C&H Technologies Pulse Generator User Manual

Manual Part No: 11026339D
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This manual describes the functional operation of the C&H Model VX462B VXI Pulse Generator (Part No. 11026335). This module is one of a number of test and data acquisition/control modules in the VME and VXI format provided by C&H.
Contained within this manual is information on the physical and electrical specifications, installation and startup procedures, operating procedures, functional analysis, and figures and diagrams required to adequately support this product.
1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION............................................................................................. 1
1.1 PURPOSE OF EQUIPMENT ............................................................................... 1
1.2 SPECIFICATIONS OF EQUIPMENT.................................................................. 1
1.2.1 Key Specifications................................................................................ 1
1.2.2 Electrical.............................................................................................. 1
1.2.3 Mechanical........................................................................................... 1
1.2.4 Environmental...................................................................................... 2
1.2.5 Bus Compliance................................................................................... 3
2.0 INSTALLATION................................ ............................................................................. 5
2.1 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION ...................................................................... 5
2.2 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS.............................................................................. 5
2.3 INSTALLATION.................................................................................................. 5
2.4 PREPARATION FOR RESHIPMENT.................................................................. 5
3.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION....................................................................................... 7
3.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................ 7
3.2 SWITCHES AND JUMPERS............................................................................... 7
3.3 INDICATORS ...................................................................................................... 8
3.4 CONNECTORS.................................................................................................... 8
3.4.1 Front Panel Connectors........................................................................ 8
3.4.2 Rear Connectors .................................................................................. 8
3.5 CONFIGURATION REGISTERS ........................................................................ 9
3.5.1 VXI Configuration Registers................................................................ 9
3.5.2 Pulse Configuration Registers............................................................... 11
4.0 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................... 15
4.1 LOGICAL ADDRESS .......................................................................................... 15
4.2 PROGRAMMING SEQUENCE ................................ ........................................... 16
4.3 NORMAL MODES OF OPERATION.................................................................. 16
4.3.1 Single Pulse Mode................................................................................ 16
4.3.2 Delayed Pulse Mode............................................................................. 16
4.3.3 Double Pulse Mode.............................................................................. 16
4.4 TRIGGERED MODES OF OPERATION............................................................. 17
4.4.1 Free ..................................................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Triggered Mode................................................................................... 17
4.4.3 Gated Mode......................................................................................... 17
4.5 SPECIAL MODES OF OPERATION................................................................ ... 17
4.6 OUTPUT VOLTAGE LEVEL PROGRAMMING................................................ 18
5.0 TROUBLE ANALYSIS.................................................................................................... 19
5.1 BUILT IN TEST AND DIAGNOSTICS............................................................... 19
5.2 TROUBLE ANALYSIS GUIDE........................................................................... 19
APPENDIX A - BOARD LAYOUT......................................................................................A-1
APPENDIX B - CONNECTORS..........................................................................................B-1
Figure 1. Electrical Timing and Output Characteristics ...........................................................2
Figure 2. Simplified Block Diagram........................................................................................ 7
Figure 3. Hardware Configurable Controls............................................................................. 7
Figure 4. Front Panel..............................................................................................................8
Figure 5. VXI Configuration Registers................................................................................... 10
Figure 6. PRI Register............................................................................................................ 11
Figure 7. Delay Register......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8. Pulse Width Register ...............................................................................................12
Figure 9. Control Register...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 10. Low/High Level Reference Registers.....................................................................14
Figure 11. Functional Block Diagram.....................................................................................15
Figure B-1. P1 Pin Configuration ........................................................................................... B-1
Figure B-2. P2 Pin Configuration ........................................................................................... B-2
Figure B-3. Front Panel Connector......................................................................................... B-3
Table I. VXI Register Address Map.......................................................................................9
The VX462B is a B-size VXIbus compatible programmab le 20 MHz pulse generator with an additional 40 MHz square wave function. The module can output single or double pulse patterns that can be continuous streams or externally triggered or gated. The pulse repetition interval and pulse width are programmable and a delay time may be programmed in the delayed or double pulse modes. The output amplitude is also programmable.
This module is well suited for applications within automated t est equipment and hardware-in­the-loop simulation systems, as well as development laboratory environments.
