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Dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz access points (APs)
with 802.11ac Wave 1 support on the integrated
5-GHz radio
Cisco Aironet 2702i Access Point
Sleek design with internal antennas
Ideal for office environments
Classify over 20 different types of interference,
including non-Wi-Fi interference, within 5 to 30
Automatic remedial action and less manual
UL 2043 plenum−rated for above-ceiling
installation or for suspending from drop ceilings
Cisco Aironet 2702e Access Points
Rugged metal housing and extended operating
Ideal for factories, warehouses, and other indoor
industrial environments
Versatile RF coverage with external antennas
UL 2043 plenum-rated for above-ceiling
installation or for suspending from drop ceilings
Classification of over 20 different types of
interference, including non-Wi-Fi interference,
within 5 to 30 seconds
Automatic remedial action and less manual
Troubleshooting Forensics for Faster Interference
Resolution and Proactive Action
Historic interference information for back-in-time
analysis and faster problem solving
24x7 monitoring with remote access for reduced
travel and speedier resolution
Air quality index in Cisco CleanAir® technology
provides a snapshot of network performance and
the impact of interference
Robust Security and Policy Enforcement
Industry’s first AP with non-Wi-Fi detection for off-
channel rogues
Supports rogue AP detection and detection of
denial-of-service attacks
Management frame protection detects malicious
users and alerts network administrators
Enables policies to prohibit devices that interfere
with the Wi-Fi network or jeopardize network
Secure Interoperability
Controller-based deployment and standalone
Cisco Aironet 2700 Series Access Points
The Cisco® Aironet® 2700 Series of Wi-Fi access points (APs)
delivers industry-leading 802.11ac performance at a price point
ideal for plugging capacity and coverage gaps in dense indoor
environments. The Aironet 2700 Series extends 802.11ac speed
and features to a new generation of smartphones, tablets, and
high-performance laptops now shipping with the faster, 802.11ac
Wi-Fi radios.
The Aironet 2700 series supports 802.11ac “Wave 1” In its first
implementation, providing a theoretical connection rate of up to 1.3
Gbps. That’s roughly triple the rates offered by today’s high-end
802.11n APs. The boost helps you stay ahead of the performance
and bandwidth expectations of today’s mobile worker, who usually
uses multiple Wi-Fi devices instead of just one. As such, users are
adding proportionally larger traffic loads to the wireless LAN, which
has outpaced Ethernet as the default enterprise access network.
High Density Experience (HD Experience)
Building on the Cisco Aironet heritage of RF excellence, the 2700
Series APs run on a purpose-built, innovative chipset with a best-inclass RF architecture. This chipset provides a high-density
experience for enterprise networks designed for mission-critical,
high-performance applications. The 2700 is a component of a Cisco
series of flagship, 802.11ac-enabled APs that delivers a robust
mobility experience based on the following product features:
802.11ac with 3x4 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
three spatial

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Cisco Aironet 2700i Access Point: Indoor environments, with internal antennas, Universal Regulatory Domain
AIR-AP2702I-UXK9: Dual-band, controller-based 802.11a/g/n/ac
AIR-AP2702I-UXK9C: Dual-band, controller-based 802.11a/g/n/ac (Configurable)
AIR-AP2702I-UXK910: Eco-pack (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac) 10 quantity access points
AIRAP2702I-UXK910C: Eco-pack (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac) 10 quantity access points (Configurable)
Cisco SMARTnet Total Care™ Service for the Cisco Aironet 2700i Access Point with internal antennas, Universal
Regulatory Domain (UX)
CON-SNT-AP2702IUX: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 2700i access point (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac)
CON-SNT-AP2702IUX x 10: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 10-quantity eco-pack 2700i access point (dual-band
Cisco Aironet 2700e Access Point: Indoor, challenging environments, with external antennas, Universal
This architecture offers a sustained 1.3-Gbps rates over a
greater range for more capacity and reliability than
competing APs.
Cross-AP Noise Reduction, a Cisco innovation that enables APs to intelligently collaborate in real time
about RF conditions so that users connect with optimized signal quality and performance.
Optimized AP Roaming to ensure that client devices associate with the AP in their coverage range that
offers the fastest data rate available.
Cisco ClientLink 3.0 technology to improve downlink performance to all mobile devices, including one-,
two-, and three-spatial-stream devices on 802.11ac. At the same time, the technology improves battery life
on mobile devices.
Cisco CleanAir technology enhanced with 80MHz channel support. CleanAir delivers proactive, high-speed
spectrum intelligence across 20-, 40-, and 80-MHz-wide channels to combat performance problems due to
wireless interference.
MIMO equalization capabilities, which optimize uplink performance and reliability by reducing the impact of
signal fade.
The Cisco Aironet 2700 Series sustains higher-speed connections farther from the AP than competing solutions.
