The Cisco Aironet 1520 Ser ies Outdoo r Mesh Acc ess Point (h ereaft er cal led the acce ss po int) is a
wireless device designed for wireless client access, point-to-point bridging, point-to-multipoint
bridging, and point-to-multipoint mesh wireless connectivity. The access point is a standalone unit that
can be mounted on a streetlight pole, building wall, overhang, or a cable strand.access point
The access poin t (m od el: L AP152 2) supp or ts two r adi os (2.4-G Hz and 5- GHz). T he a ccess poi nt
provides client access and w ithout th e need for a license . The 5-G Hz rad io is dedica ted to ba ckhaul
operations to reach a wired network and the 2.4-GHz radio is used for wireless clients. The access point
can support 6 t o 54 Mbp s d ata r ates.
The access po int is m a nufac tur ed in thre e configur ati on s: c ab le, po le mo unt, a nd me sh. The c abl e
configuration has three ant enna connectors on the top of the unit, can be mounted to a cable strand, and
supports power-over-cable (POC). The pole mount configuration supp orts two antenn as on the top and
bottom of the unit. It can be moun ted to a pole or building wall and sup ports fiber-optic network s and
several power options. The Mesh con figuration ha s two a nten nas on the top a nd b ot tom of t he u nit. It
can be powered by AC and only supports wireless backhaul communications to reach the wired network.
It does not suppo rt h ar d-wi red co mm unic ation s ( ca ble , fiber-opti c, o r E the rnet ) to a wired ne twor k.
The access point can also operate as a relay node for other access points not directly connected to a wired
network. Intelligent wireless routing is provided by the patented Adaptive Wireless Path Protocol
(AWPP). This enables each access point to identify its neighbors and intelligently choose the optimal
path to the wired netw ork b y ca lcula ting the c ost of e ach pa th in ter ms of signal str ength and the n umber
of hops required to g et to a c ont roll er.
The access point is configured, monitored, and operated through a Cisco wireless LAN controller
(hereafter ca lled a controller) as described in the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide.
The Deployment Guide: Ci sco Mesh Netw orki ng Solu tion describes how to plan and initially configure
the Cisco mesh network, which supports wir eless point- to-point, point -to-mul tipoint, and me sh
deployments. The controllers use a browser-based management system, a command-line interface (CLI),
or the Cisco Wireless Control System (WCS) network management system to manage the controller and
the associated access points. The access point supports hardware-based advanced encryption standard
(AES) encryption between wireless nodes to provide end-to-end security.
This chapter provides information on the following topics:
•Hardware Features , pa ge 1-2
•Network Deployment Exam ples , page 1-11
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Hardware Features
Hardware Features
This section describe s the hardware features of the access point. Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2, and Figure 1-3
show the access point connectors.
NoteThe illustrations in this document show all available connections for the access point. Unused
connections are capped with a connector plug to ensure the access point’s watertight integrity. Liquid
tight adapters are provided for connector openings, which can be install ed before or after deploying the
access point. The illustrations do not show antenna port 5, which is reserved for future use.
2. Antenna locations depend upon access point configuration (see the “Antenna Connector Locations” section on page 1-5).
3. Liquid tight adapter not shown.
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Hardware Features
Chapter 1 Overview
Figure 1-3DC Power Connector and Ground Screw Holes
1Ground screw holes2DC power connector
Some of the access point’s hardware features are listed below:
•Two radios (2.4- and 5-GHz)—see t he “Dual Ra dio Operat ion” sect ion on page 1-7
•External radi o anten nas —see the “Ext erna l Ant enna s” se ct ion o n page 1-7
•Multiple power sources—see the “Multiple Power Sources” section on page 1-8
•Ethernet ports —see the “Ethernet Ports” section on page 1-9
•Rugged metal enclosure—see the “Metal Enclosure” sect ion on page 1-10
•Optional cable modem—see the “Cable Modem” se ct ion o n pa ge 1-10
•Optional hardware—see the “Optional Hardware” section on page 1-10
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
The optional featur es of the ac cess poin t support the se conne ctors (se e Figure 1- 1):
•PoE-in connector—internal RJ-45 with liquid tight adapter for waterproofing
•PoE-out connector—internal RJ-45 with liquid tight adapter for waterproofing
•Three or four a nten na conn ec tor s ( Type N)—depends o n ac cess poi nt co nfigurat ion
•Fiber-optic connector—internal small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver with LC connector
•Power-over-cable (POC) stinger connector— cu stome r provi ded
•AC power connector (3-pin Remke Mini-Link 5090 8)
•DC power connector— int erna l 2- pin c on ne ctor
Antenna Connector Locations
The access point is ma nufactur ed in thre e configurati ons, ca ble, me sh, and pole mount. Th ese
configurations support sp eci fic locat ions for the ac cess point an tenn as, as shown in
Hardware Features
Table 1-1.
