Material Silver Filled Polymer
Conductivity 0.05-0.15 ohms/sq/mil
Max. Temperature 212°F (100°C)
Tack-Free Time @ 25°C 5 minutes
Initial Cure Time @ 25°C 1 hour
Cure Time @ 80°C 15 minutes
Electrical Conductivity Excellent
Shelf life 12 months@ 25 oC
Technical Data Sheet
CircuitWorks Flex Conductive Pen
instant highly adherent silver traces on
flexible polymeric substr ates use d in f lex
circuitry. C W2900 is use d in pr ototype,
rework and repair of Mylar
other f lexible c ircuits by linking
components, repairing defective tr aces, and
making sm ooth j umpers. The Flex
Conductive P en traces a lso ha ve e xcellent
adherence to Indium T in O xide ( ITO)
substrates. The silver traces dry in minutes
and have excellent mechanical properties.
Single component system
Highly adherent/flexible polymer
Fast drying
Excellent electrical conductivity
Flex C onductive Pen makes
, Melinex, and
TDS # CW2900
Chemical Resistance Very Good
Operating temperature to 212°F (100°C)
Flex Conductive Pen may be
used for electronics applications including:
Circuit Trace Repair
Solderless Linking of Components
EMI Shielding
Quick Prototype Modifications
Flex C onductive P en
material has e xcellent c ompatibility w ith
materials use d in flexible c ircuit board
fabrication. A s w ith a ny chemical system,
compatibility w ith the substr ate m ust be
determined on a non-critical a rea pr ior to
Read MSDS carefully prior to use.
Cleaning: For best adhesion, c lean boa rd w ith
Chemtronics Electro-Wash PX Cleaner Degreaser
in order to remove any surface contamination which
may prevent adequate material contact.
Mixing: Although this system has been formulated
to r esist h ard-packing, it s hould be s haken
vigorously f or 30 s econds t o i nsure t he proper
dispersion of the s ilver f lakes. I f pe n ha s be en
allowed to s it i dle f or a l ong pe riod of t ime, t he
mixing ball may seize in the barrel. To free the ball
use force to tap t he ba rrel e nd of t he pe n unt il the
ball begins to move inside the pen.
Application: T he c onductive i nk i s di spensed
through the C ircuitWorks Flex Conductive Pen.
Squeezing the pen body while pressing down on the
surface w ill allow the ma terial to flow through the
tip, en abling t he t race t o b e d rawn. Practice with
the pen before attempting detail work.
Thinning: The conductive ink has been optimized
for t he C ircuitWorks
Flex C onductive P en a nd
thinning i s not nor mally ne cessary. H owever, a
small amount of B utyl Acetate ma y b e a dded w ith
thorough mixing to make slight adjustments for ease
of application for other dispensing systems.
Clean-up/Removal: The c onductive i nk m ay be
cleaned or r emoved using a strong organic s olvent
such as acet one o r C hemtronics Electro-Wash
Two-Step (ES125a).
Curing: Dries tack-free in about 5 minutes at room
temperature. Achieves el ectrical co nductivity
within 15 minutes. Full conductivity after 24 hours
at room temperature. Heat cure for 15 minutes at 80
to 90 °C f or m aximum c onductivity, dur ability a nd
chemical resistance.
Chemtronics provides a technical hotline to answer
your t echnical a nd a pplication related questions.
The toll free number is:
CW2900 8.5 g (0.3 oz.) pen
Ozone depletion potential (ODP) is d etermined i n a ccordance w ith th e
Montreal Protocol an d U .S. C lean A ir A ct o f 1 990.
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) a re r egulated u nder t he M ontreal
Protocol as Class II ozone depleting substances. Volatile Organic Compound
(VOC) information is calculated on a weight basis using the VOC definition
of California Air Resources B oard (C ARB) C onsumer Product Regulations,
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 102 and the
Federal definition published i n 4 0 C FR 5 1.100(s). H ydrofluorocarbons
(HFCs) are not currently regulated.
This information is believed to be a ccurate. I t i s
intended for professional end users having the skills
to evaluate and use t he da ta pr operly.
CHEMTRONICS does n ot g uarantee t he accu racy
of t he da ta a nd a ssumes no l iability i n connection
with damages incurred while using it.
Chemtronics, E lectro-Wash and C ircuitWorks are
registered t rademarks o f Chemtronics. A ll r ights r eserved.
ControlWipes is a t rademark o f Chemtronics. A ll r ights
reserved. All o ther t rademarks h erein ar e t rademarks o r
registered trademarks of their respective owners.