Cino fuzzyscan fixed mount scanner Programming Manual International Edition, Rev A2

Programming Manual
International Edition, Rev. A2
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
ERTY), Latin America (QWERTY) to
Revision History
Rev. No. Released Date Description
Rev. A May 26, 2010 First Release
Page 16 Add “UPC/EAN Security Level”
Rev. A1 Jun. 18,2010
Rev. A2 Sep. 16,2010
Page 38 Add “Immediate” parameter (option 5) to "Time Delay to Low Power Mode"
and change the default value from 5 seconds to immediate.
Page 19,20 Add “Supplement Scan Voting” in Symbology Reading Control
Page 21 Add “EAN Supplement Control”
Page 32 Keyboard Layout – Add “Czech (QWERTY)”, remove “Universal”, and rename
Spain (QWERTY) to Spain (Spanish QW Spain (Latin America, QWERTY)
Page 36 Cancel” Power On Indicator” and add “Good Read Indicator”.
Page 41 “Scan Rate Control ”
Programming Manual
Page 45 Add “NG Message Output”
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
© Copyright Cino Group © Copyright PC Worth Int’l Co., Ltd
Cino makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this publication, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. Cino shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this publication. This publication contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be photocopied, reproduced or translated into any language, in any forms, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of Cino. All product information and specifications shown in this document may be changed without prior notice.
Cino warrants its products against defects in workmanship and materials from the date of shipment, provided that the product is operated under normal and proper conditions. The warranty provisions and durations are furnished by different warranty programs. The above warranty does not apply to any product which has been (i) misused; (ii) damaged by accident or negligence; (iii) modified or altered by the purchaser or other party; (iv) repaired or tampered by unauthorized representatives; (v) operated or stored beyond the specified operational and environmental parameters; (vi) applied software, accessories or parts are not supplied by Cino; (vii) damaged by circumstances out of Cino’s control, such as, but not limited to, lightning or fluctuation in electrical power. Any defective product must follow the warranty program and RMA procedures to return Cino for inspection.
LED Eye Safety IEC60825-1, EN60825-1
Programming Manual
FCC part 15B
EN55022, EN55024, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3
Industry Canada ICES-003
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Getting Familiar with Your FuzzyScan 1 Connect to Your Host 2 Install Your FuzzyScan 3 Use the Test Mode 4 Use Your FuzzyScan 5
Configure Your FuzzyScan
Bar Code Programming Manual 7 Programming Procedures 8 Host Interface Selection 12 Symbology Reading Control 13 Keyboard Interface Control 32 Serial Interface Control 36 Operation Control 39 Condensed DataWizard 46
Symbology ID Table 53 Keyboard Function Code Table 54 ASCII Input Shortcut 55 Host Interface Quick Set 56 Operation Mode Quick Set 56 Option Codes 57 System Commands 58 Indications 59
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Getting Familiar with Your FuzzyScan
Thank you for choosing Cino FuzzyScan FM400 Series Fixed Mount Scanner. Integrated with the innovative FuzzyScan 2.0 Imaging Technology and durable ultra-compact design, FM400 series not only provides outstanding reading performance, but also meets various demands for both industrial and general purpose applications. This document provides a quick reference for installation and operation purpose. The complete documentation is available at
FM400 Series (Front-view Model)
FM400 Series (Side-view Model)
Programming Manual
Power Indicator
Status Indicator
OK/NG Indicator
Test Button
Scan Window
M3 Mounting Hole
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Connect to Your Host
Both RS232 and USB interfaces are available in different models of FM400 series. Each model is equipped with corresponding connector to meet various application demands.
USB Models (FM4xx-11x)
Universal Models (FM4xx-98x)
The USB models provide a plug-and-play solution. Both USB HID and USB COM Port Emulation interfaces are available for user’s choice.
4-pin Type A
Pin No. Signal Description I/O Type
Case FG Frame Ground ---
2 Data - USB Data - I/O
3 Data + USB Data + I/O
4 GND --- ---
VCC --- I
RS232 Models (FM4xx-00x)
The RS232 models support the standard RS232 interface equipped a 9-pin D-sub connector with power jack for external 5Vdc power inlet.
