Chemtrac LCA-1, LCA-3, LCA-2 Operation Manual

Models: LCA-1, LCA-2, LCA-3
Laboratory Charge Analyzer
Revised 05/01/2017
1. Product Description .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Applications ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Determining Coagulant Dosage ............................................................................................ 6
1.2.2 Determining Caustic Dosage ................................................................................................ 6
1.2.3 Determining Polymer Dosage ............................................................................................... 6
1.2.4 Charge Demand .................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.5 Determination of Isoelectric Point ......................................................................................... 6
1.2.6 Other Applications ................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Model Designation ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Included Items ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Options .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 pH and Temperature ............................................................................................................. 6
1.5.2 Roll Away Case ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.7 LCA Components .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.7.1 LCD Display & Menu Keypad ................................................................................................ 8
1.7.2 Stand Release (Raise & Lowers Stand) ............................................................................... 9
1.7.3 Probe and Piston ................................................................................................................... 9
1.7.4 Beaker (Optional) .................................................................................................................. 9
1.7.5 Magnetic Stirrer and Stir Bar ................................................................................................. 9
1.7.6 Coagulant / Polymer Titrant Container .................................................................................. 9
1.7.7 Acid / Base Titrant Container ................................................................................................ 9
1.7.8 Coagulant / Polymer Titrant Pump ........................................................................................ 9
1.7.9 Acid / Base Titrant Pump ...................................................................................................... 9
1.7.10 pH electrode and Temp probe .............................................................................................. 9
2. User Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Titration Setup (LCA-2 & LCA-3 Only) ........................................................................................ 10
2.1.1 Sample Volume ................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Charge Titration................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 pH Titration (LCA-3 Only) .................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Calibration ................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Water Treatment – Determining Optimum Coagulant Dosage ................................................... 13
3.1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Preparation for Sample Testing .................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1 Collect Raw Water Sample ................................................................................................. 17
3.2.2 Prepare Sample for Testing ................................................................................................ 18
3.2.3 Positioning Sensor into Sample .......................................................................................... 18
3.2.4 Sensor Conditioning & Stabilization .................................................................................... 19
3.2.5 pH Measurement and Adjustment ....................................................................................... 19
3.2.6 Titration Procedure .............................................................................................................. 20
4. Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Signal Health Readout ................................................................................................................ 22
4.2 LCA Sensor Cleaning .................................................................................................................. 22
4.2.1 Cleaning Procedure ............................................................................................................ 22
4.2.2 Use of Approved Cleaners .................................................................................................. 23
4.2.3 List of Approved Cleaners For LCA Sensor ........................................................................ 23
4.3 Titrant Pump Cleaning / Maintenance ......................................................................................... 24
4.4 pH Probe Cleaning ...................................................................................................................... 24
4.5 Storage ........................................................................................................................................ 25
4.5.1 LCA Storage ........................................................................................................................ 25
4.5.2 pH Probe Storage................................................................................................................ 25
4.6 LCA Sensor Check and Calibration ............................................................................................ 25
4.6.1 Basic Function Test ............................................................................................................. 25
4.6.2 Test Procedure Using Verification Solutions ...................................................................... 25
4.7 Application Questionnaire ........................................................................................................... 27
Figure 1 - Double Layer Charge ................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 - Streaming Current Sensor ............................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3 – LCA Components ........................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4 – Display & Menu Keypad .............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 5 – User Menu Diagram ................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6 – Optimum Depth of Probe in Sample .......................................................................................... 19
Figure 7 – Manual Titration ......................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 8 – Automatic Titration ..................................................................................................................... 21
1. Product Description
1.1 General
The Laboratory Charge Analyzer (LCA) is used to determine the charge demand (aka coagulant demand) of an aqueous sample like raw water coming into a water treatment plant. The LCA performs a titration of the sample using
coagulants (or polymers) until the sample’s
charge is neutralized. The LCA provides a real­time measurement of charge neutralization using streaming current technology. Streaming current is a term which is commonly interchanged with
“charge” or “charge measurement.” Streaming
current is a very small current that is generated by the mechanical separation, or shearing, of ions from the diffuse layer that surrounds charged species like macromolecules and colloidal particles (Figure 1).
A streaming current device (Figure 2) is easily identified by its reciprocating plastic piston that travels inside the annulus of a plastic probe fitted with two electrodes. The movement of the piston displaces the liquid in the annulus, forcing the liquid to travel rapidly across the piston surfaces. Soluble and colloidal charged species in the sample momentarily attached to the reciprocating piston via Van Der Waals attraction forces, and the rapid fluid motion across the piston surface, causes loosely bound counter-ions to be sheared away from the charged species attached to the cylinder walls. Electrodes in the cylinder measure this tiny current generated by the sheared counter-ions. The signal is electronically processed and the resulting readout is called the streaming current value (SCV), which can be thought of as a mV value, but actual correlation to a true mV value is not possible unless the instrument is specially calibrated using zeta potential measurement.
