Cisco Systems AS5350 User Manual 3

Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide

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Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000
800 553-NETS (6387)
Customer Order Number: DOC-7810754= Text Part Number: 78-10754-03 0A
The following information is for FCC compliance of Class A devices: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limi ts are designe d to provide r easonable prot ection a gainst harmful interfe rence when t he equi pme nt is ope rate d in a comm ercial environment. This equi pment gener ates, us es , and can ra diate radi o-fr equ ency energy a nd, i f not install ed and us ed in a ccorda nce wit h the ins tructi on ma nual, ma y caus e harmful interference to radio communi c ations . Operati on of thi s equipme nt in a reside ntial a rea is likel y to ca use harmfu l inter f erenc e, i n which case users wi ll be require d to correct the interference at their own expense.
The following information is for FCC compliance of Class B devices: The equipment described in this manual generates and may radiate radio-fre q ue ncy ene rgy. If it is not installed in accordance with C isco’s i nst allation instruc tions, i t may c ause inte rferen ce with radio a nd televis ion recep tion. T hi s eq uip ment has been teste d and found t o comply with the limits for a Class B digital de vice in accorda n ce with the specifications in part 15 of the FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Modifying the equipment wit hout C isco’s w ritten authoriza tion may r esult in the e quipme nt no longer c omplyi ng with F CC requ irements for Class A or Class B digital devices. In that event, your r ight to use t he equipme nt may be limi ted by FCC regul ati ons, and yo u may be re qui red to corre ct any interference to radio or television communications at your own expe nse .
You can determine whether your equipme nt is causing i nterfe rence by t urning i t off. If the inter ferenc e stops, it was proba bly c a used by the Cisc o eq uipment or one of it s peripheral devices. If the equi pme nt cause s inte rfere nce to radio or t ele vision rece ptio n, try to correct t he int erferenc e by using one or mor e of the followi ng measure s:
• Turn the television or radio ant enna unt il the int erferenc e st ops.
• Move the equipment to one side or the ot her of the tel evisi on or radi o.
• Move the equipment farther awa y fr om the televi sion or ra dio.
• Plug the equipment into an ou tlet that i s on a diffe rent c ircuit from the televi sion or ra dio. ( That is, make cert ain the e quipmen t and th e telev ision or ra dio ar e on cir cuits controlled by different cir cuit brea kers or fuse s.)
Modifications to this produc t not aut horized by C is co Systems, Inc. cou ld void t he FCC approva l and ne gate your a uth ority to operate the product. The Cisco implementatio n of TCP he ader co mpres sion is an adap tat ion of a pro gram developed by the Unive rsi ty of California , Berke ley (U CB) a s part of UC B’s publi c
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway C hassis In stall ation Gui de
Copyright © 2000-2004, Cisc o Syste ms, Inc . All rights reserv ed.
Preface vii
Document Organization vii Document Conventions viii
Warning Definition ix Related Documentation xii New Hardware Features xiii Obtaining Documentation xiii xiii
Document ation C D-R OM xiii
Ordering Documentation xiv
Document ation Fe edb ack xiv Obtaining Technical Assistance xiv xiv
Technical Assistance Center xv Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xvi


1 Overview 1-1
Chassis Components 1-1 Dial Feature Cards (DFCs) 1-2 Power Supply 1-3 Chassis Specifications 1-3
2 Preparing to Install the Cisco AS5350 Chassis 2-1
Safety Recommendations 2-1
Maintaining Safety with Electricity 2-1
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage 2-2 Required Tools and Equipment 2-3 Preparing to Connect to a Network 2-3
Ethernet Connections 2-4
Console and Auxiliary Ports 2-4
2T Serial Ports 2-5
Alarm Port 2-5
BITS Port 2-5
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Power Supply Considerations 2-6
3 Installing the Cisco AS5350 3-1
Setting Up the Chassis 3-2
Setting the Chassis on a Desktop 3-2 Rack-Mou nting th e Chas sis 3- 3
Connecting to the Network 3-6
Connecting to an Ethernet Network 3-7 Connecting to a WAN 3-7
Connecting to the Console and Auxiliary Ports 3-11
Connecting to the Console Port 3-11
Connecting a Modem to the Auxiliary Port 3-12 Connecting a Signal Generator to the BITS Port 3-13 Connecting an Alarm to the Alarm Port 3-14 Supplying Pow er 3-15 Where to Go Next 3-19
4 Troubleshooting 4-1
LEDs 4-1
Monitoring Environment 4-3
Displaying Environment Status 4-4 Troubleshooting Network Interfaces 4-6 Replacing the Fan Tray 4-6
Removing the Fan Tray 4-6
Installing the Fan Tray 4-10 Getting Help 4-12
A Replacing Memory Components A-1
Removing the Chassis Cover A-1
Required Tools A-1
Safety Recommendations A-1
Chassis Cover Removal A-2 Replacing the Boo t ROM A- 4
Required Tools and Equipment A-4
Boot ROM Replacement A-4 Replacing SDR AM DIMM s A-7
Required Tools and Equipment A-7
SDRAM DIMM Replacement A-7
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
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Replacing Flash Memory SIMMs A-9
Required Tools and Equipment A-10 Flash Memory SIMM Replacement A-10
Replacing the Chassis Cover A-12
Required Tools and Equipment A-12 Chassis Cover Replacement A-12
B Replacing the Power Supply B-1
Overview B-1 Safety Recommendations B-1 Required Tools and Equipment B-2 Removing the Chassis Cover B-3 Removing the Old Power Supply B-6 Installing the Power Supply B-10 Replacing the Chassis Cover B-12
C Cabling Specifications C-1
Console and Auxiliary Port Cables and Pinouts C-1
Identifying a Rollover Cable C-2 Console Port Cables and Pinouts C-2
Auxiliary Port Cables and Pinouts C-4 Ethernet Port Pinouts C-5 BITS Port Pinouts C-5 Alarm Port Pinouts C-5
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Bantam Jack Port Pinouts C-5
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
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This prefa ce de s cr ibe s t he o bj ect ives an d organ ization o f th is d o cu ment and ex plains how to fi nd additional information on related products and services. This preface contains the following sections:
Document Organization, pagevii
Document Conventions, page viii
Related Documentation, page xii
New Hardware Features, page xiii
Related Documentation, page xii
Obtaini ng Technical A ssistance, p ag e xiv

