Cisco CRS-1 Series Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide
Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Craft Works Interface Quick Start Guide
Cisco IOS-XR Software Release 2.0
1 Introduction
2 About the CWI
3 Getting Started
4 Setting Up the Router and CWI Client
6 CWI Overview
7 CWI Desktop Window
8 Configuration Desktop Window
9 Obtaining Documentation
10 Documentation Feedback
11 Obtaining Technical Assistance
12 Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
1 Introduction
This document introduces the Craft Works Interface (CWI) that supports Cisco IOS-XR Software Release 2.0. The following sections are provided:
About the CWI, page 2
Getting Started, page 3
Setting Up the Router and CWI Client, page 6
Getting Started with the CWI, page 11
CWI Overview, page 18
CWI Desktop Window, page 18
Configuration Desktop Window, page 20
Obtaining Documentation, page 22
Documentation Feedback, page 23
Obtaining Technical Assistance, page 23
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information, page 24
Related Documentation
Refer to the following list for related documents that may be useful:
Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Getting Started Guide
Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Craft Works Interface Configuration Applications Reference Guide
Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Craft Works Interface Configuration Guide
CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Craft Works Interface User Interface Guide
Intended Audience
This document is intended for experienced service provider administrators, Cisco telecommunication management engineers, and third-party field service technicians that have completed the required Cisco router training sessions.
2 About the CWI
The CWI is a client-side application used to configure and manage routers. The management and configuration features include fault, configuration, security, and inventory, with an emphasis on speed and efficiency.
The CWI provides a context-sensitive graphical representation of the objects in a router, simplifying the process of configuring and managing the router. The CWI allows you to log in to multiple routers and perform the following management tasks:
View, filter, sort, search, correlate, purge, and monitor real-time alarms.
View, filter, export, and search real-time inventory and interface object attribute information.
Display a dynamic graphical representations of routers.
Telnet/Secure Shell (SSH) to the router for command-line interaction.
Troubleshoot management connectivity problems.
The CWI provides three ways to configure and manage a router:
Using a Telnet or SSH session launched from the CWI, which allows you to configure and manage the router using command-line interface (CLI) commands.
Using the Configuration Editor or Replace Configuration Editor, which allows you to view and edit the running configuration in CLI format. The configuration editors provide common text editing functionality as well as traditional CLI features. See the “Configuration Editor” section on page 22 and the “Replace Configuration Editor” section on page 22.
Using the graphical configuration applications. See the “Configuration Desktop Window” section on page 20.
Support is provided to manage a two-stage commit functionality, which includes locking and rollback control.
3 Getting Started
This section provides information you need to know before you can start setting up a router and CWI client. The following information is provided:
Network Considerations, page 3
Prerequisites, page 4
Network Considerations
The following network information must be taken into consideration before starting the minimum router and CWI client configuration.
Basic Configuration
The basic configuration is not secure. See the “Setting Up the Required Management Services Without a Secure Connection” section on page 8 for procedures.
Secure Socket Layer Encryption Configuration
The secure configuration has Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. If you use the SSL protocol on your network, use the SSL configuration. See the “Setting Up the Required Management Services with a Secure Connection” section on page 8 for procedures.
IP Security
IP security (IPSec) does not require any special configuration for CWI on the router or client. See the “Setting Up the Required Management Services Without a Secure Connection” section on page 8 for procedures.
If you have a firewall in your network, you can use the basic or SSL encryption configurations. See the “Setting Up the Required Management Services with a Secure Connection” section on page 8 and “Setting Up the Required Management Services Without a Secure Connection” section on page 8 for procedures.
The ports listed in Table 1 must be opened when configuring the firewall. Refer to the firewall documentation for information on opening the ports.
Table 1 Firewall Ports
Component Port Direction
HTTP/HTTPS 80/443 Inbound
IIOP/IIOPSSL 10001/10002 Inbound
Table 1 Firewall Ports (continued)
Component Port Direction
Notifications 49901 to 49950 Outbound
Telnet/SSH 23/22 Inbound
Virtual Private Network
When setting the minimum router configuration you must use the client Virtual Private Network (VPN) IP address and Domain Name Server (DNS) name instead of the client IP address and DNS name when configuring the IP hostname for the CWI client. This mapping is required for the client to receive notifications from the router. See Step 3 in the “Setting the Minimum Router Configuration” section on page 7.
If you have a VPN, you can use the basic or SSL encryption configurations. See the “Setting Up the Required Management Services with a Secure Connection” section on page 8 and “Setting Up the Required Management Services Without a Secure Connection” section on page 8 for procedures.
