Colorado fabrics and colors.
For details about standard features, options and pricing, visit
Light Cashmere Color
Deluxe Cloth
Ebony Deluxe Cloth
Victory Red
Deep Navy
(Not av ailable on Spo rt)
Sheer Silver Metallic
Steel Green Metallic
Summit White
Light Cashmere Color Leather
Ebony Leather Appointments
(Avail able in Crew C ab only)
NEW Aqua Blue Metallic
Cardinal Red Metallic
(Not av ailable on Spo rt)
(Avail able in Crew C ab only)
Important information.
100,000 MILES/5-YEAR TRANSFERABLE POWERTRAIN LIMITED WARRANTY. Every 2011 Chevy passenger car, light-duty truck, SUV and crossover comes with a 100,000
mile/5-year (whichever comes first) transferable Powertrain Limited Warranty. Plus, you get 100,000 miles/5 years (whichever comes first) of the 24/7 Roadside Assistance Program and the
Courtesy Transportation Program and much more. See dealer for details or visit chevy.com/warranty.
NEW VEHICLE LIMITED WARRANTY. GM vehicles registered in the U.S.A. are covered for 3 years/36,000 miles (whichever comes first). The complete vehicle is covered, including tires, towing
to your nearest Chevrolet dealership and cosmetic corrosion resulting from defects. Repairs will be made to correct any vehicle defect, and most warranty repairs will be made at no charge. In addition,
rust-thr ough corrosi on will be covered for 6 year s/100,000 miles (whichever comes fir st). See dealer f or details.
ENGINES. Chevrolet products are equipped with engines produced by GM Power train or other suppliers to GM worldwide. The engines in Chevrolet products may also be used in other GM makes and models.
ASSEMBLY. Chevrolet vehicles and their components are assembled or produced by different operating units of General Motors, its subsidiaries or suppliers to GM worldwide. We sometimes find it
necessary to pr oduce Chevrole t vehicles with dif ferent or dif ferently sourced components than originally scheduled. Since s ome options may be una vailable when your vehicle is assembled, we suggest you
verif y that your vehicle include s the equipment you ordere d and that, if there were changes , they are accep table to you.
ONSTAR. OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery), wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a
link to existing emergenc y service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit onstar.com for OnStar Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement, and
details a nd system limit ations.
A NOTE ABOUT CHILD SAFETY. Always use safet y belts and the c orrect re straint for yo ur child’s age and siz e. Even in vehicle s equipped with th e Passenger Se nsing System, c hildren are saf er when
properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate infant, child or booster seat. Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the front seat of any vehicle equipped with a passenger air bag. See the Owner’s
Manual and c hild safety s eat instruc tions for more safet y information.
IMPORTANT WORDS ABOUT THIS CATALOG. We have tried to make this catalog comprehensive and factual. We reserve the right, however, to make changes at any time, without notice, in
prices , colors, mat erials, equipm ent, specif ications, m odels and availab ility. Specif ications, di mensions, meas urements, r atings and ot her numbers in th is catalog and o ther printed m aterials pr ovided at the
dealership or affixed to vehicles are approximates based upon design and engineering drawings, prototypes and laboratory tests. Your vehicle may differ due to variations in manufacture and equipment.
Since so me informat ion may have been u pdated since th e time of printin g, please che ck with your Che vrolet deal er for complete d etails. Chev rolet res erves the ri ght to lengt hen or shorte n the model year f or
any pro duct for any reason or to s tart and end mod el years at dif ferent time s. Certain veh icle feature s may lose their us efulness ov er time due to obsole scence f rom tech nologic al change s. Unless otherw ise
noted, all claims based on GM Mid-Pickup segment and lates t available compe titive information. Excludes other GM vehicle s.
CHEVROLET CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE CENTER. Call 1-800-222-1020 or visit chevy.com/warranty.
FLEET ORDERS. Some s tandard content may be deleted with fle et orders. See dealer for details.
GM, the GM L ogo, Chevr olet, the Che vrolet Logo, and th e slogans, emblems, vehicle model names , vehicle body d esigns and ot her marks
appear ing in this ca talog ar e the tradem arks and/or s ervice m arks of Ge neral Mot ors, its s ubsidiari es, aff iliates , or licenso rs. The Blu etooth
word ma rk is a regi stered t rademar k owned by B luetoot h SIG, Inc. a nd any use of s uch mark by C hevrole t is under lic ense. ©2010 O nStar. All
righ ts reser ved. ©2010 Ge neral Moto rs. All rig hts rese rved.
Litho i n U.S.A. June 20 10