’ effectuer
aucune interventi on autr e que cell es d écri tes dans le mode d'emploi et les instructions relatives au
foncti onnement, à moins que vous ne soyez quali fi é pour ce fai re.
Mitteilung für CA TV -Techniker
Die in dieser Mitteilung aufgeführten Wartungsanweisungen sind ausschließlich für qualifiziertes
Fa chpersonal bestimmt. Um d ie Gefa hr eines elektri schen Schlags z u reduz ieren, sollten S ie keine
Wartungsarbeiten durchführen, die nicht ausdr ückl ich in d er B edienungsanleitung aufgeführt si nd,
außer Sie sind zur Durchführung solcher Arbeiten qualifiziert.
Aviso a los instaladores de sistemas CA TV
Las instr ucciones d e repara ción contenida s en el presente aviso s on pa ra uso exclusivo por par te d e
pers ona l de ma nteni miento cua lificado. Con el fin de red uci r el r iesgo de d esca rga el éctrica, no reali ce
ninguna otra operación de reparación distinta a las contenidas en las instrucciones de funcionamiento, a
menos que posea la cualificación necesaria para hacerlo.
OL-30505-01 vii
Read these ins tr uctions.
Follow all instructions.
Do not use this apparatus near water.
Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other
Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs,
Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer,
apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has
WARNING: Avoid e le ct r ic sho ck a nd fire hazard! If this pr oduct connects to coa xial
2) Keep these i nstructi ons.
3) Heed all warnings.
6) Clean only with dr y cloth.
7) Do not block a ny ventilation openings. Instal l i n accor dance w ith the manufa cturer's
apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
9) Do not d efeat the safety pur pose of the pol ariz ed or ground ing-type plug. A
polarized plug has two bla des with one wi der than the other. A grounding-type
plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third
prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your
outlet, consult an electrician for repl acement of the obsolete outlet.
convenience recepta cl es, and the point w her e they exi t from the a pparatus.
11) Only use a ttachments/a ccessories specified by the ma nufa cturer.
or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the
cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
13) Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of
14) Refer a ll servicing to qual ified service personnel. Servicing is required when the
apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as a power-suppl y cor d or pl ug is
damaged, liquid ha s been spilled or objects ha ve fal len into the appar a tus, the
been d ropped.
P ower Source W arni ng
A label on this product indicates the correct power source for this product. Operate this product only
from an electri ca l outl et w ith the vol tage and frequency i ndicated on the product l abel. If you are
uncertain of the type of power supply to your home or business, consult your service provider or your
local power company.
The AC inlet on the unit must remain accessible and operable at all times.
Ground the Product
cable wiring, be sure the cable system is gr ounded (e a r thed). Gr ounding provide s
some protection against voltage surge s and b uilt-up static charges.
viii OL-30505-01
WARNING: Avoid e lec tr i c shoc k and fir e haz a r d! Do not overload AC p ower/ma ins,
outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles. For products that require
WARNI NG: Ther e is danger of explosion if the battery is mishandle d or incorrectly
replaced. Replace only with the same type of battery. Do not disassemble it or attempt
P rotect the P roduct from Lightni ng
In add ition to di sconnecti ng the AC power from the wa ll outlet, di sconnect the signal inputs.
Verify th e Power S ource from the On/O ff Powe r Light
When the on/off power light is not illumina ted , the a ppar atus may still be connected to the power
source. The li ght may go out when the a pparatus is turned off, r ega r dles s of w hether i t i s still plugged
into an AC power source.
Eli mi nate AC Power/Mains Overloads
battery power or other power sources to operate them, refer to the operating
instr uctions f or those p roducts.
Handling Disposable Batteries
This product may contain a rechargeable Lithium-Ion ba ttery to provid e sta nd-by operation in the
event of a n AC pow er fa ilure.
Heed the following warning, follow the Battery Safety and Battery Disposal instructions below, and see
the instr ucti ons la ter in this guide for ha ndli ng, repla cing, and disposing of the battery.
to recha r ge it outside the system. Do not crus h, p unctur e , disp ose of in fire, short the
external contacts, or expose to water or other liquids. Dispose of the battery in
accordance with local regulations and instr uctions from your se rvice provider.
