For many years we have restored antique fireplaces at our workshops in
London. Conserving and reviving an 18th century marble chimneypiece
is a painstaking exercise which requires an extraordinary level of skill,
expertise and patience.
There can be no compromises in the process, and it is this rigorous
approach which has guided the development of our entire range of designs
over the years, and which has come to set a Chesneys fireplace apart from
all others.
A fireplace should be the primary focus of any room, and therefore we
ensure that every one of our fireplaces embodies the finest craftsmanship
and integrity of design.
We have added new designs to our established Historical and Contemporary
Collections, the latter showcasing the talents of contemporary designers, most
recently in collaboration with the renowned New York designer, Eric Cohler.
I hope that you will find plenty to enjoy.
installation of fireplaces, HeartHs, Gas fires,
flues and tHeir related appliances are governed
within the UK by bUilding regUlations approved
docUment J 2010 edition.
Document J outlines various British
Standards that cover all aspects of
fireplace installation. A number of
those listed include BS 5871 part 3,
BS 54 40 part 1, BS 1251, BS 8303
part 3, BS 6461, BS 5258 and BS
8000. Regulations detailed within
these documents have to be
adhered to. Also the fixing of
stonework is covered by BS 8298
‘Code of Practice for Design and
Installation of Natural Stone
Cladding and Lining’.
While many stages of the surround
and decorative hearth installation
are suitable for someone
experienced in general building
practices, others like the installation
of appliances for solid fuel, flue
lining, gas work and the sweeping/
testing of flues must be carried out
by a suitably qualified professional.
If the fireplace cannot be fixed to a
solid brick/blockwork masonry wall
then we recommend that you
consult an architect or a structural
engineer to identify that you can
achieve suitable anchoring and
bonding points to ensure that the
fireplace cannot come away from
the surface you are attaching it to.
WARNING: We do not recommend
this as a DIY installation.
In your own interest and safety, it is
law that all gas appliances are
installed by a competent person,
in accordance with the current
Gas Safety (installation and use)
Regulations; 1998 (registered
GAS SAFE installer).
In your own interest and safety it
is law that all solid fuel appliances
are installed by a competent person
who is HETAS registered.
In addition, they must be carried
out in accordance with relevant and
current local and National Building
These instructions are intended
for use by competent personnel
and any installations carried out
by your own contractors are done
so entirely at your own risk.
Chesneys have their own teams
of in-house installers to cover the
installation process, please call
020 7498 5555 for more details
on our installation service.
Chesneys’ website
contains detailed installation
and user manuals for
all products with document
downloads available
marble & limestone
the devonshire
Handsome proportions
and crisp detailing, with an
elegant downward taper
to the pilasters. Carved in
limestone, it is shown here
with the Alpine 6 Series
multi-fuel stove.
Ge t tinG started
installer tip
it is always
advisable to
install a
throated lintel
MiniMUM TooLinG
Clean rust free gauging trowels,
clean rubber buckets, at least one
for mixing adhesive and one for
clean water, clean white (noncoloured) sponge, 3ft level, small
boat level, stainless steel/
galvanised ties, adjustable square,
tape measure, lump hammer,
bolster, coal chisel, drill with
assorted masonry drill bits, filling
knives, fixing adhesive (cement
based tiling adhesive ie Ardex
S16/W), white plaster (casting
plaster), marble glue (i.e. Steinkitt
vertical clear or white).
Do not attempt to install the
fireplace unless you have the
correct adhesives as mentioned
and all mechanical fixings.
Ensure in all steps of the
installation suitable protective
equipment is worn and you have
read and understood the relevant
COSHH sheets for all materials
used during the installation
process. COSHH sheets must be
obtained from relevant material
manufacturers’ suppliers.
Ensure the flue has been swept,
tested and certificated by a suitably
qualified NACS registered chimney
sweep, to the standard required for
fuel you wish to burn. These are
Class 1 for both solid fuel and open
flue gas appliances, tested to BS
5871 for decorative fuel effect gas
fires and BS6 461 for solid fuel
appliances supplied by Chesneys.
Subject to the diameter (surface
area), height/ length of the flue, and
whether the opening will be fan
assisted, prepare the structural
opening size bearing in mind the
maximum working opening of the
associated flue. Ensure a throated
lintel is installed and the gather area
to the flue is smooth and tapered,
see Document J.
Gas sUPPLy
If a decorative fuel effect gas fire is
to be installed, run in an 8mm gas
pipe to a central rear position in the
structural opening. There should be
a 15mm supply adjacent to the
sub-hearth area. This pipe is then
reduced to 8mm and the 8mm feed
installer tip
applying the first coat
of render early will
speed Up completing
the installation
older plaster can
normally be removed
with a hammer and
chisel, newer plaster
may reqUire an
electric grinder
run into the chamber. Maximum
length of 8mm pipe should be no
more than 1000mm. The isolation
valve can be in the chamber under
the basket/insert and is there for
servicing purposes only. If there
was ever a problem with the gas
fire, the gas supply would need to
be isolated at the gas meter.
soLid fUeL
If a solid fuel fire is to be
installed, ensure the structural
sub-hearth conforms to Building
Regulations, see approved
Document J 2010 edition.