The SCV is sometimes referred to as “Particle Charge” or “Ionic Charge” measurement by other
manufacturers. The LCA-3 is unique among lab charge analyzers
in that it can control the pH during the charge titration and this allows the LCA to more accurately determine the optimum coagulant dosage (versus those units which cannot control pH). Sample pH is especially important when working with inorganic coagulants and pH must be taken into consideration when performing
titrations in order to obtain accurate charge demand analysis results.
Higher alkalinity samples may require the pH to first be lowered with additions of Acetic in order to ensure the aluminum species are in the correct form for charge analysis (this is akin to chlorine measurements where the sample pH is buffered to improve measurement accuracy). Lower alkalinity samples will possibly require the addition of a base (e.g.. sodium hydroxide). This manual attempts to cover the most important aspects of the laboratory charge analysis testing procedures, but it is very important to realize that several factors will impact the measurement result. It is highly recommend to consult with Chemtrac’s application experts to ensure the test procedure is optimized for plant conditions.
Figure 1 - Double Layer Charge
Figure 2 - Streaming Current Sensor
1.2 Applications
1.2.1 Determining Coagulant Dosage
In water treatment applications, the LCA provides a fast and simple method of determining the optimum coagulant or polymer dosage needed for maximum removal of turbidity (NTU) and organics (NOM/TOC).
1.2.2 Determining Caustic Dosage
The LCA-3 with its automatic pH titration can be used to determine how much base (e.g. caustic, lime) is needed along with coagulant to achieve optimum pH conditions for coagulation.
1.2.3 Determining Polymer Dosage
In wastewater applications, the LCA can potentially be used to help optimize polymer dosage for clarification and dewatering. Measurements of centrifuge centrate, or gravity belt thickener or belt filter press filtrate, can be made to see where charge is running, and confirm proper dosing.
1.2.4 Charge Demand
In Pulp & Paper applications, the LCA is used to determine the cationic or anionic charge demand of a sample which helps quantify swings in charge that can occur on the paper machine.
Charge demand is determined by titrating a sample with a polymer of opposite charge (typically DADMAC or PVSK).
1.2.5 Determination of Isoelectric Point
The LCA can be used to find the Isoelectric Point (IEP) of dispersions using an Acid or Base titration. The IEP is the pH at which a particular molecule or particle carries no net electrical charge.
If the sample is cationic, the sample is titrated with a base until the SCV value reaches 0 (or neutral). If the sample is anionic, an acid is used instead.
1.2.6 Other Applications
The LCA can be used in a variety of other applications where soluble/colloidal charge is of concern.
1.3 Model Designation
The LCA comes in three models which are identified as LCA-1, LCA-2, and LCA-3. The model number is located on the instruments identification label, which is found on the back of the device.
LCA-1 has no internal titration pumps, requiring all titrations to be performed manually.
LCA-2 has one internal pump for titrating the sample with a coagulant or polymer.
LCA-3 has two internal titration pumps. One pump is for titrating the sample with a coagulant or polymer. The second pump can be used for titrating the sample with an acid or base; or used with an anionic polymer when doing charge demand titrations. The LCA-3 comes standard with the pH and temperature probe option.
1.4 Included Items
LCA Model:
1 2 3
Magnetic Stirrer
Stir Bar
Sample Beaker
Power Cord
pH Probe
Coag / Poly Dosing Pump
Acid / Base Dosing Pump
5 cc Graduated Cylinder
1.5 Options
1.5.1 pH and Temperature
Models LCA-1 and LCA-2 can be equipped with the pH and temperature probe option. This option comes standard on model LCA-3. The pH probe allows the user to easily perform pH adjustment prior to or during the coagulant titration. This option also allows the user to easily conduct testing for determining the isoelectric point.
1.5.2 Roll Away Case
The roll away case allows for easier transport and safe storage of the LCA.
1.6 Specifications
Dimensions Width: 8.5”
Depth: 9.2” Height (Stand Lowered): 26”
Height (Stand Raised): Weight 18 lbs. (8.2 kg) Power Requirements 115VAC, 50/60Hz, 410 mA
Optional 220VAC, 50/60Hz, 205 mA Environmental Temperature 41-140F / 5-60C Enclosure Powder Coated Aluminum Display Backlit LCD
Measurements LCA-1
-SCV (Streaming Current Value, or mV)
-Manual/Hand Titration LCA-2:
-SCV (Streaming Current Value, or mV)
-Automatic Charge Titration
-Coagulant Dose (ppm, mg/l)
-Charge Demand (μeq/l) LCA-3:
-SCV (Streaming Current Value, or mV)
-Automatic Charge Titration
-Coagulant Dose: parts per million (ppm)
-Charge Demand: μeq/l
-Automatic pH Titration
-pH & Temp (F/C)*
-Acid/Base Dose: parts per million (ppm)*
-pH of isoelectric point (optional, requires pH)* *Also available as option on LCA-1 and LCA-2
Sample Size 225 mL to 2000 mL (250 mL, 1000 ml, or 2000 ml beaker
sizes can be used, Beakers not included) Materials in contact with sample Delrin, 316 stainless steel, PTFE (magnetic stir bar) Titrant Pumps (LCA-2 and -3 only) Solenoid operated micro-pump with 50 µl dispense
volume. Material of construction: POM, PTFE, FKM.