Document Organ ization

This pub licat ion is de signed for peopl e who hav e som e expe rience ins tall ing netw or king equi pment such as routers, hubs, servers, and switches. Th e perso n insta lling the u niversal gateway should be familiar with electronic circuitry and wiring practices and have experience as an electronic or electromechanical technician.
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This table describes the contents of each chapter in this document.
Table 1 Organization
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Overview Overview of the Cisco AS5350 universal gateway. Chapter 2 Preparing to Install the
Cisco AS5350 Chassis
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco AS5350 Describes the tasks you must perform to install t he
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Describes how to troubleshoot the chassis by referring to
Appe nd ix A Replaci ng Memory
Compon en ts Append ix B Replacing the Power S upp ly Describes how to repla ce th e p owe r sup p ly. Appendix C Cabling Specifications Describes cabling and pinout information for the chassis.
Describes the ta s ks you must perform be fore you begin to install the chas sis.
Cisco AS5350 chassis.
the chassis LEDs. Describes how to replace memory chips in the chassis
field-replac eab le u ni ts.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide

Document Conventio ns

Document Conventions
This publ ication u ses t h e f ollow in g co nvention s t o c onvey inst ru ct io ns and in for m at io n.
Convention Description
boldface font Commands and keywords.
italic fo n t Variables for which you supply values. [ ] Keywords or arguments that appe a r w it hin squ a r e brac kets are opti on al. {x | y | z} A choice of required keywords appears in braces separated by vertical bars. You
must select one.
screen font
boldface screen font
< > Nonp rint in g ch ar act er s, f o r example pass wor d s, appear in an gl e b r ack ets in
[ ] Default responses to system prompts appear in square brackets.
Examples of information displayed on the screen. Examp les of information yo u m u s t enter.
contexts where italic font is not available.
Note This symbol means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to additional
information and material.
Timesaver This symbol m eans t he described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action
described in the paragraph.
Caution This symbol means re ade r be c areful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in
equipment damage or loss of data.
Tip This symbol means the following information will help you solve a problem. The tips info rma ti on might
not be troubleshooting or even an action, but could be useful information, similar to a Timesaver.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A