Ta b l e 1-1Antenna Locations per Access Point Configuration
Access Point Configurations
Cable Mesh and Pole Mount
12.4-GHz antenna con ne ctor (R X)5-GHz antenna connector (TX/RX)
25-GHz antenna conne ctor (TX /RX)–
32.4-GHz antenna con ne ctor
2.4-GHz antenn a connec tor (RX)
2.4-GHz antenn a connec tor (RX)
2.4-GHz antenn a connec tor
1. Reserved for future use. A plug is installed.
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Hardware Features
Chapter 1 Overview
Figure 1-4 shows the ant enn a por t l ocati on s v iewed from t he hinge d cover side .
Figure 1-4Antenna Port Locations
1Antenna port 14Antenna port 4
2Antenna port 25Antenna port 51
3Antenna port 36Antenna port 6
1. Reserved for future use. A plug is installed.
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Dual Radio Operation
The access point supports 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz radios using external antennas (see “External Antennas”).
The LAP1522 model supp orts si mul tane ous dual -rad io ope rat ion u si ng a 2. 4-GH z 802 .11 b/g rad io an d
a 5-GHz 802.11a radio.The 5-GHz radio can operate in either the upper industrial, scientific and medical
(ISM) 5.8-GHz b and or the pu bli c saf ety 4. 9-GH z b an d. Th e 5- GHz rad io su ppo rts o ne a nte nna a nd is
used for backhaul operat ions to the co ntrolle r.
NoteThe 4.9-GHz band requires a license and can only be used by qualified public safety operators as def ined
in section 90.20 of the FCC rules.
The 2.4-GHz radio supports two or three antennas for multi-input, single output (MISO) operation. The
access point uses two o r three recei vers to support maximum rat io combining (MRC) to enhance recei ver
performance. MRC is a technique that combines the signals from multiple receivers in a manner to
optimize the signals. MRC can provide up to 3 dB of increased receive signal strength with two receive
antennas or up to 5 dB with three antennas.
Hardware Features
External Antennas
The access point supports up to three N-type radio frequency (RF) antenna connectors on the top of the
unit and two on the bottom of the unit. The number of active antenna connectors depends upon the access
point configuration (see
supports multiple 2.4 -GHz ante nnas fo r MISO oper ation, but only on e 5-GHz ant enna.
When using the optional Cisco compact omnidirectional antennas, the 2.4- and 5-GHz antennas connect
directly to the access point. The Cisco omnidirectional antennas use vertical polarization.
CautionFor directly mounted antennas, you must not add wea therpr oofing around the antenna conn ector s
Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment.
Statement 1030
The access point has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below and with a maximum gain
of 8 dBi for 2.4 GHz and 17 dBi for 5 GHz. Antennas not in this list or with a higher gain are strictly
prohibited for use with the a ccess point . The requir ed ante nna impedan ce is 50 ohms.
To reduce potenti al radi o i nte rfere nce to ot her users, the a nte nna ty pe a nd its gai n shoul d be c ho sen so
that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (E.I.R.P.) is not more than required for successful
communication .
because the antenna drain ho les might be b locked and dam age the a ntenna .
Antenna Connector Locations, page 1-5). All access poi nt configur ations
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Hardware Features
Chapter 1 Overview
Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 list the supported externa l a nte nnas for the ac cess point .
1. Operation in the 4.9-GHz band requires a license and may be used only by qualified Public Safety operators as defined in
section 90.20 of the FCC rules.
