Heating Cable
Heat Tracing Products
Industrial Cable Applications
• Pipe Freeze Protection
• Pipe Process Maintenance
• Hot Water Maintenance
Commercial Cable Applications
• Self Regulating Freeze
• Self Regulating Roof & Gutter
• Self Regulating Hot Water
Heat tracing is used to counteract the heat lost
from process equipment and piping through
its insulation. A heat tracing system is a
group of process equipment and piping which
is heat traced and controlled in a logical and
economical manner.
There are many reasons for making up the
heat loss of a system. With any heat loss,
there is a corresponding drop in temperature.
In many cases, a drop in temperature brings
about unacceptable consequences. These
consequences could be freezing of water in
cooling water lines, steam or condensate return lines, compressed air lines, fire protection
lines, storage tanks, valves, etc.
A drop in temperature of process fluids could
result in solution precipitation, unacceptable viscosity increase or solidification of the
product in the lines.