The result is up to three times greater availability of 1.3-Gbps rates in the Cisco environment for optimum mobile
device performance and user experiences.
Cisco also offers the industry’s broadest selection of 802.11n and 802.11ac antennas, delivering optimal coverage
to different deployment scenarios.
The Cisco Aironet 2700 Series is a component of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network, a foundation for operating
both wired and wireless LANs in an integrated manner. The Unified Wireless Network can scale to as many as
18,000 APs with full Layer-3 mobility across locations on the enterprise campus, in branch offices, and at remote
sites. The Cisco Unified Wireless Network delivers highly secure access to mobility services and applications. It
offers the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) and investment protection by integrating smoothly with existing
wired networks.
Product Specifications
Table 1 lists the specifications for the Cisco Aironet 2700 Series Access Points.
Table 1. Aironet 2700 Access Point Product Specifications

© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 10
Regulatory Domain (UX)
AIR-AP2702E-UXK9: Dual-band controller-based 802.11a/g/n/ac
AIR-AP2702E-UXK9: Dual-band controller-based 802.11a/g/n/ac (Configurable)
AIR-AP2702E-UXK910: Eco-pack (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac), 10 quantity access points
AIRAP2702E-UXK910C: Eco-pack (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac), 10 quantity access points (Configurable)
Cisco SMARTnet Total Care Service for the Cisco Aironet 2700e Access Point with external antennas, Universal
Regulatory Domain (UX)
CON-SNT-AP2702EU: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 2700e access point (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac)
CON-SNT-AP2702EU x 10: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 1- quantity eco-pack 2700e access point (dual-band
Cisco Aironet 2700i Access Point: Indoor environments, with internal antennas
AIR-CAP2702I-x-K9: Dual-band, controller-based 802.11a/g/n/ac
AIR-CAP2702I-xK910: Eco-pack (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac) 10 quantity access points
Cisco SMARTnet Total Care Service for the Cisco Aironet 2700i Access Point with internal antennas
CON-SNT- AIRCIxK9: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 2700i access point (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac)
CON-SNT- AIRCIxK9 x 10: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 10-quantity eco-pack 2700i access point (dual-band
Cisco Aironet 2700e Access Point: Indoor, challenging environments, with external antennas
AIR-CAP2702E-x-K9: Dual-band controller-based 802.11a/g/n/ac
AIR-CAP2702E-xK910: Eco-pack (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac), 10 quantity access points
Cisco SMARTnet Total Care Service for the Cisco Aironet 2700e Access Point with external antennas
CON-SNT-AIRCExK9: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 2700e access point (dual-band 802.11a/g/n/ac)
CON-SNT-AIRCExK9 x 10: SMARTnet 8x5xNBD for 1- quantity eco-pack 2700e access point (dual-band
Regulatory domains: (x = regulatory domain)
Customers are responsible for verifying approval for use in their individual countries. To verify approval and to identify
the regulatory domain that corresponds to a particular country, visit http://www.cisco.com/go/aironet/compliance.
Not all regulatory domains have been approved. As they are approved, the part numbers will be available on the Global
Price List.
Cisco Wireless LAN Services
AS-WLAN-CNSLT: Cisco Wireless LAN Network Planning and Design Service
AS-WLAN-CNSLT: Cisco Wireless LAN 802.11n Migration Service
AS-WLAN-CNSLT: Cisco Wireless LAN Performance and Security Assessment Service
Cisco Unified Wireless Network Software Release 7.6MR2 or later
Supported wireless
LAN controllers
Cisco 2500 Series Wireless Controllers, Cisco Wireless Controller Module for ISR G2, Cisco Wireless Services
Module 2 (WiSM2) for Catalyst® 6500 Series Switches, Cisco 5500 Series Wireless Controllers, Cisco Flex® 7500
Series Wireless Controllers, Cisco 8500 Series Wireless Controllers, Cisco Virtual Wireless Controller
Cisco 5760 Wireless LAN Controller, Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches, Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches
802.11n version 2.0
(and related)
3x4 MIMO with three spatial streams
Maximal ratio combining (MRC)
802.11n and 802.11a/g beamforming
20- and 40-MHz channels
PHY data rates up to 450 Mbps (40 MHz with 5 GHz)
Packet aggregation: A-MPDU (Tx/Rx), A-MSDU (Tx/Rx)
802.11 dynamic frequency selection (DFS)
Cyclic shift diversity (CSD) support
802.11ac Wave 1
3x4 MIMO with three spatial streams
802.11ac beamforming
20-, 40-, and 80-MHz channels
PHY data rates up to 1.3 Gbps (80 MHz in 5 GHz)
Packet aggregation: A-MPDU (Tx/Rx), A-MSDU (Tx/Rx)
802.11 DFS
CSD support