Ta b l e 1-3External 2.4-GHz Antennas
Part NumberModelGain (dBi)
AIR-ANT2450V-N2.4-GHz compact omnidir ectiona5.5
AIR-ANT2480V-N2.4 GHz omnidirec tio nal8
Multiple Power Sources
The access point supports these power sources:
•PoE—power injector (AIR -PWRIN J150 0-2=)
•AC power—100 to 480 VAC (standard power source for the pole mount configuration )
Gain (dBi)
•POC—40 to 90 VAC (quasi-square wave AC), (standard power source for th e c able c onfiguration )
•External 12 VDC
Connect the unit only to DC power source that complies with the safety extra-low voltage (SELV)
requirements in IEC 60950 based safety standards.
•Internal battery
Statement 1033
The access point can be connected to more than one power source. The access point detects the available
power sources and switches to the preferred power source using the following default prioritization:
•AC power or POC power
•External 12-VDC power
•Power injector PoE power
•Internal battery power
This unit might have more than one power supply connection. All connections must be removed to
de-energize the unit.
Statement 1028
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
CautionTo provid e i nli ne PoE , yo u m ust us e t he 1 520 power i nject or (AI R-PW RINJ15 00- 2= ). O the r power
CautionThe 1520 power injector (AIR-PWRINJ1500-2=) must be used in an indoo r environment only.
NoteIn the cable configuration, the cable modem is activated only when the access point is powered by POC
CautionWhen the access point is installed outdoors or in a wet or damp location, the AC branch circuit that is
Hardware Features
injectors, PoE switches, and 802.3af power sources cannot provide adequate power , which can cause the
access point to malfunction and cause over-current conditions at the power source.
or external 12 VDC p ower. When using only PoE power, the cable mo de m is de activated.
powering the access point should be provided with ground fault protection (GFCI), as required by Article
210 of the National Electrical Code (NEC).
Ethernet Ports
NoteThe PoE-out port is disabled when the a ccess point is powered by the power injector.
The Ethernet cable from the power injector to the access point (PoE-in port) must be not less than 10 ft
(3.1 m).
The AC power cord options are listed below:
•40-ft (15.2-m) power cord for light pole installations in the US and Canada. One end of the power
cord is terminated with an ac cess point AC power connector, and the other en d is termi nate d with
an AC plug (AIR-CORD -R 3P-4 0NA=).
•4-ft (1.2-m) streetlight power tap adapter for light pole installations in the US and Canada
The access point supports a PoE-in port and a PoE-out port. The access point’s PoE-in port uses an RJ-45
connector (with a liquid tight adapter) to link the access point to the 10/100/1000BASE-T network. The
Ethernet cable is used to send and receive Ethernet data and to optionally supply inline 56-VDC power
from the power injector.
The access poin t’s PoE-out (10/10 0/100 0BASE-T) port uses a n RJ-45 co nne cto r (w ith a li qu id ti ght
adapter) to pr ovide L A N c onn ect ivity and IE EE 802 .3a f power to a singl e pe riph er al cu st omer device,
such as a camer a or senso r ga teway. The PoE-out port shoul d not be c on necte d to a swit ch or h ub.
The Ethernet MAC addresses is printed on the bottom of the access point under the LEDs (refer to the
“Finding the Product Serial Number” section on page XIV).
To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord.
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Statement 1023
Hardware Features
CautionTo provid e i nli ne PoE , yo u m ust us e t he 1 520 power i nject or (AI R-PW RINJ15 00- 2= ). O the r power
Cable Modem
NoteThe access point uses a Scientific Atlanta DPC2100 cable modem board and 4015821 RF splitter.
Chapter 1 Overview
The Ethernet cabl e m ust be a shie lde d outdo or rat ed Ca tegory 5e ( CAT5e) or better cable. The a cce ss
point senses the Ethernet and power signals and automatically switches internal circuitry to match the
cable connections.
injectors, PoE switches, and 802.3 af power sources can not provide ad equa te power, which may cause
the access point to malfunction and cause possible over-current conditions at the power source.
The access point cable configuration contains an internal cable modem for connection to the cable
network from the pole-mount ed cabl e lines. Th e acc ess point can be powered using the 40 -to 90-VAC
(quasi-square wave AC) power provided by the cable network.
The cable modem supports these main features:
•Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) 2.0
•Backward compatibility with existing DOCSIS 1.1 and 1.0 networks
Metal Enclosure
The access po int uses a me tal en cl osure th at ca n acco mm oda te bo th in door or o utdoo r ope rat ing
environments and an industria l tem pera ture op erat ing ra nge of –40 to 13 1°F (– 40 to 55°C ). The a cce ss
point complies with NEM A 4 and IP67 requ ireme nts.