9-pin D-sub
Female Connector
Pin No. Signal Description I/O Type
Case FG Frame Ground ---
1 --- --- ---
2 TXD Transmit Data I
3 RXD Receive Data O
4 --- --- ---
5 GND Signal Ground ---
6 --- --- ---
7 CTS Clear to Send I
8 RTS Request to Send O
9 VCC 5Vdc Power Supply I
Programming Manual
The universal models support RS232 and USB interfaces with OK/NG signal outputs and external trigger input.
15-pin D-sub HD
Female Connector
Pin No. Signal Description I/O Type
1 VCC 5Vdc Power Supply I
2 TXD Transmit Data O
3 RXD Receive Data I
4 GND Signal Ground ---
5 --- --- ---
6 RTS Request to Send O
7 OK
8 Data + USB Data + I/O
9 Trigger External Trigger Input I
10 CTS Clear to Send I
11 --- --- ---
12 Data - USB Data - I/O
13 Shield Frame Ground ---
14 NG
15 Reserved --- ---
OK Signal Output (3-24Vdc)
NG Signal Output (3-24Vdc)
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Install Your FuzzyScan
Adjust Reading Angle
The readability may be impacted by the specular reflection caused by the perpendicular reading angle. To get the most optimal reading performance, you are suggested to install the FM400 at an approximate 15° angle to the perpendicular line of the target barcode. However, the reading angle and distance may vary depending on the size and printing quality of barcodes.
Front-view Side-view
Mount Your FuzzyScan
There are two M3 mounting holes on the bottom of the chassis. Please follow below procedures to mount your scanner.
Prepare two appropriate M3 screws (minimal 4mm in depth) and decide your desired mounting location. Then adjust the two screws to accommodate 27mm center width.
Optimize the mounting position by adjusting the reading angle and distance. Ensure the illumination envelop is not blocked by any external object.
Use the test mode to verify the actual reading rate. If the reading rate is not good enough, please adjust the reading angle and distance to get the optimum readability.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Use the Test Mode
The FuzzyScan FM400 provides an useful test mode which is helpful for you to quickly identify the best mounting position. Please refer to the descriptions listed below for details.
Test Button
Under normal operation, the Test Button of FM400 just acts as a normal trigger switch of hand-held scanner. You can press the Test Button to scan the corresponding barcode commands to configure your scanner with ease.
Please note that if you press the Test button for more than 5 seconds, the FM400 will enter the test mode automatically.
Test Mode
Once determine your desired location to install the scanner, you may use the test mode to optimize the mounting position with ease. Please follow below procedures to use the test mode.
Hold the Test Button over 5 seconds until the status indicator gives one green blink, then release the button to activate test mode. The scanner will give 2 short beeps and the power indicator will flash blue blink per 1 second. The scanner will turn on the light source to scan barcodes continuously before exit the test mode.
Keep scanner to read the same test barcode. The scanner will count the Good Read numbers, then output the information of reading rate and refresh LED indications every 100 scans. The format of output message is listed below.
< Readout data > : < Reading rate (0 to 100) >
At the same time, both Status and OK/NG indicators will provide the visible reading rate information as well. You may refer to the table listed below for details.
Reading rate STATUS Indicator OK/NG Indicator
100% Steady Green Steady Green
80 to 99% Steady Red Steady Green
50 to 79% Steady Green Steady Red
20 to 49% Steady Orange Steady Orange
0 to 19% Steady Red Steady Red
If the reading rate is not good enough, please adjust the reading angle and distance to get the optimum readability. If you would like to exit the test mode, please press the Test Button once again.
If the scanner is unable to read any barcode during preset scan input time-out (default is 900ms), the scanner will count it as a NG reading.
Under test mode, the OK/NG output signals will not be performed.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Use Your FuzzScan
Both FuzzyScan Barcode commands and Serial commands are available to configure your FM400. The
FuzzyScan barcode commands are a series of proprietary barcodes which allow you to easily configure the scanner for most applications. Moreover, the FuzzyScan serial commands are ideal for precise and complicated reading control in machine-controllable environments. Please refer to the relevant documentations for details.