Warning Definition

Document Conventions
IMPORTANT SAFETY I NST RU CTIONS This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could caus e bodil y injury. Before you
work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. To see translations of the warnings that appear in this publication, refer to the translated saf ety warnings that accompanied t his devi ce.
Note: SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Note: This documentation is to be used in conjunction with the specific product installation gui de
that shipped with the product. Please refer to t he Ins tallation Guide, C onfiguration Guide, or ot her enclosed additional documentation for further details.
BELANGRIJKE VEILI GH EIDSINSTRUCTIE S Dit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan
veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van de standaard praktijken om ongelukken te voorkomen. Voor een vertaling van de waarschuwingen die in deze publicatie verschijnen, dient u de vertaalde veiligheidswaarschuwingen te raadplegen die bij dit apparaat worden geleverd.
Opmerking BEWAAR DEZE INSTRUCTIES. Opmerking Deze documentatie dient gebruikt t e worden in combinatie met de
installatiehandleiding voor het specifieke product die bi j het product wordt geleverd. Raadpleeg de installatiehandleiding, configuratiehandleiding of andere verdere ingesloten documentatie voor meer informatie.
78-10754-03 0A
TÄRKEITÄ TURVALLISUUTEEN LIITTYVIÄ OHJEITA Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Olet tilanteessa, joka voi johtaa ruumiinvammaan. Ennen
kuin työskentelet minkään laitteiston parissa, ota selvää sähkökytkentöihin liittyvistä vaaroista ja tavanomaisista onnettomuuksien ehkäisykeinoista. Tässä asiakirjassa esitettyjen varoitusten käännökset löydät l aitteen mukana toimitetuista ohjeista.
Huomautus SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ O HJEET Huomautus Tämä asiakirja on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi yhdessä t uotteen mukana t ulleen
asennusoppaan kanssa. Katso lisätietoja asennusoppaasta, kokoonpano-oppaasta ja muista mukana toimitetuista asiakirjoista.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Document Conventions
IMPORTANTES INFORMATIONS DE SÉCURITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant caus er
des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement, soyez conscient des dangers posés par les circu its électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents. Pour prendre connaissance des traductions d'avertissements figurant dans cette publication, consultez les consignes de sécurité traduites qui accompagnent cet appareil.
Remarque CONSERVEZ CES INFORMATIONS Remarque Cette documentation doit être utilisée avec le guide spécifique d'installation du produit
qui accompagne ce dernier. Veuillez vous reporter au Guide d'installation, au Guide de configuration, ou à toute autre documentation jointe pour de plus amples renseignements.
WICHTIGE SI CHERHEI TSAN WEISUNG EN Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situat ion, die zu einer
Körperverletzung führen könnte. Bevor Sie mit der Arbeit an irgendeinem Gerät beginnen, seien Sie sich der mit elektrischen Stromkreisen verbundenen Gefahren und der Standardpraktiken zur Vermeidung von Unfällen bewusst. Übersetzungen der in dieser Veröffentlichung enthaltenen Warnhinweise sind im Lieferumfang des Geräts enthalten.
Hinweis BEWAHREN SIE DIESE SICHERHEITSANWEISUNGEN AUF Hinweis Dieses Handbuch ist zum Gebrauch in Verbindung mit dem Installationshandbuch für Ihr
Gerät bestimmt, das dem Gerät beiliegt. Entnehmen Sie bitte alle weiteren Informationen dem Handbuch (Installations- oder Konfigurationshandbuch o. Ä.) für Ihr spezifisches Gerät.
FONTOS BIZTONSÁGI ELÕÍRÁSOK Ez a figyelmezetõ jel ves zél yre utal. Sérülésv eszélyt rejtõ helyzetben van. Mielõtt bármely
berendezésen munkát végezte, legyen figyelemmel az elektromos áramkörök okozta kockáz atokra, és ismerkedjen meg a szokásos bal esetvédelmi el járásokkal. A kiadványban szereplõ figyelmeztetések fordítása a készülékhez mellékelt biztonsági figyelmeztetések között található.
Megjegyzés ÕRIZZE MEG EZEKET AZ UTASÍTÁSO KAT! Megjegyzés Ezt a dokumentációt a készülékhez mellékelt üzembe helyezési útmutatóval együtt kell
használni. További tudnivalók a mellékelt Üzembe helyezési útmutatóban (Installation G uide), Konfigurációs útmutatóban (Configuration G uide) vagy más dokumentumban találhatók.
IMPORTANTI ISTRUZIONI SULLA SICUREZZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle
persone. Prima di intervenire su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre essere al corrente dei pericoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici e conoscere le procedure standard per la prevenzione di incidenti. Per le traduzioni delle avvertenze riportate in questo documento, vedere le avvertenze di sicurezza che accompagnano questo dispositivo.
Nota C ONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONI Nota La presente documentazione va usata congiuntamente alla guida di installazione specifica
spedita con il prodotto. Per maggiori informazioni, consultare la Guida all'installazione, la Guida alla configurazione o altra documentazione accl usa.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
78-10754-03 0A
Document Conventions
VIKTIGE SIKKERHETSINSTRUKSJONER Dette varselssymbolet betyr fare. Du befinner deg i en situasjon som kan forårsake personskade.
Før du utfører arbeid med utstyret, bør du være oppmerksom på farene som er forbundet med elektriske kretssystemer, og du bør være kjent med vanlig praksis for å unngå ulykker. For å se oversettelser av advarslene i denne publikasjonen, se de oversatte s ikkerhetsvarslene som følger med denne enheten.
Merk TA VARE PÅ DISSE INSTRUKSJONENE Merk Denne dokumentasjonen skal brukes i f orbindelse med den spesifikke
installasjonsveiledningen som fulgte med produktet. Vennligst se installasjonsveiledningen, konfigureringsveiledningen eller annen vedlagt tilleggsdokumentasjon for detaljer.
INSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso si gnifica perigo. O ut ilizador encontra-se numa sit uação que poderá ser
causadora de lesões corporais. Antes de iniciar a utilização de qualquer equipamento, tenha em atenção os perigos envolvidos no manuseamento de circuitos eléctricos e familiarize-se com as práticas habituais de prevenção de acidentes. Para ver traduções dos avisos incluídos nest a publicação, consulte os avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham este dispositivo.
Nota GU AR DE E STAS INSTR UÇÕES Nota Esta documentação destina-se a ser utilizada em conjunto com o manual de instalação
incluído com o produto específico. Consulte o manual de instalação, o manual de configuração ou outra documentação adicional inclusa, para obter mais informações.
INSTRUCC ION ES I M PO RTANTES DE SEGURIDAD Este símbolo de aviso indi ca peligro. Exi ste riesgo para s u integridad f ísica. Antes de manipular
cualquier equipo, considere los riesgos de la corriente eléct rica y f amiliarícese con los procedimientos estándar de prevención de acci dentes. Vea las traducciones de las advertencias que acompañan a este dispositivo.
Nota GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES Nota Es ta documentación está pensada para ser utilizada con la guía de instalación del producto
que lo acompaña. Si necesita más detalles, consulte l a Guía de instalación, la Guía de configuración o cualquier documentación adicional adjunta.
VIKTIGA SÄKERHETSANVIS N ING AR Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada.
Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och känna till vanliga förfaranden för att förebygga olyckor. Se översättningarna av de varningsmeddelanden som finns i denna publikation, och se de översatt a säkerhetsvarningarna som medföljer denna anordning.
OBS! SPARA DESSA ANV ISN IN GAR OBS! Denna dokumentation s ka användas i samband med den specifika
produktinstallationshandbok som medföljde produkten. Se install ationshandboken, konfigurationshandboken eller annan bifogad ytterligare dokumentation för närmare detaljer.
78-10754-03 0A
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide

