Cherry CYBO@RD USB-HUB, G83-13500, CYBO@RD G83-13000 User Manual

G 83-13000
User’s Manual
644-0223.00, UK, Februar 2001
1 General Advice............................................................................. 2
2 Introduction .................................................................................. 2
3.1 Basic functions ........................................................................................ 3
3.1.1 Internet keys ............................................................................................................ 3
3.1.2 E-mail / Programs.................................................................................................... 4
3.1.3 Multimedia ............................................................................................................... 5
3.1.4 The Standby key...................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Individual functions of the special keys ................................................... 6
4 KeyMan ........................................................................................ 7
4.1 General information................................................................................. 7
4.2 Dialog box Keyboard Properties.............................................................. 7
4.3 Tab KeyMan ............................................................................................ 8
4.4 Tab Internet ............................................................................................. 9
4.5 Tab E-mail / Programs ............................................................................ 9
4.6 Tab Multimedia ...................................................................................... 10
4.7 Tab Standby / Power............................................................................. 10
4.8 Basic mechanisms for the configuration of special keys ....................... 11
4.8.1 User information .................................................................................................... 11
4.8.2 Configuring the launch of a predefined program ................................................... 11
4.8.3 Configuring the opening of a file / document 12
4.8.4 Configuring the opening of a directory................................................................... 12
4.8.5 Configuring the calling up of an XPressList........................................................... 13
4.8.6 Configuring the calling up of an Internet page....................................................... 13
4.8.7 Configuring the basic functions of a key................................................................ 14
4.9 Dialog box Configure XPressList........................................................... 14
1 General Advice
Cherry’s continual developments ensure pro­ducts that are fully optimised and as such reserve the right to make any technical altera­tions. The establishment of reliability together with the definition of technical performance are made according to Cherry’s own require­ments for meeting internationally recognised standards. Requirements outside of these can be reached through mutual co-operation. Improper usage, handling, storage and exter­nal influences could lead to disturbances and defects during use. We do not grant or war­rant any alterations to our product by the user in any capacity and do not accept any liability for unauthorized modifications. All repairs must be made by Cherry or an officially appointed organisation or persons. To avoid danger of explosion, the optional lithium bat­tery may only be exchanged by an expert. Possible compensation claims against Cherry or it’s nominated officers whatever the legal justification including physical or stress rela­ted injuries are not possible with the excep­tion of negligence on our behalf, and governing Product Liability Low.
These notices & operating instructions only apply to the accompanying products. Further details of this can be obtained from your local Cherry dealer or directly from Cherry GmbH.
2 Introduction
The keyboard CyBo@rd fulfils all the functions of a standard keyboard and is addi­tionally equipped with 19 special function keys. These keys assist you in the basic ope­ration of Internet and multimedia programs as well as with Power Management. Accordingly, the special keys can be classified into the fol­lowing function groups:
Internet keys
Multimedia keys
Program keys
Standby key
You can configure each of the special keys individually with the help of the software KeyMan (Cherry Keyboard Manager) and can assign a different function offered by the soft­ware to the keys. The basic function of the key is thereby deactivated, but it can be reactiva­ted at any time.
The configuration of the special keys with KeyMan is conducted in tabs within the dia­log box Keyboard Properties, which is a standard dialog box of Microsoft Windows.
3.1 Basic functions
3.1.1 Internet keys
The Internet keys assist you in the operation of an Internet browser.
If no browser is open, the Internet keys have the following functions:
• If you press any Internet key, the standard browser is launched with the preset start page.
• If the Search key is pressed, the standard browser is opened with activated Search window.
• If the Favorites key is pressed, the stan­dard browser is launched with activated Favorites window.
Opening a further browser instance
If you want to open a second instance of the browser with the help of the Internet keys, you must use the key combination CTRL + Search or CTRL + Start Page.
If a browser has been launched, the Internet keys fulfil the following functions:
Key Basic function
Browses back to the previous page.
Browses forward to the next page.
Aborts the current transmission.
Updates the page opened.
To launch the Internet browser
> Press any Internet key.
The standard browser is opened.
To launch a further instance of the Internet browser
1 Press the CTRL key and keep it pressed.
2 Press the special key or .
A new instance of the Internet browser is opened.
3.1.2 E-mail / Programs
In their basic functions, the Program keys open preset programs.
Opens or closes the standard search function of the browser.
Opens or closes the Favorites archive in the browser.
Calls up the Start Page of the browser.
Key Basic function
Opens an XPressList displaying the e-mail programs installed on your computer. You can select and launch a program from this XPressList.
Key Basic function
To call up an e-mail program
When called up for the first time
When the key is pressed for the first time, the dialog box Search Disk is opened, and the local drives are searched for designated e­mail programs. After searching is completed, the dialog box Configure XPressList is ope­ned. Here, you can save and configure the programs found.
1 Press the special key .
A configured XPressList for the key is opened.
2 Mark the desired program by clicking on it
with the left mouse button or by pressing the key repeatedly.
3 Press the Enter key.
- OR -
KeyMan currently supports the following e-mail programs:
• AOL Instant Messenger
• Lotus Notes R5
• Microsoft Exchange
• Microsoft Outlook
• Microsoft Outlook Express
• MSN Messenger Service
• Netscape Messenger
• QUALCOMM Eudora 5.0
Opens the folder My Computer in the Windows Explorer.
Launches the Windows calcula­tor.
Key Basic function
Double-click on the desired program.
The selected program is opened.
To open the My Computer folder
> Press the special key .
The Windows Explorer is opened with all drives and directories of the My Computer folder.
To call up the calculator
> Press the key.
The Windows calculator is opened.
3.1.3 Multimedia
The Multimedia keys assist you in the opera­tion of multimedia programs.
KeyMan currently supports the following multi­media programs:
• Creative CD-Player
• Intervideo WinDVD V2.2
• Real Player 7 Basic
• Winamp V2.64
• Windows CD Player
• Windows Media Player
• Windows Media Player 2
• Windows Media Player 7
• XingMPEG Player V3.30
• Yahoo! Player
The processes triggered by the keys relate to the multimedia program that is focussed on or was most recently active.
If a multimedia program has already been started but is inactive, and you press the
Media key, this program is activated.
The Multimedia keys fulfil the following basic functions:
Key Basic function
Opens an XPressList of existing multimedia programs, from which you can make a selection.
When the XPressList is open, the key directs the focus to the next element in the XPressList.
Starts or aborts the current media playback.
Pauses the media playback.
If you briefly press the key and release it, it calls up the pre­vious title. If the media player is activated, the title is automati­cally played.
The following function is only used with the KeyMan soft­ware
If the key is pressed for a longer period, it activates scan pre­vious.
If you briefly press the key and release it, it calls up the next title. If the media playback is activa­ted, the title is automatically played.
The following function is only used with the KeyMan soft­ware
If the key is pressed for a lon­ger period, it activates scan next.
Reduces the global volume. This setting has an effect on all media programs used on the PC.
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