Chromalox Cartridge Heaters Installation Guide

Cartridge Heaters
Application & Installation Recommendations
Application at High Watt Densities — Type CIR cartridge heaters are designed and manufactured to provide watt density capabilities second to none. To obtain best life at the highest watt densities allowed per Curve G-235 in the Application Guidelines, close at­tention to application details is suggested.
A. For closest fit and best heat transfer, holes should be drilled and reamed, rather than just drilled to final diameter with a general­ purpose drill.
B. The sensor for the temperature control should be placed between the working surface of the part and the heaters. The temperature of the part approximately 1/2" away from the heaters is used in selecting maximum allowable watt density from the graph.
C. Control of power is an important consider­ ation in high watt density applications. On/Off control is frequently utilized, but it can cause wide excursions in the temperature of the heater and working parts. SCR power controls are valuable in extending the life of high watt density heaters, since they effectively eliminate on-off cycling.
Application at Medium Watt Densities — Curve G-235 in the Application Guidelines
shows maximum allowable watt density for various fits and operating temperatures. The vast majority of applications do not require maximum W/In only as high as you need. Take advantage of the safety margin provided by using ratings less than the maximum allowed. Select and space heaters for most even heat pattern rather than for highest possible wattage per heater.
At medium watt densities, general purpose drills are usually adequate for drilling holes. Typically, these result in holes 0.003 to 0.008" over the normal size of the drill, resulting in fits of 0.01 to 0.015". Of course, the tightest fit is desirable from a heat transfer standpoint, but somewhat looser fits aid in installing and removing cartridge heaters, especially long ones. Holes drilled completely through the part are recommended to facilitate removal of the heater. After drilling, clean or degrease the part to remove cutting lubricants.
Operation in Vacuum — When heaters are operated in a block which is in a vacuum, the inside of the holes should be pre-oxidized to
, however. Use a watt density
improve emissivity. Substantial reductions in maximum allowable watt density are usu­ally necessary for vacuum operation. Where possible, the installation should be designed so that the lead end of the heater is outside the vacuum. When the lead end of the heater is inside the vacuum, a voltage of 120 volts or less is recommended. On an unsealed heater, outgassing may be expected.
Operation in Square Grooves — Round type CIR cartridge heaters may be installed in square or v-shaped grooves if this proves convenient. The inside of the groove should be treated to improve its emissivity (by oxidizing or anodizing). Allowable W/In mated by using the 0.05" fit line in the graph, providing that the square is approximately the same width as the nominal diameter of the heater.
Operation on 480V — Chromalox type CIR cartridge heaters 5/8" diameter and larger can be operated on 480 volts. One approach is to take two stock 240 volt heaters and connect them in series on 480 volts. Another is to or­der specially rated 480 volt cartridge heaters. Check with your Local Chromalox Sales office for recommendations.
Because of higher voltage stresses inside the heater, lower maximum watt densities are allowable in 480 volt applications, either with two 240 volt heaters in series or with specially rated 480 volt units. To determine maximum allowable watt density at 480 volts, enter Curve G-235 with an operating temperature value which is 200°F higher than the actual operating temperature. A maximum operating temperature of 1000°F is suggested.
Testing Recommendations
Testing Recommendations — Testing under simulated operating conditions is suggested when equipment manufacturers design new products. Cartridge heaters of the appropriate physical size are operated on a variable trans­former until the heat output is at the proper level. Then, voltage and current measurements are taken and required wattage rating is calcu­lated. Heaters of the correct wattage rating are then ordered for the designed product.
Installation Recommendations
1. On moving machinery, anchor the leads securely. As little movement as possible should be allowed close to where the leads emerge from the heater. A loop in the lead
can be esti-
wire will frequently extend lead life. If application conditions result in continual lead flexing, terminate the cartridge heater leads at a terminal block which moves with the heated assembly. Flexing is transferred to the extension leads which can be economically replaced.
2. For rapidly vibrating equipment, employ the terminal block described above. Keep leads from heater to block short and well supported to prevent lead movement due to vibration.
3. Protect leads from spray, oil and abrasion. Contaminating liquids and vapors can enter unsealed cartridge heaters and cause insulation breakdown.
4. Avoid tape on leads where they emerge from the cartridge heater. The adhesive on some tapes can enter the heater and turn to carbon which is electrically conductive. Where glass tape cannot be avoided, a tape with a silicone based adhesive is suggested.
5. Design the installation so that the leads are in an ambient temperature which doesn't exceed the rating on the lead insulation (842°F for standard leads). Where temperatures require it, use nickel or nickel-plated copper wire with fluoropolymer insulation, silicone impregnated Fiberglas insulation to extend leads.
6. Graphite and other lubricants to help insert the cartridge heater into the hole are generally not recommended. These are electrically conductive and can get on the lead end of the heater unless extra care is taken. Use Chromalox heat transfer and release coating.
7. As operating temperatures rise, thermal insulation on the heated part becomes more desirable to conserve heat. Thermal insulation results in lower wattage requirements and therefore lower watt density on the heaters. Other benefits are more even work temperatures and greater operator safety and comfort.
8. Leads must not extend into the hole containing the cartridge heater. Generally, the lead end of the heater sheath should be flush with the surface of hole or extended by 1/16 inch.
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