Optional Hardware
Some of the access point hardware options are listed below:
•Fiber-optic module and t ake-up ree l kit (GL C- FE- 100BX -URG D=) —Sma ll for m- factor p lugga ble
(SFP) module for connection to fiber-optic lines. The take-up reels are used to store excess
fiber-optic cable by wrapping the c able ar ound the re els.
Single strand fiber bidirectional opti cal tra nsceiver
1.3 (transmit) /1. 5 ( rec eive) microm ete r wavelength division mu ltip lexing ( WD M) f unc tion
100 Mb/s data rates
LC receptacle
Supports up to 15.5 mi (25 km) of fiber-optic cable.
•Pole mount kit (AIR-ACCPMK15 20=)—provides hardware for mounting the access point to a metal
or wood pole, su ch a s a stre etl ight pol e.
•Strand mount kit (A I R-ACCSMK1520=)— provide s har dware fo r mou nting t he a ccess p oi nt to a
cable strand.
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
•Streetlight power tap ad apter (AIR-PWR-ST-LT-R3P=)—connects to the light control connector on
a streetlight pole and provides AC power to the access point.
•1520 power injecto r (AIR-PWRINJ1500-2=)—provides PoE to the access point.
•40-ft (12.2-m) power cord for light pole installations in the US and Canada
(AIR-CORD-R3P-40NA=)—provides AC power to the access point. One end of the power cord is
terminated with an access point AC power connector, and the other end is terminated with an AC
•Battery backup m odu le (AIR- 152 0-BATT-6AH). The integrate d b att ery can be us ed for t empor ar y
backup power during external power interr uption s.
3- hour access po in t op er ati on us ing two ra dio s a t 77oF (25oC)—with PoE output port off
2-hour access point operation usi ng two radios at 77oF (25oC)— with PoE outpu t po rt on
•Strap hand tool (AIR-BAND-INST-TL=)—used to install the metal straps used in pole mounting.
Network Deployment Examples
The access poin t is a wir eless d evice desi gned fo r wir eless c lien t a cce ss and po int -to-p oint bri dgin g,
point-to-multipoint bridging, and point-t o-multi point mesh w ireless con nectivity. The access point
provides 5-GHz back ha ul c apab ilit y to li nk wi th a not her ac cess point to r eac h a wir ed ne twork
connection or to provide repeat er operat ions for other access points.
Network Deployment Examples
The access point plays one of two primary radio roles: a root access point (hereafter called a RAP) or the
access points that relay their wireless connections to the controller are called mesh access points (MAPs). When the access point has a wired Ethernet, fiber-optic, or cable connection to the controller
(through a switch), th e ra dio role is ca lled a RAP. A RAP is a parent node to any br idgi ng or m e sh
network. A controller can support one or more RAPs, each one parenting the same or different wireless
networks. There can be more th an one RAP fo r the same m esh ne twork f or re dun dancy. Both RAP and
MAP access points can su pport wi reless clie nts using the 2.4- GHz rad io.
NoteThe access point must be configured as a RAP in the controller, whereas the MAP role is a default
When the access point does not hav e a wired Ethernet, fiber-optic, or cable connection to the controller,
the radio role is called a MA P. The MAPs have a wireless connecti on (throug h the back haul int erface )
to other MAPs and finally to a RAP with an Ethernet or cable connection through a switch to the
controller. MAPs can also have a wired Ethernet connect ion to a lo cal LAN and serve as a bridg e
endpoint for t hat LAN (usi ng a p oin t-to- poin t or po i nt-to- mul tipoi n t br idge conn ec ti on).
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Network Deployment Examples
(2.4 Ghz)
Wireless Backhaul
The access point supports wireless backhaul capability using the 5-GHz radio to bridge to another access
point to reach a wired net work conne ction to a contro ller (see
to the wired network is considered a RAP in this configuration. The remote access point is considered a
MAP and transfers wireless client traffic to the RAP for transfer to the wired network. Lightweight
access point prot ocol (LWAPP) cont rol tr affic is also tra nsf erre d over thi s bridg ed link .
