CHORTAU GPS Dual DashCam installation instructions

GPS Dual Dash Cam
installation instructions
1. How to install this gps dual dash cam
2. Before using the car camera
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Stick the GPS module close to the windshield top to receive better signal
Connect the car charger with camera then hide extra cable into interior panel.
2 way of run the wire for rear cam
2 way of install rear cam, inside of car & outside of car
After wired the rear cam cable, then connect rear cam with rear cam cable
2 situation you may meet
Situation 1:If your car do NOT have built in reverse system
monitor display screen,need this dash cam reverse function,please connnect rear cam cable red wire to car reversing lamp posive terminal.When you reverse car,the display screen will switch to full screen of rear view.
Situation 1
Situation 2
Siatuation 2:If your car already have reverse system
display monitor,just need this dash cam record rear view when you are driving,please ingore the rear cam cable red wire,it no need connect to anywhere.When you drive forward or reverse car,the dash cam display screen will always show picture in picture of both front and rear view.
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