Chemtronics CTHR1 Data Sheet

Technical Data Sheet
Konform® HR
Water-Based Hybrid Acrylic/Urethane Conformal Coating
Konform HR H ybrid C onformal Coati ng is a unique protective coating offering the insulating dielectric advantages of an acrylic coating with the chemical resistan ce of a urethane system. Formulated with a unique acrylic / urethane backbone, this resin system offers effective circuit board protection with a water based carrier. K onform protective barrier agai nst humidity, salt, corrosive vapors and fungu s for printed circuit board and electronic asse mblies. Coating meets IPC-CC-830B Class.
Superior dielectric strength, helps prevent arcing and shorts
Improved abrasion and solvent resistance
Water-based material with a low odor, easy to apply
Dries to a clear, highly durable coating
Increases life of electronic assemblies
Will not discolor over time under normal use
Contains a UV indicator for Quality Control inspection using m edium intensity light at 265-335 nm
HR provides an effective
Konform HR Hybrid Conformal Coating is ideal for applications in:
Automotive Manufacturing Data Communications Instrumentation Marine Manufacturing Process Controls
Usable Temp. Range -31F to 212F of Cured Coatings (-35C to 100C)
Tack Free Time 1 hour
Curing Conditions 24 Hours @ 77F (25C) (@ 60% R.H.) 8 Hours @ 170F (77C) Specific Gravity 1.06
(Water=1) @ 68F (Liquid Only)
Viscosity (cps @ 77F) 460 5 cps
pH 8.8
Dielectric Strength 770 volts/mil
Dielectric Breakdown (volts) 7100 volts
Flash Point (TCC) None
Coverage (1 gallon) 577 mil sq. ft
Shelf life 2 years
RoHS Compliant
CARB & OTC 0.88%
VOC Content
VOC Content
*Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) information is calculated on a weight basis using the VOC definition of California Air Resources Board (CARB) Consumer Product Regulations, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 102 and the Federal definition published in 40 CFR 51.100(s).
Konform® HR Hybr id Confor mal Coating is generally compatible with mo st materi als found on printed circuit boards. As with any chem ical product, product/compone nt compatibility must be determined on a non-critical area prior to use. Do not use on bare, untreated iron and steel.
Moisture Resistance Good Removability Good Ease of Repair Excellent Flexibility Excellen t Adhesion Excellent Abrasion Resistance Good Solvent Resistance
For industrial use only. Read MSDS carefully prior to use. Before applying Konform® HR Hybrid
Conformal Coating
thoroughly to rem ove oi l, grease, dirt, flux and all other types of contam ination. Allow to dry. Cleaning m ay be perform ed with Chem tronics Electro-Wash or Eco-Rite™ degreasing products. Do not apply to iron or untreated steel.
DIP APPLI CATION: Using auto matic equipment or hand imm ersion technique, slowly immerse PCB into the coating and rem ove slowly. Use an average rate of approxim ately 1 foot per m inute. After allowing the board to cure, process m ay be repeated to achieve desired thickness.
BRUSH APPLICATI ONS: Eve nly apply c oating to are as des ired a t th ickness requ ired. Allow tim e for curing before reap plying to achieve a thick coating. Use Chem ask during conformal coating process.
CURING: For the best coating appearan ce and adhesion, cure in conditions with good air flow and a relative humidity below 70% . Accelerated cure may be accom plished by lo wering am bient hum idity, or elevating temperature up to 170°F (77°C).
, clean circu it bo ards
to p rotect com ponents
REMOVAL: After applicati on, cured Konform ® HR m ay be rem oved by soaking in Che mtronics
Two Step.
AVAILABILITY CTHR1 1 Gallon Liquid CTHR5 5 Gallon Liquid CTHR55 55 Gallon Liquid
Chemtronics provides a technical hotline to answer your technical and applica tion related questions. The toll free number is: 1-800-TECH-401.
is intended for professional e nd users having the skills to evaluate and use the data properl y. CHEMTRONICS does not guarantee the accuracy of the data and assu mes no liabilit y i n connection with dam ages incurred while using it.
Chemtronics, Chemask, Konform® and Electro-Wash are registered trademarks of ITW Chemtronics. All rights reserved. Eco-Rite™ is a trademark of ITW Chemtronics. All rights reserved.
: This information is believed t o be accur ate. It