Figure 1-5Access Point Backhaul Example
Chapter 1 Overview
Figure 1-5). The access point connected
(5.8 Ghz)
Point-to-Point Bridging
The access points can be used to extend a remote n et work by using the 5-GHz backhaul radio to bridge
the two network segments as shown in
bridging on the controller for each acc ess point.
Figure 1-6Access Point Point-to-Point Bridging Example
Figure 1-6. To suppor t E the rnet b ridging , you must ena ble
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Point-to-Multipoint Bridging
The access points can be used as a RAP to connect multiple remote MAPs with their associated wired
networks (see
Ethernet bridging, you mu st enable br idging on the controller for each acc ess point.
Wireless client access can be provided over the bridging link; however, if bridging between tall
buildings, the 2.4-GHz w irele ss coverage are a m ight b e li mited and pos sibl y n ot su itable f or di rec t
wireless client access.
Figure 1-7Access Point Point to Multipoint Bridging Example
Figure 1-7). By default, this capability is turned-off for all access points. To support
Network Deployment Examples
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Network Deployment Examples
Mesh Network
Chapter 1 Overview
The access points are typically deployed in a mesh network configuration. In a typical mesh deployment,
one or more RAPs have a wired network connection through a switch to a controller. Other remote MAPs
without wired network connections use the backhaul feature to optimally link to a RAP that is connected
to the wired network. In the mesh network, the links between the access points are referred to as the
backhaul links.
Intelligent wireless routing is provided by the patented Adaptive Wireless Path Protocol (AWPP). This
enables each MAP to identify its neighbors and intelligently choose the optimal path to the RAP with
the wired network co nnec tio n by c alcul at ing the co st of e ach pat h in t erm s o f sig na l stre ngth a nd the
number of hops required to get to a controll er.
Figure 1-8 illustrates a typical mesh configuration using MAPs and RAPs.
Figure 1-8Typical Mesh Configuration Using Access Points
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Layer 3 Network Operation
The access poin ts su ppor t L ay er 3 ne twork ope ratio n. A ccess p oi nts a nd cont r oller s in La yer 3
configurations use IP addresses and UDP packets, which can be routed through large networks. Layer 3
operation is scalable and recommended by Cisco.
Figure 1-9 illustrates a typical Layer-3 wireless network configuration containing access points and a
Figure 1-9Typical Layer 3 Access Point Network Configuration Example
Network Deployment Examples
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Network Deployment Examples
Chapter 1 Overview
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Mounting Instructions
This chapter describes warnings, safety information, and mounting information needed during the
installation of your ac cess point . The chap ter co ntains these secti ons:
•Unpacking the Access Po int, page 2-2
•Tools and Materials that You Supply, pa ge 2-2
•Warnings, page 2-4
•Safety Informa tion, p ag e 2-4
•Avoiding Damage to Radios in a Testing Environment, page 2-7
•Installation Guidelines, page 2-8
•Mounting the Access Point, page 2-16
•Grounding the Access Point , pa ge 2-42
•Connecting a Fiber-Optic Cable to the Access Point, page 2-43
•Powering the Access Point, page 2-46
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Unpacking the Access Point
Unpacking the Access Point
When you are unpacking the access point, do not remove the foam blocks attached to the antenna
connectors. The foam protects the antenna connectors during installation.
Follow these steps to unpack the access point:
Step 1Open the shipping container and carefully remove the contents.
Step 2Return all pack i ng ma ter ials t o t he sh i pping cont ai ner, and save it.
Step 3Ensure that all items listed in Package Contents are included in the shipment. If any item is damaged or
missing, notify your authori zed Cisco sales repr esenta tive.