LCA-2 has single pump, LCA-3 has two pumps. Titrant Bottles (LCA-2 and -3 only) 250 mL Nalgene Bottles
pH Probe (Optional, Standard on LCA-3) Measurement range 0 – 14. Temp Probe (Optional, Standard on LCA-3) Measurement range 0 – 140 F
1.7 LCA Components
Figure 3 – LCA Components
1. LCD display
2. Keypad (Menu, navigation buttons, Motor Power, Titrate, & Prime)
3. Stand Release (raises & lowers stand)
4. Probe & piston
5. Beaker (optional, sizes may vary)
6. Magnetic stirrer with stir bar
7. Titrant container (coagulant, cationic Polymer) LCA-2 & LCA-3 Only
8. Titrant container (acid, base, anionic polymer) LCA-3 Only
9. Coagulant/polymer pump (LCA-2, -3)
10. Acid or base pump (LCA-3)
11. pH probe (optional, standard on LCA-3) Temp probe (opt., standard on LCA-3)
1.7.1 LCD Display & Menu Keypad
Figure 4 – Display & Menu Keypad
1. Streaming current value (charge). Range
-1000 to +1000
2. pH reading. Range 0 to 14
3. Elapsed time. Shows how long the titration has been running
4. Signal Health. Reads >90% when probe signal is healthy. <90% could mean sensor needs maintenance, or possibly too much solids in the sample.
5. Primary dosing pump dosage. Shown here as coagulant dosage. Will display as ml, ppm, or µeq/l.
6. Secondary dosing pump dosage. Shown here as base dosage. Will display as ml, ppm, or µeq/l.
7. Menu button. Allows user to calibrate readings and change titrator settings
8. Enter button, and Motor On / Off button.
Serves as “enter” button when in menu,
and stops and starts the motor when in normal operation.
9. Menu navigation buttons
10. Titrate button. Starts the titration.
11. Prime button. Causes pump to dispense 50 strokes to prime and verify pump calibration.
1.7.2 Stand Release (Raise & Lowers Stand)
The Stand Release button on the left hand side of the enclosure is used to raise and lower the LCA so that a sample beaker can be placed under the sensor.
1.7.3 Probe and Piston
The probe and piston are both made of durable Delrin plastic. These are critical components of the LCA which produce the streaming current reading. Proper care and inspection of these parts is important to maintaining accurate charge measurement results. Refer to maintenance instructions in this manual for proper cleaning and care of these parts.
1.7.4 Beaker (Optional)
Beakers are not supplied with the LCA but can be ordered with the unit if desired. Various size beakers can be used with the LCA. The smallest beaker is a 250 mL and the largest size beaker that is typically recommended is 2,000 mL. Round or square beakers, glass or plastic, are fine to use.
1.7.5 Magnetic Stirrer and Stir Bar
The LCA is supplied with a magnetic stirrer and stir bar. The adjustable height of the LCA allows for other magnetic stirrer make & models to be utilized if desired.
1.7.6 Coagulant / Polymer Titrant Container
Models LCA-2 and LCA-3 come equipped with a 250 mL Nalgene Titrant Container for coagulant (e.g. Alum, Ferric) or polymer (e.g. Dadmac). This titrant container is located on the left side. The coagulant or polymer needs to be diluted down into a 1% (or less) solution.
1.7.7 Acid / Base Titrant Container
The LCA-3 has an additional titrant container on the right side that is to be filled with the appropriate acid or base solution. The acid or base titrant must be diluted (typically 1% or less)
and compatible (in the diluted form) with the following materials: POM, PTFE, FKM. Acetic acid is usually recommended when pH reduction is required prior to charge titration (typically required for higher alkalinity samples when using coagulants like alum, ferric, or low basicity PACl). A base like sodium hydroxide is recommended when pH needs to be raised during the titration to maintain optimum pH. The raising of the pH during the charge titration may be required on lower alkalinity / lower pH waters, especially when feeding acidic coagulants (e.g. alum or ferric).
1.7.8 Coagulant / Polymer Titrant Pump
The coagulant titrant pump (also referred to as the charge titration pump) is located to the left of the probe on models LCA-2 and LCA-3. Each stroke of the pump delivers approximately 50 µl of coagulant. This pump cannot be used to titrate neat (undiluted) coagulants.
1.7.9 Acid / Base Titrant Pump
The acid/base pump (also referred to as the buffer pump) is located to the right of the probe on model LCA-3. Each stroke of the pump delivers approximately 50 µl of buffer solution. This pump cannot be used to titrate neat (undiluted) buffers.
1.7.10 pH electrode and Temp probe
The pH electrode and temperature probe is optional on models LCA-1 and LCA-2, but comes standard on LCA-3 They are located to the right
side of the LCA’s probe. The pH probe is
connected to a BNC male connector for easy removal. The temperature probe is permanently affixed to the LCA and cannot be removed (except by factory). The pH reading is very important to obtaining accurate charge readings and coagulant dosage determination on the LCA. The probe should be kept wet at all times and put into pH 7 buffer solution for short term storage. Place probe in KCl storage solution for longer term storage. Handle carefully to avoid dropping and damaging the probe.
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