Batter y Safety
Insert ba tteri es cor rectly. There may be a risk of explosi on if the ba tteries are incorrectly inser ted .
Do not attempt to recharge ‘disposable’ or ‘non-reusable’ batteri es.
Please follow instructions provided for charging ‘rechargeable’ batteries.
Replace ba tteries w ith the sa me or equiva lent type tha t we recommend.
Do not expose batter ies to excessive hea t (such a s sunlight or fir e).
Do not expose batteries to temperatures above 100°C (212°F).
Batter y D i sp o sal
The batteries may conta in substances tha t could be harmful to the environment.
Recycle or dispose of batteries in accordance with the battery manufacturer’s instructions and
local/national disposal and recycling regulations.
The batteries may contain perchlorate, a known hazardous substance, so special handling and
disposal of this product might be necessary. For mor e infor mation about perchlorate and best
ma nagement practices for perchlor ate-containi ng substa nce, see
OL-30505-01 ix
WARNING: Avoid e le ct r ic sho ck a nd fire hazard! Do not ex pose this product to
WARNING: Avoid ele ctr ic shock a nd f ire ha z a r d! U np lug thi s pr oduct befor e cl e a ning .
Do not use a liquid cleaner or an aerosol cleaner. Do not use a magnetic/static cleaning
WARNING: Avoid e le ct r ic sho ck a nd fire hazard! Neve r p ush ob jects through the
WARNING: Avoid ele ctr ic shock! Do not open the cove r of this product. Opening or
Provide V entilation and Select a Location
Remove all pa ckaging ma ter ial befor e a pplying pow er to the product.
Do not place this apparatus on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface.
Do not place this apparatus on an unstable s urface.
Do not insta ll this a ppar atus in an enclosure, such as a bookcase or r ack, unless the installation
provides proper ventilation.
Do not place entertainment devices (such as VCRs or DVDs), lamps, books, vases with liquids, or
other objects on top of this product.
Do not block ventilation openings.
Opera ting E nvi ronm ent
This product is designed for operation indoors with a temperature range from 32° to 104° F (0° to 40°C).
Each product should have adequate spacing on all sides so that the cooling air vents on the chassis a re
not blocked.
P rotect from E xpos ure to Moisture and Fore ign O bject s
dripping or splashing liq uids, rain, or moisture. Objects filled with liquids, such as
vases, should not be placed on this apparatus.
device (dust remover) to clean this p roduct.
openings in this p roduct. Foreign objects can cause electrical shorts that can result in
electric shock or fire.
Service Warnin gs
removing the cover may e xp ose you to dangerous voltage s. If you ope n the cover, your
warranty will be void. This product contains no user-serviceable parts.
Check Product Safety
Upon completion of any service or r epair s to this product, the ser vi ce technician must perfor m safety
checks to d etermine that this product is in proper operating cond ition.
P rotect the P roduct W hen Movi ng It
Alwa ys d isconnect the power source w hen moving the appara tus or connecting or d isconnecting
cabl es.
x OL-30505-01
T el ephone E quipm e nt Not ice
CAUTI ON: T o r educe the r isk of fir e, use onl y No . 26 AWG or la rger
When using your telephone equipment, basic sa fety precautions should alwa ys be followed to r educe
the risk of fire, electric stock and injury to persons, including the following:
1. Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry
tub, i n a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
2. Avoi d using a tel ephone (other than a cordless type) during an electri ca l storm. T here ma y be a
remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
3. Do not use the telephone to repor t a gas l eak in the vicinity of the leak.
telecommunica tion line cord.
20110316_Modem with Battery_Safety
United Sta te s FCC Complianc e
OL-30505-01 xi
United S tates FCC Compliance
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against such interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment OFF and ON, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the followin g measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the service provider or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
An y changes or modifications not expressly approved by Cisco Systems, Inc. , could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment.
The information shown in the FCC Declaration of Conformity paragraph below is a
requirement of the FCC and is intended to supply you with information regarding the FCC
approval of this device. The phone numbers listed are for FCC-related questions only and not
intended for questions regarding the connection or operation for this device. Please contact your
service provider for any questions you may have regarding the operation or installation of this device.
