Process Air and Radiant
Process Air Heaters
• Fintube®Heaters
• Finstrip®Heaters
• CircularFinstrip®Heaters
• HighTemperature
• MediumTemperature
• LowTemperature
sign provides the same benefits as the finned
Heat processing applications vary widely
from industry to industry. Curing, drying,
heat treating, comfort heating, sterilizing and
bonding represent just a few of the many uses
for electrically heated air. Applications vary in
temperature from super cool cryogenic to high
temperatures up to 1200°F. Chromalox electric
heaters can also be designed to heat special
atmospheres such as argon or nitrogen.
Special materials and custom designs are
available for marine applications, power plants
or hazardous applications.
Chromalox can supply individual finned elements for use in OEM equipment or entire duct
heater assemblies where we have complete
control over the product including the elements, frames and controls. Chromalox has
earned an outstanding reputation for exceptional quality, reliability and long life.
Finned Heating Elements
Finstrip® Elements — Superior to open
coil elements, the heating coil is completely
encased in a metal sheath, minimizing a shock
hazard due to accidental contact with the
heater. The rigid metal sheath minimizes hot
spots and electrical shorting, likely with open
coil elements. Application temperatures to
565°F are typical using finned strip units.
strip heater and additional features, allowing
for special bending configurations to provide
higher concentrations of installed kW for a
given area. The elements can be supplied with
bulkhead threaded fittings, and may include
optional hermetically sealed terminals, or extra
heavy wall thickness for use in atmospheres
containing hazardous fumes or gasses. Element diameters of 0.315" and 0.475" are standard, with high temperature aluminum painted
steel sheath and furnace brazed fins being the
most common materials. Stainless Steel or
corrosive environments.
Duct Heater Assemblies
High Temperature — Type ADHT is designed
to provide outlet air temperatures up to
1200°F using conservatively rated, low watt
density, INCOLOY
heater includes three inches of high temperature rated insulation below the mounting
flange to reduce heat transfer to the wiring
enclosure. The elements are prewired and
Process Air Heaters — Selection Guidelines
Air Duct Medium Temperature 5 - 270 ADH E-14
Custom Air Heating Solutions E-20
Elements — The finned tubular de-
sheath and fins are also available for
tubular elements. The
Type Feature kW Rating Model Page
0.475" Fintube
0.315" Fintube
0.475" Single End 0.5 - 4.3 SFTS & SFTI E-5
0.315" Single End 0.3 - 2.4 SFTS & SFTI E-7
Circular Strip 1.9 - 5.0 KSEF E-11
High Temperature 5 - 300 ADHT E-15
Low Temperature 6 - 100 CAB & CABB E-17
Round Duct 2.5 - 5 DAB E-19
subdivided into 48 Amp maximum circuits in
compliance with the National Electrical Code.
The heater is provided with a Type “K” thermocouple attached to the sheath of one element
to be used with a Chromalox high limit control.
Medium Temperature — Application temperatures to 750°F are common for ADH type
duct heaters which feature INCOLOY
tubular heating elements. These versatile units
are fully assembled and prewired with the
elements subdivided into 48 Amp maximum
circuits in compliance with the National Electrical Code.
Low Temperature — Outlet air temperatures
to 440°F are typical for types CAB, CABB and
DAB which use finned strip heater elements
in an assembly which is then inserted in and
bolted to existing ductwork.
0.47 - 10 FTS & FTI E-3
0.5 - 6.2 FTS & FTI E-4
0.2 - 4.1 OTF E-9
process Air
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