PreParaTion of Goods
For limestone and white marble,
seal the underside of the hearths
with PVA or stone sealant. Allow
the sealant to fully dry prior to
commencing installation. Carry out
works in a protected and ventilated
area and wear appropriate PPE.
PreParaTion of The
insTaLLaTion area
Ensure the work area is clear and
all furnishings have been removed
from the room where the surround
is due to be installed. All flooring
and finishes should be protected.
Cut back and remove all plaster
from the chimney breast in the
immediate area of the fireplace,
up to about 10mm outside the
profile of the fireplace to be
installed to enable a good bond
between the surround and the
masonry. Do not fit mechanical
fixings to mortar, only to solid
brick/blockwork and please note
lightweight block work is not
suitable to take plugged
mechanical fixings as they can
pull out, chemical resin anchors
installer tip
place the frieze in
position ‘dry’ while
fixing the Jambs
add a few spots of
rapid set plaster when
laying the hearth.
this will allow yoU to
continUe installation
must be used in this instance.
Ensure suitable PPE is worn such
as gloves, goggles, dust mask etc.
Bag rubble and remove to skip and
clean work area.
The fixings used should be
stainless steel or galvanized steel/
iron to prevent deterioration from
rust as there is water present
during fireplace manufacture.
The fixings must be secured into
the stone with two part adhesives
and a down turn penetration into
the top of each piece of stone
excluding the shelf which must
have substantial dowels in the rear
chemically fixed to the wall and
stone work. The fixings should be
secured to the solid wall with
stainless steel or galvanized screws
with plugs that can withstand being
pulled out by a person.
WarninG: The fixings included
with the product are only suitable
for installing on to a solid brick/
blockwork masonry wall. If you
are not installing onto a surface like
this then you will need to consult
an architect or a structural engineer
as mentioned on the first page of
this document.
LayinG The hearTh
Lay the hearth ensuring it is level
both along its length and width
running parallel to the face of the
chimney breast. Limestone hearths
should be set on quick setting
cement based tiling adhesive.
For gas fires ‘only’, where the
hearth is to be bedded onto wood,
fix EML first then apply the
adhesive bed. Ensure any wooden
installer tip
whilst the adhesive
is still drying, Keep
checKing the Jambs
are level
sub-hearth area is suitably sound
and secure. For all solid fuel fires
the hearth should be set in three
equal pieces to reduce the risk of
fracture from thermal shock.
fiTTinG ProcedUre
All stone components should have
mechanical fixing recessed to allow
full stone contact and downturned
into their top to restrain them
excluding the shelf. Each bond of
adhesive should have continuous
contact along its full joint and is
bonded to the masonry along all
of the back edge with the solid
wall, it is important that all joints
and bonded surfaces are clean and
suitably wetted/soaked to allow
the adhesive to set correctly and
in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
The shelf and other overhanging
components should be adequately
restrained in all instances as they
are liable to tip forward so it is
imperative this is securely fixed
back into the wall so there is no
possibility of any piece tipping
and falling.
will later be back filled and
flaunched off.
Fix strawboard/corrugated
cardboard to the rear of the insert,
this covers and fits tight to the
complete back of the register grate
and finishes 25mm (1") above the
top of the burning area/firebrick.
Fit the register grate ensuring that
it is correctly positioned and
properly sealed all round using
fire cement. The front of the
register grate should sit on top of
the back edge of the hearth, in
such a position that will be
recessed behind and butting up to
the back of each jamb and the
frieze. Always allow a 3mm
expansion gap between the
register grate and the jambs.
Back fill the space between the
back of the register grate and the
wall of the fire chamber with
vermiculite/pearlite concrete
(6:1 vermiculite/cement or 10:1
pearlite/cement) to eliminate any
voids/ large spaces behind the
register grate fill level to top of the
back of the register grate.
for reGisTer GraTes
Installations not involving register
grates please proceed to the
next step.
Suitably reduce the fire chamber
prior to installing the register grate
to reduce the void between the
back/sides of the register grate
and the structural chamber. This
Flaunch-off the top of the backfill
with 1:1:8 mix of cement/lime/sand
to form smooth slope to flue at an
angle of about 45 degrees.
PaneLLed firePLaces
installation of the sUrroUnd
Fix the jambs upright and back to
the brickwork of the chimney
breast using galvanised or
stainless steel wall ties and quick
setting cement based tiling
adhesive bonded to the masonry.
Ensure quick setting cement
adhesive is applied to the
underside of the jambs where
they meet the hearth. The jambs
should be positioned on top of
the hearth, equidistant to the
ends of the hearth and parallel
to the front edge.
Please Note: If using Modern
Steel slips, place these in position
now, as with register grates allow
a 3mm expansion gap between
the jambs and the steel slips.
Put the fireplace frieze in place,
and fix level using quick setting
cement based tiling adhesive
or marble glue. For a register
grate allow a 3mm expansion
gap between the frieze and the
register grate.
When fixing a solid surround the
frieze should also be fixed back
with galvanized or stainless steel
wall ties/brackets.
See the diagram supplied with the
fireplace for individual fixing points.
the aLhaMbra A traditional design with a contemporary twist.
Larger than many fireplaces and with a strong architectural form. Shown in
limestone with the Morris fire basket for dogs, Burton andirons black slate hearth.
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