Chromalox WR-80, WR-90 Installation Instructions Manual

JUNE, 1989
Installation Instructions
(Supersedes PK410)
Type WR Room Thermostat
Specifications – Table A
Positive accuracy, long and reliable service, 3° differential. Heavy-duty, single stage, SPST line voltage snap-acting switch. Patented hydraulic element. WR-80 has internal sensing element and thermometer on cover; WR-90 has external, coiled sensing element but no thermometer. Both have a low position which drops control point to keep heater off. WR-80 and WR-90 fin­ished in tough metallic gray with chrome trim; mounting plate fits outlet or conduit box.
Uses – Automatically controls room temperature by turning elec­tric air heaters on and off. Can be used to control the air heaters directly, within thermostat rating. For higher ratings use thermo­stat with magnetic contactor. Place thermostat on inside wall, away from undue heating or cooling influences, about 4 feet above the floor. WR-90 is especially useful in holding lower tem­peratures, for example, in garages, warehouses, factories, etc.
NOTICE: Type WR thermostats are designed for temperature control service only. Because they do not fail safe, they should not be used for temperature limiting duty.
CAUTION: Users should install adequate back-up controls and safety devices with their electric heating equipment. Where the consequences of failure may be severe, back-up controls are essential. Although the safety of the installation is the responsi­bility of the user, Chromalox will be glad to make equipment rec­ommendations.
Principle of Operation – Control action of these thermostats is provided through the principle of liquid volume change. With a variation in temperature, the liquid in the sensing element expands or contracts, causing a bellows to actuate the switching mechanism.
CAUTION: Not for use in hazardous environments as described in National Electrical Code. Failure to comply can result in explosion or fire.
40 to 80°F
UL Listed
Maximum Rating
Model (°F) 120Vac † 115Vac 240Vac † 230Vac 277Vac 480Vac
WR-80 40-80 125va pilot 125va pilot 125va pilot
25 amps duty (use 22 amps duty (use 18 amps duty (use
WR-90 20-90 or 3000 with d-c or 5280 with d-c or 5000 with a-c
total watts contactor) total watts contactor) total watts contactor)
20 to 90°F
UL Listed
† d-c ratings not UL listed
Note — WR-80 is not a Fail-Safe Device.
Note: Do not mount control where it will be subject to vibration, shock, grease, dust, lint or corrosive vapors. Do not mount adja­cent to a large magnetic contactor, as vibration and shock will cause thermostat to interact erratically – resulting in chattering of the contactor.
CAUTION: Do not twist or uncoil the coiled element on top of the case of the WR-90.
The proper location of a heavy duty room thermostat is important to assure good performance.
1. Locate where air circulates freely.
2. Never install on or near outside wall.
3. Keep away from windows or doors.
4. Do not locate too close to strong light or other false source of
heat, such as sunlight, steam lines, etc.
5. If electrical conduit leads into cooler or warmer room, plug up
space around wires in the conduit with rock wool.
CAUTION: Hazard of Electric Shock. Disconnect all
power before wiring or servicing this control.
1. Electric wiring to heater must be installed in accordance with
National Electrical Code and with local codes. WARNING:
Use copper conductors only.
Connect wires according to wiring diagrams (Figures 1 and 2). Note: Electrical connections should be made with generous loops of wire – approximately 6” per lead. Note: If load amperage or voltage rating exceeds switch rating, a contactor must be used. Contactor and wiring to be supplied by customer. (See Figure 2)
CAUTION: Hazard of Electric Shock. Extreme care should be exercised during calibration adjustments because of shock hazard due to exposed electrical terminals.
WR-80 thermostats are accurately calibrated at the factory so the dial setting correctly indicates the temperature at which the contacts open on temperature rise. If, as a result of damage in tran­sit or for other reasons the room temperature differs appreciably from the dial setting, the calibration may be adjusted as follows:
1. Note temperature on thermometer.
2. Set dial at highest temperature.
3. Turn dial slowly to lower temperature and stop when thermo-
stat contacts open.
4. Loosen screw at bottom of thermostat and remove thermostat
from mounting plate.
5. On back of thermostat, loosen two dial screws (Figure 3).
Carefully turn the dial only to correct temperature setting as indicated by thermometer. Be sure the thermostat shaft is not moved during this operation.
6. Tighten the dial screws and replace thermostat.
Figure 3
Figure 1 — Single phase loads when load does not exceed
rating of thermostat.
Figure 2 — Single phase loads when load exceeds rating of thermostat and
three phase loads.
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