Cirrus Logic AN75 User Manual

Application Note
Using the CS5525/CS5526 in Multiplexed Applications
By Jerome Johnston
The CS5525/ CS5526 A/D converter is o ptimized for the measurement of thermocouples. It is de­signed with a single analog input, but includes four digital outp ut pins to control a nalog switches and multiplexers. The performance characteristics of an analog switch or multiplexer in a thermocouple digitizer ap plication are import ant because of the typical protection circuitry which is included in the signal path. Figure 1 illustra tes a mult iplexed ther­mocouple circ uit which include s input protectio n. Resistor R, capacitor C, and diodes D1 and D2 pro­vide input protection for the analog switch and the A/D converter. Input protection guards against ESD (Electro-Static Discharge), high voltage glitches wh ich can get couple d into long thermo ­couple leads in an industrial env ironment, an d in­correct conn ections which c an cause +24 vol ts to become directly connected to the digitizer input terminals.
To achie ve sufficien t protection , the input protec­tion resistor is usually 10 KΩ or greater. This resis­tance can intro duc e m easure ment erro rs if l eaka ge currents in the circuitry are large. Even small changes in leakage currents can affect accuracy since thermocouple output voltages change very little for each degre e of tem perature c hange (ty pi-
cally betw een 6 µV/°C and 80 µV/°C). Th erefore, leakage current from the analog switch or from the input of the a mplifier us ed to ampl ify the th ermo­couple sign al can introduce signi ficant errors if a large protec tion resistor is used. A large value for the protection resistor is desirable because the com­bination of R and C also act a s a low pass filte r to help reject 50/60 Hz. A large resistor value helps to achieve a low freque ncy cutoff for the filter while using a small capacitor value (many applications use surface mounted components in which the availabi lity of su rface mount e d capa ci tors is li mit ­ed to low values ). The capacitor is usua lly a low leakage device with a qu ality dielec tric to ach ieve low dielectric absorp ti on.
Figure 1. Typical Thermocouple
Digitizer Input Circuitry
Crystal Semiconductor Corporation
Figure 2 illu strates the C S5525/CS55 26 using the p-channel J177 (or SST177 for surface mount) JFET as an analog switch. The J177 has a maxi­mum V
of 2.25 V, therefore a +5 V drive sig-
nal from one of the digital outputs from the CS5525/CS5526 can turn it off (Driving the gate of the JFET with only +3.0 volts will shut the J177 off but it can exhibit more leakage current). When the logic drive to the ga te of the JFET is 0 V, the FET will be turned on. It can safely handle input signals of ±250 mV without forward biasing the channel to
Copyright  Crystal Semiconductor Corporation 1997
(All Rights Reserv ed)
MAY ‘97
Figure 2. CS5525/CS5526 Controls P-Channel
JFETs as analog switches.
gate junction. When ON, the J177 (SST177) exhib­its a resistanc e of 300 ohms maximum. If u sed to
switch signals less than ±250 mV, the leaka ge cur ­rent (25 °C) will be sub-picoamps.
the CS5525/CS5 526 is low. The -0.6V gate drive shuts off the tran sistor with adeq uate ga te drive to ensure very high off resistance. When the D0-D3 output drive is high, the transistor is on with a resis­tance less tha n 100 Ω. Signals of ±1 V can readily be passed by the switch.
Some analog switches are available which are de­signed to function with supply voltages of ±5 V or less. The Advanced Linear Devices ALD4201 quad switch is used in Figure 4 (1/2 of dev ice is shown) for switching the rmocouple signa ls. The switch i s operated from a +5 V supply and from the NBV voltage (-2.1) used for the CS5525/CS5526. This is acceptable as the supply current requirement of the ALD4201 is only a microampere. Leakage currents for the ALD4201 are stated to remain below 500 pA over the industrial temperature range. On resis­tance over the industrial t emperature range with a total supply of +5V or more is less than 300 Ω.
Figure 3 illustrates an example of using an en­hancement mode transistor switch as an analog switch. The SD5400-2 quad DMOS switch is illus­trated (the SD5000-2, SD5200-2, and SD5300-2 series are similar). The diode-resistor drive combi­nation on the gate of the SD5400-2 allows the gate to go to -0.6 V when the DO -D3 logic dr ive from
This application note illustrates the flexibility of using the CS5525/CS5526 digital output pins to control analog switches and multiplexers. While all the circuits introduced have illustrated the CS5525/ CS5526 being used in thermoc ouple applica tions, the device can be used for bridge transducers as well.
Figure 3. CS5525/CS5526 Controls N-Channel DMOS transistors as analog switches.
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