De cla ration of Conform it y
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two condition s: 1) the dev ice m ay not cause
harmful interference, and 2) the device must
accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired
Cet appareilnumérique de la classB estconforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
DOCSIS Wireless Residential Voice
Model(s): DPC3929 and DPC3929CM
Manufactured by:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
5030 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044 USA
United Sta te s FCC Complianc e
x ii OL-30505-01
RF Exposure Statements
Note: This device and it's antennas(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product
procedures. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance
of 7.9 inches (20 c
not possible.
Thissystem has beenevaluated for RFexposure for humansinreference to ANSI C95.1(AmericanNational StandardsInstitute)limits. The evaluationwasbased in accordancewithFCC OETBulletin 65Crev01.01 in compliancewithPart2.1091 and Part15.27.Theminimumseparationdistancefromthe antenna togeneral bystander is 7.9 inches(20 cm)tomaintain
This system has beenevaluated for RFexposure for humansinreference to Canada HealthCode6 (2009)limits. The evaluationwasbased on evaluationper RSS-102 Rev4. Theminimum separationdistance from theantenna to generalbystander is7.9 inches(20 cm) tomaintain compliance.
anada market, only channels 1-11 can be operated. The selection of other channels is
m) between the radiator and your body. For p roducts available in the
20100527 FCC DSL_Domestic
National Restrictions
This product is for in door use only.
This system has been evaluated for RS-210. When operating this system, adhere to the
following requirements:
When operating in the band 5150-5250 MHz, the deviceis only for indoor use to reduce
the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.
The maximumantenna gainpermittedfordevices in the bands5250-5350 MHz and5470-
5725 MHzshall complywiththe EIRPlimit.
The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the band 5725-5825 MHz shall
comply with the EIRP limits specified for point-to-point and non point-to-point
operation as appropriate.
Users should also beadvised that high-powerradarsareallocatedas primary users(i.e.
priority users) of thebands5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and thatthese radarscouldcause interference and/or damage toLE-LAN devices.
Operationin the5600-5650MHzband in the US is not permittedat thistime to avoid
interference with Terminal Doppler Weather Radarsystems operatedbythe FAA.Thisrequirementis applicableto systems installedindoorsoroutdoors.Note: IndustryCanada alsorestrictsoperationofthis band per RSS-210.Systemsbeing installedoutdoorsare subjectto the followingrestrictions:
aSystems must beprofessionallyinstalled bytrained qualified engineer or technicians.
United Sta te s FCC Complianc e
OL-30505-01 xiii
bSystemsmustbeinstalledper the recommendedguidelines in the installationguide
forthe outdoorsystems.
cThe use ofnon-approvedCisco antennas or unauthorizedmodificationscould affect
the operationofthe systemand result ininterferenceto theTDWR and as such theoperatorcouldbe held liable for suchinterference.
Ce système a été évalué pour les normes radioélectriques RS-210. Lorsque vous exploitez ce
système, respectez les exigences listées ci-dessous.
Quand l'appareil est exploité dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz, il peut uniquement être
utilisé à l'intérieur pour réduire le risque de brouillage préjudiciable qui pourrait affecter
les systèmes satellites portables sur la même voie.
Legaind'antenne maximalpermis dans lecas desappareilsutilisantles bandes 5250-
5350 MHz et5470-5725 MHz doitêtre conformeà la limite PIRE(EIRP).
Le gain d'antenne maximal permis dans le cas des appareils utilisant la bande 5725-5825
MHz doit être conforme aux limites PIRE (EIRP) précisées pour les activités point à point
et non point à point, le cas échéant.
Les utilisateurs doiventaussi savoirque les radars hautepuissancesontles utilisateurs
principaux (c.-à-d.les utilisateursprioritaires)des bandes5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHzet queces appareils sont susceptibles decauser des parasites ou des dommages auxdispositifs LE-LAN.
