QNA-412 (2V)
1.- BASIC INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................. 2
1.1.- Checks on receipt................................................................................................... 2
1.2.- QNA-412 models.................................................................................................... 2
1.3.- Safety advice.......................................................................................................... 3
1.4.- Operating instructions............................................................................................. 3
2.- GENERAL FEATURES. ................................................................................................. 3
2.1.- Basic features......................................................................................................... 4
2.2.- Electrical characteristics......................................................................................... 5
3.- ANALYSIS MODES........................................................................................................ 6
4.- RECORDING IN THE MEMORY (automatically) ............................................................ 6
5.- INSTALLATION AND START-UP................................................................................... 7
5.1.- Terminal ratio. ........................................................................................................ 8
5.1.1.- Communications cables for RJ connectors..................................................... 9
5.2.- QNA-412 analyzer start up. ...................................................................................10
5.3.- Connection diagram for the QNA-412....................................................................11
5.3.1.- 4 wire three phase systems...........................................................................11 Direct voltage + three clamps...............................................................11 Three voltage transformers and three clamps ......................................12
5.3.2.- 3 wire three phase systems...........................................................................13 Direct voltage and three clamps...........................................................13 Direct voltage and two clamps (ARON)................................................14 Two voltage transformers and three clamps.........................................15 Two voltage transformers and two clamps (ARON)..............................16
6.- THE QNA-412 ANALYZER BATTERY. .........................................................................17
7.- OPERATION. ................................................................................................................17
7.1.- Display and buttons...............................................................................................17
7.2.- Start-up. ................................................................................................................18
7.3.- Display screens.....................................................................................................18
8.- SETTING THE QNA-412...............................................................................................19
8.1.- Programming Set-up for the QNA-412...................................................................19
8.1.1.- Voltage transformation ratio. .........................................................................19
8.1.2.- Features of the system..................................................................................20
8.1.3.- Quality Parameters........................................................................................20
8.1.4.- Information to be taken into account in the recording of the periodic values. .22
8.2.- Variables to Record...............................................................................................22
8.2.1.- Standard File (STD). .....................................................................................23
8.2.2.- EVENTS file (EVQ). ......................................................................................24
8.2.3.- Incidents File (EVE).......................................................................................25
9.- TECHNICAL FEATURES. .............................................................................................26
10.- SAFETY ADVICE. .........................................................................................................28
11.- MAINTENANCE. ...........................................................................................................28
12.- TECHNICAL SERVICE..................................................................................................28
A. Appendix: Communications with QNA-412 connected to an External modem. ..............29
B. Appendix: Communications with QNA-412 (RS485)......................................................31
C. Appendix: Communications via TCP-IP converter. ........................................................32
D. Appendix : Installing and starting up the QNA-GSM. .....................................................33
E. Appendix: The QNA's measurement method.................................................................35
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This manual assists in the installation and use of the QNA-412 supply quality
instruments and helps in obtaining the best performance from them.
QNA-412 analyzers are especially manufactured to control electrical supply quality. They are manufactured using the latest technology and offer the most advanced performance in electrical parameter measurement and recording for industrial systems on the market today.
Carefully read this manual before connecting the equipment to avoid
incorrect use that may cause irrevocable damage.
1.1.- Checks on receipt.
On receipt of the equipment check the following:
a) The equipment is the same as the one ordered.
b) Check that the equipment has not been damaged during delivery.
c) Check that it is equipped with the following standard accessories:
1 RS-232 Communications cable (RJ-DB9-female) 1 QNA-412 Instruction manual. 1 CD with program for PC software and instruction manual 1 GSM Aerial (With GSM model only).
1.2.- QNA-412 models.
Code Model
Q20510 QNA – 412 RS485/RS232 Q20520 QNA – 412 GSM Free (SIM card not included)
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1.3.- Safety advice.
For safety reasons it is essential that anyone installing or handling the QNA-412 follows the usual safety procedures as well as the specific warnings in this instruction manual.