External Trigger and Serial Trigger
The FM400 provides both external trigger and serial trigger to activate the scanning processes. Please note that the external trigger is available for universal models only. The serial trigger is one of serial commands available for all models including RS232 serial and USB COM Port Emulation interfaces.
Scan Input Time-out
The scan input time-out is a preset light source on time available for presentation, alternative and level modes. The scanner keeps the light source on and continues to scan until the preset scan input time-out is up. You can adjust the time-out duration from 100 milliseconds to 99 seconds to meet various application demands.
OK/NG Signals
The universal models provide additional OK and NG outputs for more precise reading control. If the scanner got a good read, a signal will be outputted through scanner OK pin. However, if the scanner failed to read the barcode during a reading cycle or preset scan input time-out, a signal will be outputted through scanner NG pin.
The OK and NG outputs are designed as NPN signal outputs and have been preset to active low. If necessary, you are able to change the active state of OK and NG outputs to meet your applications.
Operation Modes
The FuzzyScan FM400 series provides five different operation modes, including trigger, alternative, level, presentation and force modes to meet various application demands.
Both the presentation and force modes support triggerless operation, you don’t need to use either external trigger or serial trigger to activate the scanning. But the trigger, alternative and level modes have to work with external trigger or serial trigger to scan barcode.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Trigger mode
Under trigger mode, the scanner will turn on the light source to read barcode when it receives an external trigger or a serial trigger ON command. Once the external trigger has been released, or the scanner gets a good read or a serial trigger OFF command, the scanner will stop reading and wait for the next trigger to activate scanning again.
Alternative mode
When the scanner receives an external trigger or a serial trigger ON command under alternative mode, the scanner will turn on the light source to read barcodes until the preset scan input time-out is up. The scan input time-out will be reset after each good read. Once the light source goes off, the scanner is waiting for the next trigger to activate scanning again.
Level mode
When the scanner receives an external trigger or a serial trigger ON command under level mode, the scanner will turn on the light source to read barcodes until a good read
is performed or the preset scan input time-out is up. Once the light source goes off, the scanner is waiting for the next trigger to activate scanning again.
Presentation mode
Under presentation mode, the scanner will automatically detect the object movement in the scanner field of view. Once the scanner detects a similar barcode image, the scanner will turn on the light source to read barcodes until the preset scan input time-out is up. For dark environments, you may adjust the setting of “Presentation Sensitivity” to increase the detection sensitivity.
Force mode
Under force mode, the scanner continues to read barcodes without using external trigger or serial trigger. Please note that the scanner will not stop reading until you switch into another operation mode.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Bar Code Programming Menu
The FuzzyScan bar code commands are specially designed Proprietary bar code labels which allow you to set the FuzzyScan internal programming parameters. There are System Command, Family Code and Option Code for programming purpose.
Each programmable family and bar code command label is listed on the same page with major system commands. The detailed explanations and special programming flowchart are printed on facing or following pages. You can read the explanation and set the FuzzyScan concurrently.
A supplemental bar code command menu incorporates the bar code command labels of System Command and Option Code. As you set the FuzzyScan, open the bar code command menu to find the option code page. You may scan the desired family code and option code to set FuzzyScan. If you want to change the programming family for multiple settings, you need only turn over the programming page to find next desired programming family.
System Command
System Command
System CommandSystem Command
The System Command is the highest level bar code command which directs FuzzyScan to perform immediate operations, such as entering programming mode (PROGRAM), exiting programming mode (EXIT), listing system information (SYSLIST), recovering to factory preset configurations (M_DEFAULT), and so on. Please note that all system commands will take a few seconds to complete the operations. User must wait for the completion beeps before scanning another bar code.
Family Code
Family Code
Family CodeFamily Code
The Family Code is scanned to select the user desired programming family. FuzzyScan has already provided more than one hundred programming families to meet any specific requirements.
