Getting Familiar with Your FuzzyScan
Thank you for choosing Cino FuzzyScan Bar Code Scanner. All FuzzyScan
scanners deliver world-class performance for a broad range o f applica tion s to
unleash your productivity with ease.
FuzzyScan family includes A series area imager, F series linear imager and L
series laser imager. The Antimicrobial models are available for A770, L780
and F780 series scanners which are equipped with Disinfectant-ready
Housing and Vibrator. More over, the option of Vibrator is available for all
other series upon request. For more details, please visit our web site or
contact your supplier.
This document provides an easy reference for installation and operation
purpose. The complete documentation is available at www.cino.com.tw.
A770 Series F790/F780/L780 Series
F680/L680 Series F560 Series
Power Indicator Scan Window
Status Indicator Beeper Hole
Trigger Switch Cable Release Hole

Connecting to Your Host
FuzzyScan scanners support USB, PS/2(DOS/V) Keyboard Wedge and
RS-232 Serial interfaces. Please choose your desired interface cable, then
plug it into the interface port of scanner and connect it to the desired port of
your host. If you would like to remove the cable, please straighten one end of
a paper clip then insert it into the cable release hole to pull out the cable.
RS232 Serial
PS/2 Keyboard Wedge
y USB HID (Human Interface Device)
The scanner works as a generic USB keyboard.
y USB COM Port Emulation
The scanner works as a legacy RS232 serial device. Please note that you
have to install the USB Virtual COM software driver before using.

Using SmartStand
SmartStand is specifically designed for hand-free applications to maximize
user’s comfort and productivity. You can adjust the scanner holder to desired
position for optimized scanning.
Thanks to the Auto-sense design, the scanner is capable of switching
between presentation scanning and hand-held scanning automatically while
working with SmartStand. But please note that this function is not available
for F560 series scanners.
In presentation mode, the bar code m ay not be detected by the scanner in an
environment with very dim ambient lighting. You can select higher sensitivity
level through the setting of Presentation Sensitivity to increase scanner’s
detection sensitivity.
Level 3
Level 1 Level 6
Level 4
Level 2 Level 7
Level 5 ◆
For A series area imager, you can enable or disable the presentation
background lighting of scanner according to the ambient light condition in
presentation mode. When the ambient light is dim or dark, you can enable
this function to turn on the scanner’s LED illumination at a dim level. This is
helpful for scanner to detect the motion of scene.
Presentation Background Lighting
On ◆
Presentation Background Lighting

Operation Modes area imager
FuzzyScan family A series array imager supports various operation modes,
including trigger, presentation, alternative, level, force, toggle, diagnostic, low
power and multiple read modes. The details of each operation mode are
listed below for reference.
When trigger mode is selected, the scanner goes into standby state after
scanning the bar code. You must press the trigger switch to turn on the light
source of the scanner before scanning the bar code.
When presentation mode is selected, the scanner is preset to turn on the
background lighting to detect the bar codes. Once the scanner detects an
image similar to a bar code, it will try to decode the bar code immediately.
When alternative mode is selected, the scanner keeps the light source on till
the preset “
light source on time
must press the trigger switch to turn on the light source again. After each
good read, the timer counter of light source on time is reset. You do not have
to press the trigger switch frequently. It is very useful for multiple scanning.
Trigger Mode
Presentation Mode
Alternative Mode
” is up. After turning off the light source, you
Level Mode
When level mode is selected, the scanner continues to turn on the light
source till a bar code is decoded or preset “
light source on time
” is up.
When a bar code is decoded successfully, the scanner turns off the light
source immediately. After the scanner turns off the light source, you have to
press the trigger switch to turn on the light source again. If there is no
scanning operation performed during the preset “light source on time”, the
scanner will turn off the light source after the preset light source on time is up.