User Manual
Bluetooth Speaker
Model No.: S-23
Bluetoo th S el fi e Fu nc ti on
1. Bluetooth Selfie function is on when t he phone is connecting
the device by Bluetoo th .
2. Open the phone's camera, lon g press to take a photo.
TF Mode
Insert TF card, it will au tomatically enter TF Card mode. The
device will rea d TF C ard and play music.
Line-in Mode
Use Aux cable to connect the device with yo ur phone, it will
automat ically enter Line-in Mode.
① ② ③ ④
① Powe r / So ur ce
② Pl ay / Pause / H an ds -f re e / Se lf ie
③ Vol um e - / Pr ev ious Trac k
④ Vol um e + / Ne xt Tr ac k
⑤ Ch ar gi ng p or t
⑥ Rese t
⑦ TF C ar d sl ot
⑧ Au x- in
⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧
Bluetoo th M od e
1. Press for 2 secon ds to boot, after the prompt voice it enters
Bluetooth pairing mode, the blue indicato r light fl as he s fast.
In any mode, press for 2 seconds, it shuts down after the
prompt voice.
2. Open the Bl ue tooth in your mobile phone, search and find the
name " S- 23 ", then connect. Open th e phone m us ic player and
sta rt p laying music.
Bluetoo th H an ds -free Function
After co nn ec ting the dev ic e w it h p hone by Bl uetooth, when the
phone call comes, the device will have ring tone. To answer t he
phone call , short pre ss ; to hang up the phone call , short
press again. To reject the phone call, short press twice .
Mode Selection
Press to se le ct B lu etooth mode/TF mode/Line-in mode.
Unit Size : 80 *8 7* 40 mm
Connectivity: Bluetooth/Aux in/TF card
Function: Handsfree / S el fi e
Output power: 2.2W x 1 (RMS)
Built in 600mah Battery
Playi ng t im e: a round 4~6 hours
In case of accidental crash, long press reset button to turn off.
FCC S tateme nt:
Thi s dev ice compli es w ith p art 15 of th e FCC Rul es. O perati on i s sub ject to t he fo llowi ng two
con ditio ns: (1 ) This d evice may not cause h armfu l inter feren ce, and (2) th is devi ce mus t acce pt
any i nterfe rence re ceive d, incl uding i nterfe rence t hat may ca use und esired o perat ion.
Thi s equip ment h as been t ested a nd foun d to com ply wit h the li mits fo r a Clas s B digi tal dev ice,
pur suant to part 15 of the FCC Ru les. Thes e li mits are des igned to prov ide reaso nable
pro tectio n again st harm ful int erfere nce in a r eside ntial i nstall ation . This equipment gen erates ,
use s and can r adiate radio freq uency energ y and , if not in stall ed an d used in a ccord anc e wi th
the inst ructi ons, may ca use harmfu l int erfere nce t o rad io co mmuni cation s. Howev er, the re is
no gu arante e that i nterfe rence w ill not o ccur i n a parti cular i nstal latio n. If thi s equi pment d oes
cau se har mful i nterfe rence to rad io or telev ision rece ption , whic h can b e dete rmine d by
tur ning the eq uipme nt off and on, th e use r is e ncoura ged to try to cor rect t he in terf erenc e by
one o r more of t he follo wing me asure s:
—Reo rient or r eloca te the rec eivin g anten na.
—Inc rease t he sepa ration b etwee n the equipment and r eceiv er.
—Co nnect t he equ ipment int o an out let on a c ircui t diffe rent fr om that to which the receiv er is
con necte d.
—Con sult th e deale r or an experienced rad io/TV t echni cian for h elp.
Cau tion: An y chan ges or mod ifica tions no t ex press ly appro ved by the part y r espon sible fo r
com plian ce coul d void the u ser's a uthor ity to op erate th e equip ment.