Dual-homed devices are used to bridge two networks. You can run an instance of CWI on the dual-homed device so that you can access the secondary network. You will require terminal services or X-client software to run the CWI graphical application from the client PC. A dual-homed device contains a client-side interface (IP address) and router-side interface (IP address). The client-side is the primary interface, and the router-side is the secondary interface. (See Figure 1.)
Figure 1 Dual-Homed Device Configuration
Client PC
Dual-homed device
When setting the minimum router configuration you must use the dual-homed device router-side (secondary) IP address and DNS name when configuring the IP hostname for the CWI client. This mapping is required for the client to view the notifications from the router received by the dual-home instance of CWI. See Step 3 in the “Setting the Minimum Router Configuration” section on page 7.
If you have a dual-homed device in your network, you can use the standard or SSL encryption configurations. See the “Setting Up the Required Management Services with a Secure Connection” section on page 8 and “Setting Up the Required Management Services Without a Secure Connection” section on page 8 for procedures.
Prerequisites ensure that the CWI client and router are correctly set up to allow them to communicate. Meeting all prerequisites before starting any of the procedures in this guide is recommended to ensure successful communication between the CWI client and router.
The following prerequisites are provided:
CWI Client System Prerequisites, page 5
Router Prerequisites, page 6
CWI Client Prerequisites, page 6
Note The managed router must be configured to send notifications to a specified client. These notifications include real-time
inventory updates (for example online insertion and removal [OIR]), alarms, and change of configuration events. See the “Setting the Minimum Router Configuration” section on page 7 for information on configuring the router to send notifications to a specified client.
CWI Client System Prerequisites
The CWI client hardware requirements ensure that the CWI client has the proper verified system requirements for the chosen platform.
The following system requirements for a CWI client are provided in the following hardware platform tables:
Windows-based PC (See Table 2.)
UNIX (See Table 3.)
Linux (See Table 4.)
Table 2 Windows-Based PC Minimum System Requirements
Requirement Type Minimum Requirements
System hardware IBM PC-compatible 500 MHz PentiumIII minimum, 1.20 GHz Pentium IV recommended.
System software Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
Memory (RAM) 256 MB minimum, 512 MB recommended.
Available drive space CWI=5MB, JRE=48MB.
Additional software One of these browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
Netscape Navigator 4.77 or higher.
Netscape Navigator 7.0 or higher.
Java Runtime environment (JRE) version 1.4.2.
Monitor display settings Minimum recommended screen resolution=1024 by 768 pixels.
Table 3 UNIX Minimum System Requirements
Requirement Type Minimum Requirements
System hardware Solaris 550 MHz minimum, 1.2GHz recommended.
Operating System Solaris 7, 8, 9 (each with a full set of required Solaris patches).
Memory (RAM) 256 MB minimum, 512 MB recommended.
Available drive space CWI=5MB, JRE=48MB.
Additional software One of these browsers:
Netscape Navigator 4.77 or higher.
Netscape Navigator 7.0 or higher.
JRE version 1.4.2.
Refer to the Sun website for latest minimum system requirements for the JRE on Solaris.
Monitor display settings Minimum recommended screen resolution=1024 by 768 pixels.
Table 4 Linux-Based PC Minimum System Requirements
Requirement Type Minimum Requirements
System hardware IBM PC-compatible 500 MHz PentiumIII minimum, 1.20 GHz Pentium IV recommended.
Operating System Red Hat Linux release 7.1 (Seawolf) or any Linux operating system on which Java
Development Kit (JDK) 1.4.2 runs.
Memory (RAM) 256 MB minimum, 512 MB recommended.
Available drive space CWI=5MB, JRE=48MB.
Additional software One of these browsers:
Netscape Navigator 4.77 or higher.
Netscape Navigator 7.0 or higher.
JRE version 1.4.2.
Refer to the Sun website for latest minimum system requirements for the JRE on Linux.
Monitor display settings Minimum recommended screen resolution=1024 by 768 pixels.
Router Prerequisites
The router prerequisites ensure that the router is correctly set up.
The following router prerequisites must be met before logging in to a router using the CWI:
Ensure that the base image and Manageability pie have been installed and booted up on the router that you will be connecting to using the CWI client. Optionally, install and boot up the Crypto pie to enable SSH and SSL functionality, and the MPLS pie to enable a Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) configuration. Refer to the Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Getting Started Guide for information on booting up the base image.
Ensure that connectivity is established between the router management Ethernet interface and the CWI client. Refer to the Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Getting Started Guide for information on connecting an Ethernet interface from the CWI client to the router.
