Evaporation Rate
(butyl acetate=1)
Appearance Clear, Amber Liquid
Surface Tension
(dynes/cm @ 73°F)
RoHS Compliant
Shelflife 2 years after opening
Technical Data Sheet
Flux-Off Aqueous is an e xtra-strength
water b ased c leaner for f lux r emoval in
ultrasonic, batch a nd in-line c leaning
systems. I t is a n e xcellent c leaner f or the
removal of all rosin and no c lean flux types
from e lectronic suba ssemblies, pr inted
circuit boards a nd a ll othe r e lectronic
components. This concentrated formula can
be diluted 1:10 with de ionized w ater f or
handling all cleaning applications. Flux-Off
Aqueous w ill e ffectively r emove othe r
contaminants suc h a s dir t, gr ease, ha ndling
soils and molding compounds.
For use with ultrasonic, batch and in-line
cleaning systems
Quickly r emoves a ll r osin a nd no clean
flux types
Removes encrusted, hard, baked fluxes
Powerful cleaner leaves no residue
Contains no CFCs or HCFCs
Nonabrasive and noncorrosive
RoHS compliant
and cleans:
Chip Carriers
Heat Sinks
Metal Housings and Chassis
Motors and Generators
Printed Circuit Boards
Surface Mount Device Pads
Aqueous r emoves f lux r esidues
TDS # 132
Flux-Off Aqueous
CARB and Federal rule 16 %
SCAQMD Rule 1122 165 g/L concentrate
*Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) information is calculated on a
weight basis using the VOC definition of California Air Resources
Board (CARB) Consumer Product Regulations, South Coast Air
Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 102 and the Federal
definition published in 40 CFR 51.100(s).
with m ost materials used in printed circuit
board fabrication. With a ny cleaning agent
compatibility must be de termined on a noncritical area prior to use.
Aqueous is ge nerally c ompatible

For industrial use only.
Read MSDS carefully prior to use.
Dilute 1:10 with deionized water for general
cleaning. Can be used in hot or cold
immersion, ultrasonic or aqueous cleaning
systems. For immersion systems, soak as
necessary. For ultrasonic cleaning, add
Aqueous to the ultrasonic
cleaning tank, allow about two minutes for
the mixture to degas, and immerse the part to
be cleaned in the ultrasonic cleaner. After
cleaning, rinse parts thoroughly in deionized water and dry where required.
ES132 1 Gallon Liquid
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are regulated u nder the Montreal Protocol
as Class II ozone d epleting substances. HCFC-141b is no longer produced in
the US u nder th is legislation. H CFC-225 is p lanned for production phase-out
in 2015. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are not currently regulated.
EPA h as l isted n-propyl b romide ( nPB) a s a n acceptable alternative to ozone
depleting s ubstances in m etal, p recision, an d e lectronics cl eaning under
Section 612 of the Clean Air Act.
Chemtronics provides a technical hotline to
answer your technical and application related
questions. T he toll f ree number is: 1-800-
This i nformation i s be lieved t o be a ccurate. It is
intended for pr ofessional e nd us ers having t he s kills
to evaluate and use the data properly.
CHEMTRONICS does not guarantee the accuracy of
the data a nd a ssumes no l iability i n connection with
damages incurred while using it.
Chemtronics and Flux-Off are registered trademarks of
Chemtronics. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks herein are trademarks or r egistered
trademarks of their respective owners.