Overview of CTM GateWay/CORBA
This chapter provides an overview of CTM GateWay/CORBA. It includes the following information:
• 1.1 Features of CTM GateWay/CORBA, page 1-2
• 1.2 CTM GateWay/CORBA Fault Management, page 1-3
• 1.3 Overview of CORBA Services, page 1-3
• 1.4 Information Model, page 1-6
• 1.5 Summary, page 1-6
CTM is a highly advanced optical transport domain manager. Open interfaces to Operations Support
Systems (OSSs) using industry-standard protocols make CTM a flexible building block in legacy as well
as next-generation OSS infrastructures. The CTM GateWay/CORBA product is a CORBA northbound
interface that complies with the TMF CORBA specification for network management layer-element
management layer (NML-EML) interfaces.
A programming technology for distributed computing, CORBA enables components of various
application programs to communicate with one another regardless of their implementation
characteristics—programming language, operating system, machine, location, and so on.
CTM GateWay/CORBA allows service providers to implement a programmatic interface between CTM
and various OSS tools in the back office. Such interfaces enable next-generation flow-through equipment
and circuit management, including inventory, provisioning, and assurance functions.
For each NE that CTM manages, the CTM GateWay/CORBA option provides higher-layer management
systems with fault, inventory, and performance information, plus configuration and circuit provisioning
capabilities. CTM GateWay/CORBA supports up to eight simultaneous sessions with higher-layer
management systems.
CTM GateWay/CORBA supports the following NEs in CTM R9.1:
• MGX 8880/8850/8830
• ONS 15200
• ONS 15216
• ONS 15305
• ONS 15310 CL
• ONS 15310 MA SDH
• ONS 15310 MA SONET
• ONS 15327
• ONS 15454 SDH
Cisco Transport Manager Release 9.1 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual

1.1 Features of CTM GateWay/CORBA
• ONS 15454 SONET
• ONS 15530
• ONS 15540
• ONS 15600 SDH
• ONS 15600 SONET
The following figure illustrates the CTM GateWay/CORBA communications architecture within a
service provider’s OSS environment.
Figure 1-1 CTM GateWay/CORBA Communications Architecture
Chapter 1 Overview of CTM GateWay/CORBA
Service provider's
The telemanagement community has adopted CORBA as the preferred distribution technology with
which to integrate the various components of an OSS. The Multi Technology Network Management
Working Group of the TMF has been working to create a specification for an NML-EML interface.
CTM GateWay/CORBA is based on the following TMF standards:
• TMF.513 v2.0 (August 2001): Multi Technology Network Management Business Agreement
• TMF.608 v2.0 (August 2001): Multi Technology Network Management Information Agreement
• TMF.814 v3.0 (August 2001): Multi Technology Network Management Solution Set
The TMF.608 document is a protocol-independent information model for the network resources being
managed. The TMF.814 document is the CORBA Interface Data Language (IDL) component of the
specification; it consists of a set of definitions for specific objects and methods that are available for use
at the NML-EML interface for passing information or accomplishing specific actions. However,
TMF.814 is a specific interface implementation based on a TMF high-level business agreement
described by the TMF.513 document. To complete the document set, TMF.814A recognizes that different
parties may provide varying degrees of compliance in their implementations. The TMF.814A document
is called the Implementation Agreement, and is simply a form to be filled out by those parties
implementing TMF.814 to further describe their specific implementations to those who might use them.
1.1 Features of CTM GateWay/CORBA
CTM GateWay/CORBA supports the following TM.814 modules:
• Inventory
Element management system (EMS)
Multilayer subnetwork
Managed element
Cisco Transport Manager Release 9.1 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual

Chapter 1 Overview of CTM GateWay/CORBA
Physical termination point (PTP)
Connection termination point (CTP)
Floating termination point (FTP)
Subnetwork connection (SNC)
Protection group
Equipment holder
Topological link
• Alarm notification
• Retrieval of active alarms on objects where inventory is available
• SNC provisioning
• Equipment provisioning
• Protection operations
• Performance operations
1.2 CTM GateWay/CORBA Fault Management
• Maintenance operations
Note Performance and inventory application programming interfaces (APIs) do not retrieve any information
for out-of-service NEs.
The gateway authenticates the northbound OSS. Once authenticated, the OSS can perform operations
and receive alarm notifications.
CTM GateWay/CORBA uses jacORB The corresponding standard is Object Management Group
(OMG) CORBA 2.3.
1.2 CTM GateWay/CORBA Fault Management
CTM GateWay/CORBA forwards all the fault notifications received from managed NEs and all CTM
alarms to the network management system (NMS) through the notification service. Information about
the notification service is available on the OMG website at www.omg.org.
Note This website is copyright © 1997–2009, Object Management Group, Inc.
The NMS retrieves all active alarms on the EMS and on managed element objects. The NMS filters
alarms based on probable cause, perceived severity, and managed element name.
1.3 Overview of CORBA Services
CTM GateWay/CORBA uses two CORBA services—naming service and notification service. The
naming service is required for CTM GateWay/CORBA to function. If the notification service is not
available, alarm and event notifications are not forwarded to the OSS. By default, the naming and
notification services are installed on the CTM server during the GateWay/CORBA installation. However,
Cisco Transport Manager Release 9.1 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual