CHIEF PSM User Manual

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Once the plasma display is mounted on the PSM, it is virtually invisible.
Before You Begin
• Caution: To prevent damage to the PSM which could affect or void the Factory  warranty, and to the equipment that will be attached to it, thoroughly study all  instructions and illustrations before you begin the installation. Pay particu-lar attention to the “Important Warnings and Precautions” on Page 1.
• The PSM wall mount is designed to be installed using wall studs or supporting  framework. When anchored in place, must be capable of supporting 100 pounds.
• If you have any questions about this installation, contact Chief Manufacturing  at 1-800-582-6480.
WARNING: A WARNING alerts you to the possibility of serious injury or death if you
do not follow the instructions.
CAUTION: A CAUTION alerts you to the possibility of damage or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the corre-sponding instructions.
WARNING: Improper installation can result in serious personal injury! Make sure that the structural members can support a redundant weight factor five times the total weight of the equipment: if not, reinforce the structure before installing the PSM.
WARNING: Be aware also of the potential for personal injury or damage to the unit if it is not adequately mounted.
WARNING: The installer is responsible for verifying that the wall to which the PSM is anchored will safely support the combined load of all attached components or other equipment.
WARNING: The weight of the PSM display must not exceed 100 lbs. (45.36 kg), the maximum load capacity of the PSM.
WARNING: Make sure the flag securing the display is completely lowered at all times except when removing or installing the display. The flag must be all the way down when installing/removing cables.
CAUTION: Check the unit for shipping damage before you begin the installation.
Secures Display
1.5" Deep
P 800 . 582 . 6480 F 877 . 894 . 6918 W CHIEFMFG.COM E CHIEF@ CHIEFMFG.COM A
12800 HWY 13 S., STE. 500, SAVAGE, MN 55378
The overh ead support must be capabl e of supporting five times the weig ht of the mount and equipm ent combined. 
If it can not, it must be reinforced .
PSM Assembly
WARNING: The PSM must be installed with correct end, indicated by"Mount This
Side Up", on top.
WARNING: It is the responsibility of the installer to verify that the wall to which the PSM is anchored will safety support the combined load of all attached components and equipment.
With the PSM correctly oriented (Mount This Side Up) and level, secure the  PSM to the wall using a minimum of four fasteners (not included). Fasteners  must be driven into the supporting wall studs or other supporting framework.
Mount the Display
1. Make sure no power is supplied to the display and the flag is in the up position before attempting to mount the display.
2. Using two people, slide the display down over the PSM. Make sure all four mounting feet engage all four slots in the PSM.
3. With the mounting feet of the display fully engaged in the slots of the PSM, secure the display on the PSM by lowering the flag all the way down to the locked position. If the flag does not fully engage, remove the display and make sure the brackets are correctly installed. NOTE: A security lock may be installed through the hole in the flag for additional security.
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WARNING: Make sure the flag securing the display is completely lowered at all times except when removing or installing the display. The flag must be all the way down when installing/removing cables.
Remove the Display
1. Disconnect all power/audio/video cables.
2. Unlock the display from the PSM by raising the flag all the way up to the unlocked position.
3. Using two people, slide the display up and out of the PSM.
P 800 . 582 . 6480 F 877 . 894 . 6918 W CHIEFMFG.COM E CHIEF@ CHIEFMFG.COM A
12800 HWY 13 S., STE. 500, SAVAGE, MN 55378
The overh ead support must be capabl e of supporting five times the weig ht of the mount and equipm ent combined. 
If it can not, it must be reinforced .