Option Code
Option Code
Option CodeOption Code
The Option Codes is a set of bar code commands represented by “0–9”, “A–F” and finishing selection (FIN). For most setting, you must select at least one option code following the family code selection to set the desired parameter for the selected programming family.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Programming Procedures
Programming Procedures
Programming ProceduresProgramming Procedures
As you scan the bar code command to select the desired parameters, information about the final selected parameters represented by the bar code commands are stored in the FuzzyScan’s internal Flash Memory ASIC or non-volatile memory. If you turn off the unit, the Flash Memory ASIC or non-volatile memory retains all programming options. You need not re-program the FuzzyScan if you want to keep the existing configurations in the next power on.
The programming procedures of FuzzyScan are designed as simple as possible for ease of setting. Most programming families take the Single Scan Selection programming procedure. But several programming families have more complex and flexible programmable options, and you must take Multiple Scans Selection, Cycling Scan Selection or Dual Level Selection to complete their programming procedures. Each kind of programming procedure is listed in the following pages for your reference. Please give careful attention to become familiar with each programming procedure.
If the programming family must take multiple scans selection, cycling scan selection, or dual level selection procedures, the family of the programming menu will be marked with the matched representing symbol of Programming Category (P.C.) in bold font listed in the following table. You can easily find the bold mark in the programming menu, and refer to their flowcharts for details. Before setting the FuzzyScan, please also refer to the “Beeping Indications” listed in Appendix to understand the details of programming beeping indications. It will be very helpful for you to know the existing status while you are programming the FuzzyScan.
Conventions of Programming Menu
Conventions of Programming Menu
Conventions of Programming MenuConventions of Programming Menu
Conventions Descriptions
P.C. Programming Category
( ) Necessary Option Code
[ ] Selectable Option Code
Factory Default Value
: Signle scan selection
MS : Multiple scans selection CS : Cycling scan selection DS : Dual level scan selection
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Program & End
Program & End
Program & EndProgram & End
parameters in Flash Memory ASIC or non-volatile memory,
FuzzyScan will enter programming mode,
and inhibit all non-programming functions.
FuzzyScan will exit programming mode, and store all
then issue the completion beeping.
Please note that the FuzzyScan will take 3-4 seconds to store parameters in internal Flash Memory ASIC or non-volatile memory after you scan the “END”. Please don’t turn off the power before the completion beeping. It may destroy all configured parameters.
System List, Group & Master Default
tem List, Group & Master Default
tem List, Group & Master Defaulttem List, Group & Master Default
FuzzyScan will list the product information and
revision number to host via selected host interface,
then issue the completion beeping.
FuzzyScan will recover all programmable
parameters into factory preset configurations,
then issue the completion beeping.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Single scan selection
Single scan selection
Single scan selectionSingle scan selection
One of
One of
Multiple scans selection
Multiple scans selection
Multiple scans selectionMultiple scans selection
Enter programming mode.
Select one of desired
programming families.
Select one option code of
desired parameter.
Want to select another
programming family?
Exit programming mode.
One of
Scan One or
Enter programming mode.
Select one of desired
programming families.
1. Select one or several
option codes to select
desired parameters.
2. If it’s necessary, scan
“FIN” to terminate
option code selection.
Want to select another
programming family?
Exit programming mode.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Cycling scan selection
Cycling scan selection
Cycling scan selectionCycling scan selection
One of
One of
Scan “
Enter programming mode.
Select one of desired
programming families.
Cycling select one or
several option codes of
desired parameters as
“Single” or “Multiple”
scans selection.
Finish cycling selection.
(If necessary)
Want to select another
programming family?
Exit programming mode.
Dual level selection
Dual level selection
Dual level selectionDual level selection
One of
) Scan
) Scan One or
Enter programming mode.
Select one of desired
programming families.
Select several option codes
of desired parameters.
1. Select one or several
option codes of desired
2. If it’s necessary, scan
“FIN” to terminate
option code selection.
Want to select another
programming family?
