Manual Faucets
Product Type
Wall Mounted 3-3/8" Body, Adjustable Arms 3" - 8-3/8" Hot and Cold
Water Sink Faucet
Job Name ________________________________________________
Features & Specifications
• 3-3/8" Body, Adjustable Arms 3" - 8-3/8"
• Quaturn Compression Operating Cartridge
• 2-1/2" Offset Inlet Supply Arm with 1/2" NPT Female Thread Inlet
• 2 5/16" Diameter Slip Flange
• ECAST® design provides durable construction with total lead content
equal to or less than 0.25% by weighted average
• CFNow! Item Ships in 3 Days
Performance Specification
• Rated Operating Pressure: 20-125 PSI
• Rated Operating Temperature: 40-140ºF
• Lifetime Limited Faucet Warranty
• 5-Year Limited Cartridge Warranty
• 1-Year Limited Finish Warranty
Codes & Standards
• ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1
• California Health and Safety Code 116875 (AB1953-2006)
• Vermont Bill S.152
• NSF/ANSI 372 Low Lead Content
Item Number _____________________________________________
Section/Tag ______________________________________________
Model Specified ___________________________________________
Architect _________________________________________________
Engineer _________________________________________________
Contractor ________________________________________________
[ ] Submitted as Shown [ ] Submitted with Variations
Date _____________________________________________________
ECAST products are intended for installation where state laws and local
codes mandate lead content levels or in any location where lead content
is a concern.
Last Revision: 06/09/2017 • Date Printed: 07/18/2017 • Product specifications subject to change without notice
2100 South Clearwater Drive
Des Plaines, IL
P: 847/803-5000
F: 847/803-5454
Technical: 800/TEC-TRUE

Manual Faucets
Architect/Engineer Specification
Chicago Faucets No. 445-LESHAB, Sink Faucet for hot and cold water, wall-mounted 3-3/8" body with adjustable arms for 3" - 8-3/8" centers.
Chrome plated. Quaturn™ rebuildable compression cartridge, opens and closes 90°, closes with water pressure, features square, tapered stem.
2-1/2" offset inlet supply arm with 1/2" NPT female thread inlet. 2-5/16" diameter slip flange. ECAST�® construction with less than 0.25% lead
content by weighted average.
Operation and Maintenance
Installation should be in accordance with local plumbing codes. Flush all pipes thoroughly before installation. After installation, remove spout outlet or
flow control and flush faucet thoroughly to clear any debris. Care should be taken when cleaning the product. Do not use abrasive cleaners,
chemicals or solvents as they can result in surface damage. Use mild soap and warm water for cleaning and protecting the life of Chicago Faucet
products. For specific operation and maintenance refer to the installation instructions and repair parts documents that are located at
Chicago Faucets, member of the Geberit Group, is the leading brand of commercial faucets and fittings in the United States, offering a complete
range of products for schools, laboratories, hospitals, office buildings, food service, airports and sport facilities. Call 1.800.TECTRUE or
1.847.803.5000 Option 1 for installation or other technical assistance.
Last Revision: 06/09/2017 • Date Printed: 07/18/2017 • Product specifications subject to change without notice
2100 South Clearwater Drive
Technical: 800/TEC-TRUE
Des Plaines, IL
P: 847/803-5000
F: 847/803-5454