CIRCUTOR SQL Data Export User Manual

SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
Version 2.3.5
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
1.- SQL DATA EXPORT SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................ 3
1.1.- ENABLE REMOTE CONNECTIONS OF THE SQL SERVER ........................... 14
1.2.- UNINSTALL SQL SERVER .................................................................... 16
2.- INTRODUCTION TO SQL DATA EXPORT ............................................ 17
2.1.- GRAPHIC INTERFACE ........................................................................... 17
3.- APPENDICES ......................................................................................... 24
3.1.- CHANGE THE LOCATION OF THE DATABASE ........................................... 24
3.2.- STRUCTURE OF THE DATABASE ............................................................ 27
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
1.- SQL Data Export software installation
The minimum necessary requirements for SQL Data Export to work properly on your PC are:
Windows 2000 SP4. Windows 2003 Server SP1, Windows XP SP2,
Windows Vista or Windows 7.
PowerStudio/PowerStudio Scada version 3.0.1 or higher.
When the SQL Data Export installation starts a dialogue window will appear
to select the installation language.
After selection of the language when the “Next” button is pressed a
presentation screen appears.
Installation language
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
Welcome screen
After pressing the “Next” button the license screen is accessed where we
must accept its terms to continue.
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
License terms
After completing the installation preparation process a dialogue will
appear where you will be asked for the application installation directory.
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
Selection dialogue for the installation folder
Here you may select the directory in which to install the application. As you will see, the installation program proposes a destination directory for the application, which you can change by pressing the “Next” button.
If you press this button, a dialogue box will appear where you may choose the new application installation directory.
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
Selection dialogue for the new installation folder
Once the application destination directory has been entered you may pass on to the next screen by pressing the “Next” button. Note that at any time you may exit the installation by pressing the “Cancel” button on the screens that provide it. If you choose this option a confirmation message as follows will appear:
Confirmation message for quitting the installation
If you choose “No” the installation will continue from the point where it was left off, otherwise you will quit the installation without saving anything.
One of the main installation points is to establish the SQL Database Server where you want to create the said database. We can use any server that is already defined in our machine or on one of the machines of the local network. In the event that you do not have a local server installed or you do not wish to use any remote one on the local network, the application allows you to install the free local server SQL Server Express 2005.
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
Please note that to be able to see and use servers installed on the other machines in our network, we must have previously configured these to accept remote connections. Point 1.1 explains in detail how to enable remote connections in an SQL Server.
The format of the server names found will always be “machine\instance­server”. If during the installation no SQL Server is detected, the wizard will allow you to install the free SQL Server Express 2005 version.
If we are installing SQL Data Export on a Windows Vista or Windows XP "operating system" it is possible that the SQL Server Express installation may malfunction as these come with certain internal modules that are not properly compiled. If this occurs we will see the following message:
To fix this problem, perform the following steps:
1. Open the command line as Administrator. (StartProgramsAccessoriesSystem console, click the right mouse button and the select option "Run as... Administrator").
2. Write “winmgmt /verifyrepositor” and press enter.
3. If it says that the repository is incoherent write “net stop winmgmt” and press enter.
4. Next run: “winmgmt /salvagerepository”.
5. When it ends after 2 or 3 minutes, we will be able to install SQL Server Express without any problem.
SQL Data Export for PS/PSS
To configure SQL Server Express properly we must select the “Mixed mode” option on the “Authentication mode” screen and set the password to “SqlDE236”, to start the session for user sa:
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