Related D ocumentation

Related Documentat ion
This gui de describes how to install a nd maintain the Cisco AS5350 uni versal gate way chassis . You will also need the following publications to configure the universal gateway:
Refe r to the Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
document to
Use the Cisco AS5 35 0 Universal Gateway C ard In stalla tio n G u ide to install, re place , and
troubleshoot dial feature cards.
Refer to the Cisco AS5350 an d Ci sc o AS5400 Univer sa l Ga te way S oft ware Config ura ti on Gui de for
basic software configuration instructions.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
see translations of the warnings that appear in this publication
78-10754-03 0A
For i nfo rmat ion ab out iso la ting p rob lem s wi th the n etw ork conn ec tio ns t o yo ur Ci sco AS5350, r ef er
to the publicat io n Internetwork Troubleshooting Guide available on th e C isco Doc umentatio n CD-ROM.
Refer to t he a ppr opr iate Cis co IOS softw are c onf i gur atio n g ui des , co mmand refe re nce publi c atio ns,
Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide, Release 1 2.2T, and th e Cisco IOS Dial Tech no lo gies C o mma n d Ref erenc e, R eleas e 12.2T for mo re advanced configurat ion topi cs. Thes e
publications are available on the Documentation CD-ROM that came with your universal gateway, on the World Wide Web from the Cisco home page, or you can order printed copies.

New Hardware Featur es

A description of new hardware feature s available after the release of this document can be found at the following URL:
http:/ / /cc/td/ doc/pr oduct/ access/acs_s erv/5 3 50/ind ex.htm

Obtaining D ocumentation

New Hardware Features
Cisco provides several ways to obtain documentation, technical assistance, and other technical resources . Th es e s ec tio n s expla in h ow t o obtain tech ni ca l information from Cisco S y stems.

You can access th e most cur re nt C isco d o cu m en ta tio n o n t h e World Wide Web at this U R L:
http:/ /w w nivercd/home/hom e.htm
You can access th e C is c o w eb s ite at th is URL :
http:/ /w w
International Cisco web sites can be accessed from this URL:
http://w w om/publi c/ cou n tr ie s _l an gu ag es.shtml

Documen t at i on CD-ROM

Cisco docum en tatio n and addi tional li terat ure ar e available in a Cisco Do cume ntati on CD- ROM package, which may have shipped with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or through an annual subscription.
Registered users can order the Documentation CD-ROM (product number DOC-CONDOCCD=) through the on line Subscription Store:
http:/ /w w o/subscr i ption
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Orderi ng D ocum entation

You can find instructions for ordering documentation at this URL:
http:/ / nive r c d /c c/td/ do c /es_in pck/pd i . htm
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calling C isco Syst ems C o rpo ra te H ead q ua rt er s ( Ca lif o rn i a, U .S.A.) at 408 526- 720 8 or, elsew he re in No rt h A m e r ic a , by callin g 800 553- N ET S ( 6 38 7).

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Cisco p rovi des , w hi ch in cl ud es the Cisco Technical As s ista nc e Center (TAC) We bsi te, as a starting po int for all technica l assist ance. Custom ers an d partne rs can obtai n onli ne docum ent ation, troubl eshoot ing tip s, and sa mple c onfigu rati ons fr om the Cis co TAC webs ite. Ci sco. com regi stere d users have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TA C website, including TAC tools and utiliti es.

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The Cisc o TAC is availab le to a ll customer s wh o need tech ni cal ass i stance wit h a C isco produ ct , technology, or solution. Two levels of support are available : the Cisco TAC website and the Cisco TAC Escala ti on Cen ter. The ave nu e of su ppo rt th at you choos e de pends o n the pr io ri ty of the p rob le m an d the conditio n s stated in ser vi ce co nt ra cts, when ap pl ica bl e.
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Obtaining Technical Assistance
Cisco TAC Website
You can use the Cisco T AC website to resolve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time. The site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and soft ware. To access the Cisco TAC website, go to this U RL:
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide

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The Cisco TAC Esc alation Center a dd r es s es prior it y leve l 1 o r pr i or it y leve l 2 issues . Th es e classifications are assigned when severe network degradation significantly impacts business operations. When you co n tac t the TAC Escalation Cen t er w ith a P1 or P2 p r ob le m , a C is co TAC engineer automat icall y opens a case .
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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This c hapter provides a n over view of the Ci sc o AS5 35 0 universal ga t ewa y, a vers atile d ata and voi ce communic ations platform that pro vides high perfo rm ance, hig h density, and hot-swap capabili ty in only one rack unit.
The Cisco AS5350 is inte nded for small- to medium-size companies who require dense and scalable solutions to create new multiservice access networks, replace existing gateway hardware, or expand and enhance their current access offering. The Cisco AS5350 provides you with a cost-effective platform for deploy ing th e w idest rang e of IP- b a sed se rv ices.
This chapter in cl ud es the fo llowing sections:
Chassis Components, page 1-1
Dial Feature Cards (DFCs), page 1-2
Power Supply, page 1-3
Chassis Specifications, page 1-3

