Chicago Faucet 131-ABNF Installation Manual

Thermostatic Mixing Valve
Model Numbers: 131-NF, 131-ABNF, 131-CNF, 131-CABNF Size: 3/8˝ (10 mm)
The 131 Series 3/8˝ (10 mm) compression fitting thermostatic mixing valves maintain and limit hot water to a desired selectable temperature between 80°F and 120°F (27°C and 49°C), with flow rates as low as 0.5 gpm (1.9 LPM). The superior flow characteristics of these valves provide accurate temperature control (±3°F) with low pressure drop. As an added feature, the 131 Series incorporates dual check valves to protect against cross-flow and integral screens to filter out debris.
A thermostatic mixing valve is intended for under-sink installation to control the hot water temperature and prevent accidental scalding. The water temperature must be adjusted by the installer using a thermometer to measure the hot water temperature at the faucet outlet. Maximum temperature of 110°F (43°C) is recommended.
Application Note
Delivery of water to fixtures intended for hand washing should always be controlled by valves listed to ASSE 1070. Thermostatic valves provide the user with both thermal shock and scald protection. These valves should always be adjusted after installation to the desired temperature.
131-NF, 131-ABNF
Pressure – Temperature
Minimum Supply Pressure: 30 psi (207 kPa) Hot Inlet Temperature: 120°F – 180°F (49°C – 82°C) Cold Inlet Temperature: 40°F – 85°F (4°C – 29°C) Minimum Inlet Temperature Differential: 20°F (9°C) Temperature Out: 80°F – 120°F (27°C – 49°C) Factory Setting: 100.4°F Maximum Pressure: 125 psi (10.3 bar) The pressure differential must be less than 20% between the hot and cold inlet supplies.
Installation Instructions
The 131 Series installs easily onto most faucets. When installing this thermostatic mixing valve, be sure to follow all local plumbing codes for your application.
1. Shut off the supply valves and remove any existing piping between the supply valves and the faucet.
2. Connect the 131 Series to the supply valves and the faucet. Typical connections are shown in Figures 2 and 3 below.
3. Turn on the supply valves.
4. Follow the instructions on page 2 of this manual, Temperature Adjustment, to obtain the desired outlet water temperature.
Note 1: When using copper tubing, do not extend the tubing more than 3/16˝
beyond the compression ferrule. When installing with non-rigid supply hose connections, anchor the 131 Series thermostatic valve to the wall using the provided spacer to prevent any unintentional movement.
Note 2: Do not use pipe dope/paste on valve thread connections.
Figure 1. Flow Capacity: Pressure vs. GPM
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Approval: CSA B125 Certified Listing: ASSE 1070 131-ABNF, 131-CABNF compliant to: CA AB1953 and VT S.152
Figure 2. Typical Installations, 131-NF and 131-ABNF
Single Sensor Faucet: Multiple Sensor Faucets:
131-CNF, 131-CABNF
Hot Water Cold Water
Hot Water
Cold Water
865.497.00.0 REV. 03/11
Figure 3. Typical Installations, 131-CNF and 131-CABNF
Single Two-Handle Faucet: Multiple Two-Handle Faucets:
Hot Water
Cold Water
Hot Water
Cold Water
Temperature Adjustment
1. Loosen the cap screw with a 3mm (7/64˝ ) hex wrench.
2. As a safety feature the cap must be partially lifted from the valve to adjust temperature.
3. With the faucet turned on and in the full hot position, adjust the setting of the valve to obtain the desired outlet water temperature. Turn clockwise to decrease temperature.
4. Lower handle and tighten screw.
5. Check outlet temperature.
Note 1: The hot water should be allowed to flow for two or three minutes prior to
adjusting the valve setting in order to have the hottest inlet temperature flowing through the valve.
Note 2: If handle knob locator becomes separated from stem, align black mark on
cartridge stem with groove on knob locator and reassemble as shown in Detail “A”.
ATTENTION INSTALLER: After installation, please leave this Instruction Sheet for occupant’s information. IMPORTANT: Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements.
cHicAGo FAuceTs liMiTeD WArrANTY
To WHoM Does THis WArrANTY ApplY?
The Company extends the following limited warranty to the original user only.
WHAT Does THis WArrANTY coVer AND HoW loNG Does iT lAsT?
