Chromalox CHTV-316-15, CHTVX-316-15, CHTVO-316-15, CHTVW-316-15, CHTV-316-20 Installation, Operation And Renewal Parts Identification

(Supersedes PQ431)
JULY, 1983
Type CHTV Horizontal Vaporizers for Dowtherm®,
Therminol®and Other Organic Fluids
(Temperatures to 750°F at 150 psi, 15 kW thru 300 kW)
© 2010 Chromalox, Inc.
Specifications & Dimensions
System Model Number and Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Serial Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customer’s Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer’s Order Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
National Board Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ampere* Model Number Dimensions Weight
Oil & Weather- Explosion-
(In.) (Lbs.)
Standard Dust Tight resistant resistant Operating w/o
kW BTUH 240V 480V NEMA I NEMA XII NEMA IV Class1, Group D Volume L W H Controls
15 51,180 36.0 18.0 CHTV-316-15 CHTVO-316-15 CHTVW-316-15 CHTVX-316-15 15.7 80 36 50 600 20 68,240 48.1 24.0 CHTV-316-20 CHTVO-316-20 CHTVW-316-20 CHTVX-316-20 19.4 94 36 50 700 25 78,500 60.1 30.1 CHTV-316-25 CHTVO-316-25 CHTVW-316-25 CHTVX-316-25 23.6 110 36 50 825 30 102,360 72.2 36.1 CHTV-316-30 CHTVO-316-30 CHTVW-316-30 CHTVX-316-30 27.2 124 36 50 925 40 136,480 96.2 48.1 CHTV-316-40 CHTVO-316-40 CHTVW-316-40 CHTVX-316-40 35.6 156 36 50 1175 50 157,000 120.3 60.1 CHTV-316-50 CHTVO-316-50 CHTVW-316-50 CHTVX-316-50 43.5 186 36 50 1400
40 136,480 96.2 48.1 CHTV-624-40 CHTVO-624-40 CHTVW-624-40 CHTVX-624-40 75.0 95 48 60 1200 50 157,000 120.3 60.1 CHTV-624-50 CHTVO-624-50 CHTVW-624-50 CHTVX-624-50 106.0 111 48 60 1450 60 204,720 144.3 72.2 CHTV-624-60 CHTVO-624-60 CHTVW-624-60 CHTVX-624-60 137.0 125 48 60 1600 75 235,500 180.4 90.2 CHTV-624-75 CHTVO-624-75 CHTVW-624-75 CHTVX-624-75 168.0 149 48 60 1900
100 341,200 240.6 120.3 CHTV-624-100 CHTVO-624100 CHTVW-624-100 CHTVX-624-100 218.0 187 48 60 2350
100 341,200 240.6 120.3 CHTV-1230-100 CHTVO-1230-100 CHTVW-1230-100 CHTVX-1230-100 218.0 111 54 66 2400 125 392,500 150.4 CHTV-1230-125 CHTVO-1230-125 CHTVW-1230-125 CHTVX-1230-125 222.0 129 54 66 2700 150 511,800 180.4 CHTV-1230-150 CHTVO-1230-150 CHTVW-1230-150 CHTVX-1230-150 263.0 149 54 66 3100 175 549,500 210.5 CHTV-1230-175 CHTVO-1230-175 CHTVW-1230-175 CHTVX-1230-175 300.0 167 54 66 3500 200 682,400 240.6 CHTV-1230-200 CHTVO-1230-200 CHTVW-1230-200 CHTVX-1230-200 340.0 187 54 66 3950
225 767,700 271.0 CHTV-1836-225 CHTVO-1836-225 CHTVW-1836-225 CHTVX-1836-225 379.0 149 60 72 4600 250 853,000 301.0 CHTV-1836-250 CHTVO-1836-250 CHTVW-1836-250 CHTVX-1836-250 417.0 162 60 72 5200 275 938,300 331.0 CHTV-1836-275 CHTVO-1836-275 CHTVW-1836-275 CHTVX-1836-275 455.0 175 60 72 5600 300 1,023,600 361.0 CHTV-1836-300 CHTVO-1836-300 CHTVW-1836-300 CHTVX-1836-300 490.0 187 60 72 6000
Data –
*All amperes based on 3ph 60 cycle power.
