Chromalox CMX-250-4, CMX-250-24, CMX-250-4C, CMX-250-18C, CMX-250-9C Installation & Operation Manual

Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Installation & Operation Manual
Circulating Water
Temperature Control System
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Air
March 2019
, Maryland USA
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Table of Contents
Contents Page Number
Section 1 Getting Started ......................................................................................................................................1
Section 2 Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Section 3 Temperature Control Operation ........................................................................................................... 9
Section 4 System Operation ................................................................................................................................ 10
Section 5 Diagnostics .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Section 6 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................12
Section 7 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 17
Section 8 Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A CMX Closed Loop to Open Loop Cooling Conversion ................................................................. 19
Appendix B CMX Open Loop to Closed Loop Cooling Conversion ................................................................. 20
Appendix C CMX 2104 Controller Information .................................................................................................. 23
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, Maryland USA
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Section 1 – Getting Started
Installation Instructions
Read and understand all instructions in this user’s manual and the associated temperature control instruction manual before attempting to install or operate system.
Congratulations on purchasing the Chromalox CMX Series microTHERM™ Temperature Control System. This system has been thoroughly engineered, carefully built, and fully tested to assure years of service.
The CMX can be operated at a maximum tempera­ture of 250°F at a minimum pressure of 30psi. CMX­180 models do not require minimum pressure. Water temperature is maintained by a microprocessor-based temperature controller which applies heating and cool­ing as needed. Heat is applied by a long-life, INCOLY sheathed heater. Cooling is either via direct injection, in an open loop, or through a closed loop heat exchanger.
Every system is equipped with an automatic vent that removes unwanted air from the system during opera­tion, and an ASME pressure relief valve that is factory­set to 125 psi (150 psi with 7.5 hp motor.) A pressure switch ensures adequate water pressure in the system to help prevent pump cavitation and steam buildup on the heater elements, which can shorten the lives of the heater and pump. The switch is factory-set to 20 psi. This switch is not included on CMX-180 models.
Electrical and hydraulic components are located in distinctly separate areas in the system to better man­age heat buildup and prevent component damage. The pump housing, heater, and cooling chambers are single cast pieces, designed to drastically reduce the chance of leaks and provide ease of service and main­tenance. Standard casters make it easy to move the system from machine to machine.
Power requirements for the system are 240 or 480 volts, 3 phase, 60 cycle, and 4.5 to 24 kW. See the sys­tem nameplate for the appropriate voltage and wattage ratings.
The System Photo and Control Panel Illustrations, on the following pages, show the CMX and identifies all key components.
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, Maryland USA
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Figure 1.1 System Photo (Side View)
Operating temperatures of 50° to 250°F for a wide variety of applications.
Internal system configuration separates
electronics from mechanical systems,
reducing heat buildup and providing
a safer operating system.
ASME pressure relief valve opens if sys­tem pressure exceeds 125 psi, ensuring safe operation.
High watt density, INCOLOY Chromalox® heating elements.
Integral solenoid valve for pre­cise temperature control and optimum flow.
Automatic air purge cycle removes accumulated air from water lines.
Standard 3.8 sq. ft. heat ex­changer (closed loop cool­ing)
Pump overload circuit protects systems from damage in event of excessive current draw in the motor.
Long-life mercury contactor switches heater power for millions of cycles and quiet, trouble-free operation.
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Cabinet design allows access to all compo­nents without removing a single fastener.
Custom cast pump for optimum flow, minimum leakage and long life.
Compact, rugged cabinet fits into tight spaces. Rolling casters allow easy transfer between locations.
Low pressure switch disables system when supply pressure is low, preventing cavitation in pump and protecting the system.
, Maryland USA
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Figure 1.2 Control Panel
Pump START/STOP Pushbuttons
Du al p re ssu re g au ge s s implif y mo ni to rin g o f b ot h to process and from process pressures.
Chromalox’s Temperature and Process Controller features separate PID algorithms for heat and cool control modes, dual display of setpoint and process temperatures, and simple configuration parameters with alphanumeric cues. Optional digital communications expand microTHERM’s application flexibility. (Controller model supplied may vary from picture)
Diagnostic Indicators allow you to constantly monitor microTHERM’s performance, giving you early detection of potential problems before they occur and simplifying maintenance.
Ordering Information
Open Loop Cooling
Model kW Volts Total Amperage
CMX-250-4 4.5 240 13.6
CMX-250-4 4.5 480 6.8
CMX-250-9 9 240 24.5
CMX-250-9 9 480 12.2
CMX-250-12 12 240 31.7
CMX-250-12 12 480 15.8
CMX-250-18 18 240 46.1
CMX-250-18 18 480 23.1
CMX-250-24 24 240 60.5
CMX-250-24 24 480 30.3
Closed Loop Cooling
Model kW Volts Total Amperage
CMX-250-4C 4.5 240 13.6
CMX-250-4C 4.5 480 6.8
CMX-250-9C 9 240 24.5
CMX-250-9C 9 480 12.2
CMX-250-12C 12 240 31.7
CMX-250-12C 12 480 15.8
CMX-250-18C 18 240 46.1
CMX-250-18C 18 480 23.1
CMX-250-24C 24 240 60.5
CMX-250-24C 24 480 30.3
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, Maryland USA
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Section 2 – Installation
Before Open-Loop Hydraulic Installation:
Before proceeding with the installation of the open­loop system, please take note of the following impor­tant information:
1. Reduced diameter fittings may be used if they do not reduce flow rate and increase pressure drop significantly. Galvanized steel unions are recom­mended at all connections.
