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Here below sockets available for communication purposes with external devices.
sockets identification available for communication
NB: PORT 0 should be used only if it is not already used to connect a gateway integrated in the unit.
2.1 RS485 socket details
Bus “port0” is intended to Modbus serial line with RS485 (i.e. no control flow)
Transmission mode:
Used for Local area network communication type by external devices.
With twisted shielded pair
distance up to 1000m without amplifier
Normally configurable at 9600, 19200 or 38400 baud in half duplex.
Parity bit may be active or deactivated. If parity is disabled, additional stop bits are automatically
set for frame timing considerations. Otherwise, parity may be odd or even according to the
settings chosen.
Exclusively RTU mode operates with configurable combination (No ASCII mode permission)
1 start, 8 data, even parity, 1 stop bit
1 start, 8 data, odd parity, 1 stop bit
1 start, 8 data, even parity forced, 1 stop bit
1 start, 8 data, odd parity forced, 1 stop bit
1 start, 8 data, 2 stop bit
1 start, 8 data, no parity , 1 stop bit (EXCLUDED)
RTU protocol is compatible with both Little/ Big Endian for data field (i.e. either most significant
byte is sent first or Least significant byte is sent first)
Unit identifier must be declared from 1 to 247 as slave product number setup (i.e. station
Cyclic Redundancy Check is made by the RTU protocol layer as defined in Appendix A of “Modbus
over serial line” specification available at