Exit programming mode.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Host Interface Selection
Family Code Selection P.C
Host Interface Selection
Standard/TTL RS-232 peer-to-peer serial
USB Com Port Emulation
USB HID standard mode
USB HID turbo mode
Parameter Selection Option Code
06 09 18 19
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Symbology Reading Control
Family Code Selection P.C
Symbol ID : 1 character
DS Code 128 (default=B)
♦♦♦♦ User Defined Symbol ID ♦♦♦♦
Parameter Selection Option Code 2nd Option Code
UCC/EAN-128 (default=C) UPC-A (default=A) EAN-13 (default=F) Codabar/NW-7 (default=D) Code 39/Code 32 (default=G) Code 93 (default=H) Standard/Industrial 2 of 5 (default=I) Interleaved 2 of 5 (default=J) Matrix 2 of 5 (default=K) China Postal Code (default=L) German Postal Code (default=M) IATA (default=O) Code 11 (default=P) MSI/Plessey (default=R) UK/Plessey (default=S) Telepen (default=T) GS1 DataBar (default=X) UPC-E (default=E) EAN-8 (default=N) Trioptic Code 39 (Default=W) UCC Coupon Extended Code (Default=Z) PDF417/Micro PDF417 (default=V) Codablock F (default=Y) Korea Post Code (default =a)
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26
(1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character) (1 character)
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Symbology Reading Control
Family Code Selection P.C
Symbology ID Transmission
♦♦♦♦ Symbology ID Transmission ♦♦♦♦
Parameter Selection Option Code
Disable symbology ID transmission
Enable prefix CINO symbology ID transmission
Enable suffix CINO symbology ID transmission
Enable both prefix and suffix CINO symbology ID transmission
Enable prefix AIM symbology ID transmission
Enable suffix AIM symbology ID transmission
Enable both prefix and suffix AIM symbology ID transmission
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Symbology Reading Control
Family Code Selection P.C
Readable Symbology Setting
Remember to scan “FIN” to terminate
this selection. But if you select the
“ Auto ”, FuzzyScan will terminate this
selection automatically.
Auto Code 128 * UPC-A * UPC-E * EAN-13 * EAN-8 * Codabar/NW-7 * Code 39 * Trioptic Code 39 Standard/Industrial 2 of 5 Matrix 2 of 5 Interleaved 2 of 5 * China Postal Code German Postal Code Code 93 * Code 11 MSI/Plessey UK/Plessey Telepen GS1 DataBar (RSS-14) * IATA PDF417/Micro PDF417 Codablock F Korea Post Code
♦♦♦♦ Readable Bar Code Setting ♦♦♦♦
Parameter Selection Option Code
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 47 08 38 48 58 68 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 21
If your application is known, you may select those known symbologies only to increase the reading speed and decrease the possibility of reading error. Furthermore, to add the “Symbology ID” into the transmitted data is also helpful to identify the specific symbology.
Above symbologies marketed with * are enable as default. When you select “Auto”, the imager only read those symbologies marked with *.
When you set the minimum and maximum length of each symbology, please note the data length of scanned bar code doesn’t include star/stop characters.
Programming Manual
FuzzyScan Fixed Mount
Symbology Reading Control
Family Code Selection P.C
Code 39 Family Setting
Trioptic Code 39 Setting
Code 39/Code 32 Setting
Parameter Selection Option Code
Disable Code 39 Enable Code 39 Select Standard Code 39 as primary format  Select Full ASCII Code 39 as primary format Select Code 32 (PARAF, Italian Pharmaceutical) as primary format Disable start/stop symbol transmission  Enable start/stop symbol transmission Disable Code 32 leading A transmission  Enable Code 32 leading A transmission Disable MOD 43 check digit verification  Enable MOD 43 check digit verification Disable check digit transmission  Enable check digit transmission Disable Code 39 buffering  Enable Code 39 buffering
Disable Trioptic Code 39 Enable Trioptic Code 39
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A
Code 39 Min. Length
Code 39 Max. Length
Trioptic Code 39 and Code 39 Full ASCII cannot be enabled simultaneously.
Default (01)
Scan 2 digits from the option code chart in Appendix, then FuzzyScan will terminate this selection automatically.
Default (98)
Scan 2 digits from the option code chart in Appendix, then FuzzyScan will terminate this selection automatically.
Programming Manual
(2 digits)
(2 digits)
+ 45 hidden pages