If the equipment is used in a way not specified by the manufacturer,
the equipment's protection may be compromised.
When it is likely that a loss of protection has occurred (for example visible damage) the equipment must be disconnected from the supply. In this event contact a qualified service representative.
1.4.- Operating instructions.
The QNA-412 is programmable, measuring instrument offering a series of options that may be selected using the set up menus.
Before installing the equipment and taking measurements carefully read sections INSTALLATION, START-UP and SETTING for the QNA-412 analyzer. Select the most suitable way of obtaining the required data.
It must be remembered that once the equipment is connected, the
terminals may be dangerous when touched and opening the covers or
removing pieces may access parts that are dangerous when touched. The
equipment must not be used until it is fully installed.
The QNA-412 quality analyzer is specially designed equipment to control electrical supply according to the IEC 61000-4-30 standard.
Harmonics measurement according to IEC 61000-4-7.
Flicker measurement according to IEC 61000-4-15.
Measurement of the main electrical parameters.
Voltage, current, power, PF....
Voltage and Current harmonic distortion...
Neutral Current and Neutral-Earth Voltage
4 quadrant measurement (Consumption and generation).
Flicker measurement according to IEC 61000-4-15.
High degree of protection under severe electrical conditions:
With a broad supply voltage and measurement margin.
High degree of overvoltage and transient protection.
Option to connect to 3 and 4 wire systems.
With a broad supply voltage margin: 63 – 520 V AC.
Internal battery. The equipment can continue recording in the absence of
power supply voltage.
4 Mbyte internal memory where all parameters measured by the QNA-412 are stored.
GSM / RS-232 / RS-485 communication. (According to model).
Assembled in self-extinguishing casing in sizes and with fixing points in
accordance with the DIN 43857 standard.
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2.1.- Basic features.
The QNA-412 quality analyzer is specially designed to analyse electrical
supply quality according to the specifications in the IEC 61000-4-30 standard.
It has 4 x 2V inputs (clamps) as well as the voltage inputs (isolated by transformers). This means that as well as the supply quality calculations, the QNA­412 can be used as a system analyzer.
Its outer design in accordance with DIN 43857 makes it ideal for locating in any meter station cabinet.
Moreover, the large variety of models makes the QNA-412 adaptable to any situation and any communication mode.
The equipment's internal battery allows it to take measurements in the event of any loss of voltage (interruption or dip). It is guaranteed that the QNA-412 continues operating if there is an interruption in the equipment's power supply.
The QNA-412 has three AC voltage inputs that lets it analyse voltage in the three phases and the frequency of a predetermined system (quality of supply).
The QNA-412 uses a DSP to analyse the quality of electrical supply according to the IEC 61000-4-30 standard. The DSP analyses all cycles of the three voltage phases and checks whether any incident has occurred (dip, interruption, overvoltage). It also calculates harmonics and flicker according to the IEC 61000-4-7 and 61000-4-15 standards respectively.
Thanks to its 2V inputs (2V/5A ratio), the QNA-412 can analyse the main electrical parameters in the 4 quadrants (Consumption and generation).
The QNA also has a Neutral current input and another to measure Neutral­Earth voltage. These parameters complete the information that the QNA supplies when analysing the electrical system.
The QNA-412 has a 4 Mbyte internal memory where the quality parameters, electrical parameters and incidents are recorded.
The QNA-412 memory has four types of files:
*.STD: where the measured data (voltage, current, frequency, power, energy, flicker, THD, unbalance...) is periodically stored.
*.EVE: where any incident occurring to the QNA-412 is stored. (file reading, Setup change, deleting from the memory, auxiliary power supply on/off, battery off...).
*.EVQ: Quality events file where incidents occurring with the electricity supply are stored (interruptions, dips, overvoltages) plus supplementary information about them (time when the incident occurred, length, maximum/minimum voltage, average voltage, voltage prior to the event).
