A Stylish, Cost-effective Bar Code Linear Imager
for Retail and Commercial Applications
Linear imaging architecture
with sharp aiming line
Superior reading performance
with working range up to 6”
from contact
Ideal resolution for retail and
general commercial applications
Rugged construction to
withstand multiple drops
from 1.5-meter to concrete
Compatible with most host
systems through “all-in-one”
universal interface
Advanced data verifying and
editing capability
Folio style and ergonomic design,
available for Gray and
Black color choice
Unique blue color LED for
Power on indicator
Vibrator option available
upon request
With a heritage of FuzzyScan's core
technologies as well as the improved
linear imaging architecture, the all new
ultra-stylish bar code FuzzyScan F430
series linear imager is born with
superior reading performance and
premium functionality. The F4 30 ha s
set up a new standard as the most
perfect solution to replace traditional
bar code contact-readers. Even more, it
also can be granted as a cost-effective
“laser-replacement” solution to meet
your demand and budget at the same
Mode rn Yet Rugged De si gn
The F430 series is designed with
streamlined and ergonomic form factor,
not only integrating the fashion into
daily work, but also providing user with
maximum comfort. Robust construction
withstands multiple drops from
1.5-meter to concrete, the F430
provides extreme durability you can
count on.
Exce ptional Readabili ty
The new improved linear imaging
architecture of F430 delivers superior
working range from contact up to 6".
Incorporated with high bright aiming
line design, the F430 can capture bar
code quickly and accurately. These
outstanding features help you to
improve operational efficiency and
unleash your productivity.
All- in-one Mul ti-inte rface
The F430 series is equipped with
universal interfaces to support most
host systems, such as PS/2 keyboard
wedge or keyboard direct, RS232
serial, USB HID and USB COM.Thanks
to the changeable detached cable,
F430 enables you to integrate your
existing system in a breeze, while
providing flexible connectivity for
immigration in the future.
All- around Fun ctional ity
The embedded DataWizard allows you
to modify scanned data before sending
it to the host system. This will eliminate
any costly modifications to the host
software for pursuing the extreme
compatibility. Moreover, the FuzzyScan
PowerTool enables you to perform
configuration setup, download and
upload easily.Thanks to the built-in
flash memory, the field upgrade feature
allows F430 to keep updated always for
investment guaranty.
To Boost your maximum productivity
while getting exceptional performance,
the high-value F430 is your best choice
to meet the demands of retail and
general commercial applications.

F430 Series Specification Highlights
Gray and Black colors are available
for user’s choice.
Bright aiming line for easy data-capture
up to 6” from contact.
Opti cal
Optical System
Print Contrast
Minimun Resolution
Working Distance
Scan Rate
Light Source
Reading Direction
Reading Width
Tilt Angle
(13 mil EAN13, PCS=0.9)
Readable Bar Code
Oper ational
Operating Modes
Host Interfaces
Configuration Setup
Data Editing
Special Features
Cable Structure
Available interface cables
Linear Imager Architecture
20% minimun reflective difference (EAN 13, 0.26mm)
Minimum 4 mil (Code39, PCS=0.9)
4 mil contact reading; up to 6” capture on 15.6 mil bar code
Dynamic scanning up to 250 scans/second
High brightness 660nm visible LED
Bi-directional (forward or backward)
Typical 65mm on contact reading; Up to 100~120mm on distance reading (Including quiet zone)
Forward and backward : 5 - 20 degree
Left and right : 0 - 15 degree
‧Standard Code 39, Full ASCII Code 39
‧Code 32, HIBC, Code 93, Code 11
‧Codabar (Standard, ABC, CLSI, CX), NW-7
‧Code 128 (Set A, B, C), UCC/EAN-128
‧WPC (UPC/EAN/JAN/CAN) with Addendum
‧MSI/Plessey, UK/Plessey, IATA
Toggle mode
Trigger mode
PC/AT, PS/2(DOS V) keyboard wedge
PC/AT, PS/2(DOS V) keyboard direct-link
Generic Notebook PC keyboard direct-link
RS-232 serial
USB HID (USB Keyboard)
USB COM (USB Serial)
Bar code programming manual
Windows utility - FuzzyScan PowerTool.NET
Condensed DataWizard via bar code programming manual
Full-feature DataWizard via FuzzyScan PowerToo.NET
Built-in flash memory for Field Upgrade via FuzzyScan PowerTool.NET
3 LED indicators
Detachable Interface Cable design
PS/2 (DOS V) Keyboard Wedge Cable
RS-232 Serial (9 pin D-sub) Cable
Force mode
Diagnostic mode
Pow er BLUE
Goo d read GR EEN
Pro gram mo de RED
Flash mode
Level mode
‧Standard and Industrial 2 of 5
‧Matrix 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, ITF
‧Mainland China Post Code
‧German ITF Post Code
‧Telepen (Numeric and Alphanumeric)
‧GS1 DataBar (RSS) - Limited/Expanded
Alternative mode
Low power mode
Optimized two-side triggers for
intuitive operation.
Elec tronica l
Power Consumptions
Mech anical
Dimension (L x W x D)
Acce ssories
Universal Holder
Replaceable detached cable compatible
with various host systems.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product and company names are trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright 2002-2008 PC Worth Int' l Co., Ltd. - Cino Group, all rights reserved.
TEL: 886-2-2696-2559 FAX: 886-2-2696-2560
PC Worth Int'l is an ISO 9001 UKAS and ISO 14001 UKAS, registered company, as scope definitions apply.
Regular Operation : Typical 150mA
230mm x 170mm x 100mm