Chassis Components

The chassis consists of the following components:
One modular chassis with motherboard, high-speed backplane and three DFC slots (see Figure 1-1
and Fig ure 1-2)
Building Integrated Timing System (BITS) interface port
Two Fast Ethernet (2FE) LAN ports
Two T serial ports for backhaul WAN support
Fast console auxiliary ports for local administrative access
An inte gr al AC or D C power s u pp ly
Replaceab le fan tray
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide

Dial Feature Cards (DFCs)

Chapter1 Overview
Figure 1-1 Cisco AS5350 Front Panel
Figure 1-2 Cisco AS5350 Rear Panel
Dial Feature Cards (DFCs)
The Dial Featu r e Ca rd (DF C ) is a 5.1 by 13 in ch PCI - ba sed int er fac e boar d tha t al lows o nlin e in s erti o n and removal (OIR) of trunk ingress, and modem cards without rebooting or powering off the system.
The chassis includes one backplane slot which accepts a DFC carrier card. The DFC carrier card accepts two DFCs, which allow OIR. The motherboard accepts one DFC in its own dedicated slot.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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Chapter1 Overview
Note For details on cards, in stal latio n, and trou blesh ooti ng, s ee the Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Card
Installation Guide. This document is a vail able on th e W orld W ide W eb and th e document ati on CD-R OM that com es w ith y o ur u niver sal gateway. (See t he Rela te d D ocumentati on sect ion on pag e xi i.)

Power Supply

The power system is comprised of a single AC or DC power supply or a redundant AC or DC power supply. Cooling is provided by two self-contained fans.
Note The Cisco AS5350 redundant power supply is supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)XB5 or later.
Each power module is capable of supplying a maximum DC load of 150 watts, and is composed of four independent output voltages: 3 .3V, 5V, 12V, and -12V. AC input units have power factor correction, an d low Total Harmonic Distortion. Power failures are reported through environm ental monitoring software.
Check th e power at your site to ensur e that yo u a re r ece ivin g “clean” power (free of spikes an d noise ). Install a power conditioner if necessary.
Power Supply

Chassis Specificat ions

Table 1-1 Chassis Specifications
Description Specification
Dime n s io ns (H x W x D) 1.73 x 17.5 x 2 0.5 in . ( 4.39 x 44. 45 x 5 2. 07 cm ) Weight 22 lb maximum (10 kg) Processor 250 MHz Operati ng temperat ur e 32 to 1 04° F (0 to 40°C) Operating humidity 5 to 95%, noncondensing Noise level 55 dB Input volt ag e, AC power supply
Current Freq uency Power factor Input AC power
Input voltage, DC power supply Maxim um input current Input DCpower
WAN i nt er fac e o p tio n s T1 and E1 dial fe atu r e c ar ds Serial in terfaces (f or back haul
WAN support) LAN interfa ce options 2 Fast Ethernet 10/100BASE-T (RJ-45) ports
@ 3 ft (0.914 m)
100 to 240 VAC
2.0 to 1.0 A; dependent on load 50/60 Hz
0.80 to 0.90 140 to 170W; dependent on load
-48/ -6 0 Vdc, - 1 0%, +10% to leranc e 3 A (1 .5 -2.0 A t yp ical) 150 W (maximum)
2 serial line in terfa ces
; -10%, +6% tolerance
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Chassis Specifications
Chapter1 Overview
Table 1-1 Chassis Specifications (cont inued)
Description Specification
Console and auxiliary ports Asynchronous serial (RJ-45) Regulato ry co mp liance See the Regulatory Compliance and Safety
Infor mation docu m e nt that s h ip ped wi th y our univ ersal g ate way . This document is a v ailabl e on the World Wid e Web and th e documentat ion CD-ROM that comes with your universal gateway. (See the Related Documentation section on page xii.)
1. dB = decibels.
2. VAC = volts alternating current.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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Preparing to Install the Cisco AS5350 Chassis
This chapter describes the tasks you must perform before you begin to install the Cisco AS5350 and includes t h e f ol low in g sect io n s :
Safet y R e c ommen dation s, p age 2- 1
Required Tools and Equipment, page 2-3
Preparing to Connect to a Network, page 2-3

Safety R ecommen dations

Any device that use s electricit y mu st be handle d caref ully ; follow thes e guidel ines to ensure ge nera l safety:
Keep the chas si s ar ea clear an d d ust-free du rin g an d af ter installat io n.
Put the removed chassis cover in a safe place.
Keep tools away f rom wal k areas w here you and ot h er s co ul d fall o ver th em.
Do not wear loose clothing that could get caught in the chassis. Fasten your tie or scarf and roll up
your sleeves.
Wear safety glasses if you are working under any conditions that might be hazardous to your eyes.
Do not pe rfo rm any action that cr eat es a p ot en tial hazard to pe op le or ma k es th e eq u ip m en t u nsa fe .
Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all national laws and regulations. T o see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.