*.H24: where data is stored for statistical studies on the development of the harmonics throughout a day.
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The parameters that the QNA-412 can measure are:
Parameter L1 L2 L3 Voltage X X X Current (2V input) X X X Frequency X
Active power X X X Inductive reactive power X X X Capacitive reactive power X X X Apparent power X Active energy X Inductive reactive energy X Capacitive active energy X Power factor X X X
Voltage THD X X X Current THD X X X Harmonic Decomposition of voltage X X X Harmonic Decomposition of current X X X Voltage wave form X X X Current wave form X X X
Neutral Current X Earth neutral Voltage X
Flicker (PST) X X X Dips X X X Interruptions X X X Overvoltage X X X Unbalance X
Assymetry X
All these parameters are measured and recorded when the installation is
consuming or generating energy.
2.2.- Electrical characteristics.
Due to the fact that the QNA-412 is electrical supply quality recording equipment, it must have a high degree of protection under severe electrical conditions:
High energy varistors for absorbing overvoltages and protecting the equipment from costly repairs.
Noise filter on the voltage input: Allows reliable measurements to be obtained under the most adverse noise conditions.
Power supply: transformers with higher power dispersal and isolation.
Power supply from batteries allowing the QNA-412 to operate in the
absence of voltage supply.
Isolating transformers to ensure input isolation.
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The QNA-412 series analyzers have different operating modes depending on
how they are set.
The most important operating functions are:
Measurement and recording in the memory the main electrical supply quality parameters (voltages, flicker, harmonics and unbalance).
Measurement and recording in the memory the main electrical parameters (voltages, currents, frequency, power, PF ...
Current measurement for Neutral and Neutral-Earth Voltage.
Setting a voltage threshold to define different events (dips, interruptions and
overvoltages). There is also the option to set a hysteresis value for all these thresholds.
The QNA-412 may be installed in both 3 wire and 4 wire systems. All quality measurements will be made with reference to Neutral or between phases depending on the selection.
The QNA-412 may also be used to measure via voltage and current transformers
4.- RECORDING IN THE MEMORY (automatically).
The QNA-412 has an internal clock, with date and time, to allow it to
automatically record electrical parameters as well as any incident that may occur.
The storage memory for the QNA-412 has four independent blocks reserved for each type of file that it records. The following information is found in each of these files:
*.STD: where the measured data (voltage, current, frequency, power, energy, flicker, THD, unbalance) is periodically stored.
*.EVE: where any incident occurring to the QNA-412 is stored (file reading, Setup change, deleting from the memory, auxiliary power supply on/off, battery off...).
*.EVQ: Quality events file where incidents occurring with the electricity supply are stored (interruptions, dips, overvoltages...) plus supplementary information on them (time when the incident occurred, length, maximum/minimum voltage, average voltage, voltage prior to the event).
*.H24: where data is stored for statistical studies on the development of the harmonics throughout a day.
The QNA-412 has a rotating storage memory. This means that if the memory is full, new data obtained is stored in place of the oldest recordings. Therefore, if no data is to be lost, files from the memory must be downloaded before it starts recording over information that has not yet been downloaded.
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isible damage), the
equipment must be disconnected from the power supply. In the event of
This manual has information and warnings that the user must follow to ensure the safe operation of the equipment and to maintain it in good condition in terms of safety.
If the equipment is used in a way not specified by the
manufacturer, the equipment's protection may be compromised. Opening covers or removing parts with the equipment connected to the power supply, may access parts which are dangerous when touched.
In the event of a possible loss in safety (e.g. v
this occurring, please contact a qualified service representative.
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5.1.- Terminal ratio.