Sight Glass
Hartford Loop
Level Switch
Inspection Ports (2)
Spare or Fill
ASME Relief Valve
Pressure Gage
Heater Terminal Cover
CAUTION: This vaporizer is not for use with water or ethylene glycol and water mixtures as the heat transfer media. Check with your local Chromalox Sales and Application Engineer to be sure that you are using an accepted heat transfer media in this vapor­izer or consult PQ301.
Note: When installing the vaporizer, allow a minimum of 3 feet for removing heating element if, and when, necessary.
Note: The CHTVW vaporizer should be mounted so that the con­trol box does not fall in direct sunlight.
The bed plate should be mounted on solid foundation, prefer-
ably level.
The pipe lines from the Chromalox vaporizer to the process should be the same size as the vaporizer’s piping connections. All piping should be arranged so that the vaporizer is not subject to extreme nozzle loading due to thermal expansion and contraction of pipe lines. If these instructions are not followed, cracks could devel­op in the vaporizer where the inlet and outlet nozzles are attached.
1. The piping of the entire system should be arranged to minimize
pockets where air may be trapped. Manual air vents or bleeder
valves should be provided at all high points in the system and
every time the flow of the condensate has to drop.
2. Condensate return systems:
A. Gravity return type: The simplest and most easily operat-
ed type of vaporizer is one in which the condensate from the heating equipment is returned to the vaporizer by gravity, thus providing a system without moving parts. Such a sys­tem is possible if there is sufficient difference in elevation between the process and the vaporizer so the static liquid head will counter-balance all frictional losses in the vapor­izer, vapor piping process and condensate return piping without flooding the heated equipment. See Figure 1 for a typical schematic piping diagram.
B. Pumped return type: Where there is insufficient differ-
ence in elevation between the vaporizer and the process, the condensate must be returned to the vaporizer by a pump.
Normally, these pumps are of the centrifugal type; howev­er, positive displacement pump may also be used. See Figure 2 for a typical schematic piping diagram.
3. Hartford Loop – In gravity return systems a Hartford Loop should be incorporated where the condensate is returned to any point below the desired liquid level of the vaporizer.
A Hartford Loop consists of a line without valves outside of the vaporizer connecting the vapor outlet and the condensate inlet. The condensate return line is connected to the vapor-con­densate line or loop at the same elevation as the lowest permis­sible level in the vaporizer. Thus, a vacuum in the heated equip­ment can then pull liquid from the vaporizer (or a closed valve in the vapor line can force liquid from the vaporizer) only until the level in the vaporizer falls to the level of this connection. Also, the resultant liquid hammering will give warning that the liquid level in the vaporizer is too low. (See Figure 1 below.)
4. Note: All flange connections should be checked and tightened if necessary. These sometimes loosen during transit.
The Chromalox Horizontal Electric Vaporizer is a thoroughly engineered pre-tested package, designed to give years of service, virtually maintenance free if properly installed. The CHTV series is ASME certified for 150 PSI at 750°F and is available in four models, each with basic features that comply with the National Electrical Code. Model CHTV has general-purpose NEMA I con­struction and can be used where no hazards exist. Model CHTVO is oil and dust tight as specified by NEMA XII standards. Model CHTVW can be used where weather-resistant construction is required and is constructed according to NEMA IV specifications.
Model CHTVX, Class 1, Group D, Division 1 is explosion-resis­tant and is constructed to operate in hazardous or explosive areas. WARNING: Vessel and pipe surfaces could achieve temperatures higher than allowed for Class 1, Group D, Division 1 hazardous areas. Common to all four models: OCE (open coil element) type heating elements installed in 3”, schedule 40 seamless carbon steel pipes; watt density on the outside of the pipe surface is 10 watts per square inch; elements are removable without draining the fluid in the vaporizer; requirements 208, 240, 480 and 550 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 15 to 300kW.
Heater Terminal
Heater Terminal
Vapor Outlet
Liquid Return
Vapor Outlet
Figure 1
Figure 2
Control Box Size No. Control
kW Volts H L D Circuits Accomplished By
15 240 1 Pressure
Thru or 30 x 24 x 8 1 Control with
30 480 1 Switch 40 240 1 Pressure
Thru or 30 x 30 x 8 2 Control with
60 480 2 Switches 75 240 1 Pressure
Thru or 42 x 30 x 8 3 Control with
100 480 3 Switches
1 Proportional
125 Pressure Control
Thru 480 48 x 36 x 8 4 with 4-step
150 electronic stepper
1 Proportional
175 Pressure Control
Thru 480 60 x 36 x 8 6 with 6-step
300 electronic stepper
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