Xenon Lamp Listing
High performance short arc Xenon lamp solutions
At the heart of Christie’s CP Series Digital Cinema projec tor line
are Christie’s CDXL high performance short-arc Xenon lamps.
These lamps have been optimized for use with the CP Series
Digital Cinema projectors. With increased brightness in the same
form factor as standard cinema grade lamps, CDXL lamps provide
higher output and brightness in a more cost-efficient package.
To get a true representation of color in any professional
environment, you need a truly remarkable light source. Christie’s
Xenon Arc Lamps offer stable color temperature, a wide range
of power levels and excellent color rendition. Christie lamps are
backed by the best warranty in the industry.

Warner Bros. Movie World, Australia’s only world-class movie studio
theme park opened in the Fall of ‘05 with an all new, cutting-edge
attraction starring Shrek®. The DreamWorks® Shrek 4D Adventure is a 3D
film like no other using specially designed “Ogre Vision” glasses, motioncontrolled seating and Christie’s acclaimed high resolution CP2000 DLP
Cinema® projec tors to project the latest ogre-whelming adventure.
To achieve high resolution and high brightness projection for this stateof-the-art 3D animation, the technical team at Warner Bros. Movie
World installed two high resolution Christie CP2000 projec tors in the
main theatre with an uncompressed digital video server in a custom
configuration. The projectors display high resolution stunning 3D
images onto the 15m (49ft) wide Harkness screen.
“The Christie CP2000 projectors are amazing. They’re brilliant with
their true-to-life colors. They’re an absolute pleasure to work with and
are definitely the future of film. So far, they’ve operated without error
for over 500 hours and the Shrek 4D Adventure is now running at 21
shows a day,” says Terence Brown, Group Chief Projectionist, Technical
Supervisor, Ride Photo Systems, Warner Village Theme Parks.

Visible Radiation
Infared Radiation
Ultraviolet Radiation
Xenon Short Arc Lamps
Engineered for superior performance in all cinema applications.
Spectral distribution
Luminous intensity
distribution curve
Spectrum comparison
between Xenon lamp
and daylight
Variation spectral distribution
corresponding to input
Luminous intensity
distribution curve
along the arc axis
Construction of a Xenon
short arc lamp

Christie’s digital cinema projectors light up screens around the world 4
The Christie CP Series Digital Cinema projectors, powered by CDXL Xenon short arc lamps, set
new levels of performance for Digital Cinema technology. Choices in brightness levels and power
levels offer flexibility for a variety of screen sizes in existing theater infrastructure.
The use of a CDXL lamp is guaranteed against defect while operating in any Christie CP Series
Digital Cinema projector.
CDXL short arc Xenon lamps
Christie’s digital cinema projec tors light up
screens around the world with the latest
digital releases from major studios. With
the improved per formance of cost-efficient
CDXL shor t-arc Xenon lamps, the power
consumption of these lamps is lower than
standard Xenon lamps.
Also available:
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