regulations strictly.
Run in Regulation within 1,000
y Full speed driving is absolutely
y Generally, do not drive the vehicle at
the speed above 100 km/h.
y Avoid driving at the top speed at
whichever gear.
Run in Regulation from 1,000 km
to 1,500 km
y Increase to the top speed gradually or
drive at the allowable max engine
Notice during Run in Period
For the driving of vehicles with engine
tachometer, the allowed short period top
engine speed is 6,000 r/min. During the
manual gearshift, make sure to shift to the
next high gear when the engine tachometer
indicator reached red indication area at the
Avoid the running of engine at
unnecessary high speed. The
earliest shift to high gear will help save the
fuel, reduce the working noise as well as
diminish the environmental pollution.
The engine speed should not be excessive
low during driving. Shift to proper gear at
reasonable time.
When at cold condition, do not run the
engine at top speed no matter at neutral
gear or any other drive gear.
The new tires don’t have best adhesion at
the beginning of use; therefore, the tires
also need run in. The vehicle speed should
be relative low during first 100 km driving
and the driving should be extremely
The new brake friction lining also needs
run in, since the brake doesn't have ideal
friction force during first 200 km driving.
During this period the brake effects are a
little poor, therefore the pressure on brake
pedal may be reasonably increased. Such
condition also applies to the each time
when replaced with new friction lining.
When the new vehicle traveled for 800km,
the wheel nuts must be re-tightened to the
specified torque. Please refer to the
chapter “Specification and Parameters” of
this manual for correct torque values. Also,