Le fonctionnementen 5600-bande5650 MHz aux Etats-Unis n'estpas autoriséeà ce
moment pour éviterlesinterférencesavecDoppler systèmes radar météorologiques terminal exploité parlaFAA.Cette exigence est applicable auxsystèmes àl'intérieur ou àl'extérieur installés. Note: Industrie Canada procède égalementàl'exploitationde cette bande par RSS-210. Systèmesétantinstallés àl'extérieur sont soumis aux restrictions suivantes:
aLes systèmesdoiventêtre installésprofessionnellementpar l'ingénieurou technicien
forméet qualifié.
bLessystèmesdoivent être installés selon lesdirectives recommandéesdans le guide
d'installationpour les systèmes extérieurs.
cL'utilisationd'antennesnon approuvéespar Cisco ou modificationnon autorisée
pourraitaffecterle fonctionnementdusystème et entraînerdes interférencesdanslaTDWR et en tantque telle l'opérateurpeutêtre tenu pourresponsable de cette atteinte.
For 2.4 GHz, the output power is restricted to 10 mW EIRP when the product is used
outdoors in the band 2454 - 2483.5 MHz. There are no restrictions when used in other parts of
the 2.4 GHz band. Check for more details.
Pour la bande 2,4 GHz, la puissance est limitée à 10 mW en p.i.r.e. pour les équipements
utilisés en extérieur dans la bande 2454 - 2483,5 MHz. Il n'y a pas de restrictions pour des
utilisations dans d'autres parties de la bande 2,4 GHz. Consultez pour
de plus amples détails.
United Sta te s FCC Complianc e
x iv OL-30505-01
This product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the
National Frequency Allocation Table for Italy. Unless this wireless LAN product is operating
within the boundaries of the owner's property, its use requires a “general authorization.”
Please check http://www.comuni t/ for more details.
Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano
Nazionale di ripartizione delle frequenze in Italia. Se non viene installato all 'interno del
proprio fondo, l'utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LAN richiede una “Autorizzazione Generale”.
Consultare http://www.comunicazi t/ per maggiori dettagli.
The outdoor usage of the 2.4 GHz band requires an authorization from the Electronic
Communications Office. Please check for more details.
2,4 GHz frekvenču joslas izmantošanai ārpus telpām nepieciešama atļauja no Elek tronisk o
sakaru direkcijas. Vairāk informācijas: http://www.esd. lv.
Note: The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in EIRP. The EIRP level
of a dev ice can b e calculated by adding the gain of the antenna used (specified in dBi) to the
output power available at the connector (specified in dBm).
All features described in this guide are standard to these models of
residential ga teways unless otherwise noted. For the purpose of this
guide, whenever a feature or option applies to only a specific model,
the model number is specified. If a model number is not specified,
then the feature or option applies to both of the models.
This guide is written for the home subscriber.
Document Version
This is the first formal release of this document.
Wha t 's In the Ca rto n?...........................................................................3
Fro nt Panel Description .......................................................................5
Back Panel Desc ription ........................................................................7
Chapter 1 Introducing the DOCSIS Wireless Residential Voice Gateway
2 OL-30505-01
Your new Wireless Residential Gateway with Embedded Digital Voice Adapter
meets industry standards for high-speed data connectivity along with reliable digital
telephone service. The residential gateway delivers data, voice a nd wired (Ethernet)
or wireless gateway capabilities to connect a variety of devices in the home or small
office and support high-speed data access and cost-effective voice services, all in one
This guide provides procedures and recommendations for installing, operating, and
troubleshooting your residential gateway for high-speed Internet and digital
telephone service for your home or office. Contact your service provider for more
information about subscribing to these services.
Your new residential gateway offers the following outstanding benefits and features:
Compliant with DO CSIS 3.0 , 2.0 , and 1 .x standa rds along with Pa cketCable™
specifications to deliver high-end performance and reliability
High p erf orma nce broadband Internet connect ivity to energize your online
Two-line embedded digita l voice adapter for wired telephony service
Four 1000/100/10BASE-T Ethernet ports to provide wired connectivity
802.11n Wireless Access Point
User configurable Parental Control blocks access to undesirable Internet sites
Adva nced firewall technology deters hackers and protects the home network
from una uthorized a ccess
Attractive compact design that allows for vertical, horizontal, or wall-mounted
Color-coded interface ports and corresponding cables simplify installation and
DOCSIS-5 compliant LED labeling and behavior provides a user and technician
friendly method to check operational status and act as a troubleshooting tool
Allows aut omatic software upgrades by your service provider
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