Maintaining Safety with Electricity

Before working on equipment that is connected to power l ines, remove jewelry (including rings, necklaces, and watches). Metal objects will heat up when connected to power and ground and can cause serious burns or can weld the metal object to the terminals. T o see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safet y Information document that accompanied this device.
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Safety Recommendations
Chapter2 Preparing to Install the CiscoAS5350 Chassis
Follow these guidelines when you work on equipment powered by electricity.
Locate the emergency power-OFF sw i tch f o r th e r oom in w hi ch y ou are working . Th en , if a n
electrical ac cid en t oc cu rs, yo u ca n act quick ly to t ur n O FF th e power.
Before wor k in g on t he sy s tem , u np l ug t he power co r d .
Disconnect all power before doing the following:
Insta lling or r emoving a ch a s sis
Working ne ar pow e r suppli es
When installing the unit, the ground connection must alway s be made fi rst and disconnected last. Do not work alone if potentially hazardous conditions exist. To see translations of the warnings that appear in this publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
Never assume that power is disconnected from a circuit. Always check.
Read the installation instructions before you connect the system to its power source. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information docum ent that accompanied this device.
Look carefully for possible hazards in your work area, such as moist floors, ungrounded power
extension cables, frayed power cords, and missing safety grounds.
If an electrical acciden t occur s, pro ceed as follow s:
Use caution; do not become a victim yourself.
Turn OFF power to the system.
If possi ble, sen d anothe r person t o get medic al aid. Ot herwis e, asses s the condi tion of th e victi m and then call fo r help .
Determine if the person needs rescue breathing or external cardiac compressions; then take appropri ate act io n .
This product relies on the buildings installation for short-circuit (overcurrent) protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120VAC, 15AU.S. (240 VAC, 10A international) is used on the phase conductors (all current-carrying conduct ors). To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the R egulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.

Preventi ng Electrostatic Disc harge Damage

Electr ostati c disc harge (ESD) can da mage equ ipment a nd impa ir ele ctric al cir cuitry. ESD dama ge occurs when electronic components are imprope rly handled and can result in complete or intermittent failures.
Always follow ESD-prevention procedures when you remove and replace components. Ensure that the chassis is electricall y co nn ected to ear th g r ou n d. Wear an ES D -pr eventive wr is t str ap , ensuring th at it makes good skin contact. Connect the grounding clip to an unpainted surface of the chassis fra me to
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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Chapter 2 Prep a rin g to Insta ll th e Cisc o AS 5 350 Ch ass is
safely ground unwanted ESD volt ages. To guard against ESD damage and shocks, the wrist strap and cord must operate properly. If no wrist strap is available, ground yourself by touching the metal pa rt of the chassis.
Caution For safety, periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap, which should be between 1 and
10 megohm (Mohm).

Required Tools and Equipment

The fo llow in g it em s are included with the univers al gateway:
19- and 24-inch rack-mount kits
Rubbe r feet for deskto p ins talla tion
RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled TERMINAL)
RJ-45-t o-DB-2 5 femal e DTE adapter (lab ele d TERMINAL)
RJ-45-to-DB-25 male DCE adapter (labeled MODEM)
Required Tools and Equipment
RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover console cable
ESD-pr event ive wris t str ap
Nylon cable tie
Cable tie ho ld er
Grounding lug
You might need the following equipment, which is not included:
Straight-through RJ-45-to-RJ-45 cable for an Ethernet connection
Up to two straight-through RJ-45-to-RJ-45 cables for T1 connections
Up to tw o E1 ca bl es f o r E 1 co nn ec tio n s
Ethernet hub or PC with a network interface card for Ethernet LAN connections
PC runni ng t er min al emulation so f tw ar e f o r lo cal ad m in i str ative a cce s s
Modem for remote administrative access

Preparing to Conne ct to a Network

When you set up your universal gateway, consider distance limitations and potential electromagnetic interferen ce (EMI) as defined by th e Electro ni c I n du st ri es A ss o ci ati on (EIA) .
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Hazardous network voltages are pres ent in WAN ports regardless of whether power to the router is OFF or ON. To avoid electric shock, use caution when working near WAN ports. When detaching cables, detach the end away from the router first. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Preparing to Connect to a Network
Chapter2 Preparing to Install the CiscoAS5350 Chassis
The ISDN connection is regarded as a source of voltage that should be inaccessible to user contact. Do not attempt to tamper with or open any public t elephone operator (PTO)-provided equipment or connection hardware. Any hardwired connection (other than by a nonremovable, connect-one-time-only plug) must be made only by PTO staff or s uitably trained engineers. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information docum ent that accompanied this device.

Ethernet Con nections

Two Fast Ethernet (FE) ports, RJ-45 ports, are located on the rear panel of the universal gateway: FE0 and FE1 (s ele ctable). To configure th e Et h er ne t p o rt s, r ef er t o the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Config ur ation Guide. Both ports use unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable and requir e Category 5 cab le. The m ax imu m segmen t distanc e i s 3 28 f eet ( 10 0 meters).
Note UTP cables l ook like t he cabl es use d fo r or dina ry tel epho ne s; however, UTP ca bles m eet cert ain
electrical standards that telephone cables do not. Cables are not included.