1.2.1 Key Specifications
Single and double pulse modes Continuous, triggered, gated, and delayed modes Programmable pulse repetition interval and pulse width Programmable delay time 10Vpp output amplitude with low impedance output, or
5Vpp output amplitude with 50 Ohm impedance output selected.
Read back capability on all registers
1.2.2 Electrical
The module requires the +5V and +12V power from the VXI backplane. The peak module current (IPM) for the +5 volt supply is 3.0 amps and for the +12 volts it is 0.4 amps. The pulse timing and output characteristics are shown in Figure 1.
1.2.3 Mechanical
The mechanical dimensions of the module are in conformance with the VXIbus specification Rev
1.4 for single slot size 'B' modules. The nominal dimens ions are 233.35 (9.187 in) high x 160 mm (6.299 in) deep. The module is designed for a mainframe with 20.32 mm (0.8 in) spacing between slots. As required by the VXI bus specification, these dim en sions are in accordance with those give n in the VME bus specification (Rev. C.1).
Pulse Repetition Interval Range: 50ns to 1 sec, in 6 ranges Resolution: 25ns min., 10 bits Accuracy: (1%+15ns) of the programmed value
Pulse Width Range: 25ns to 1sec, in 6 ranges Resolution: 25ns min., 10 bits Accuracy: (1%+15ns) of the programmed value
Delay Timing (from Trigger Out) Range: 25ns to 1 sec, range slaved to Pulse
Repetition Interval range Resolution: 25ns min., 10 bits Accuracy: (1%+15ns) of the programmed value +
25ns to 75ns synchronization time
Pulse Output Impedance: 2-5 ohms (max. load 50 ohms) or 50 ohms selectable. Amplitude: 10V (no load, <10 MHz) (low impedance) +5V into 50 ohms (50 Ohm impedance) Accuracy: 4% of the programmed value plus 100mv offset error (no load) Resolution 12 bit, 4.9mV (no load) Transition Time: Fixed rate, 5ns at 5V (typical)
Trigger/Gate Trigger Output: TTL, 10 gate drive capability Trigger/Gate In: TTL
1.2.4 Environmental
The environmental specifications of the module are:
Operating Temperature: 0 Storage Temperature: -40C to +65C Humidity: <95% without condensation
Figure 1. Electrical Timing and Output Characteristics
C to +50C
1.2.5 Bus Compliance
The module complies with the VXIbus Specification Revision 1.4 for B-size register based modules and with VMEbus Specification ANSI/IEEE STD 1014-1987 and IEC 821.
Manufacturer ID: FC1 hex Model Code: FFD hex Access Type: Register Based Addressing: A16 Data Transf er: D16 Sysfail: not supported Interrupts: not supported (IACKIN tied to IACKOUT) Bus Arbitration: BRx tied to BGx Local Bus: not used
In most cases the VX462B is individually sealed and packaged for shipment. Verify that there has been no damage to the shipping container. If damage exists then the container should be retained as it will provide evidence of carrier caused problems. Such problems should be reported to the carrier immediately as well as to C&H. If there is no damage to the shipping container, careful ly remove the module from its box and anti stat ic bag and inspect for any signs of physical damage. If damage exists, report immediately to C&H.
The VX462B contains components that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. When handling the module for any reason, do so at a static-controll ed workstation, whenever possible. At a minimum, avoid work areas that are potential static sources, such as carpeted areas. Avoid unnecessary contact with the components on the module.
CAUTION: Read the entire User's Manual before proceeding with the
installation and application of power.
Set or verify the module's logical address. Insert the module into the appropriate slot according to the desired priority. Apply power. If no obvious problems exist, proceed to communicate with the module as outlined in Section 4.0 (Operating Instructions).
If the module is to be shipped separately it should be enclosed in a suitable water and vapor proof anti static bag. Heat seal or tape the bag to insure a moisture-proof closure. When sealing the bag, keep trapped air volume to a minim um.
The shipping container should be a rigid box of sufficient size and strength to protect the equipment from damage. If the module was received separately from a C&H system, then the original module shipping container and packing material may be re-use d if it i s sti ll in good condition.
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