Uppe r connection terminal
Lower c onnection termina l
21 22 24 3423 333026 3125
1 2 43 1165 7 8 9
27 3228 29
21 22 24 3423 333026 3125 3527 3228 29
1 2 4
3 1165 7 8 9
Terminal Description
Upper board
21 VL1 measurement 22 Common L1 23 VL2 measurement 24 Common L12 25 VL3 measurement 26 Common L13 27 Neutral 28 Earth 29 Not connected 30 Not connected 31 Not connected 32 Not connected 33 Not connected 34 Not connected 35 Not connected
Lower board
1 Measured current IL1 S1 2 Measured current IL1 S2 3 Measured current IL2 S1 4 Measured current IL2 S2 5 Measured current IL3 S1 6 Measured current IL3 S2 7 Measured current Neutral S1 8 Measured current Neutral S2 9 Voltage input power supply
11 Voltage input power supply R1 RS-232 R2 RS-485 / GSM Aerial
(According to model)
wire) or without Neutral (3 wire). Measurement only depends on the connection and equipment setting.
The QNA-412 may be installed in either a three phase system with Neutral (4
Earthing is vital to the operation of the QNA-412's
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5.1.1.- Communications cables for RJ connectors.
Lower c onnection termina l
Front view
The use of the RJ connectors will vary according to the QNA model used.
QNA-412 RS232 / RS485
21 22 24 3423 333026 3125 3527 3228 29
R1 – RS-232 Communications R2 – RS-485 Communications
QNA-412 GSM / RS232
1 2 4
3 1165 7 8 9
R1 – RS-232 Communications R2 – GSM aerial
RJ Connector (QNA)
234 5
1 6
Below are diagrams of the most usual connections for the QNA-412 communications cables:
RS-232 connection to a PC or to an external modem:
PC External Modem QNA-412
DB9 DB25 DB9 DB25
1–DSR 5–GND 7–GND 5–GND 7–GND 2–Rx 3–Tx 2–Tx 2–Rx 3–Rx 3–TX 2–Rx 3–Rx 3–Tx 2–Tx 4–CTS 7–RTS 4–RTS 8–CTS 5–CTS 5–RTS 8–CTS 5–CTS 7–RTS 4–RTS
QNA-412 RS-232/485 (DB9)
Converter 2–Tx/Rx(-) 2–Tx/Rx (-) 3–Tx/Rx(+) 1–Tx/Rx (+) 6–GND 5–GND
To communicate with a QNA-412-GSM via a mobile telephone, the RS­232 communications cable must not be connected at any time. If it is detected that the RS232 cable is connected, any modem operation will be cancelled.
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5.2.- QNA-412 analyzer start up.
Before connecting the equipment to the mains
please bear in mind the
following points:
1) Supply system voltage:
Voltage: 63 – 520 V AC. Frequency: 50... 60 Hz.
2) Earth: The equipment must have the earthing cable connected. If it is not
attached, some of the equipment's protection will become ineffective.
3) Maximum current in the voltage measurement circuit: 500 V AC. between phase
and common:
4 wire configuration: 500 V AC Neutral-phase / 866 V AC. phase-phase. 3 wire configuration: 500 V AC. phase-phase.
4) Maximum measurement current: According to CLAMPS USED. In / 2 V AC.
5) Maximum measurement current: According to CLAMPS USED. In / 2 V AC.
6) Equipment consumption: 16 W.
7) Operating conditions:
Operating temperature: 0º to 50º C.
Operating humidity: 25% to 75 % RH.
8) Safety: Designed for category III installations according to EN 61010.
Points to check during installation:
8) Check that the earth has been connected to avoid interference to the equipment. Not attaching the earth reduces the effectiveness of the QNA-412's protection.
9) Check the power measurements and their sign (Check the polarity of the current transformers).
10) Check the QNA-412 analyzer setting.
Please note
A symptom of poor installation or wrong setting is the measurements flashing
on the display. The causes may be:
The equipment has detected an event. This may mean that there has actually been an event on the line (correct installation) or that the pre-set nominal voltage does not match that of the system.
If dashes appear on the balance screen: it means that the sequence of the phase turn is wrong.
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