Console and Auxiliary Ports

The Cisco AS5350 includes an asynchrono us serial console port and an auxiliary port. The console and auxiliar y po rts p rovi de access to th e u n iversa l g atewa y e it he r l o cal ly ( w ith a consol e t er m in al ) or remotel y (w i th a m o dem). Th is s ect io n discu ss es i m p ortant cabling in fo r m at io n to co nsider b e for e connecti ng a co nso le term in al (a n ASC I I ter minal or PC r un n in g ter minal em ulation sof tw are ) to the console port, or modem to the auxiliary port.
Console Port
The Cisco AS5350 includes an EIA/TIA-232 asynchronous serial console port (RJ-45). Depending on the cable an d the ada pt er us ed , th is port will appe ar as a data ter min al equip men t ( D TE ) or d at a communications equipment (DCE) device at the end of the cable. Your universal gateway arrives with cables and adapters to connect a console terminal (an ASCII terminal or PC running terminal emulation software) to the co ns ol e p or t. To connect an A SCI I te rminal to th e console p o rt , u se the RJ-4 5 r o ll over cable wit h th e f emale RJ -4 5 -t o-D B -2 5 ad ap ter ( l abe le d TERMINAL ).
To connec t a PC run ni ng t er min al emulati on s o ftw ar e t o t h e co n s ole p o rt , u s e th e R J- 45 r ol lover cab le with the female RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter (labeled TERMINAL). The default parameters for the console port are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits. The console port does not support hardware flow co ntro l.
For detailed infor m at io n ab ou t i n s tal li ng a co nso le term in al, s ee Ch ap t e r 3, Installing the Cisco AS5350. See A p pendi x C, Cabling Specifications, for cable and port pinouts.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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Chapter 2 Prep a rin g to Insta ll th e Cisc o AS 5 350 Ch ass is
Auxiliary Port
The Cisco AS5350 includes an EIA/TIA-232 asynchronous serial auxiliary port (RJ-45) that supports flow cont rol . Dep endi ng o n t he ca ble and th e adap ter us ed, t his por t wil l a ppea r as a DTE or DCE de vi ce at the end o f the cab le. Yo ur u niversal gat eway a rrives wi th a ca bl e an d an a da pt er to con n ect a m o de m to the au xi li ar y po r t. To connect a modem to th e auxili ar y por t, u s e th e R J -45 r o llove r cab le w it h th e male RJ-45-to-DB-25 adapter (labeled MODEM).
For detailed infor mation ab ou t c on n ect in g devi ces to th e auxili ar y p o rt, s e e C h ap ter 3 , Ins ta ll ing t he Cisco AS5350. See A p pendi x C, Cabling Specifications, for cable and port pinouts.

2T Seri al Ports

Two high speed 12-in-1 serial ports on the rear panel of the Cisco AS5350 provide backhaul WAN and IP support.
The following types of serial interface standards (in DTE/DCE) are supported:
Preparing to Connect to a Network

Alarm Port


ITU-T V. 35
Each interface supports up to 8 Mbps.
The three pins on the alarm port are connected to the output of a relay. This relay is controlled by system software . To configure the Alarm port , refer to the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Softw are Config ur a tion Guide. This document is available on CCO and the documentation CD-ROM that com es w ith y o ur u niver sal gateway. (See t he Rela te d D ocumentati on sect io n on pag e xi i. ) With the alarm ports c on n ect ed an d co nfigu r ed , C isc o I O S so f tw ar e p olls every on e s eco n d to d ete ct the failure events t hat ar e co nfigu r ed an d tu rns O N th e alarm wh en i t d et ect s any fa il ure event. See Appendix C, Cabling Specific ations, for pino uts an d cab l e sp eci fica ti on s.
The BITS p or t is a coaxia l i nt er fac e t ha t p rovi d es ext er n al s ynch r on iz ed cl oc ki ng t hro ug h a Timin g Signal Ge nerator (T S G). To confi g u r e t h e B I T S port, r e f er to the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configu ration Guide. This document is available on CCO and the docume nt ati on C D - ROM th at comes w i th y ou r u nivers al gat eway. (See th e Related D o cu m en tation section on page xii.) See Appendix C, C ab ling Specification s, for pinouts an d cable specificatio ns.
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Preparing to Connect to a Network

Power Supply C onsiderations

Check th e power at your site to ensur e that yo u a re r ece ivin g “clean” power (free of spikes an d noise ). Install a power conditioner if necessary.
Chapter2 Preparing to Install the CiscoAS5350 Chassis
The device is designed to work with TN power systems. To s ee translati ons of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and S afety I nformation document that accompanied this device.
This product relies on the buildings installation for short-circuit (overcurrent) protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120VAC, 15AU.S. (240 VAC, 10A international) is used on the phase conductors (all current-carrying conduct ors). To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the R egulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
The universal ga teway AC power supply includes the following features:
Full range operation100 to 240 VAC.
All unit s in cl ud e a 6-foo t ( 1 .8 -m ) e lectrical p ower cord . ( A lab el n ear th e p ow er in let indica tes t he
correct voltag e, frequ ency, and current draw for the unit .)
Note The redu n da nt AC powe r s up p ly h a s a pow er co r d w ith a s p eci al co nn ector.
The universal ga teway DC power supply includes the following features:
150 W output
Dual input c onnections for power source redundancy
Removable DC connector (A label near the power inlets indicates the correct voltage, current draw,
and pow er dissi pa tion for the u ni t. )
Double-hole grounding lug for reliable grounding to the chassis
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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Installing the Cisco AS5350
This cha pt er gu id es you thro ugh t he i nst alla t ion o f t he C isc o AS535 0 u ni v er sal g at e wa y an d i ncl udes t he followi ng sec t ions:
Setting Up the Chassis, page 3-2
Connecting to the Network, page 3-6
Connecting to the Console and Auxiliary Ports, page 3-11
Connecting a Signal Generator to the BITS Port, page 3-13
Connecting an Alarm to the Alarm Port, page 3-14
Supplying Power, page 3-15
Where to Go Next, page 3-19
Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install or replace this equipment. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information docum ent that accompanied this device.
This equipment is intended to be grounded. Ensure that the host is connected to earth ground during normal use. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
Incorrect connection of this or connected equipment to the general purpose out let could result in a hazardous situation. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
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Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide

