l 24-bit conversion
l Supports 96 kHz sample rates
l 98 dB dynamic range at 3 V supply
l -88 dBFS THD+N
l 1.8 to 3.3 volt supply
l 16-Pin TSSOP package
l Low power consumption
– 11 mW at 1.8 V
l Internal high pass filter to remove DC offsets
l Linear phase digital anti-alias filter
The CS5333 is a highly integr ated, 24-b it, 96 kHz audi o
ADC providing stereo ana log-to-di gital conver ters usin g
delta-sigma conversion techniques. This device includes
line level inputs in a 16-pin TSSOP package.
The CS5333 is based on d elta- sigma mo dulati on all owing infinite adjustment of the sample rate between 2 kHz
and 100 kHz simply by changing the master clock
The CS5333 operates from a +1.8 V to +3.3 V supply .
These features are ideal fo r set-top boxes, A/V receivers, DVD-karaoke players or any system which requires
optimal performance in a minimum of space.
CS5333-KZ -10 to 70° C16-pin TSSOP
CDB5333Evaluation Board
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Figure 1. SCLK to LRCK and SDATA, Slave Mode........................................................................ 9
Figure 2. SCLK to LRCK and SDATA, Master Mode...................................................................... 9
Analog Input Characteristics for VA = 1.8 or 3.0 V
Interchannel Isolation1 kHz-90--90-dB
Interchannel Gain Mismatch-0.1--0.1-dB
Offset Errorwith High Pass Filter--0--0LSB
Full Scale Input VoltageTBD VA÷3.6 TBDTBD VA÷3.6 TBDVrms
Voltage Common ModeVA÷2VA÷2V
Gain Drift-100--1 00-ppm/°C
Input Resistance10--10--kΩ
Input Capacitance--15--15pF
Notes: 1. Referenced to typical full-scale differential input voltage.