This Product is warranted against material manufacturing defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of Product purchase.
oTHer WArrANTies
All other Products not covered above are warranted against material manufacturing defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of Product purchase.
WHAT THis WArrANTY Does NoT coVer
The Company will not be liable for any labor, transportation or consequential expenses not specifically stated above. There is No WArrANTY in cases of damage in transit, negligence, abuse, abnormal usage, misuse, accidents, normal wear and tear, damage due to environmental or natural elements, failure to follow the Company’s instructions, unauthorized repair, incorrectly performed maintenance or repair, improper installation or storage or use of acidic, abrasive cleaning materials. In order for this Warranty to apply, Buyer must retain and provide to the Company receipts showing date of Product purchase and documenting proper maintenance. Any oral or written description of the Products is for the sole purpose of identifying the Products and shall not be construed as an express warranty. THe coMpANY sHAll NoT Be liABle To BuYer,
or To ANYoNe clAiMiNG uNDer BuYer, For ANY oTHer oBliGATioNs or liABiliTies, iNcluDiNG, BuT NoT liMiTeD To, oBliGATioNs or liABiliTies ArisiNG ouT oF BreAcH oF coNTrAcT or WArrANTY, NeGliGeNce or oTHer TorT or ANY THeorY oF sTricT liABiliTY, WiTH respecT To THe proDucTs or THe coMpANY’s AcTs or oMissioNs or oTHerWise. THe coMpANY AND BuYer AGree THAT THe eXpress WArrANTies DescriBeD ABoVe Are eXclusiVe AND iN lieu oF All oTHer WArrANTies. All oTHer eXpress WArrANTies Are DisclAiMeD. For coMMerciAl proDucTs, All WArrANTies iMplieD BY lAW, iNcluDiNG WiTHouT liMiTATioN THe iMplieD WArrANTies oF MercHANTABiliTY AND FiTNess For A pArTiculAr purpose, Are DisclAiMeD. For coNsuMer proDucTs, WArrANTies iMplieD BY lAW, iNcluDiNG THose oF MercHANTABiliTY AND FiTNess For A pArTiculAr purpose, Are eXpresslY liMiTeD To THe perioD oF THe eXpress liMiTeD WArrANTY sTATeD ABoVe For THe releVANT proDucT. Some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply
to you. Any assistance the Company provides to or procures for Buyer outside the terms, limitations or exclusions of this warranty will not constitute a waiver of the terms, limitations or exclusions of this limited warranty, nor will such assistance extend or revive the warranty. The Company will not reimburse Buyer for any expenses incurred by Buyer in repairing, correcting or replacing any defective Products, except for expenses incurred with the Company’s prior written permission.
HoW To GeT serVice
For complete warranty details, or to provide notice of a warranty claim or request warranty service, contact your Chicago Faucets Sales Representative or The Chicago Faucet Company, Customer Service, 2100 S. Clearwater Drive, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 or 847-803-5000. As the Company’s sole and exclusive obligation under this warranty (and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy), upon prompt written notice of breach from Buyer during the warranty period, the Company will either replace or repair the defective Product or refund the wholesale purchase price, at its option, if an inspection by the Company discloses defects in material or workmanship covered by this warranty. These warranty provisions do not cover the battery shipped with the electronic products.
iN No eVeNT sHAll THe coMpANY Be liABle For iNciDeNTAl, coNseQueNTiAl, iNDirecT or speciAl DAMAGes. WiTHouT liMiTiNG THe ForeGoiNG, THe coMpANY sHAll NoT Be liABle For ANY DAMAGe A pAlM DeVice or ANY soFTWAre or relATeD eQuipMeNT AlleGeDlY cAuses To A sYsTeM or oTHerWise. THe coMpANY’s AGGreGATe liABiliTY WiTH respecT To A DeFecTiVe proDucT AND THis coNTrAcT sHAll Be liMiTeD To AN AMouNT eQuAl To THe MoNies pAiD To THe coMpANY For THAT DeFecTiVe proDucT.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
HoW Does sTATe lAW ApplY? This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. resTricTioNs ApplY.
©2011 The Chicago Faucet Company 865.497.00.0 REV. 03/11
Figure 4. Temperature Adjustment
Detail A.
Knob Locator
Cartridge Stem
The Chicago Faucet Company 2100 South Clearwater Drive Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: 847-803-5000 Fax: 847-803-5454 Technical: 800-832-8783