2. If water pressure falls below 20 psi, a pressure switch will interrupt pump motor and heater op­eration. Use an external water pressure regulator and back pressure relief valve or regulator, set at maximum 125 psi (150 psi with 7.5 hp motor) con­nected in the external fill line, to reduce excessive water pressure. Not provided on CMX-180 models.
The water feed line on both open and closed loop systems must not have any obstructions which could prevent expanding water from backing up into the feed line.
Do not use oils or other synthetic heat trans­fer fluids. This system is for use with water or ethylene glycol and water mixture for freeze protection only as the heat transfer fluid.
When installing system, allow sufficient room to remove the heater element and other ser­viceable items when necessary. 18 inches clearance on sides of unit recommended.
If the water source is a potable water source, a back flow preventer and back pressure relief valve/regulator should be installed and may be required by local code. Do not install a check valve only on the fill line. The inability of the system to flow back into the fill line can lead to excessive pressure. Back pressure relief is required.
To avoid excessive pressures, do not connect any valves or obstructions which could prevent free discharge from relief valve in a safe man­ner. Route line so water drains completely. Do not allow drain to freeze or corrode shut.
Hydraulic Installation, Open Loop:
1. Locate the unit as close as possible to the con­trolled process in order to minimize pressure drops. Make sure the unit is sitting on a solid, level foundation.
2. Using 1 1/4” NPT or larger schedule 40 pipe (flex­ible hose suitable for 150 psi and 250°F minimum service conditions can be used), connect the 1 1/4” NPT “FROM PROCESS” and “TO PROCESS” ports to the mold, mold manifold, or other process.
3. Pipe the entire system to minimize air pockets. Provide air bleed valves at high points and drains at low points.
4. Connect the plant water supply (30 psi to 80 psi) to the unit’s 1/2” NPT “WATER SUPPLY/COOLING INLET” port with suitable pipe or hose.
Connect the 1/4” NPT port identified as “DRAIN COOLING OUTLET” to an open or plant drain that contains no valves or obstructions that could impede discharge. Review the condition of potential hot water or steam going down a plant drain. Verify that local codes and materi­als are acceptable for this service.
Locate floor drain under unit. The air bleed and relief valve may discharge hot water or steam from the bottom of the unit. Do not locate ma­terials that could be damaged by hot water or steam adjacent to the unit.
Temperature Controller
Cooling Valve
(1/4 NPT)
From Process
(1-1/4 NPT)
Auto Air Bleed
Pressure Relief Valve
Pump and
Therocouple Probe
To Process (1-1/4 NPT)
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Air
Water Supply/
Cooling Inlet
(1/2 NPT)
Figure 2.1 Open-Loop System Piping
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Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Figure 2.1 Open-Loop Cooling Piping Connections
Rear View
Note: Dimensions are nominal ± 3/8”
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, Maryland USA
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Before Closed-Loop Hydraulic Installation
Before proceeding with the installation of the Closed­loop system, please take note of the following informa­tion:
1. Reduced diameter fittings may be used if they do not reduce flow rate and increase pressure drop significantly. Galvanized steel unions are recom­mended at all connections.
2. If water pressure falls below 20 psi, a pressure switch will interrupt pump motor and heater op­eration. Use an external water pressure regulator and back pressure relief valve or regulator set at maximum 125 psi (150 psi with 7.5 hp motor) con­nected in the external fill line, to reduce excessive water pressure. Not provided with CMX-180 mod­els.
HAZARD OF EXPLOSION, FIRE AND SCALDING BURNS. To avoid excessive pressures, do not connect any valves or obstructions which could prevent free discharge from relief valve in a safe manner. Route line so water drains com­pletely. Do not allow drain to freeze or corrode shut.
Do not install a check valve on the fill line. The inability of the system to flow back into the fill line can lead to excessive pressure. If back flow preventer or check valve is required, in­stall back pressure regulator rated for 250°F water with a pressure setting of 30 to 80 psi. Back pressure regulator setting must be ap­proximately 10 psi above water supply pres­sure to minimize water flow directly from sup­ply to drain.
4. Connect the cooling water supply (30 psi to 80 psi) to the unit’s 1/2” NPT “WATER SUPPLY/COOLING INLET” port with suitable pipe or hose.
5. Connect the 1/4” NPT port identified as “COOL­ING OUTLET” to a cooling water return line or plant drain that contains no valves or obstructions that could impede discharge. Review the condition of potential hot water going down a plant drain. Verify that local codes and materials are acceptable for this service. Temperature of discharge water could reach 250°F and create steam at atmospheric pressure.
Temperature Controller
Cooling Outlet
(1/2 NPT)
Water Supply/
Cooling Inlet
(1/2 NPT)
From Process
(1-1/4 NPT)
Auto Air Bleed
Pressure Relief Valve
Pump and
Therocouple Probe
To Process (1-1/4 NPT)
Figure 2.3 Closed-Loop System Piping
Hydraulic Installation Closed-Loop
1. Locate the unit as close as possible to the con­trolled process in order to minimize pressure drops. Make sure the unit is sitting on a solid, level foundation.
2. Using 1 1/4” NPT or larger schedule 40 pipe (flex­ible hose suitable for 150 psi and 250°F minimum service conditions can be used), connect the 1 1/4” NPT “FROM PROCESS” and “TO PROCESS” ports to the mold, mold manifold, or other process.
3. Pipe the entire system to minimize air pockets. Provide air bleed valves at high points and drains at low points.
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, Maryland USA
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Airy, Maryland USA
Figure 2.1 Open-Loop Cooling Piping Connections
S” and “TO PR
Thermal Devices, Inc. Mount Air
Rear View
Note: Dimensions are nominal ± 3/8”
, Maryland USA
+ 21 hidden pages