Package Contents
Each access point pack age co ntain s the foll owing items:
•Access point
Chapter 2 Mounting Instructions
•Cisco product documentat ion and tran slated safe ty warnings
•Grounding lug wit h two screws and loc k washe rs
•Three liquid tight adapters
•Two-pin DC power connector
•Ground lug (Panduit PLCD6-10A -L) and screws with loc k washers
Tools and Materials that You Supply
•Ground lug crimping too l (Panduit CT-720 with CD-720-1 die)
•6-AWG copper ground wire
•13 mm box-end w r en ch or so cket set
•Adjustable wrench, 22 mm socket, or Sealcon S-2200-WR socket wrench
•Small flat screwdriver for DC power co nnec tor
•Optional power injector ( AIR- PWR INJ1 500 -2=)
•Optional AC power cord
40-ft (12.2-m) power cord (AIR-CORD-R3P-40NA=) for light pole installations in the US and
4-ft (1.2-m) streetli ght power tap adap ter (AIR -PWR-ST-LT-R3P=) for light pole installations
in the US and Canada
•Antennas, 2.4 and 5 GHz (refe r to the “ External Antennas ” sec tion on page 1-7)
•Optional pole mount kit (AIR-ACCPMK1520=)
•Optional strand moun t ki t ( AIR- ACCSMK1520=)
•Optional strap hand tool (AIR -BAND-INST-TL=)
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Mounting Instructions
•Optional fiber-optic 100BASE-BX10-U SFP, fiber-optic take-up reels, and liquid tigh t a dapt er
•Optional outdoor-rated fiber-optic cab le with 0. 20 to 0 .35 in. (0. 51 to 0 .89 cm) d iame te r
•Optional shielded outdo or-rate d Et herne t ( CAT5e or better) cable with 0. 20 to 0.3 5 in
•Optional Ethernet RJ-45 connec tor and in stalla tion tool
•Optional shielde d outdo or-rate d DC power ca ble w ith 0.2 0 t o 0. 35 in. ( .0.51 t o 0.89 c m ) d iam ete r
•Optional cable Stinger connector
•Optional ground rod, as requi red by local regula tions
•Optional ladder, power lift, rop e, o r o the r to ol s as r e quire d
Pole Installation
To install the access point on a vertical or horizon tal metal , wood, or fiberglass pole, you need the
following additional ma teria l a nd t ools:
Tools and Materials that You Supply
(GLC-FE-100BX-U R GD= )
(0.51 to 0.89 cm) diame ter
•Pole mount kit (AIR-ACCPMK1520= )
Pole clamp bracket
Two gusset strap brackets
One mounting b racket
Twelve hex bolts (M8 x 16)
One M8 flange nut
Six M8 flat washers
Ten M8 split lock washers
Two stainless steel mounting st raps
•Cust o me r su pp l ie d me t al s tr a p tool—(AIR-BAND-IT-TOOL=)
•Customer supplied 13-mm and box -end wrenc h or socket set
•Customer supplied adju stable wr ench , 22 mm socket, or Sealcon S-2200-WR socket wren ch
Cable Strand Installation
To install the access poin t on a cable stra nd, you need the following ad ditiona l parts:
•Cable strand mount kit (AIR-ACCSMK1520= )
Strand mounting bracket
Strand clamp bracket
Four cable clamps
Four M8 flange n uts
Four hex bolts (M8 x16)
Four M8 split lock washers and six M8 flat washe rs
•Customer supplied 13-mm box-end wrench or socket set
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Mounting Instructions
•Customer supplied adju stable wr ench , 22 mm socket, or Sealcon S-2200-WR socket wren ch
Translated v ersions of all safety wa rnings are a vailable in the safety warning document that shipped with
your access poin t or on Cisc m. To browse to the documen t on Cisc o. co m, re fer to
“Translated Safety Warnings” for instructions.
Appendix A,
This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you
work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar
with standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided at the end of
each warning to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that accompanied this device.
Statement 1071
Do not operate the unit near unshielded blasting caps or in an explosive environment unless the
device has been modified to be especially qualified for such use.
This equipment must be externally grounded using a customer-supplied ground wire before power is
applied. Contact the appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician if you are uncertain
that suitable grounding is available.
Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to the power source.
Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all national laws and regulations.
Statement 1040
Statement 364
Statement 366
Statement 1004
Safety Information
Follow the guidelines in this section to ensure proper operation and safe use of the access point.
FCC Safety Compliance Statement
The FCC, with its action in ET Doc ket 96-8, has adop ted a safe ty standard for human exposur e to RF
electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC-certified equipment. When used with approved Cisco Aironet
antennas, Cisco Aironet products meet the uncontrolled en vironmental limits found in OET-65 and ANSI
C95.1, 1991. Proper operation of this radio device according to the instructions in this publication results
in user exposure substantially below the FCC recommended limits.
Cisco Aironet 1520 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
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You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.