At least one username and password must be configured on the router. A valid authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) username and password for accessing the router must be configured. Refer to the Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Getting Started Guide for information on configuring usernames and passwords on the router.
CWI Client Prerequisites
Ensure that the CWI client is correctly set up to communicate with the router. No special configuration is required on the CWI client.
4 Setting Up the Router and CWI Client
This section provides the procedures that must be completed, in sequence, before you can start using the CWI. The procedures include setting the minimum router configuration that will allow the router to communicate with the CWI client, configuring the required Management Services, and configuring the CWI client.
The following two procedures are provided:
Setting the Minimum Router Configuration, page 7
Setting Up the Required Management Services, page 7
Refer to the Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Getting Started Guide for information on the capabilities of the router, installing IOS-XR software packages on the router, and booting up the router.
Setting the Minimum Router Configuration
The minimum router configuration must be set before configuring the CWI client and required Management Services.
The “Router Information Requirements” section on page 7 provides a list of information you require to complete the procedures in this section.
Router Information Requirements
Contact your system administrator to obtain the following information required to configure the router for use with the CWI:
Router hostname.
CWI client DNS name.
CWI client IP address if the client DNS name is not registered in a DNS server accessible by the router.
Note Before starting the procedures in this section, you must determine if the router will be running under Secure Socket
Layer (SSL).
To set the minimum router configuration, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Establish a Telnet/SSH session with the router.
Step 2 Enter configuration mode.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# configure terminal
Step 3 Configure the IP host DNS name to IP address mapping for the CWI client.
Note If you are using a VPN or a dual-homed device in your network, the client IP address and DNS name are not
used when configuring the IP hostname for the CWI client. For a VPN, use the VPN IP address and DNS name. For a network with a dual-homed device, use the dual-homed device router-side (secondary) IP address and DNS name. See the “Network Considerations” section on page 3 for information on VPN and dual-homes devices in a network.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# domain ipv4 host client-DNS-name client-IP-address
Step 4 Configure the hostname for the router.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# hostname router-hostname
Step 5 Exit configuration mode.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# commit
Setting Up the Required Management Services
When setting up the required Management Services, you have the option of communicating between the CWI client and required Management Services using SSL (secure connection) or no SSL (nonsecure encryption).
The following two sections provide procedures for setting up the required Management Services with or without a secure connection:
Setting Up the Required Management Services Without a Secure Connection, page 8
Setting Up the Required Management Services with a Secure Connection, page 8
The “Setting Up the CWI Client” section on page 10 provides information on setting up the CWI client after the required Management Services are set up. The “Troubleshooting CWI Client Connectivity” section on page 10 provides information on resolving connectivity problems.
Setting Up the Required Management Services Without a Secure Connection
This section provides the procedures required to set up the required Management Services without SSL.
Note The Telnet server must be enabled before you can manage a router using certain CWI features. These features include
the Telnet application, setting character displays in the Rack View application, and viewing committed configuration changes using the Configuration Change dialog box. Refer to Chapter 4, “Bring Up a New Cisco CRS-1 Series Router,” in the Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Getting Started Guide for information on enabling the Telnet server.
Note If you are connecting through a firewall in your network, the ports listed in Table 1 must be open before setting up the
required Management Services. Refer to your firewall documentation for information on opening the ports. See the “Network Considerations” section on page 3 for information on firewalls in a network.
To start the required Management Services on the router, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Establish a Telnet/SSH session with the router.
Step 2 Enter configuration mode.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# configure terminal
Step 3 Enable the HTTP server on the router.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# http server
Step 4 Enable the XML agent on the router.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# xml agent corba
Step 5 Exit configuration mode.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# commit
Setting Up the Required Management Services with a Secure Connection
This section provides the procedures required to set up the Management Services with SSL encryption. When setting up the required Management Services and the CWI client with a secure connection, the certification authority (CA) and router certificates must be set up before enabling the HTTP server and CORBA agent.
The following procedures are provided:
Setting Up the Certificates, page 9
Enabling the Secure HTTP Server and CORBA Agent, page 10
Note The SSH server must be enabled before you can manage a router using certain CWI features. These features include the
SSH application, setting character displays in the Rack View application, and viewing committed configuration changes using the Configuration Change dialog box. Refer to Chapter 4, “Bring Up a New Cisco CRS-1 Series Router,” in the Cisco CRS-1 Series Carrier Routing System Getting Started Guide for information on enabling the SSH server.
Note If you are connecting through a firewall in your network, the ports listed in Table 1 must be open before setting up the
required Management Services. Refer to your firewall documentation for information on opening the ports. See the “Network Considerations” section on page 3 for information on firewalls in a network.
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