Setting Up t he Chassis

Setting Up the Chassis
You can s e t t he ch as si s o n a d esk top or install it i n a r ack . Use the procedure in t hi s se c ti on th at b est meets the needs of your network:
Setting the Chassis on a Desktop
Rack-Mounting the Cha ssis
Chapter3 Installing the Cisco AS5350
When installing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first and disconnected last. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document that accompanied this device.
This unit is intended for installation in restrict ed access areas. A restricted access area is where access can only be gained by service personnel through the use of a special tool , lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory C ompliance and Safety Information docum ent that accompanied this device.

Setting the Chassis on a Desktop

The locati on o f th e ch as sis is ex tr em e ly important for pro p er o pe ra tio n . Eq u ip m en t pl ace d to o clo s e togethe r, inadequat e v e nt ilat i on, an d ina c cess ibl e pane ls c an c aus e m alf unc ti ons and s hutd o wn s, a nd c an make ma in ten ance d ifficult . The fol low in g i n fo r m at io n will help you p la n the location of th e ch as sis :
Plan for acc es s t o bo th f r ont an d r e ar pa ne ls o f th e ch ass is.
Ensure that the room where the chassis operates has adequate ventilation. Remember that electrical
equipment generates heat. Ambient air temperature may not cool equipment to acceptable operating temperatures without adequate ventilation.
Attaching the Rubber Feet
To att ach t he r ub b er f eet to the chass i s, follow th i s pr o ced u re :
Step 1 Carefull y tu rn th e ch as si s over s o yo u can see the f o ur sm al l d ep re s sio n s m ad e f or attaching th e r u bber
feet. (See Figure 3-1.) The rubber feet are included in the accessory kit that shipped with your universal gateway.
Step 2 Remov e the wax paper from the bottom of each rubber foot and pres s the foot into the small depression
on the bottom of the chassis. (See Figure 3-1.)
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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Chapter3 Installing the Cisc oAS5350
Figure 3-1 Attaching the Rubber Feet
Setting Up the Chassis

Rack-Mount i ng t he Chassis

This section describes how to rack-moun t th e chassis. T he u niversal gateway arrives with 19-inch rack-mount brackets and larger brackets for use with a 23- or 24-inch rack (See Figure 3-2).
The following information will help you plan your equipment rack configuration:
Enclosed racks must have adequate ventilation. Ensure that the rack is not congested, because each
unit gen er at es h eat. An en cl o sed ra ck s h ould h ave lo u ver ed si des and a f an to p rovid e coolin g air. Heat generated by equipment near the bottom of the rack can be drawn upward into the intake ports of the equipment above.
When mo un ti ng a ch as si s in a n op en r ack , en sur e t h at th e r ack frame d oe s n ot block the i nt ake o r
exhaust ports. If the chassis is installed on slides, check the position of the chassis when it is seated in the ra ck .
Baffles can isolate exhaust air from intake air, which also helps to draw cooling air through the
chassis. The best placeme nt of the baffles depends on the airf low patterns in the rack, which can be found by experimenting with different configurations.
Universal gateway
chassis bottom
78-10754-03 0A
Before working on a chassis or working near power supplies, unplug the power cord on AC units; disconnect the power at the circuit breaker on DC units. To see translations of the warnings that appear in the publication, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and S afety Information document that accompanied this device.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide
Setting Up t he Chassis
Required Tools and Equipment
You need the following tools and equipment to rack-mount the chassis:
Number 2 Phillips screwdriver (not included)
Medium flat-blade screwdriver (not include d)
Screws for attach ing the chassis to the rack (not inclu ded)
Standard rack-mount brackets (included)
Screws for att ach in g th e bracket s to t he chassi s ( in clu d ed )
Figure 3-2 Standard Rack-Mount Brackets
Chapter3 Installing the Cisco AS5350
Attaching the Brackets
To attach t he mountin g brackets to th e chassis , f ol low th is procedu re :
Step 1 Set the c ha s sis o n a fl at sur fa ce. (See Figu re 3-3.)
Note The chassis may be installed with either the front or rear panel facing forward.
Step 2 Attach the standard 19 or 23-inch rack brackets to the sides of the chassis. Use the screws provided with
the mounting brackets. (See Figure 3-3.)
Note There are three sets of mounting holes on the sides of the chassis. Attach the brackets for front,
Figure 3-3 Standard Bracket Installation—Front Panel Forward
Bracket for 23-inch rackBracket for 19-inch rack
rear, or middle mounting.
Note: The second bracket attaches to the other side of the chassis. The chassis can also be installed with the rear panel forward.
Cisco AS5350 Universal Ga teway Chassis Installation Guide
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+ 72 hidden pages